The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Pool of Kuule

Michael didn’t exactly act like the charlatan that many claimed him to be but there were things, things which couldn’t exactly be overlooked, things which almost seemed to prove the naysayers right.

Like the fact that Michael claimed to be a man of God and yet he seemed unable or unwilling to offer any evidence to bolster his claim.

Like the fact that he would take contributions from wealthy contributors but then he also took money from the poor as well.

Like his name. He only went by the name of Michael. Nothing else. No last name. Just Michael which of course led the naysayers to wonder just who the hell he really was.

And then there was the Pool of Kuule.

There wasn’t anything all that special about the Pool of Kuule. No one knew why Michael had named the pool that or why in fact he had named the pool at all. It was after all just a doughboy swimming pool in Michael’s backyard and yet there were some who claimed that the Pool of Kuule possessed some sort of magical powers. All one had to do, these people said, was to let oneself be enveloped in its waters and the pool would grant your deepest desire.

And so people would come from miles around to take a dip in Michael’s pool and that’s why Carla was here.

“Tell me again why you are here,” Michael said.

The two of them were seated in Michael’s little dining area. Carla was sipping at a cup of coffee while Michael had nothing.

Carla took another sip. “I already told you,” the petite blond said. “I want you to make my troubles go away.”

“And just how exactly would you expect me to do that?”

“Why in your pool, of course.”

“My pool can do that, of course, but only if that’s what you really want and of course, only if you truly believe.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Carla snapped.

“What’s what supposed to mean?”

“What you just said. Why wouldn’t I want to make my troubles go away.”

Now it was Michael’s turn to pause. He regarded the woman in front of him before he finally spoke.

“Our troubles,” he said, “are usually the names we give to our mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. Hopefully, we learn to not make the same mistake again and even if we don’t learn that, we are at least reminded of just how painful those mistakes were the first time around and hopefully, we won’t make them the next time around. Then again, there are some people who never learn and they at least serve as an example to everyone else what not to do.”

“I don’t want to be an example to anyone else.”

“Ah, so I take it that you class yourself in the last group. I take it you’re saying you’re one who just won’t ever learn.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No,” the would-be holy man said and he leaned back in his chair. “Why don’t you tell me then just what your problems are?”

Carla took a breath and she wondered just how much she told the man sitting across from her. “I have money problems,” she said finally.

“Uh huh,” the man said.

He wanted more. Carla knew that. He wasn’t impressed by her simple statement but she didn’t want to tell him anything more. Still, if she wanted his help, she was going to have to tell him something more. “I’ve got a boyfriend,” she said.


“I’ve got a boyfriend,” she amended herself. “I’ve got a boyfriend and he’s a real shithead.”

“Is he now?”

“Yeah he is. He, um, he stole money from me.”


Why did he say it like that, Carla wondered. The way he said it, it was almost as if he already knew the truth. “Well, I gave it to him, actually, but it was supposed to be a loan and he was supposed to pay me back.”

“I take it he didn’t.”

Carla shook her head. “I, um, I overextended myself a bit. I’d counted on him paying me back. That was my fault. I know that now but I kinda couldn’t pay my rent and then I had trouble paying my credit cards.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah but I thought I could work through all that. I’d already figured out that Teddy was a shithead so I wasn’t going to give him anything more but I figured if I just hunkered down, I could get it all together, you know.”

“Mm hmm. And then?”

Did he really know, Carla wondered or was he just guessing and did it really matter. “Then my sister came to me. She was going to have an operation. The insurance was going to cover most of it but she needed a little help.”

“I take it you helped her.”

“Well yeah. I mean I tried telling her that I didn’t have the money. I tried telling her that I was going through hard times myself. I tried to say no but what could I do? She was my sister so even though I really couldn’t afford it, I lent her the money.”


“Yeah you got it. She didn’t pay me back either but giving her what little I had, that was enough to push me over the edge. My landlord’s going to evict me. He’s already told me as much. My bank’s going to repossess the car. It’s only a matter of time for that and to make matters worse, I lost my job last week. To put it plainly, I’m screwed.”

“And that’s not the worst of it, is it?”


Michael just looked at her.

He knew. How could he know, Carla wondered, but he knew. She took a breath and then she took another. “You’re right,” she said. “That wasn’t the worst of it.”

Michael just sat there and waited.

“It was Teddy.”

“The boyfriend?”

“Ex-boyfriend but yeah. You see, it turned out the whole time he was dating me, he was also fucking my sister, too, and um, when my sister came to me asking for money, that was Teddy, too. He knew I had a little something left so even after I kicked his sorry ass out of my life, he still had one more way to get back at me. He got my sister to lie to me about her so-called operation and to tell the truth, as bad as that was, the fact that my sister went along with it, that was a million times worse.”

“Yes, I’d imagine it was.”

“So you see why I need your help.”

“Maybe you ought to tell me.”

“I want you to make it all better.”

“Ah but that’s not in my power to do that.”

“But your pool—”

“Is not for problems like yours.”

“Why not?”

Michael just shrugged. “It just isn’t.”

Carla looked out the back of the man’s house. She could see the Pool. It was right there. It was so close. “You know, what if I were to make a dash for it,” she said. “What if I were to make a run for your pool.”

“You could try it but the way it works is you have to be invited in. If you were to do as you said, if you were to make a dash or it as you put it, I can tell you right now that you wouldn’t like the results.”

She looked at him and he looked back at her. He was hiding something. Carla was sure of that but she had no idea what it was. “Fine,” she said. “You win but can I at least come back if things change?”


“I guess then I’ll just have to settle for that,” and with that, she left Michael’s house with hardly another word.

But she didn’t gone far. It was clear that he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted but there was more than one way to get what she wanted so she sat in her car and she waited and she watched. It wouldn’t take long, she told herself. Just a few minutes was all.

She wondered if Michael knew she was still out here.

She didn’t have long to wait. She’d only been out there for thirty minutes when she watched him come out of the house and she watched him drive away from the house. So he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. So what! Fuck him. She’d take what she wanted.

She got out of her car and she walked up to Michael’s house. She peered around to see if anyone was watching her and when she was satisfied that no one was, she opened the gate and she let herself into the back yard.

As she came around the corner of the house, there it was and Carla couldn’t help but be struck once again by how ordinary it looked but if what people said were true ...

She looked around once more almost as if she were expecting to see someone watching her but no one was watching and that was all it took to get her to remove her clothes and then she was moving forward and she was climbing the ladder and she was dipping a toe into the pool.

Brr, she shivered. It was cold.

Well maybe not cold but it certainly wasn’t heated.

She pushed her foot down onto the next rung of the ladder and then she waited for her body to once more adjust itself to the temperature of the pool.

And then another step.

And then another.

And finally, she was standing in the pool.

There was a feeling of excitement about being here and doing something so daring. The water only came up to her breasts and she held her arms up out of the water and she waited. It was cold and she certainly didn’t feel all that different but maybe it was like the people said. Maybe you just needed to totally immerse yourself in its waters.

Yeah but it was so cold.

But she’d come this far, she told herself. Why not go the rest of the way.

Why not, she asked herself. Why not, and with that, she took a breath and she ducked her he’d under the water.

Ooh, it was cold. It was so-o-o cold.

She sprang back up out of the water and she gasped for air.

She smoothed her hair back and she shivered. Was that it, he wondered, or did she need to do it again?

And that’s when she saw him. It was Michael looking over the edge of the pool at her. He was just looking at her and the blond couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry,” she said, “but you weren’t going to do it so I had to take matters into my own hands.”

Michael just shook his head. “You shouldn’t have done that,” he said.

“But you weren’t going to do it,” the blond pouted, “so what was I going to do. You forced me to do this.”

“Well, I suppose there’s nothing we can do about that now. You might as well come out of there.”

He was mad at her but then she supposed she deserved that. After all, she had snuck into his back yard and she had swam in his pool and in a way, she supposed, that was kind of like taking something that didn’t belong to you and taking things that didn’t belong to you, that was wrong, wasn’t it?

“Come on,” the man said and that when the blond realized that she was still standing there in his pool.

She stepped forward and then she climbed the ladder and she couldn’t help but notice the way the man’s eyes followed her as she came out of the pool.

“I suppose in a way,” the man said, “I suppose you got what you wanted.”


“I’ve just got to ask this,” Michael said, “but do you even know what your name is?”

“What?” the blond pouted. What a ridiculous question. Of course she knew what her name was. It was ...

It was ...

She couldn’t help herself. She was starting to panic. Why couldn’t she remember what her name was? It was ...

What was it?

“It’s Carla, isn’t it?”

The blond smiled vapidly. Carla. Of course that was it? How the heck could she have forgotten that?

“But then on the other hand, one has to wonder. Is Carla really the right name for you.”

The girl was suddenly wary. “Why?” she asked. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t Carla be the right name for me?”

“Well just think about it. Carla is such a formal sounding name. It’s the type of name that a person with responsibilities might have and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but you hardly look like the type of person who wants to be responsible or anything so if you ask me, I’d say you need a less formal sounding name.”

A less formal sounding name. Yes, that did seem like a good thing.

“Perhaps a name like Carly?”

Yes, the blond thought. Carly was a much better name.

“Or perhaps Cailey. Maybe that would be a better name.”

Yes, Cailey thought. Yes, that was the perfect name for her. It was so light and breezy, just like her. A girl like her really shouldn’t have a name that made people think she might actually have a thought in her head. No, a light and breezy name was so much better for her.

“In fact, if I didn’t know better,” the man said, “I’d say a girl like you would be much better off if she let other people do all the thinking for her.”

Yes, the blond thought. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t realized it earlier but the man, his name was Michael right, the man was right. He was so right. She didn’t really want to think. Thinking only got in her in trouble. It was so much better not to think.

“Let me ask you something. Do you know where you live?”

Of course she knew where she lived. She lived ... she lived ... that was so strange. Why couldn’t she remember where she lived. She shook her head. “I don’t remember,” she said.

Michael nodded knowingly. “And I suppose you drove here. Is that right? Did you drive here?”

“I, um, I guess.”

Michael just snorted at that. “I’ll bet you don’t even know how to drive, do you?”

What? No. She knew how to drive. You took the key and you, um, you put it in the ignition thingy and um, and then you did something, and um, that was how you drove ... sort of. The only thing was Cailey was sure she was missing some steps. She just couldn’t remember what they were. She didn’t really want to admit it but it was kind of hard to overlook. She didn’t really know how to drive and that bothered her ... for a moment.

“You don’t know how to drive and you don’t know where you live and I’ll bet that’s not the only stuff you don’t know. I’ll bet if we kept going, we’d find there was a whole lot of other stuff that you didn’t know either. It looks to me as if from now on, you’re going to have to rely on the kindness of strangers to get by.”

Cailey just looked at the man. She had the feeling that something was wrong but for the life of her, she couldn’t seem to put her finger on just what. It was that he thought was wrong.

“Nice breasts you have there,” Michael said. “Tell me. Have they always been that big?”

Cailey looked down at herself. Her breasts were big and full and round. For a moment, she felt uncertain. Had they really always been that big, she wondered. It seemed as if there was something wrong with that but what was it and then finally Cailey’s face cleared. She finally got it. Of course her breasts hadn’t always been that big. When she was a little girl, she hadn’t always been this big but then she’d grown up and that’s when she’d gotten her boobies and that’s what she had now. Nice, big boobies just like a girl was supposed to have.


“These are my boobies,” Cailey said proudly. “Don’t you like them?”

“Oh yes, I certainly do. I was just asking if they’d always been that big.”

“Well not when I was a little girl but they’re big now.”

Michael just nodded. “They certainly are that,” he agreed, “and I have the feeling you’ll be showing them off a whole lot now, won’t you?”

“What? No,” the girl said in confusion. “That would be wrong, wouldn’t it? I mean I’m not supposed to show my boobies off to just anyone,” and Cailey actually smiled to herself. See, she wasn’t as dumb as people thought she was.

“Ordinarily, I’d say yes to that but I have the feeling you’re going to need a lot of help from now on and one way to get that help is to flash those ‘boobies’ of yours to whoever needs to help you but then I have the feeling that deep down inside, you probably don’t really have a problem with that, do you?”

Well no, the blond realized. Not really. She didn’t have a problem showing off her boobies. In fact, she kind of liked showing them off. In fact, she kind of liked the way this Michael guy was looking at her boobies even if he was pretending that he wasn’t trying to do that.

Michael picked up a purse that was sitting on a pile of clothes. “Is this yours?” he asked.

Cailey shrugged. She wasn’t sure anymore.

“I think we’ll just assume that it is. Well now, as fun as this might have been, I think it’s time that you should be on your way.”

Cailey just stood there.

“You know that’s your cue there, don’t you? It’s time for you to go.”

Cailey finally started to move. She picked up her clothes and she put most of them on or at least most of them. The bra was a lost cause because for whatever reason, it just wouldn’t fit but the rest of her clothes, well it seemed as if she remembered them fitting her better earlier but now as she got herself dressed, now everything just seemed so tight.

Michael walked her to the door. “You know, I really am sorry, but I do wish you luck.”

Cailey nodded and then she left.

It took forever for Cailey to arrive back at the apartment building where she lived. First, there was the whole driving thing. She was sure she’d driven before because otherwise how could she have gotten there but now she had all kinds of trouble even getting the car started and she couldn’t help but let out a frightened squawk when she finally did get the car to lurch forward and then there were all those buttons and dials and thingies and then she’d gotten a bit mixed up on her way home. By the time she’d made it, she’d decided that not only was it better to let other people tell her what to do but it was probably better to let them take her there because she most definitely wasn’t a driver. Still, as she made her way through the lobby and to her apartment, she totally forgot that she’d been trying to dodge the apartment manager.

She’d barely been in her apartment more than a couple of minutes when there came a knock on her door and there was her apartment manager, Mr. Hanrahatty. “You’re late,” the balding and stocky fiftyish man said.

“Late?” Cailey couldn’t seem to remember what it was that she was late for.

“For your rent,” the man reminded her.

“Oh yeah,” the busty blond thought woodenly. Hey wait a minute? Hadn’t she been trying to avoid running into her landlord and yet here he was. He was pretty smart to sneak up on her just by coming to her door.

“You know, if you can’t pay the rent, then you’ve got to get your ass out of here.”

“But I got nowhere else to go,” the blond wailed.

“Honey, that ain’t no problem of mine. Now tell me. Have you got my rent?”

He was being mean to her, Cailey decided. It wasn’t her fault that she didn’t have his stupid rent although for the life of her, she couldn’t seem to recollect whose fault it actually was but it wasn’t her fault and Mr. Hanrahatty was a mean man.

“Hey now. Don’t you go getting all teary on me,” the landlord cautioned her. “I got to tell you. The waterworks ain’t going to work on me.”

“But you’re a mean man.”

“Yeah and I’m about to get a whole lot more meaner if you don’t have my rent.”

Cailey couldn’t help herself. She was sniffling now as she tried to hold back the tears but she knew she was fighting a losing battle.

“Hey, hey, hey. None of that now.”

“Sorry,” Cailey blubbered.

“You ain’t so tough now as you once was,” the landlord said and he seemed to be looking Cailey up and down almost as if he was seeing her for the first time. “You know, you’ve changed.”

“Me?” the blond squawked. “I’m not different.”

“I think you are,” the man said even as he leered at her. “You know, you look a little bigger than you have before.”


“Yeah, you know, here,” the man said even as he slipped a hand over one of Cailey’s breasts.

“Um, I don’t think you should be doing that.”

“Maybe not but then I don’t think you should be late with your rent. That’s not fair to me, is it, but maybe you and I can help each other out. You give me what I want and maybe I can give you what you want. That sounds fair, doesn’t it?”

“I guess.”

“There’s no guessing about it. It makes perfect sense.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Why don’t you take off your top and let me get a better look at these.”

“Are you sure I should?”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure.”

Cailey still wasn’t sure about what she was about to do but she had to admit there was something sort of comforting about letting someone else make the decisions for her. It wasn’t that she couldn’t think for herself but thinking was so hard and what if she made the wrong decision. She most definitely did not want that so it was better to let other people do the thinking for her.

“Go ahead,” her landlord said again. “Let me see those tits.”

Well sure, she could do that, Cailey thought. Okay, maybe it was kind of weird. After all, they were still standing there by the door to her apartment and weren’t you supposed to wait until you got to your bedroom to take your clothes off, but he’d said she should, so without another thought, Cailey removed her top.

Mr. Hanrahatty was just staring at her now. “Oh yeah,” he said. “Those are definitely bigger.”

“They are?”

“Oh yeah. They definitely are but you know what? Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s something else I want to see too. Why don’t you take off your jeans and your panties.”

That kind of sounded wrong, too, but then Cailey reminded herself that that was because she was trying to think again and she didn’t really want to think so if she let Mr. Hanrahatty do the thinking for her, then she wouldn’t have to do the thinking and besides, her jeans just seemed so tight on her. It almost seemed as if she remembered that her jeans hadn’t been quite so tight that morning but now ... now they were just so tight and her panties ... even they seemed tighter than they had been that morning.

Mr. Hanrahatty seemed to like watching her as she wriggled her way out of her jeans, though, and Cailey took that as a very good sign.

“Yep,” the man said when she was finally done. “I thought so. Your butt is definitely bigger, too.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Cailey asked worriedly.

“No not at all. I’ve always thought your ass was just a little bit too scrawny but now you look a whole lot better with a little junk in your trunk but you know,” he said, “I think I’ve got a way to get you past your little dilemma.”

“My dilemma?” Cailey wasn’t quite sure what a dilemma was. She hated it when people used words that she didn’t know. “What’s that?”

“You know. Your not getting your rent in on time.”

Oh so that’s what a dilemma was. Being late with your rent. That was a dilemma. That was good to know. “How can you help me out with my dilemma,” Cailey said as she proudly showed off her new word.

“Well now, I was thinking that since you don’t have the money, I was thinking maybe you could work it off in trade.”

“How would I do that, Mr. Hanrahatty?”

“First of all, I think you want to get down on your knees.”

That was easy enough to do but she couldn’t help noticing that her landlord was opening his belt and unzipping his pants.

“Next, I think you want to open your mouth.”

That was easy enough, too, but even as Cailey did that, she noticed her landlord was pushing his pants down past his hips.

“And now when you’ve done all that, you’re ready to take this.”

Cailey might have squawked at the dick that was being pushed into her mouth but she was too startled to do that and then that dick was being pulled back only to be pushed forward yet again.

“I think you know what to do with this,” her landlord said.

Cailey really wasn’t all that sure but she had a pretty good idea. She let her mouth continue to stroke the man’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “Oh fuck yeah. That’s good. Suck it like that.”

He liked it, Cailey thought. That meant she was doing a good job and that made Cailey happy because she liked doing a good job.

“You know, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m kind of wondering why we didn’t kind of come to this kind of arrangement before. Of course to be fair, you didn’t have the kind of tits that you have now. You want my opinion about it, before you were kind of scrawny.”

She wasn’t scrawny, Cailey wanted to say but to do that, that would have meant she would have had to take her mouth off of Mr. Harahatty’s cock and she had the feeling that maybe her landlord wouldn’t like that so instead, she kept her mouth right where it was.

“Fuck that’s good,” the man groaned.

He liked it. He really liked what he was doing.

So it came as a bit of a surprise when her landlord suddenly pushed her mouth off of his cock. “Fuck I got to try something,” he groaned. “Fuck, stand up.”

Cailey stood just like she’d been told to do.

“Fuckin’ A. Bend over that dining table.”

Again, Cailey did just what she was told to do and she could feel her landlord coming up behind her and then his hand was stroking her butt.

“Fuck,” the man groaned.

Funny, Cailey thought as she felt him enter her, but that was exactly what he was doing to her. She almost giggled at that.


Somewhere in the back of her mind, Cailey had the feeling that there was something wrong with what she was doing but every time she tried to tell herself that, the man’s cock would stroke the insides of her pussy and she’d kind of forget about what it was that she was supposed to be thinking.

Mr. Hanrahatty pulled his cock from between Cailey’s legs and the girl couldn’t help but wish that he still had his cock inside her.

“Turn around,” he told her.

Cailey turned.


Cailey knelt.

“Push your tits together.”

Cailey pushed her tits together and that’s when she felt her landlord slide his cock between her tits.

“Oh fuck.”

Mr. Hanrahatty pulled his cock from between Cailey’s tits and then before Cailey knew it, he was cumming all over her face and tits.

The man groaned. “Fuck, that was good,” he said, “and you know what? I just thought of something. I’m beginning to think that we may have an answer to your problem. I’m beginning to think that maybe we can let you work off the rent that you owe.”


“By doing exactly what you’re doing now. Anytime I come by here, you can just do what you did for me here today. How’s that sound?”

“When will I be paid off?”

“Why don’t you let me worry about that but if you do what I tell you to do, I think it’s safe to say you won’t have anything to worry about. How’s that sound?”

She didn’t really want to worry and she told her landlord that.

“Great. Then I think we have ourselves a deal.”

Cailey was glad, too. She might not have been exactly sure why it was that she was glad but it seemed to her as if something had been resolved.

And while that one thing might have been resolved, she still had other problems. She was starting to forget things. Sometimes, she’d be late for appointments and she was missing work and the worst part about it was that even though all these things were happening, she just couldn’t seem to make herself care about it. It was almost as if the more she tried to concentrate, the more distracted she would become and it was so easy to let herself fall into the trap of thinking that somehow everything would come out fine in the end.

And in a way, her belief that everything would somehow just come out okay seemed to be coming to fruition. It was certainly true that guys certainly seemed to want to do things for her and if sometimes, she felt kind of foolish, well it was always nice when there was a big, strong man who could tell her what she needed to do.

And yet as good as things were going, maybe it was a foregone conclusion that sooner or later, something was going to go wrong and the something that went wrong started with a knock on her apartment door.

Cailey’s face clouded over when she saw who was waiting for her at her door. Everything had been going so fine, all sunny and light without a care in the world. So why did she have to show up? “Hi,” she said.

Her sister Lauren was looking at her and one look was all it took. “You’ve changed,” she said.

Cailey shifted uncomfortably. She hated it when people said that. “No, I haven’t,” she said.

“Yes you have. Your hair’s lighter. You’re more of a platinum blond now although that could just be a dye job but you’ve got tits and then of course, there’s the other thing that people have been saying.”

“What have people been saying?”

“Oh you know what they’re saying.”

“No, I don’t. What are they saying?”

“You know what they’re saying. They’re saying you’re kind of stupid.”

“I am not,” Cailey said petulantly.

Lauren was looking at her sister kind of funny now. She almost couldn’t believe it but it almost looked as if her sister was about to cry. What the hell was the matter with her sister? Was this all just some kind of crazy act? She was pretty sure that Carla, or Cailey as Lauren had heard some people say her sister was now calling herself, she was pretty sure that Cailey was still pissed off about her and Teddy but just because her sister didn’t like the fact that she and Teddy were now together didn’t mean that Cailey had to act like the world was coming to an end and it certainly didn’t mean that Lauren had to bend over backwards and give Cailey what she wanted just because her sister couldn’t seem to act like an adult.

So was the dumb blond act some sort of way of getting back at her?

But if it was, Lauren couldn’t see just how the hell this kind of play was supposed to work.

“I’m not stupid,” Cailey protested.

There it was again. Her sister really didn’t seem to have it all together, but if her sister was trying to play some sort of game, Lauren still couldn’t see just what the heck her sister was trying to accomplish. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s okay if you’re stupid.”

“I already told you. I’m not stupid.”

“Well okay, if that’s the way you want to play it then fine but there are some advantages to being stupid.”

“There are?”

“Hell yeah. When you’re smart, people want you to do things and they have all these expectations of you. It’s kind of a drag but when you’re stupid, it’s like no one expects anything of you. They just kind of let you be because they figure you’re too stupid to do anything and even if you did do something, it’s not like they’d expect you to do it right. Being stupid is cool and it’s kind of liberating because being stupid means you get to do what you really want to do and not what someone else wants you to do.”


Oh come on, Lauren thought. Her sister couldn’t be that stupid but hey, if she wanted to act like she was, Lauren wasn’t going to stand in her way. “Yeah man, really. Like I bet people take one took at your tits and your blond hair and I’ll bet they can’t help but think that you’re a dumb blond.”


“Yep. I’ll bet people take one look at you and they start to think wouldn’t it be cool if they could see your tits.”

“They want to see my boobies?”

“Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. They want to see your, um, your boobies.”


“Yeah, that’s right. Wow, and I’ll bet that you being you, you probably want to show them your boobies.”


“No reason except of course for the fact that it makes them happy and I’ll bet it makes you happy, too, because I’ll bet you’re proud of your ti-er, your boobies. They’re so big and firm and round. I’ll bet you can’t help but be proud of them, right?”

“Well yeah, I guess.”

“I’ll bet you can’t wait for a chance to show them off.”

Her sister’s demeanor had suddenly changed. “Do you really mean that?” she asked. “Do you really want to see my boobies?”

Whoa? Where had that come from and yet now that it was there ... why the hell not?

“Well do you?”

Lauren started to grin. This might be fun, she told herself. “You want to show me your tits. Sure, why not. Let’s see what you got.”

The blond grinned and she proudly pulled up her top. “Here they are,” she said.

Damn, Lauren thought. Her sister was actually doing it and now she was proudly holding up her tits like she really wanted her sister to look at her tits. Damn!

“Do you like them?”

“Um yeah.”

“I’m glad. I like them, too.”

God, her sister was such a twit, Lauren thought and that’s when it occurred to her that maybe she should teach her sister a lesson. It wasn’t like she was really all that in to girls but it seemed as if her sister had always been the favorite of her parents so why the heck not. Teach her a lesson. “Yeah,” she said. “I like them but you know what? I’ll bet you want to feel me touch them.”

“Do you want to?”

“It’s not what I want. It’s what you want and I know you want this. You want me to feel up your tits.”

Lauren waited to see what her sister was going to say. Really, the answer should have been no way. The answer should have been that Lauren was crazy. That’s what it should have been but as oddly as her sister had been acting of recent, it wasn’t clear if that’s what the answer would be.

“Okay,” her sister said.

“What?” Lauren asked.

“I said okay,” Cailey said. “I said I wanted you to feel up my boobies.”

This was insane, Lauren told herself but now that it had actually come down to this, now she actually I’d want to do it. She put her hands out and then oh my god, she was actually doing it. She was feeling up her sister’s tits.

“Do you like them?”


“Do you like my boobies?”

“Yeah but you know what?”


“I think we should do more.”

“More? More what?”

“I think you should take off all the rest of your clothes and you should let me see your whole body. You know you want to.”


“Don’t argue with me. You know I’m smarter than you.”

“Oh, okay,” Cailey grumbled and that was ll it took to get the busty blond to remove all of her clothes.

Damn, Lauren thought. It wasn’t just her tits but her sister was hot all over. Nice, big tits. Small, little waist. Juicy bubble butt. And of course, a complete guileless behavior that left her open to the whims of whoever wanted to control her. Yeah, the guys really had to like that. Heck, what was there not to like.

“Let’s go to your bedroom,” Lauren suggested.

“Okay,” Cailey agreed.

Damn. She was just so agreeable. Damn, that was hot. “I think I’m going to take off my clothes, too,” Lauren said.


It wasn’t long before Lauren was just as naked as her sister. “I want you to lie down on the bed,” she told her sister. “I want you to lie down on the bed and I’m going to do some things to you and whatever I do to you, I want you to do it to me, too. Can you do that?”

Cailey nodded eagerly. She most certainly could do that.

“Cool. Let’s get started then.”

Cailey laid down on the bed and her sister straddled her body and then Lauren was coming up on her sister. Her sister’s lips were just so big and full. The guys must have loved having those lips wrapped around their cocks but that wasn’t what Lauren wanted. She pressed her smaller tits down over her sister’s more well developed titties and then she kissed her sister right there on the kips.

“Now you do it to me.”

Cailey kissed her sister back.

Wow, Lauren thought. Wowsy, wow, wow. God, this was hot and she couldn’t wait to do it again.

And so she did and with each kiss, her sister kissed her back. It was incredible but more than that, there was something else. There was the way this was making her feel between her legs. It was insane, if course, but somehow, just kissing her sister was making her so hot and she couldn’t help but wonder if her sister was hot, too. There was of course, one way to find out. “Are you hot?” she asked.


“I asked if you were hot.”

“I don’t know. Am I?”

Okay, there was another way to find out. Lauren let a hand slide down between her sister’s legs. Mmm, her sister certainly was wet and when Lauren slid a finger up inside her sister’s pussy, her sister moaned. “I think we can take that as a yes,” she said with a grin. “I think you’re hot.”


“I think I’m going to eat your pussy.”

“Okay,” her sister said again.

God, that was hot to have her sister agree with whatever she said but what was even hotter was what came next. To move from one set of lips to another. To slide her tongue in between her sister’s legs. To hear her sister moan as she ate her pussy.

God, that was hot.

And it was like she couldn’t even stop. Now that she’d gotten herself here, there was nothing else that she could do other than to keep eating her sister’s pussy.

God, that was hot.

Cailey must have thought so, too, because he just kept moaning as her sister ate her pussy. “Yes, yes, yes,” she’d moan. “More, more, more,” she’d beg.

Oh my God. She had to be so close.

“Please please me please.”

That wasn’t hard to do and then Lauren could feel her sister tense and even as her tongue kept working her sister’s convulsing, little pussy, she knew she’d done exactly that.

And then she was pulling back from between her sister’s legs. “Now it’s your turn to do the same thing to me.”


Lauren laid back on the bed. She didn’t really consider herself a lesbian but after all the grief that she’d taken from her sister about her and Teddy, and really, if her sister had been able to hold onto her boyfriend herself, then there should have been no way that Lauren could have stolen him away so even if she wasn’t a lesbian, there was just something so satisfying about making her sister eat her pussy.

And then her sister was there. Her sister was right there and ...

Oh my God.

She might not have been a lesbian but what her sister was doing between her legs was just so incredible. “Oh fuck. That’s it. Eat my pussy. Eat it.”

Lauren couldn’t help but moan as her sister did exactly that. She looked down at her sister and she moaned all over again.

Oh my God.

And if anything, it almost seemed as if her sister was eating her pussy even more intently.

Oh my God.

She was going to cum and Lauren realized that that was exactly what she wanted to do. She wanted to cum. She wanted to cum in her sister’s little pussy-eating mouth.

And maybe that was what finally did it, the thought of making her sister lick up her juices. Yeah, it would serve her sister right to have to do that.

“Oh my God.”

She was cumming and there was her sister, seemingly blissfully licking away at her juices even as Lauren watched her do it.

Oh my God. That was so hot.

it was only then after her sister was finally done and after her sister looked up at her with her face still between Lauren’s thighs that Lauren finally got it. Her sister’s face was so blank. Not expressionless but blank, as if her sister didn’t have a thought in her head and really didn’t even seem to care that she didnt have a thought in her head. “God, I can’t believe it. You’re such a twit.”

“I am not a twit,” Cailey protested.

“You are a twit,” her sister said. “You’re a twit because I say so and you know what? Now that I think about it, a twit like you really doesn’t need a computer and since your computer is better than mine, I think I’m going to take yours.”


“But what, twit?”

“But ... but it’s mine.”

“I don’t care about that. I’m taking it anyways.”

There was something wrong with that, Cailey wanted to say. The computer was hers but her sister was right. She’d kind of lost all interest in it recently. It was too much work to turn it on and then you had to think of something that you wanted to do with it and even if you did have something that you wanted to do, which really was never the case, but even if you did have something you wanted to do, someone was bound to come interrupt you and of course it was so much more fun to be interrupted than to try and do something stupid on the computer so really, why should she care if Lauren took it?

Because it was hers, that’s why.

But Lauren hardly seemed to care about that. She was already unhooking Cailey’s computer and as much as Cailey knew she should object, she knew she wasn’t going to so instead, she watched her sister walk off with her computer.

In a way, her sister was right. Thinking was so much harder for Cailey now than it had been before ... before what. She even sometimes had a hard time remembering when it was that her body had changed so or when it was that thinking had suddenly become so hard for her but there it was.

Some of her old friends didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. When they said anything at all about her or to her, they said Cailey was dumb and sometimes it was worse than that. She was so dumb. She was dumb as a brick. Sometimes, they said it to her face but sometimes they said it behind her back but even when someone said it behind her back, Cailey seemed to hear about it because there were always people who wanted to tell her things and it would bring her down when she heard these things. It was all so mean. So she didn’t like to think. That didn’t make her stupid and besides, there were all these other people who were willing to do the thinking for her so she didn’t have to think anyway so why did people have to go around and call her dumb? It was just mean. That’s all it was. It was just mean.

But if there were some people who were mean, there was also no shortage of other people who could be so nice to her. They had no problem telling her what she should do. If she’d thought about it, she might have realized that invariably, whatever it was that people wanted her to do involved sex but again, if she’d bothered to think about it, she would have realized that that was just okay, too, because she seemed to have a body that was just built for sex and she so did like to make her new friends happy and when she did, it seemed as if her new friends wanted to make her happy, too, and sometimes they’d buy her or give her things that she needed. Like that nice Mr. Hanrahatty. He was always so willing to help her out with her rent and it seemed like she was always behind but then he’d come by and he’d make things better again. She liked it when people were nice to her like that.

So it was hardly a surprise when there came a knock on her door and she opened her door to find a man standing there. “Hi,” she said in her usual bubbly manner. “How can I help you?”

“You don’t remember me?”

Now that he’d said that, Cailey had the feeling that she should indeed recognize him but she didn’t.

“It’s Michael,” the man said and when that didn’t seem to elicit a response, he went a little further. “You went swimming in my pool.”

Now that he’d mentioned it, she did remember something. She had ... she had a different body back then and a different life and even a different name ... But it was so hard to remember.

“You do remember?”

She was remembering ... something.

“I just came by to see how things were going with you.”

She did remember and suddenly, she couldn’t stop herself. She told this man about everything that had been going on in her life.

The man nodded. “I rather tought as much,” he said, “but I’m glad to hear things are going so well for you.I suppose something is going to have to be done about your sister taking advantage of you like that but I don’t think that’s any of your concern right now because I suppose when all’s said and done, you actually did get what you wanted after all because now that you’re willing to let everyone else do the thinking for you, you don’t have to worry about anything ever again.”

Cailey nodded as her memory once more started to cloud over.

“Well I won’t keep you any longer,” the man said. “I just wanted to see how things were going and now I’ll let you get back to your new life.”

Cailey burbled happily as she once more stopped thinking. The man ... whatever his name was ... was so nice to stop by and see how she was doing but she was doing just fine. It was so much better to not think and just go with the flow. Thinking was so overrated.