The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Poor Steve—Part 2

Things were missing when the massage parlor closed that night, and there were two pissed off girls because of it. Cindy was the maddest. Someone had snatched her CD while she was in session, and no one would admit to it.

“At least we don’t have to listen to it anymore,” Steve said. “No offense, Cindy, but it was making my head hurt.”

The other angry girl was Alexis. Someone had stolen her tea.

“I don’t know why you’re freaking out,” Trish said to her, “that carbo-dopa crap was nothing but trouble. Look at yourself.”

Indeed, Alexis was covered in dried cum and smeared lipstick.

“That’s not the point. The point is none of you had any right to take it.”

It was the most hostile their workplace had ever been. Usually, they got along like family, yet this war over Steve was bringing out the worst in all of them.

“I’m really sorry someone took your CD, Cindy,” Amy said, massaging her shoulders. “If you want me to, I’ll come home with you tonight and help you make a new one. Also, I’m sorry about all the mean things I said and did to you today. I acted like such a bitch. You’re not dumb, Cindy. You’re really very special.” Amy looked into Cindy’s eyes meaningfully.

It made her uncomfortable. As for Amy coming home with her, Cindy was torn. On one hand, Amy probably did know more than she did about this whole mind control thing. Amy could be a bitch, but she was very smart. However, Amy could be setting her up, maybe intending to sabotage her efforts. But the way Amy had been acting on the phone... she sure had seemed hypnotized. And the way she was acting now... like she thought Cindy was her soulmate. Would bringing Amy home be leading her on? Cindy didn’t care. Making Steve hers was worth anything to her.

“Okay,” she said. “You can help me make a new CD.”

Nearby, Trish was reminding Steve to give her present to his wife. “You might even want to tell her you bought it for her,” she suggested. “She’ll like that.”

“Thanks,” Steve said. He was still dizzy from everything that had happened.

“Are you okay to drive?” Trish asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Steve asked.

“Well, it’s just that you’ve been acting strange since lunch. You know, suddenly thinking you’re dumb... I just wanted to make sure you’re not too dumb to drive.”

“I’m not...” Steve stopped in mid-sentence.

Trish realized she’d made a horrible mistake.

“I’m not sure I can drive,” Steve said.

Trish thought quickly. Steve seemed to be re-defining himself as whatever he thought meant dumb. Like forgetting he could read. Maybe she could make him better by re-defining what he thought of as dumb.

She said, “I think you may have the wrong idea about what dumbness is. Tell me, Steve, how dumb are you?”

“I don’t know,” he said.

“Are you very dumb or just a teensy bit dumb?”

Steve looked confused, “I don’t know, Trish. I’m dumber than Amy, but then again, we’re all dumber than Amy. She’s the smartest person I know.”

Trish gave Amy a dirty look from across the room, but Amy didn’t notice. She was all wrapped up in her conversation with Cindy.

“Yeah,” Trish said. “Amy is super smart. You’re probably just a teensy bit dumber than she is. That still makes you pretty smart.”

“It does?”

“Sure,” Trish said. “I don’t know why you thought you couldn’t read.”

“Amy said dumb people can’t read, and I’m dumb...”

“You can read,” Trish said.

“I can’t. I’m dumb.” Steve smiled that dazzling smile of his.

“How dumb are you?”

“I don’t know. I’m just dumb. Whatever dumb means.”

This is where Trish tripped, stopped being a goody-goody, just for a second. Maybe it was the rush of being so close to Steve without the other girls all swarming around. Maybe it was the thought of really getting to be alone with him. Trish said, “That’s funny.”

“What’s funny?”

“You thinking you’re dumb. I know you’re not dumb. Would you like to know how? I attract dumb guys. Always have. Dumb guys can’t get enough of me. That’s how I know you’re not dumb. You don’t feel that way toward me. If you were really dumb, you’d be obsessed with me. Dumb guys are always obsessed with me. I’m all they think about. Dumb guys use all the puny brain power they have trying to fuck me. It’s all they ever think about.”

Thing is, it really was this way. Trish was a quality girl who seemed to attract the stupidest guys. She was only venting. Well, maybe not only venting. She knew the effect she was having on Steve, but it wasn’t like she was making this up.

“If you were dumb,” Trish said, “you’d be thinking up ways to seduce me, to get me alone and convince me to sleep with you. That’s how I know you’re not dumb. Now, tell me, Steve: do you need me to drive you home or not?”

* * *

In the car, Trish’s guilt got the better of her. Manipulating Steve was wrong, especially reinforcing his conviction that he was dumb. She couldn’t believe she had stooped so low.

“I’ve always had feelings for you, Trish,” Steve said.

Trish smiled, and immediately hated herself for it. His voice sent shivers up her spine. “You haven’t,” she said.

“You’re all I ever think about.” Steve put his hand on Trish’s knee. “If I could make love to you, I’d be the happiest man on Earth.”

“Not tonight,” Trish said. “Your wife is waiting for you at home. She’ll wonder where you are.”

But Trish was already considering where they could pull over and not be seen. She wasn’t sure there was anywhere on the way to Steve’s house.

“I just want to be inside you, Trish. I won’t even move, if you don’t want me to. I just want to be close to you, as close as two people can be. I want us to be one. We can just hold each other. I want to listen to your breathing while we hold each other so tight. Give me that, Trish. Please. I’d be grateful to you forever.”

This was almost exactly what the boy Trish had lost her virginity to had said, nearly word for word. It worked then, but had the exact opposite affect now. Trish had never known Steve to be ingenuine, but she recognized this speech all right. The boy Trish had lost her virginity to had been a complete dirtbag. He’d fucked her, and all her friends. He’d turned them against each other. Now, Steve was that dirtbag.

It hit her like a wrecking ball at the end of a chain. She was in love with Steve. She’d had him up on a pedestal as this perfect man. That’s why she was so disappointed now, as she realized he was just like all the rest.

“I’m not falling for it,” she said. “It’s shitty of you to even try manipulating me like I’m some dumb sixteen year old. Maybe if you’d been straight with me, you’d have gotten some. But I’m not sixteen, and I’m not falling for your crap. Now take your hand off my knee.”

Steve looked like a fish with his mouth hanging open like that. He took his hand off Trish’s knee. There was silence in the car for several minutes.

Suddenly, Steve went into a seizure. At least, it looked like a seizure. Or a really outrageous temper tantrum. Steve screamed and thrashed around in his seat. He hollered out in frustration, then turned to Trish, hyperventilating. “Please,” he said, “I need you. I’ll do anything. I’ll give you everything I have: my condo, my car, everything. If you ask me to slit my wrists right here, I’ll do it. I need to be inside you, Trish. I’m going to explode I want you so bad. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it, anything you want. I don’t know what else to say. I will die from longing if I can’t be inside you RIGHT NOW.”

Good enough.

Trish pulled over to the side of I-95 and shut off her lights. Cars buzzed past them. Trish unbuckled her seatbelt, and it was like she’d meant to fuck him all along, like her outburst had just been foreplay, even if it hadn’t seemed so at the time. The air in the car was thick. Maybe it was their pheromones.

Steve was trembling.

There was a moment of awkwardness, then they were on each other, digging into each other’s clothes, crushing their mouths together, clawing at each other’s bodies like it was the last few minutes of the world.

When Steve’s dick entered her, Trish locked up. Her muscles lost all ability to move. Trish was excited as hell, but she relaxed, let her body slide down onto him, accepting him all the way into her. She was so wet. Steve’s arms went around her, strong like tree trunks, pulling Trish snug to him, as tight together as could be. Trish held Steve’s head to her breasts, kissing his hair, and they stayed still like that, imagining they were one, just as Steve had said. It was the most romantic moment of Trish’s life, and she hated God for Steve being married.

When they kissed, it was surprisingly tender, their faces close even when they weren’t kissing, so they were breathing each other’s air. Trish couldn’t stop smiling. She had to laugh so she wouldn’t cry, and Steve seemed to understand. They had a connection—a connection people search for all their lives—and it was beautiful. Trish wanted it to last forever. She kissed Steve again, slow and strong, and with tongue—and he came. Just like that. No real movement. He came just from being inside her. They kept kissing, as the cars buzzed by. There’d be light, then none. The car would shake, then be still, while they just kept kissing.

* * *

Elsewhere, Cindy and Amy were planning out Cindy’s new CD.

“If we put better music on there,” Amy was saying, “the others won’t mind listening to it as much.”

“But I like Rod Stewart,” Cindy protested.

“Is the CD for you or for Steve? Think about it. You want him to listen to it, don’t you?”

Cindy nodded.

“And you don’t want the other girls shutting it off, right?”

Cindy didn’t know whether to nod or shake her head at that one. “What type of music should we use?” she asked.

“Techno,” Amy said. “Some Revolting Cocks or Pop Will Eat Itself. Techno’s also the easiest to slip in those beats per minute. No offense, but it sounded kind of contrived added to Rod Stewart.”

“Okay,” Cindy said. “We’ll use that.” She had never heard of Revolting Cocks or Pop Will Eat Itself. Cindy was a Lite FM kind of girl. Amy discovered this soon as they opened Morpheus. Cindy had 863 MP3s, but they were all crap.

Amy started downloading decent music. “While they download, let’s record some new suggestions. We’ll take turns saying them. I think they’ll be more powerful if Steve hears both our voices.”

That got Cindy’s attention. She could see where Amy had a point, but also knew to pay attention to what Amy said. Cindy didn’t want Amy saying anything that could be associated with her voice instead of with Cindy. Amy could be sneaky like that.

“Do you mind if I start?” Amy asked, holding the microphone in her hand like it was a dick.

“Sure,” Cindy said, on alert.

“Cindy is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” Amy said. She made direct eye contact as she said it. “I’m crazy about her.”

Cindy made hand motions for her to stop recording. When she did, Cindy asked, “What’s with talking in first person? Shouldn’t you be saying ‘Steve’s ever seen’?”

“We’ll do that too, but I want him to hear it like he’s thinking it. He wouldn’t be thinking you’re the most beautiful girl STEVE’s ever seen, right? People think in first person. Unless you’re Alexis...”

Alexis sometimes referred to herself in third person, mostly when she was being a bitch.

“Okay,” Cindy said, still on the alert.

Amy continued, “I think I love her.”

Cindy stopped her again. “I think? I don’t want ‘I think.’ I want Steve to KNOW he loves me.”

“We’ll get to that,” Amy said. “I’m only starting with THINK. Believe me, Cindy, by the time we’re done, Steve’s going to know we’re the girls for him.”


“Yeah,” Amy said. “We’re a team, aren’t we?”

“This is supposed to be my CD.” Cindy was whining.

Amy took Cindy’s hand, “Let’s make it first, then see what you think. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it, okay?”

“I don’t know...”

Amy smiled, “Indulge me. Worst that happens is we waste an hour, and maybe you get some ideas. You’ll love the CD though. I just know it.” Cindy didn’t realize all the NLP tricks Amy was using on her: making physical contact, invading personal space... She didn’t even catch it when Amy waved her left hand in the air while telling Cindy she’d love the CD.

Amy sure was clever. She resumed recording suggestions for the CD, “Cindy’s smarter than she thinks she is. Maybe she does have low self-esteem, but it’s unwarranted. Cindy is as smart as she is beautiful. We’ll be lucky to have a girl as special as Cindy.”

Cindy caught the “we’ll,” but liked all the nice things Amy was saying about her, so didn’t interrupt. Cindy wondered how much of what Amy was saying she really believed. She sure was talking like she meant it.

“I look at Cindy’s lips and want to taste them. They look delicious. I could kiss her for hours. I always want to taste her. I want the flavor of her in my mouth.”

Cindy imagined Steve wanting to kiss her for hours. She fell into the fantasy of it, barely listening anymore to what Amy was saying, except for how it fit into her fantasy.

“Cindy and I are soulmates. Cindy and I are one. It would be wonderful to be included with us, for us to be I. We have what one another need...”

Cindy could see where Amy was going with this. She wanted to interrupt, but had promised to wait until the CD was finished. If she didn’t like it, she didn’t have to use it.

Cindy imagined sharing Steve with Amy, trying it on. Could she be comfortable with it? Cindy remembered them, Trish and Steve in the massage parlor, trying to extinguish Steve’s addiction to eating pussy. She hadn’t felt jealous then. Maybe she could put up with Amy, Cindy thought, if it were only for a little while.

“We are one, so when I say Cindy, I mean Cindy and me. And when I talk about me, I mean me and Cindy. We’re soulmates, inseparable. When you want to kiss me, you’re also wanting to kiss Cindy. The three of us together is so right, so natural, so meant to be. I know it. You know it. Cindy knows it...”

* * *

Natalie had friends with a multi-track recorder, so was able to filter out Rod Stewart to hear the subliminal messages Cindy had recorded onto her CD. It had been Julie who had stolen it.

Cindy’s weren’t the only suggestions on there. Rod Stewart had included some in his songs. “Buy my albums. I’m a hot, pop sensation.” Cheesy shit, like his music, that only weak-minded losers would fall for. Natalie spliced it out, so that she and Julie could hear Cindy’s suggestions clearly:

“Cindy has low self-esteem and Steve resisting her is only making it worse. You should feel really guilty about this, and do everything you can to make it better. You should be especially sweet to Cindy. Give her lots of attention. Let her know you care about her. Show her that you care about her a lot. Cindy wants to be alone with you, Steve. When you’re alone together, that’s your opportunity to give her the love she needs. The happier you make her, the better you’ll feel about yourself. Cindy deserves your attention. Have you told her lately that you love her?”

“That’s so pathetic,” Natalie said. Julie heard her, but was busy under the table, taking off Natalie’s shoes. “Cindy thinks she can steal Steve with guilt? What a loser!”

Natalie had a thought, “I wonder if Cindy’s fallen for her own suggestions, maybe given herself lower self-esteem... You say she listened to this all day?”

“Yeah,” Julie said, peeling Natalie’s pantyhose down her legs. She couldn’t wait to get to her pussy.

“We’re going to add some shit to this CD. If Cindy wants low self-esteem, that’s exactly what we’ll give—Oh, Julie, that tickles...”

“Mmmm-mmm,” Julie mumbled, burying her face in the warm, humidity of Natalie’s pussy, flicking her clit with the tip of her tongue, then smashing her tongue flat, applying pressure, and slowly licking her up and down, the way a friendly dog might. Julie’s breath... Natalie felt so sensitive. Her reflex was to push Julie’s face away, but instead crushed Julie’s head with her thighs.

“Slow down,” Natalie said.

Yep, all that shit about lesbians being better at eating pussy because a girl knows what another girl likes? Bullshit. All girls like it different, and nobody eats pussy as fantastically as Steve...

Yet, even as she thought this, Natalie knew Julie would make her cum. The girl was learning fast. Already, she’d figured out how to make Natalie really buck her hips; Julie hanging on around her waist to keep from getting her nose broken. Julie eased off, and Natalie relaxed. Then, Natalie felt some fingers enter her very wet pussy, locating her g-spot right quick. Maybe there was something to that girls knowing girls bodies... Julie returned her mouth to Natalie’s clit, massaging her g-spot with her fingers. Natalie twisted around in her seat.

“Is that an Altoid?” Altoids were Paul’s thing.

As she came, a flood down Julie’s chin, Natalie realized Paul had gotten to her. This sudden insight into Paul’s character helped Natalie make sense of her new relationship with Julie too. Obviously, Paul had hypnotized her; Natalie had never been attracted to girls before. Yet, ultimately it was for the best. Natalie was thrilled with how things had turned out, even if this wasn’t something she’d originally planned. But Paul messing around with her girlfriend, that was different. Paul taking advantage of Julie pissed Natalie off.

* * *

Steve called his wife from Trish’s apartment. He told her what Trish told him to say, that they’d gone out for Cindy’s birthday, he’d had too much to drink, Trish was driving him home. Steve quiet while his wife talked, then answering, “No, we didn’t go to Kinkos this time...” Smiling as he said it, so Trish knew his wife was only teasing. Trish listened to them talk, and felt a wave of nausea.

They sounded so in-sync, like they were made for each other. Their comfort level—and that was just hearing Steve’s end—was unreal. He seemed really happy to be talking to her, after however many years they’d been married too. You’d think the excitement would have worn down.

Trish felt like the scum of the Earth.

“She wants to talk to you,” Steve said, handing Trish the phone.

Trish held it like it was a bomb, looked frantically at Steve. He helped her put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

“Hi, Trish. I’m Heather, Steve’s wife. I just wanted to thank you for taking care of Steve. I also wanted to warn you...”

“Warn me?”

“Keep your windows open,” Heather said, friendly enough. “Steve’s a puker.”

Trish kept her windows open. Steve was, after all, drunk. Trish had fed him shots for the past half hour, to make him stinky of alcohol. She also wanted to make sure he’d keep his mouth shut. Trish hoped to fix Steve back to normal, and make him forget all about it. She didn’t want to destroy his marriage.

That’s not the same thing as not wanting his marriage destroyed. Trish wanted Steve for herself, of course. Steve was a prize. But she wasn’t the kind of girl who hurt other people. She prayed Steve would just stumble up to his bed and pass out.

She wouldn’t walk him up herself. Trish didn’t want to meet Mrs. Steve Gray. As for Steve’s wife, how would she take it? Would meeting Trish make her jealous, or soothe her fear that his co-worker was a threat?

Trish left Steve at the door.

Halfway home, she wondered if Steve expected her to pick him up. They hadn’t talked about that. She could easily swing by and pick him up on her way to work, but how would that be taken if she just showed up? Might it seem intrusive? Trish didn’t want Steve’s wife, Heather—yes, her name was Heather—suspecting her.

Trish called first, and back at Steve’s, Steve ran across his kitchen and jumped over a chair to grab the telephone before it rang again. Heather was asleep, and didn’t have to be up for another hour. He intended to take a cab to work.

Heather, waking up, heard Steve’s half of the conversation, “Trish? What? Yeah, a little hung over. Sure, I’d love a ride.”

Next thing Steve knew, Heather was with him in the kitchen dressed and wearing make-up. She kissed him good morning, marking her territory with lipstick. She made coffee. When Trish got there, Heather offered her some. Not just that, but was the one to meet her at the door. It scared Trish half to death.

Trish tried gracefully to refuse coffee, but Heather insisted. She had gone to all the trouble to make a fresh, hot pot.

“Since you put it that way,” Trish said.

Heather gave her powdered creamer and no sweetener of any kind. Trish was afraid to ask. Trish noticed Heather wasn’t drinking any.

“It sure was nice of Steve to buy me a gift, wasn’t it, Trish?” Heather asked. “I just love it. Did you know anything about it?”

“Steve said he had something for you.”

“Yeah,” Heather smiled. “It seemed out of place. You know, no special occasion or anything. Not to say Steve doesn’t sometimes surprise me, but this looked expensive. Do you know what it was?”

“Yes,” Trish said, not drinking her coffee.

“I do too,” Heather said.

“Where’s Steve?” Trish said. Steve wasn’t in the room anymore.

“You’ve been a very bad girl,” Heather said. “You and I, we’re going to work something out.”

* * *

Amy, Cindy, Julie and Alexis were at work already. Alexis was bitching about Trish, “She took Steve with her last night. I bet she ran off with him.”

Julie said Trish wouldn’t do that. Amy and Cindy wondered.

They went about their sessions as normal. Eventually, Steve came in. He came by cab.

In went Cindy’s CD. Nobody asked him about Trish.

As for the CD, it was the one Amy made. Amy had taken forever making it. She’d fiddled with it all night, so by the time she was satisfied, Cindy was too tired to make another. Although Cindy didn’t remember exactly which suggestions Amy kept, she had listened to everything Amy said, and there was nothing too bad. Amy never even mentioned her name.

The CD began to play and everybody got into the beat, tapping their fingers, bending their knees, bobbing their heads. The whole massage parlor was doing it, listening subconsciously and moving to the music.

“Hey, my CD!” Cindy squealed, finding it on the floor beside the stereo. She was sure it hadn’t been there last night, but guessed she might have overlooked it. Cindy felt a lot safer using the CD she had made herself than Amy’s CD, which she suspected had been created with some sneaky intention.

She took out the cool CD, and put in Rod Stewart.

At the first few chords of Forever Young, everyone groaned. “Please, Cindy,” Amy pleaded, “play the one that doesn’t suck.” There was nodding all around.

“After,” Cindy promised. “I just want to hear Rod for a little while first. It makes me happy to hear him first thing in the morning. I could listen to Rod Stewart forever.”

Cindy had been molested by lots of different people growing up, so obviously had some problems. Alexis wasn’t sure how she suddenly knew that.

Actually, everybody was learning new things about Cindy, including Cindy. It was subconscious, but touched them as stray thoughts like bullets out of nowhere.

Cindy sucks dicks for ice cream. Cindy has a fetish for cowboy boots. She’ll fuck anyone wearing them. Cindy is a little slut whore, and this is because she lacks self-esteem. Cindy only feels good about herself when she’s worthy of men’s cum. Cindy wants to be a good girl. To be good at being a girl. Guys’ cum makes girls girls. To be good at being a girl, Cindy needs cum. Good girls get lots of cum. The more cum a girl gets, the more of a good girl she is. Cindy gets all the cum she can because Cindy wants to be a good girl. Being a good girl is the only thing that Cindy has to be proud of. Guy’s cumming into Cindy helps Cindy’s self-esteem...

Julie felt the thoughts in her head too, and as they listened to Rod Stewart, was less sure which thoughts were from Natalie and which she’d already known. They all seemed so true, and becoming more concrete by the second.

All the girls (and Steve) looked at Cindy as these realizations about her bubbled forth. They tried to remember if these were things Cindy had told them, or things they had witnessed. It was easy to see Cindy thinking these thoughts, looking back at everyone watching her.. They knew the real her. Cindy, feeling the pressure of four pairs of eyes judging her, thinking what a pathetic piece of crap she was... needing to prove herself. She needed them to see she was worthy, that she was a good girl.

Cindy needed cum. She needed it right away, and since Steve was the only source in the massage parlor, Cindy needed Steve’s cum. She wanted it everywhere: deep in her pussy, down her throat, in her ass, between her breasts, smeared across her nipples, up her nose... She wanted to be submerged in Steve’s cum, to drown in a giant pool of it, to inject it, to feel it pump through her veins. Cindy wanted to be one with Steve’s cum.

She could smell it on him, a faint scent coming from his pores. Cindy’s mouth watered for it. She looked him over, and felt intimidated by him. Why would he ever want anything to do with her? Why would anyone ever want anything to do with her? She wasn’t worthy of Steve’s piss let alone Steve’s salty, heavenly cum!

This just made her want it more. Cindy felt an emptiness inside her, an ache like a black hole, squeezing her insides. Her desire for Steve’s cum crushing her, so overwhelmingly that the room seemed to darken. Then she couldn’t hear. Cindy felt floaty, unaware of her actions as she wandered up to Steve, pressed her face to his chest and breathed in his manly scent. She didn’t see herself rubbing her face against his shirt, feeling his heat like a plant worshipping the sun, unbuckling his belt, and tugging his pants down to his knees. All the girls were wearing skirts today, except Julie, but Cindy didn’t know it, except for how easy it was to make her wet pussy accessible. She climbed on top of Steve, grinding against Steve, then fucking Steve right there on the counter, in front of everyone, with Rod Stewart as the soundtrack.

The other girls were afraid to intervene. It was like Cindy had gone mad.

She fucked him there, grunting like an animal, with her eyes closed, screaming like she was being nailed onto the cross, ripping his shirt up over his head, sucking his chest, biting it, cumming again and again and again until Steve filled her pussy with what she needed, filled her soul, making Cindy worthy, like a real person, even if just for a few minutes.

While Cindy wet herself all over Steve, sloppy with both their cum, and milking him again for more, Julie called Natalie to tell her how it went. “The CD affected her,” Julie said. “It turned her into a freak...”

Natalie laughed on the other end. “That’ll teach her to use subliminal messages on Steve. Do unto others... right? Next one I’m going to get is Paul. I’m supposed to have lunch with him this afternoon. No one fucks with my property, right, Julie?”

Julie grinned with pure joy, “I’m your property.”

“Good girl,” Natalie chuckled. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Yes,” she said. Julie could hardly contain her excitement.

But as she hung up the phone, Julie thought about what Natalie had called her.

Good girl. And good girls need cum...

But that wasn’t what she’d meant. She meant..... But it was so hard to think with Rod Stewart blasting on the stereo. She was Natalie’s good girl. Good girl.

Julie imagined the taste of cum, how it melts on the tongue like sugar.

But that wasn’t what Natalie meant, right? Julie was less sure as she continued listening to the CD, hearing her girlfriend’s voice repeating again and again just exactly what a good girl was.

A good girl is a slut whore who gets lots of men’s cum. Julie tried to remember why she thought Natalie meant it any other way, but her thinking was so fuzzy. She remembered how wonderful it was for a guy to cum in her pussy. That wasn’t something she could do now. Her pussy belonged to Natalie. But there were other places men could put their cum. Julie worshipped Natalie. She wanted to be a good girl for her. She wanted to be the best girl. Julie thought of Cindy in the other room, so lucky to be getting all that cum. Cindy, already a better girl than her. Julie would need to work hard to catch up.

* * *

“Here’s the deal,” Heather was telling Trish.

Trish was sitting now. She couldn’t stand if she tried. The coffee had been drugged.

“I’m Vice-President of Engineering and Technology for Nanowerx,” Heather told her, “a company that produces MEMS implants for the government. MEMS technology is the final product of MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s mind control project. We use spider mites to burrow tiny machines into people’s brains to control them. That’s how I acquired Steve. That’s what will soon happen to you.”

Trish felt oddly at ease. Heather had good drugs.

“I admit: your little contraption snared me. I didn’t realize it was a mind control device until my intense craving this morning to watch Steve with other women. Those thoughts obviously weren’t my own. Since they didn’t start until Steve brought me the light and sound machine, I quickly realized where they were coming from. Steve admitted, after some encouragement, that the device was a gift from you. Sneaky girl...”

“Please let me go,” Trish said. “I didn’t want to cause any trouble. I just wanted to experience being with him once. You can imagine what a tease it is looking at Steve and not being allowed to touch. I promise I won’t ever try anything like that again.”

“Tell me how it works.”

“I got the idea from the Wonders of Life pavilion at Epcot Center. There was this exhibit with a line of pulsating lights. You look straight ahead, and move your eyes back and forth and see pictures. Sharper Image sells something similar, but it’s a clock that swings back and forth. It seemed like the perfect way to slip somebody subliminal messages, but I decided to take it a step further.” Trish paused, “Can you scratch my cheek? It itches and I can’t lift my arm.”

Heather complied, and Trish continued, “I study Neuro Linguistic Programming, and from listening to Steve talk, knew he was audially focused. I thought you may be too, since people tend to attract people focused on their same sense. It’s because of the words you use when you talk, like saying ‘I hear you’ or ‘I see what you mean.’ Anyway, if you were audially focused, visual cues weren’t going to be as effective. Thus, it occurred to me to use sound like that line of pulsating lights, in a pulse that your subconscious would decode. You listened to that over and over all night.”

“That’s impressive,” Heather said. “How long did it take you?”

“Six, maybe seven hours. I’ve always been good with my hands.”

“You’re a smart girl, Trish. The government will be able to use this to control people through radio and television. Well, even more... I’d like to hire you.”

“If I accept, will you let me go?”

“Sorry,” Heather said. “I keep my personal life separate from my job. You accepting a position with Nanowerx has nothing to do with you trying to seduce Steve. I’m still implanting you with a MEMS attachment.”

“No, then. Your offer sounds interesting, but massage therapy is my true passion.”

Trish noticed Heather opening a vial near her ear. Heather was releasing the spider mite. “You won’t feel anything,” she said. Heather capped the now-empty vial, tucked it in her pocket and rinsed out Trish’s mug.

But the sound of running water affected her. Heather gave Trish a funny look. “There’s something you haven’t told me.”

“I made my suggestions self-reinforcing by associating them with everyday sounds, and then associating those sounds with pleasure. Therefore, you can’t just resist your urges to watch Steve with another girl, and expect extinction to set it. Your longing for that scenario won’t go away. Whenever you hear one of my trigger sounds, you’ll interpret it like one of my sound pulses. Your subconscious decodes it again and again.”

Heather was not pleased.

“Likewise, watching Steve with other girls will excite you more each time. It’s going to become your fetish.”

Heather was distraught, “But you said you only wanted Steve once. You said you didn’t want to cause any trouble.”

“I meant it. I know a way to break the spell, though I’m certainly not going to help you now that you’ve put a spider mite in my ear.”

“We’ll see about that,” Heather said. “In another few hours, your mind will belong to me.”

“No, you’ll see,” Trish said. “Every trigger sound makes you want that as your fetish even more. I intended to free you from it, but I’m not sadistic. I wanted you to be happy while you were under its influence. Thing is, by the time my mind belongs to you, you’ll be so irrevocably attached to your fetish you’d stop me from breaking you of it, even if I was still willing to help. That’s karma for you, Heather.”

The telephone rang. Heather felt it like Steve’s breath on her pussy. Outside, a lawn mower started. Steve eating out Trish. The image of it popped into Heather’s mind, and she felt a sudden compulsion to stroke the stubble on her crotch. The washing machine changing cycles, the chimes of her grandfather clock, all around her sounds reinforcing Heather’s craving to watch her husband with another woman. Heather had an urge to call Steve at work, but knew if she did, she’d have him fuck Trish, and would become even more under the control of Trish’s light and sound machine. But the thought of being under its control was making her horny now too. Heather picked the phone up from its cradle. She was breathing heavy.

“Call him,” Trish goaded her. “I bet you’d love to see Steve’s hard cock inside me.”

Heather imagined it, and tried to get angry, but she was imagining it, and the thought made her want to finger herself, finger herself while her husband fucked Trish.

She dialed the number to the massage parlor, and as it rang, felt the sensation of a finger entering her asshole dance through her mind. Jesus, how many of these fucking triggers did Trish prepare?

Trish, drugged and soon to be completely under her control. Heather imagined Steve kissing Trish, liking it, liking it more than kissing her. More than kissing her. The thought made Heather so horny.

Would Steve like kissing Trish more than kissing her? Heather could make sure of it. It was as easy as speaking into a walkie-talkie. But no, what was she thinking? Steve was her husband. Heather didn’t want him preferring other women. But every ring aroused her more, stirring Heather’s insides with anticipation. Why the hell wasn’t anybody picking up the fucking phone?

All at once, Heather realized what she was doing. She was going along with it, making it happen. Already, she could see where it would lead, this new desire she was nourishing to give Steve to another woman, to be the outsider in their relationship, to want him from afar. She could make him love the other woman. It would be so easy. She could make him obsessed with her, obsessed with another woman, repulsed by her. What was Heather thinking? Why were these thoughts turning her on?

The phone continued to ring. No one was picking up on the other end.

Heather could see where it would lead. Another woman living here in her condo, sharing Steve’s bed, while Heather slept in the other room, invited in only to watch them mix the fluids of their love. Would they laugh at the stupid woman fingering her clit off in the corner, watching them, watching them... Heather’s pussy throbbed. She could make him love the woman more each time he came. He would become her slave, and Heather would be their slave. Heather’s legs pressed together tight, rubbing like a cricket or a little girl that has to pee, so horny...

Trish on the chair, smiling, watching Heather call Steve home for her, happily aware that she’d won. And now, Heather’s body saving her mind from itself, dropping the phone, kicking it into the wall... The phone smashed to pieces.

Trish laughed, “How many more phones do you have here, Heather?”

No answer. Heather had already gone to find another.

* * *

Natalie was unsuccessful hypnotizing Paul. No sooner had she started, Paul had caught on. He was an expert, after all. Unlike him, Natalie had a trigger phrase. Paul said it, and bam—Natalie was under and open to his suggestions.

“Oh, Natalie,” Paul whispered, “you came here to hypnotize me, and now you’re the one hypnotized. It sure is funny how these things work out.”

Paul got up and fixed himself a drink. He more or less knew Natalie’s apartment. Well, maybe not as well as he thought. He couldn’t find the stereo to shut off that damned horrible music. No matter.

“Natalie, listen close my little butterfly, that girl of yours—Julie—her pussy belongs to you. But the rest of her belongs to me. That makes sense to you. Sure it does. Julie’s my girl, all except for her pussy which is yours. Naturally, since I own all the rest of her, I control where she goes and what she does. It’s completely normal for it to be this way. But Natalie, I deserve a pussy too, a pretty pink pussy all my own. Julie’s pussy belongs to you, so your pussy belongs to me. Natalie, you understand that. Of course you do. You only need one pussy, and that pussy’s Julie’s. That leaves the pussy between your legs completely available to me. That pussy is always available to me. It hungers for me to fill it. And Natalie, you’re a girl completely controlled by her pussy. You’ve always been like this, ever since you knew what it could be used for. The pussy between your legs craves me filling it, and since it controls you, you’re going to make every effort to fulfill its wishes. This is as it should be. You understand this, Natalie. I need a pretty, pink pussy all my own and you have one to give me. You need my dick inside you, and will do whatever it takes to persuade me to make it available to you. Now, Natalie, because you wanted to hypnotize me so badly, I’m going to let you. Whatever it was you intended to hypnotize me for before, Natalie, you’re going to rethink it now. My new suggestions are so important to you, it’s important your suggestions for me fall into accordance with them. I’m letting you remember the suggestions I gave you for that reason. My suggestions to you cleared up certain things you were confused about, so you’re happy I provided them. You appreciate all I’ve done for you. You’re a smart girl, so I know you understand this. Okay, now at the count of ten, you’re going to wake up. 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8—9—10.”

Natalie woke up. Rod Stewart was still playing in the background. See, Paul was right about one thing. Natalie was a smart girl. She had expected Paul might catch on to her plan, and knew Paul had given her a trigger. Therefore, Natalie had a back-up plan. After making Cindy’s subliminal CD, she had produced a second one for Paul. Now he was going to let her hypnotize him. She was willing to bet he had no idea why it seemed like such a great idea.

Now that Paul was eager for it to happen, he went under easily.

“You went under quick. It’s because you know you can trust me, Paul. You can always trust me, Paul. I am strong and capable, and when I make decisions for you, you always know they’re the correct decisions. I am always right, so you are grateful and obedient when I tell you the right things to do. You told me you wanted a pretty, pink pussy all your own, and I want to help you get that. You told me I want your dick inside me all the time, and you want to help me get that. We’re going to work together to get us both what we want. We want for you and Julie to have surgery to exchange your genitalia. You want that pretty, pink pussy much more than that big dick you have now. Think about it. Imagine a dick and a pussy both floating in front of you. Which one do you want to touch? Which do you prefer to kiss? The pussy, of course, and once Julie’s pussy is between your legs, you can touch it all you want. You’ll have your pretty, pink pussy. And once your big dick is between Julie’s legs, she can fuck me with it whenever you let her. I know, Julie belongs to you, all except for her pussy. Her pussy belongs to me. When it’s between your legs, it’ll still have been her pussy and it will still belong to me. It’s going to work out great though because we’ll share. I’ll let you use that wonderful pussy of yours, and you let me use Julie’s big dick. I’m a smart girl, Paul, and I always know how to make everything just right. You can trust me, Paul. I’ll take care of everything. You trust me and I’ll make this confusion right as quickly as possible. Okay, when I count to three, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, alert and very trusting. 1—2—3.”

Paul woke up.

“So I know this doctor,” Natalie told him, “Great surgeon. He’s the one who made Rosie O’ Donnell a woman. I’ll make an appointment for you to have your genitalia swapped with Julie.”

“No way,” Paul said.

“Come on, Paul,” Natalie smiled, “trust me...”

“Screw that,” Paul said. “You forgot the cardinal rule of hypnosis. You can’t make someone do something they don’t want to. Now do you want me to fuck you or what?”

Natalie glared at him.

“Fine,” Paul said, “I’m going home.”

“Wait,” Natalie said, grabbing his arm. “I do.”

“You do what, Natalie?” Paul was grinning now.

“Want you to fill me,” Natalie said softly.

“That’s right you do,” Paul said with a chuckle, “That’s why I’m the expert...”

* * *

At the massage parlor, Julie was having a dilemma. She wanted cum, but wasn’t attracted to men anymore. It was important to her to be a good girl like Cindy, yet the thought of getting intimate with a man made Julie want to puke. Cindy had already gotten four. Cindy was a fucking cum princess. She was full of it, had fucked every guy who’d entered the store, blown them, taken them in her ass, had them fill her pussy. It was four guys so far, but then it was only 10:30. Julie wished she was as good as Cindy. No, that wasn’t right. She wanted to be Steve. But Steve wasn’t a good girl.

Julie hit upon an idea. Steve would never let a man fuck him, but he’d definitely eat a girl out. Maybe Cindy would let Julie eat her out. Then Julie would get some of that wonderful cum, and be a good girl like Cindy, but still be like Steve too. She asked Cindy.

“I’m not gay,” Cindy said. “Besides, I need all this cum for myself.”

Julie knew the magic words that would make men attractive to her, but was reluctant to tell anyone. It was partly because Steve would never do such a thing, but Julie also remembered how angry Natalie had been at Paul. Clearly, a man using the words to make her want them was a bad thing. Yet, Julie wanted so badly to be a good girl.

Julie considered how to seduce Cindy. This was something Amy had advised her she should do anyway, if she wanted to be like Steve.

Amy had that program. Julie remembered she’d put it on the computer in the office, not just on her laptop. She went back into the office to figure out how to work it. Alas, Julie was computer illiterate, and couldn’t figure out how to turn the damned thing on.

Fortunately, another notion occurred to her right away. Cowboy boots. Cindy would fuck anyone wearing them. She tried to remember how she knew this. Was it something Natalie had put on the CD or had she actually seen Cindy fuck men in boots? It seemed like something she had seen. Julie was nearly sure of it. She left immediately to purchase herself a pair.