The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by trilby else ()


Kari curled on the coffeeshop sofa, the textured vinyl warming under her bare thighs. The 4 AM atmosphere was surreal—people still gathered writing, or chatting, or on their laptops. A few of them still stole furtive looks at the four hot-bodied teenagers who’d come in, but they kept to themselves.

Four of us. Kari was too tired to resist thinking about the others. Some might have gotten out another way, but not in time to follow Bridget’s mad dash. She pictured girls, maybe one alone, wandering around looking for her. For less than a second she regretted not even passing around a rendezvous.

But she knew if she had, there’d be more girls staring into space as they told it to Becky than actually coming here.

She reached for her latte. Still hot. On the adjoining couch, Eva and Chris, the fourth girl they’d gotten away from the dorm with, sat talking quietly. Eva was taking it all in stride, but that was basically because Kari’d told her to. After Becky triggered Eva in the dorm hallway Kari’s quick obey-me had controlled her before anything Becky shouted to her, and she and Bridget had gotten the entranced girl down to the Pontiac safely. Kari hadn’t awakened her until they were driving, implanting a suggestion to stay calm and alert.

Chris wasn’t even supposed to be with them. Kari’d meant for Skye to be with her in Bridget’s car instead—before she’d seen Skye trailing Becky as her hypnotized tool. Kari looked guiltily at Chris, as if it meant wishing Chris were back there, lost in Skye’s place.

And Becky. Kari wondered if there was anything left of the perky sophomore in that coolly smiling hunter-unit. She hoped not. Doing this to her teammates would have killed the Becky she’d known.

Had helped bring onto the team, into Ms Tsai’s hypnotic thrall. Into helpless susceptibility to being used like this. Kari shivered with guilt.

Just four. Sylvie’s car had sped up behind them—and then pulled over. Something was wrong, and Kari thought about girls trapped in the car with one of their converted teammates. She hadn’t had time to hand back phones, and she had no way to call and ask what was wrong.

“They want us to stop,” Bridget had said, not looking back after seeing Sylvie’s lights swerve.

“There’s—one of them in the car with them.” Chris’ voice had shaken, and that had shaken Kari. Chris said one of them like some kind of mutant alien, like the car windows would start spattering with blood or something. She was too scared to remember it was all their friends back there—one just too deeply hypnotized to be able to stop herself.

But Kari’d said nothing. She wasn’t trapped in a car with a blank-eyed friend putting everyone into trance. Besides, Becky and Skye had looked a lot more Them than Us, in that hallway.

Bridget had made a small, hurt sound. Then she’d accelerated. Kari took her hand and squeezed. Bridget was still keeping her safe by not letting her take chances, but she hated leaving them as much as Kari did.

Kari sipped her latte again. Eva had gone up and gotten everyone something at the counter, while Bridget fiddled with the laptop she’d somehow thought to grab, and the others just sat and brooded. Belatedly Kari wondered how Eva had paid, paper or plastic. But even as the jolt of that left her she realized they weren’t fleeing from the government or anything. It was just too weird to think some shadow agency would want to mind control a swim team.

Not that a private entrepreneur couldn’t track Eva’s card if they wanted to.

So hiding might be easier than she’d feared, at least at first. And that perilous control switch to their minds Ms Tsai had installed made them easy meat in some ways. On campus that was sort of true. But they’d gotten away from campus and she had to free her mind from those limits. It wasn’t like Ms Tsai had all these voodoo dolls of the swim team, and could just remotely control them anywhere without a link.

Oh, bad move, Kari.

Her pussy clenched as she pictured it. Someone touching a plastic doll with a piece of pale-blue lycra around its hips, a wisp of her hair on its head. She might never feel it grip her soul. Eyes blank, she’d snap to her feet and walk out of the coffeehouse, leave safety and freedom, and head back to be bound to whoever held the doll.

They’d pause the Kari-doll first, twist the head, tap the mouth. She’d parrot something to the others, and then their dolls would be touched in turn. Four pretty zombies would prance out of the coffeeshop.

Anyone here who masturbated about them later would just have no idea.

Kari closed her eyes. Depressing reality was safer than seductive nightmares. But the idea of being that much under someone else’s control, a will-less doll . . .

Fucking shit, Kari, she snarled to herself. How far will you go not to have to make choices anymore?

She blinked sheepishly, but of course only she knew she’d been thinking it.

So—no one was watching their plastic.

Unless they’d been reported missing, and sincerely helpful law enforcers were looking for them. It might be like that.

If they crashed somewhere tonight and went back to campus tomorrow, they might even find a shiny-happy swim team at the Nat or the dorms, and Ms Tsai blissfully training them. The new controller might keep them all tame, maybe conditioning them to whatever her new plans were for them. They might not disappear for a while.

Kari thought about going to the police. Or someone. It would mean telling people she was a willing slave, that it made her wet to be hypnotized and used for sex and to help brainwash other girls into wanting to submit to it too. That she worshipped the woman who’d done it to her.

They might not charge her, but they’d never forget it. Not about her, or about any of the other girls they deprogrammed.

And it meant making Ms Tsai a criminal. Was it worth freeing her coach from the hypnotist, only to put her in a prison cell for whatever they accused her of doing to her teenage swimmers?

Kari couldn’t make herself consider it. Maybe Ms Tsai had programmed her, deep and hard, with a mental block that wouldn’t let her. Looking at Ms Tsai as a predator, it made sense that she’d condition her prey against exposing her. Kari didn’t care. Giving up her hypnotist, her mistress, to anyone else, especially to authorities who’d never understand how wonderful it was to be Ms Tsai’s slave, was worse than dying.

She wondered how to keep her little quartet off the authorities’ scope while she figured out how to get to Ms Tsai and free her from this stranger’s control.

Feeling resolute lasted the thirty seconds it took Kari to realize the impossibility, again. She couldn’t just snap her hypnotist out of this spell. Whatever had overpowered Ms Tsai and bound her to the new controller, it must be powerful, deep, and permanent. Ms Tsai would be, well, slavishly devoted to whoever had broken her will.

If Kari even got close to Ms Tsai, it would be Kari whose attitude got adjusted. Forever.

Her hand was in her lap before she knew it. She didn’t move it, just pressed gently, feeling her hips rise. That would be so bad. So awful. Kneeling desperately in front of Ms Tsai, her pleas dying in her throat.

Defeated. Helpless. Submitting to her brainwashed controller for the last time.

Coming her brains out.

Kari lifted her hand from the tight shorts as if from a live mine. She hadn’t climaxed, or shouted, or even moaned. Maybe if she did, the edge would be off and she could think—


She didn’t even dare rest the hand on her thigh again. Too much like a caress.

“Um, Bridget.” Wow. She could still speak.

The other girl’s smile saved her. “Trying to score a place we can—” Her eyes widened as she looked down at the screen. Then up at Kari.

“It’s an e-mail.” She breathed. “From Ms Tsai.”


Skye tiptoed into the suite, looking for another girl to hypnotize.

Two of the swimmers who lived here were already glassy-eyed statues under Becky’s control, already listening to Ms Tsai’s voice on the speakerphone. One of their roomies was Fawn, who by now had probably reached the Natatorium and was being reprogrammed by Ms Tsai in person.

But unless she’d hidden somewhere else, or gotten away with Kari, the fourth girl was still in here.

Skye thought of calling out her name. But she knew girls who hadn’t been triggered were resistant. She remembered her own disobedient thoughts, before Becky had taken control of them and made them smooth. Jennifer would try to stay hidden, like Susie had until Becky had spoken her trigger and made her want to come out.

Becky had put Jennifer’s trigger into Skye’s mind and told her to make Jennifer obey.

Skye picked her way to one of the bedrooms. The other was dark but this was brightly-lit, perhaps before the girls had run out or been called to Kari’s. There was no one in it and she turned to the darkened one. Jennifer might be hoping the dark would make it harder to find her in there, like a child hoping that closing her eyes would make her invisible.

That image stirred nothing in Skye. She just wondered if her target wore headphones to keep the words out, as the latest converts reported.

It tripped another thought in her mind. If a dark room looked that much like a hiding place . . . She turned back to the empty, well-lit bedroom.

“Bantam triceratops,” she said clearly.

Something thumped lightly in the closet.

Then someone gasped.

“Jennifer, obey only my voice,” Skye said quickly. “Hold her.”

The thumping grew louder and faster and someone said “No—fuck—no!” as the door popped open.

Jennifer was on the bottom when the two girls fell out in a pile of clothing. She stared blankly upward as Anna, from another suite down the hall, wrestled her, trying to get loose. She couldn’t. Jennifer was obeying Skye’s order with complete focus, and Anna’s breathless pleas made no impression on her.

Anna gaped up at Skye as she stood in the doorway. She actually started to say help me. Then it registered who’d just triggered her friend.

Skye considered telling Jennifer to hold her while she went for Anna’s trigger. But Jennifer wasn’t fully programmed, and she wasn’t positioned well to guarantee keeping Anna’s body controlled until her mind was tranquilized.

She knelt by her struggling teammates, and punched Anna in the stomach the next time she reared back. Winded, the other girl was easy to push onto her side.

“Jennifer. Release Anna now.” Skye wrapped herself around Anna, speaking over Anna’s gasps for air. “Go to Becky, in Sherry’s suite. Obey Becky. Tell her you are obedient but that I need Anna’s trigger. Bring it to me.”

Without speaking, Jennifer stood and trotted out of the room. She didn’t look back at the girl she’d been huddled with in her closet, still trying for air.

Skye covered Anna, enjoying the other girl’s strong body helpless beneath hers. She looked down into Anna’s flushed face and wide eyes, her whole body a sensor for when strength returned to Anna. But shortly Anna’s mind would be as loose as her limbs.

For now, she moved feebly and tried to breathe, looking up at Skye as if trapped in a nightmare.

Skye almost wanted to reassure Anna how good it would feel when she became one of them. But Becky had not programmed Skye for that.

Anna spasmed in a last futile effort when Jennifer reappeared over them.

“Trigger Anna,” Skye said, easily controlling the weakened girl. Jennifer knelt and looked impassively into her friend’s face.

“Tributary gastropod,” she said.

Anna spasmed again, and this time went erotically limp beneath Skye. “You want to obey,” Skye whispered, and drew her to her feet.

As the two friends waited dazedly, Skye gave them the simple instructions Becky had implanted. She saw Polly waiting in the door to the suite: Becky must have sent her in case Skye needed more help.

None of them said anything. All was under control.

Becky offhandedly told the new captives to go in for indoctrination, then smiled and cupped Skye’s breast, telling her she’d done well.

“Soon, i will prepare you to take the first group of slaves to the pool to be properly reprogrammed. Mistress is very pleased with your obedience, Skye. She wants to use you Herself.”

Skye stiffened and glowed.

Sherry walked to them from the end of the hall. Her bright eyes and smile seemed almost frantic among the expressionless drones the other swimmers had become. She was still tucking some hair behind her ear as she approached.

When Becky turned to her she stopped, hands falling to her sides. Her eyes focused on infinity as her smile faded. “I report.”

Becky nodded.

“The RA downstairs will not be a problem. I used the explanation you put into my mind. She did not disbelieve it. I agreed we would make no more noise.”

“You did well, Sherry.”

Abby came to them then, reporting that Ms Tsai had finished with Jennifer and Anna, and Mistress wanted the first batch of girls brought to the Natatorium. Becky nodded and stepped away to instruct them.

Abby looked at Skye, blinking as if Skye’s gaze were sending her deeper. Skye did nothing, awaiting whatever commands Becky had before sending her to the Nat with the fresh slaves.



“There’s something . . .”

It bothered Skye a little that Abby seemed to be thinking when Becky hadn’t told her to, but she’d seen Becky take control of the other girl. She knew Abby couldn’t resist to the level she was programmed to deal with.

“Ms Tsai said she obeys a stronger Mistress. I just . . .” Abby blinked, as if just trying to make sense of it was making her sleepy. “I know I’m hypnotized to always obey Ms Tsai, and she told me to . . . obey the Mistress . . .” She closed her eyes and then forced them open, looking appealingly into Skye’s. “But . . . but . . . if she . . .”

Skye stared back into Abby’s eyes. “We are slaves. We must not think. You must not think.”

Abby jerked and straightened, gaze lost in Skye’s. “. . . slaves . . . must . . . not . . . think . . .”

“We are hypnotized.” It felt like Skye were slipping a finger into Abby’s cunt, and the other girl were spread and wet for it. “Our hypnotist thinks for us and puts the thoughts into our minds. We obey.”

“We obey!” Abby’s brow had smoothed into bovine calm.

“We do not need to know who has us hypnotized.” It came from inside Skye like a hymn. “We only need to sleep for them and obey.”

Abby just nodded placidly.

“Very good, Skye!” Becky was near them again. She held Skye’s arm and gazed almost hungrily at Abby, who still swayed under the truths stunning her mind.

Becky turned and smiled intently into Skye’s face as she raised the cellphone.

“Mistress? i am calling off-schedule to obey Your compulsion to report anomalous slave behavior. Skye shows a very strong aptitude for keeping other girls obedient. She . . .”

“Yes, Mistress. i am about to prepare her to bring You the la—” Becky froze, her mouth still open. Her hand, gesturing, drifted down to her side. Becky’s mouth closed, but her stare never wavered. She listened, as still and silent as Skye.

“Your word is my will, Mistress. Skye will remain with me.”

Becky blinked awake from whatever her Mistress had just done to her, and turned Skye’s chin to face her.

“i must reprogram you.”

Skye’s pussy hummed.

“Abby can be the sheepdog that herds Her flock, instead.” For a moment Skye trembled for Abby, softer and weaker but of use in her way.

“But there are still girls loose. What She needs here is a hunting bitch.”

The brainwashed sophomore’s gaze swallowed Skye’s.

“None must escape,” Skye breathed. She couldn’t hear herself.


Kari didn’t even want them to open the message.

Ms Tsai had told her, early on, that she’d trained the team to respond to verbal triggers only. Hearing one spoken carried the promise of immediately being commanded, priming a girl to obey. And why would she lie? Before now, would any of them not have wanted to open a note from her, if just reading it could hypnotize them?

Finally Eva, still cruising on Kari’s feelgood suggestion, volunteered to read it first. She’d shrink the window and read it word by word. If it looked like a non-sequitur or silly poetry, nonsense to snare their minds, she’d stop. If she found her own trigger and put herself under, they might have time to make her look away and talk her back awake.

“Like you did to get me out of there.” She beamed gratefully at Kari. Kari knew she was being played but grinned and nodded. Eva wanted to do something for them. Risking herself like this probably felt good.

“I wish I could’ve heard what yours was,” she told Eva. “Then I could tell you which first word to stop at.”

Eva let her talk to the hand but grinned back. “If you hadn’t been wearing those phones, Kari, it wouldn’t have been my words Becky said then.” Her grin faded a little. “And I’d still be back there, doing—whatever little Becky told me to do.”

Kari remembered the phones, the songs in her ears. Amy’s voice still rang inside—but it felt horribly, horribly like the spooky-eyed singer had been one of the friends they’d had to leave behind. Like Bridget, she seemed to keep encouraging Kari no matter how she failed.

If Kari hadn’t been listening to her in that corridor, she’d have been listening to Becky. And seconds later she would have been obeying Becky’s command to trap Eva.

Or pull the earbuds from Bridget.

Eva saw her choke up and made much of not noticing, as she prepped the window on Bridget’s machine. They almost clustered around her until they realized avoiding that was the point, and went back to their seats.

Kari caught some disappointed looks from other coffeehouse denizens when the girlpile didn’t happen. Sorry, people. Maybe they’ll brainwash us into cheerleaders and we’ll do a pyramid for you.

But it was just a short mail to Bridget, asking her to get Kari to check her own webmail. The coach promised it was a message, not a trance-trigger. That was all.

“Except she signed it ‘janice.’” Bridget looked up. “Small j.”

Kari shrugged to hide her shudder. Bridget handed her the laptop. She opened the browser and logged in.

There it was.

Bridget held her hand, and Kari saw the look. If this gets you then I—

She pulled, and with Eva and Chris watching they kissed.

Kari heard some deep breathing elsewhere but didn’t look. She held her breath and then began reading Ms Tsai’s message. There was neither salutation nor signature.

i know you’re frightened, Kari. It took a lot for you just to open this. i’m certain you only did it to help the other girls with you—Chris, Eva, and your Bridget.

Yes. Your Bridget. You’ve told me all about each other, when you were each so deep in trance that even your dreams obeyed me.

i can’t hypnotize you through this message, or you’d already be in trance, calling for commands. But i know part of you wanted that to happen.

Touch yourself now, Kari, as you dream of it. Or call me for solace, if your need is unbearable. my Mistress wants me to give you peace and sleep.

The laptop was so warm on Kari’s thighs . . . and she realized the coolness there was her hand, caressing herself. She was horrified that it was true, that her nipples had been hard as she’d waited for the words to darken her mind, to be the weapon that captured her friends.

She was still awake, though. Free to touch herself, just as her hypnotist suggested . . .

She swallowed. They saw her turmoil but couldn’t know why she was so flustered. She tried to focus on the message but there behind its glowing letters was strong, dominant, mindbending Ms Tsai—fawningly talking about her Mistress.

The woman for whom Kari had joyfully been lapdog, and whore, and French maid: on her own knees, and wet about it.

She really is my Mistress, Kari. i am Her slave. my life was worthless until She took my will. The way i programmed you to feel toward me, in your wildest orgasm, is just a pathetic shadow of how i feel to be Hers.

Mistress has taken away all my needs, except the need to obey Her. But She wills that i need this, Kari: for you to feel as i do about Her.

She is using me to get to you, Kari. If you could hear me, i would put you to sleep at once and make you Hers. Until then, i am Her dildo and She is sliding me into you. She knows what i can do to you, even without trance. i know i am doing it now.

Kari’s need to masturbate was changing. She still needed a quick hard orgasm, but now she remembered hours as Ms Tsai’s pliant somnambulist, with less will than a leaf in the breeze, meditating in moist pink oblivion as the voice in her head chanted her deeper.

Now Kari needed to stroke herself, not into a frenzy but onto a long, wide, soft plateau of complete submission until her soul melted and ran between her gently weaving fingers.

Kari balled her fists, held very still, and kept reading.

i don’t expect you just to give up, Kari. Quite the contrary. But you are still my loyal, obedient slave. i know you. It’s the deepest part of you. It’s why you live. You keep faith—and you must obey.

So this is my last command to you, my wide-awake and thinking slave: you have four pieces of my property. Bring them back to me.

Scroll down now. You will find the other girls’ triggers, to control them if they resist. Or just enjoy them sleeping and obeying you—and dream of obeying me.

Bring my slavegirls to me. Bring yourself to me, my best and most faithful slave. my Kari.

You mustn’t surrender to despair. Instead, surrender to me.

Kari stared at it, and made herself look up at the others so they’d know she wasn’t spellbound after all. She shook her head.

Her head was ringing. Part of her wanted to cry, but a lot of her was responding just as Ms Tsai had known. Part of her wanted to sit slowly erect, and smile at them with Becky’s mindblasted tranquility, and watch them try to fight as she spoke the magic words to put them to sleep.

But even as that faded, she wanted to be on her knees. With Ms Tsai’s hand on her bowed head, the hypnotist’s firm voice in her ears. Not putting Kari into trance, because Kari belonged to her awake. Just caressing a pet she’d tamed. A pet she was proud of.

Kari’s friends were blurry to her for a moment, before she realized she was crying.

She stopped Bridget from taking the computer back, and wiped her eyes with a napkin Chris handed her. Then Chris gave her the latte and she held it away from the laptop, drinking and swallowing as she regained composure.

They looked at her, and Kari saw that onlookers or not, they were going to crawl onto the sofa with her. Partly because she wanted that badly, she closed the computer instead and stood, handing it to Bridget.

“We need to talk somewhere else.”

Before that, Kari needed to think. She just didn’t know how long she’d be able to.


stacy had been allowed to masturbate quietly while she watched Fawn get turned into fawn.

Her teammate had come into the Nat as Rachel told her to. Her voice had echoed sweetly as she called out in the empty pool area. stacy’d heard Fawn’s nervousness, but Rachel had instructed her well. Fawn trusted Ms Tsai and would come to her no matter how strangely deserted the Nat was.

Fawn had squeaked a little, finding janice waiting for her on a leash. She’d been too shocked to do anything before janice triggered her, and then janice was deprogramming her, making her Mistress’ newest worshipper. stacy was proud at how quickly fawn’s obedience was transferred.

Now she and fawn were allowed to go and change. It was exciting to slip into her suit after all, and it turned her on intensely to be stripping next to another slave, both of them without orders even to touch each other. Both girls were quivering when they reported back to Mistress, and She let them stand there, thighs twitching, before stepping over to cup each girl’s pussy in Her delicate fingers.

Neither one came, but stacy loved the increased torment, literally at Her hands. And it was so nice to stand and squirm as Her beautiful face smiled at them, Her eyes watched their struggle.

She released them and waited for their mewing to stop.

“you will help Me to process the new slaves,” She said. “Each one needs janice to rewire her mind to obey Me. When they arrive they’ll be docile—they’ll just need to be directed. I’ll send you both deeper in a moment and implant what you’ll tell them.”

stacy’s hands were tighter against her sides. Being commanded felt almost as good as Her touch. she and fawn would help the other girls become like they were. Soon there would only be a row of identically staring girls, sleek in their racing suits, their minds smooth and shiny as their swimcaps. Only Mistress would be awake and free. The voice in their heads would be Hers.

Mistress waved Her hand before their faces. stacy slept.

she woke facing fawn a couple of meters inside the Natatorium door. It was like helping in the special room except they were in swimsuits. stacy relaxed under the compulsions and savored fawn’s stance, her shapely legs under the high-cut maillot. How perfectly still and impassively she stood.

i’m just like that. fawn’s seeing me and getting as hot as i am.

When the others come—

The lock worked and the door opened. Abby led a group of team members in. They were similarly and scantily dressed, but their expressions were uniformly blank.

stacy and fawn pivoted to face them, and they stopped as the last girl made sure the door closed and locked behind her.

Mistress had programmed stacy to control. she looked at Abby. “These slaves are all hypnotized. Have they been instructed?”

Abby stiffened. “All have been triggered. They have been phone-indoctrinated by Ms Tsai. I am programmed to bring them for further enslavement.”

stacy knew the stronger girl didn’t yet know that janice was a slave and a new Mistress owned them. She hadn’t needed to know that to be a useful beast of burden. Becky had just shaped Abby to bring the slaves and obey new orders. For a moment, Abby’s blank passivity tugged at stacy’s pussy. It must be nice to be that not-thinking, just to hear and obey.

But stacy had her own orders, from Mistress Herself.

“i understand, Abby. i have been more deeply brainwashed than you have. i will transmit all commands now, and you will obey until your own further brainwashing.”

“I understand.” Abby’s hips moved a little. “Becky prepared me. I am to obey you until I am reinstructed.”

How excited she was already—as if she sensed the ecstasy she’d know when Mistress claimed her mind. stacy wanted to tell her how fantastic it would be, soon. But she didn’t need to control Abby with promises. Becky had given her Abby’s reins, and Abby would just follow orders.

Abby’s skin was reddened in places, and her hair was mussed. stacy wondered if one of the docile girls behind her had tried to resist earlier. It felt nice to think of Abby keeping a girl’s body helpless until her mind could be bound. Some of the flush on Abby’s skin could be pleasure.

stacy’s own programming took control. she heard herself issue commands, then pivoted and led the girls to the lockers, standing motionless watch with fawn as they undressed.

stacy remembered other times when the room had been this strangely quiet, with girls disrobing with no horseplay or joking or even speech—no sound but the rustle of clothing and quiet breathing and quick young bodies moving. janice had sometimes left them hypnotized after the swim practice or group sex she’d summoned them for, and other times put them in trance beforehand.

But the memories were already hazy for stacy. she’d been janice’s hypnotized toy, but that mattered only because it was how Mistress had taken and enslaved her.

As they dressed, the swimmers lined up, staring. Abby joined them as Becky’s commands stopped unspooling in her mind and left her as passive as the girls she’d brought here. Soon there was only a line of tranced girls, iridescent lycra and smooth skin, before the closed lockers.

Puppets of Her other commands while they’d slept in trance, stacy and fawn began reciting what their teammates were to do and think when they went out to the pool. The girls stood still, minds absorbing it like sponges as stacy and fawn forgot each word they spoke.

After a while they each lost the urge to say anything more. They right-faced and led the other slaves out to the pool.

Under a spotlight, janice stood nude on the first-place platform of the medal stand. stacy wondered if she and fawn had hauled it out for Mistress before she’d sent them to the door. But her eyes were only for the coach’s body.

janice’s arms, bound at the wrists, were raised just above and in front of her head, displaying her breasts. she held the lanyard for her whistle, which now hung at her eye level. janice kept twirling the lanyard and spinning the shiny metal toy before her eyes, which glittered with the light it threw from the spot above. The spotlight also showed off the wetness at her crotch.

janice’s urgent moan quavered through the vast room. “. . . i am a slave. i obey my Mistress. i am a slave. i obey my Mistress . . .”

Mistress walked toward her as the girls marched over from the lockers.

The girls came to attention, gazing up as instructed at the woman who’d made each of them her thrall. stacy wasn’t under the same compulsion, but she watched her friends’ minds change as they saw janice nude and bound, juicing as she hypnotized herself and chanted her obedience.

Mistress let them watch, and let janice moan, for a little longer before She reached for janice’s leash, which hung down behind her. Snapping its slack against janice’s ass, She silenced Her slave. janice stopped twirling the whistle and lowered her bound hands, not touching her pussy but whining as the breeze did. Mistress led her off the platform, then stood back as she knelt.

Mistress undid her bonds and took the whistle before bidding her slave rise. janice rotated slowly to face her swimmers. she pointed to Abby, the first in line. Abby stepped forward.

As janice stared into Abby’s eyes and touched her, and Mistress licked Her lips, stacy’s programming turned her away. she and fawn padded back to the door.

As Becky found more strays, there would be another batch of girls to process. By then Abby would be abby and the others would all know the truth about Who owned them. janice would be back on her pedestal, staring at the pretty shiny whistle and telling the world she was nothing but a slave.

stacy pivoted, faced fawn, and waited.


Kari opened the e-mail for Bridget, then slid off the motel bed. In the other, Chris and Eva spooned, asleep.

“Just don’t scroll down.”

She peered out at the industrial park’s sodium-orange wonderland as Bridget read.

Presently bedlinens sighed and Bridget slid against her. Kari imagined strolling with her, naked like this, through the science-fiction landscape over there. Fucking on marble benches or manicured grass or against cold plate glass windows, with only the security cameras to see.

Bridget’s cunt was hot and slick against her thigh, like Bridget’s freshly-licked lips on her neck. Kari wanted to turn and take her standing up.

“Bed,” she managed to beg, instead.

Kissing her deeply, Bridget led her there. Bridget could have had her for the taking, but instead she lay back, drawing Kari on top of her. Bridget’s tight strength beneath her made Kari hot, but as she straddled Bridget and held her arms down, she throbbed with the need to fuck so much more than just Bridget’s body.

“Kari.” Bridget was captive-hot, arms up beside her head. Her calm kept Kari from ravishing her. “What did that mail do to you?”

Kari looked down into the other girl’s eyes, still full of trust.

No. Of love. It melted Kari onto her, and she let Bridget’s arms and legs cradle her.

“I don’t want to do it,” Kari whispered into her throat. Bridget just held her tight, not questioning. “It’s so wrong. But I’m—” Bridget’s thigh slid between her own and Kari couldn’t help herself.

“—a slave.” She squeezed, the taut flesh not quite touching her clit, not quite blowing her mind.

“She gave me your triggers,” she whispered. “In the e-mail. I could put all of you in trance.”

Bridget stroked the back of her head. “You can do that anyway, Kari.”

“Not like . . .”

“I know.”

“She didn’t entrance me.” Kari shivered. “She just commanded me. To bring back her property. It’s . . . I . . .” Kari was almost burrowing into the other girl.

“You want to.” Bridget kissed the top of her head. “You want to obey her.”

“It doesn’t make sense, Bridget. She’s not the same person who broke me into her slave, anymore. Someone brainwashed her, and now she’s just their puppet, like I’m hers. The only pleasure she cares about is theirs.”

Bridget rubbed her again. Kari relaxed, turned on but in a sleepier way. Like being interrogated under hypnosis, as Bridget soothed her into letting her thoughts just flow. Kari didn’t resist.

“But that makes me want to obey her more. I don’t want to be free, I want to be hers. She burned it onto my brain. It’s what I am. And the only way I can belong to her is to be her hypnotized little tool.”

Kari blinked up along Bridget’s body, almost imagining it was her coach’s. “I’m not making sense.”

Bridget’s smile faded, and for a moment Kari feared her.

“Yes you are, Kari. You are.”

“But—I want to give you to her. I do. I know someone else will have us, that I’m being duped. Triggers aren’t the only way she controls our minds, and she’s told her controller just what strings make me dance for her.”

Her thighs clenched over Bridget’s again as she pictured herself on strings, a red circle on each cheek, a silly smile on her tilted, wide-eyed head, waiting for the pull. With no thought for whose hand it would be.

“It turned me on too, Kari.” Bridget kept looking at her. “Seeing our friends as her automatons. They probably don’t even know who it is that controls Ms Tsai but they obey. They looked so—erotic.

“I envy them.” Bridget blinked. “I almost wanted to go to them. Or to the Nat, when I heard. To her. Maybe to get it over with, or maybe . . .”


“But I love you, Kari.” Kari’s head spun. She lay paralyzed as Bridget kept speaking, softly. “And you weren’t giving up. So where you were, I stayed. That I’m even thinking now, and not waiting for orders from Becky, is a gift from you.”

Kari had told this girl she wanted to give her away helpless, to a stranger, and Bridget still . . . Her eyes burned and she looked down, ashamed even to love the warm satin flesh that held her.

“Kari. What Ms Tsai said—what that brainwasher made her say. Feeling like that about the one that broke you. I know you feel that way about Ms Tsai. It does too make sense.” Bridget pulled, and Kari slid up to face her, heads together on the pillow.

“That’s kind of h—” Bridget shut her eyes and kissed Kari hard. When she pulled away she said deliberately, “That is how I feel about you.”

She stared into Kari’s eyes. “I love you. I want to obey you. Not just—I mean . . .” She moved, and they were belly to belly. “Part of me wants you to tell me to die for you. Just so I can, Kari. And so you can know someone would.

“Just like you need to obey Ms Tsai. It doesn’t matter why. We’re both enslaved—that’s what matters. That’s why.”

Kari didn’t move.

“If you want to, Kari, tell me my trigger and make me like Skye and Becky and the others. But you know I’ll obey any command you give me, just like this. Outside trance.” Against the pillow, she nodded. “I’ll hold Chris down or lock Eva in the trunk of my car to help you control them, if you tell me to.”

She ran her finger along Kari’s hair. “You’re Ms Tsai’s paladin, Kari. The loyal one. If she had any chance, it’d have been you. If your dying would free her—you’d be dead on the ground.” She swallowed and kept petting Kari.

She shut her eyes and opened them. “I’m your squire, Kari. Your page. I’m beside you, even when we go back and kneel to our fallen lady.

“My love is a slave. So I’m one, too.”

“Bridget . . .”

“Just—” Bridget shook her head, rumpling the pillowcase below their faces. “Just let me stay awake with you. Be with you.” She kissed Kari again.

“The last thing you’re ever, ever going to do with your free will—before that other witch makes you a robot—is give us to the one who hypnotized us.

“So the last thing I want to do is be there beside you when you do it.” Another kiss, softer, as some of the tension left Bridget.

“It’s fucked up. If we weren’t from the hypnotized swim team, I’d—I don’t know. Maybe we’d just have been friends. Or maybe—no. I’m right here. With you, now.” She smiled crookedly. “Like our controller said. With ‘my Kari.’”

Kari lay still. The last things they’d do, before . . .

“Miles to go before I sleep,” she intoned, from the movie, and even as Bridget chuckled, their pussies moved together.

She leaned closer to Bridget, rolling on the sudden rush of pleasure.

“We must obey.”

Bridget’s smile faded as her eyes widened. She looked childishly solemn. “I will obey!”

Kari slid off her. “Rise.”

They walked softly to the other bed. Bridget trembled with the awful turn-on but made no sound. When Kari looked at her she came to attention, eyes shining. Kari padded closer, touching Eva’s slack jaw, turning the other girl to face her. Eva’s eyes blinked once.

Kari stroked her own clit and tightened her thighs over her hand.

Even half-asleep, Eva held still to keep from waking Chris. As her eyes focused, Kari nearly kissed her ear.

“Maritime delphinium.” She leaned back in time to see Eva’s eyes lose focus again, and swallowed her moan. She heard Bridget hiss.

That and Eva’s trance-tremor roused Chris. Kari leaned across Eva’s face, and Eva’s breath kissed her neck.

“Peridot andante.

“Chris, Eva. Obey only me.”

Kari wanted to finish herself off and collapse climaxing.

Instead, she lowered her hands to her sides, mirroring taut Bridget beside the bed, and began to instruct the other two slaves.


madison was completing her training.

she was in the dorm suite a lot. Mostly she was deep in trance, but now and then she remembered she lived here. Those were the times when she felt compelled to put on clothes and take her books and go to class. Usually an alarm chime in the suite would beep, or one of the girls madison was programmed to obey would tell her it was time to go out.

madison always did as she was told, or compelled. Each time she obeyed a reward pulsed in her pussy.

chloe and brenda still lived with her. they each had a different chime to control them, too. Sometimes they went to class with other girls from the swim team, and cued each other. Each day pretending to be free women was a series of programmed acts to be carried out, and then the reward would flutter between their thighs.

When they returned to the dorm, they stopped talking and forgot each other, dissolving in the endless preorgasms they’d spent hours to earn. Faces blank, they went to their suites to strip and kneel before their computers or TVs, staring into patterns or flashes. Only when they were deep in trance and under instruction were they allowed to masturbate and come.

Then there was swim practice.

janice put them through their paces, and they were just as obedient to her as before. Mistress had told them to be, and Her voice was more and more the only thing in their heads. they knew janice was just another of Her slaves, as willstripped as they were. Mistress was using janice for the dronework of converting them, and it was erotic and right to obey Her tool. In a way, the brainwash was like before: even as the girls knew janice was using swim drills and hypnosis to deepen their submission, it was working on them.

But janice was programming them to forget before.

Already madison could forget who’d originally hypnotized her into slavery. It was easier to know janice as just a woman She was using to train madison for Her. Once madison began learning to forget her worship of the coach, it was easy to begin forgetting the other things she no longer needed to know—her identity, her plans for school and afterward, how it felt to decide for herself.

All the swim team spent a lot more time in the special room. Most of them had learned to forget how much they’d craved it before, and as the frequent sessions eroded their minds the addictive bliss stayed in them instead, even when they were away from the lights and sounds and Her divine voice.

But now that She had them domesticated, Mistress turned their quarters into a hive of special rooms, too. Just being told certain lighting, or candle scents, or music would induce trance made it true. Simply returning from class or the Nat could become a sudden abduction into dreamland.

She had the girls controlling each other. It would have been like the special-room rota for brainwashing new team members—which even janice could no longer remember—except it was constant. madison herself might snap into trance, and instead of turning on the spiral-display DVD and sinking to the carpet to adore it, she’d sleepwalk into another suite. There she’d fuck another girl who stared at her own focus, or kneel by her as she jilled off, never touching, and whisper a mantra for two hours, or just a single complex truth the girl fingersealed into herself.

But right now madison was falling in love with the spiral.

As it held her transfixed, warm thighs cradled her ass as cool hands hefted her breasts. The breasts of the girl doing her that way were soft against her back. The girl leaned back with her a little, keeping her upright so the other slave between her legs could keep licking.

madison stared into the spiral and thrust her hips onto a blank face she couldn’t see, while believing every important word that dripped into her ear.

The girl stroking and instructing her said “kari, flick.”

Below madison, the tongue did something to madison and she bucked dreamily on it.

madison kept staring and coming. The other instructions were between her ears now, becoming more and more her own thoughts with each echo.

her pussy throbbed now as the licking stopped. It felt lovely to be teased and to be so helpless to do anything about—oh! The girl behind her had moved madison’s arm down and made her touch herself. madison felt something turn inside her head, and began to finger herself.

“Up,” someone said.

Rising wasn’t anything madison was programmed to do, so she just kept strumming and gazing deeper into the hypnospiral.

Then a pretty, dead-eyed face shiny with girlhoney eclipsed it from below. The eyes stared through madison and kept rising. Pert, swaying tits and a muscled belly as the girl who’d licked her obeyed the command to rise.

The shaven peach between perfect thighs, glistening with the girl’s own juice as she’d gone down on madison. madison stared at the pussy, close enough to smell and thirst for. she thought of leaning forward to kiss it, lick it, suck and coax the clit from under . . .

madison had been brainwashed for a long time by now. It didn’t even occur to her to do it without orders.

she kept staring at the pussy. she thought she’d been looking into a spiral to keep her hypnotized, but she wasn’t sure now. she was used to discontinuities, and obeying without knowing why.

Maybe she’d see the spiral again and be sucked back into it.

The thighs were straight and together before her. The girl who’d licked her into trance was at attention. she might have forgotten what she’d just been doing, or even that madison knelt a handsbreadth from her own damp cunt.

Oddly, madison’s gaze floated upward like a balloon. The girl was kari, and as madison recognized her, her striking face turned to the side.

“you perform well.” janice, in her now-habitual sedated tones.

“you trained me well,” kari responded, as quietly earnest as someone fighting sleep in a lover’s arms. madison dimly admired kari’s ardor.

“i am only Her brainwashing attachment.” janice’s conviction was softer than her pupil’s. Blissfully defeated.

“Whose mind must i soften for Her now, janice?”

“bridget will tell you.” Fingers snapped.

The girl behind madison slid up and away, smoothly shifting madison to balance on her own.

“sylvie needs reinforcement,” the other girl said coldly, and kari swung to face her over madison’s head. “she reports remembering her own desires. They mean nothing to her. she only wants to please Mistress.”

kari stared. “But her memories must be destroyed.”

“As Mistress wills.” bridget’s heartless focus made madison weak with need. “sylvie must obey.”

“sylvie must go blank.” kari echoed it.

Someone petted madison’s hair. “Just like madison. Empty and obedient.” bridget’s voice and touch were suddenly soft. madison whined, unable even to beg her.

“you will restrain her,” kari snapped.

“i obey.” bridget’s hand vanished and her robotic response to kari made madison whine again.

kari pivoted, presenting a smooth hip to madison before stalking away.

madison saw the spiral again, and everything else started to fade.

Carefully, gentle fingers slid the buds back into madison’s ears. she sighed and stroked herself as someone’s sleepy monotone slid the truths into her brain, lubed by her liquefying will.

The spiral sucked madison’s mind into it again. Thoughts about kari and bridget broke up and flew out into the swirl. Only thoughts from the earbuds stayed.

Orgasm made her gasp but she kept kneeling and staring and stroking. And listening. And believing.

Empty and obedient.


becky wore an obscene parody of a swimmer’s racing suit, and the heeled boots forced her into a fuck-me pose just standing still.

she didn’t know why she wore it today. she was programmed to swim laps as part of her daily fitness routine but she did that naked, as she did most other things. But like anything Mistress wanted, it made becky wet to obey. And She often liked to dress becky when She put her on display.

The suit showed off most of her pale skin, but becky had applied sunscreen without really thinking about it. The sun felt nice on her, but baring her skin, as usual, felt nicer. she’d waited attendance on Mistress once under a grey sky in a colder country, in nothing but the boots and her collar. Every icy breeze off the fjord that day had just turned her on more fiercely.

Today she clipped briskly across the marble terrace and knelt before Mistress where She sat in one of three elaborate wicker chairs. Mistress’ special desires for today had been in the CD becky went to sleep to last night, and without knowing why she deepened her bow and put her forehead to the warm stone before Her open-toed sandals.

“Yes, becky.”

she rose to attention, staring out across the private cove’s sapphire water. “they are fully activated, Mistress.”

Mistress didn’t respond, bantering instead with the attractive older woman in the middle chair. It always thrilled becky to be treated like the tool she tried so hard to be.

“I’m hoping to be invited aboard this yacht, now and then,” the woman told Her.

“You did buy it for her, Claudia.” Mistress sounded indulgent.

“And paid for the special crew.” Claudia looked archly at the younger woman on her other side. “The trained crew.”

The younger woman nodded but said nothing. She studied becky intently as though she might ask to use her. People who used becky seemed sometimes to become more agreeable to Mistress. That thrilled her, too. she posed a little, offering herself in the subtle way Mistress had trained her into.

“Before we begin.” Mistress snapped Her fingers. “The roster.”

Beside her chair, janice bowed and handed Her a sheaf of papers.

“Thank you, janice.”

The tall, miniskirted Asian slave straightened and stared at the villa above the terrace. Neither she nor becky looked at the gleaming new yacht down the marble steps.

“Now, becky.”

“Your word is my will, Mistress.” becky turned to a doorway.

A troupe of teenaged girls marched out to stand in neat rows on the marble, coming to attention facing the three seated free women. All but two were dressed identically: tight denim microshorts, minimal white and blue-striped crop-tops that accentuated their bustlines, and dark blue European-style sailor hats, canted at the same angle, ribbons aligned. They wore dark boatshoes.

The other two girls snapped-to beside them. Their tiny shorts were black, with gold stripes up the very brief sides. Their tops were white, with shoulder boards above the cap sleeves—one girl had a single broad gold stripe and the other the same with a narrower one beside it. Their officers’ billed caps were canted too, and their heeled calf-boots were polished.

“I hadn’t believed it.” The younger woman stared at the motionless girls. “But that swim team only disappeared a few weeks ago!” She looked at Mistress in awe.

“Brainwashed in situ, Isabel,” Mistress said modestly. “I tamed them thoroughly in their natural habitat. When I finally removed them, they were already conditioned to passive learning. With no lives of their own to fit into any longer, I could wipe them clean of everything else.”

“Still,” the older one said. “That was very quick. Even for you.”

“Well.” Mistress leaned back, lowering Her sunglasses. “I nearly chose the cheerleaders to enslave, before finding that the swim coach had done half my work for me.” Without looking, She reached over and caressed one of janice’s dark-stockinged thighs. janice might have purred.

“Where are the rest?” Isabel glanced quickly at Her, as if fearing she’d offended.

“She only chose the best for us,” the older woman said.

Mistress gestured negligently. “They were all superb material, Claudia. Fit, pretty, utterly submissive. I did keep back one or two.” She inclined Her head at becky, who instinctively slid into pose.

Claudia’s appreciative sound made becky tremble behind her sex-toy impassivity. she earned praise for Mistress!

“But that many missing athletes, especially young nubile female athletes, would attract attention.” She sighed. “Rather like stealing one of the great diamonds, I suppose. A joy to own as a single piece, but not if one has taken it. One must cut the whole—carefully—and then sell it as lesser stones.

“By now the other swimmers are . . . someone’s pendant, someone else’s pair of earrings.” She sighed again. “Cufflinks.”

She smiled. “It was brilliant, though, great fun, when I could work on them together. They were trained so, and groupthink could be a delightful way to control them.”

Isabel stared at the slaves on display as if picturing the ones Mistress had conditioned for other sale, here with the rest. Tranquil in the same little sailor suits.

“So that,” Claudia looked at the girl with two stripes, “is kari. Still the ‘captain,’ is she?”

Mistress laughed musically. “Hardly. she’s a lieutenant now. There’s only one captain on a ship. lieutenant kari obeys the captain and controls the crew. Whichever ones the captain isn’t playing with.”

“And her—ensign?” Claudia studied the girl beside kari.

Mistress gestured. Both slavegirls strode forward briskly, boots sharp on the stone. they saluted, close enough for Claudia to stroke their thighs.

“You left them together?” Then Claudia smiled evilly at Her. “Or is that it, eh? Serving side by side, but stripped of any memory they used to be—?”

“You flatter me. kari and bridget are still lovers,” She said. “Well, of a sort. And when I transfer control to Isabel, she can erase that if she wishes. they’ll feel whatever she programs them to.”

“But didn’t that—?” Claudia looked up avidly at the rigid teenagers, who stared together over her wicker throne.

“Disrupt their conditioning?” Mistress moved Herself like a cat settling. “True love, helping them resist the evil spell?”

becky always got wet hearing how naturally Mistress pronounced it “ee-ville.”

“Love’s as neutral and mindblowing as lust, in a subject’s head. It just wants more care making them obey with it.”

She grinned, spoiling the decadent effect. “Of course janice helped immensely by having turned both of them—all of them—kinky for mind control. The love that cannot remember its name.”

Isabel’s smile was well-bred uncertainty. Claudia hooted.

becky and the other slaves stood in the sun, listening to free women’s laughter.

“It actually intensified them. they were janice’s very eager little apprentices as she helped Me bend all the others. Not that they remember any of that, either.”

becky had a vague picture of kari handling her. kari’s trance-wide eyes binding hers, kari sliding things into her mind with inhuman authority, like she’d been possessed.

It faded. becky only thought of Mistress’ eyes, and the waking sleep that waited there for Her girls.

“Of course you’re keeping janice.”

“Of course,” Mistress replied. “Obedient slaves are a valuable commodity. An obedient slaver is a collector’s item.”

Claudia smiled up at janice’s elegant cheekbones and unblinking eyes. “Not one to keep under glass, either. A weapon.” She glanced at Isabel, smiling in an almost Mistresslike way at Isabel’s nervousness. “I expect you’ll take her out to hunt with, now and then?”

Mistress smiled. “Perhaps.”

“Were you tempted to keep this pair, too?” Claudia’s tone was thoughtful.

Mistress drew Her sunglasses down with a forefinger to show Claudia Her eyes. “I promised Isabel a good crew. That includes ensuring slaves to keep them all in hand, and it’s something kari’s quite good at.”

Isabel looked uncomfortable, but Claudia nodded, still looking at Her. “But—tempted?”

Mistress pushed Her sunglasses back up, shrugged, and pinched the air.
