The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By One True Master

Chapter one: High School

Summers in my town are great if you are under thirteen years of age and your parents have loads of money to spend on summer camps and memberships at the local rich people clubs but for me, 18 year old Madeline Prescott, the summer before my senior year in high school had been as dull as the mud that my car was stuck in on this particular Wednesday while I was trying to go to the comic book shop.

I was just about ready to give up pushing my tiny car out of the mud and call my parents for help when a large mobile home pulled over to the side of the street where I and my poor car were stuck. I was so happy to see someone to help me only because if I had called my parents for help they would no doubt think of me as not ready to be driving even though I’m 18 and not 16 years old anymore. I quickly moved to greet whoever was in the car not caring about getting my pants even more muddy then they already were.

The door of the caravan opened and I boy not too much older than me hopped out. This boy was fairly odd looking or at least by my towns standards, he had brown dreadlocks that went down to his shoulders and the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. He was only wearing an earth colored vest letting his decently ripped chest see daylight and a pair of old looking blue jeans.

“It looks as if you could use some help” His voice was so sexy that I almost forgot to answer him.

“Yeah. Yes! My car got stuck in the mud and even though I’m sure my dad told me one hundred times what to do in this situation I don’t remember what to do at all and my dad is totally going to kill me if he finds out I didn’t know what to do and—“

“No problem” He said and I started to feel embarrassed. “We have some stuff in the caravan that might help you get some traction and be able to get out of the mud”

“We?” before I finished saying the word three girls, who were all dressed in a very earthy style, came from the back of the vehicle with some bags of what looked like cat litter.

As the girls started pouring the litter all around my car the boy spoke again, “I’m sorry! I have been so rude! My name is Joseph and these three lovely ladies are my friends, Rebecca, Ivy, and Evelyn.”

“My name is Madeline but you can just call me Maddie.” I smiled. “it is very nice to meet all of you”

“Well that should about to it” Joseph said as he was looking under my car. “Have a safe trip home and we hope to see you around.

I smiled and thanked them for all of their help. I was back in my car and about to drive off when one of the girls came running out of the caravan and knocked on my window.

I rolled down the window and as I did I noticed the girl had pink flowers in her hair and the kind of breasts any boy in my high school would do anything just to look at even if it was just for a second. “Hey” she smiled at me. “We just wanted to give you our CD. It’s a lot of post punk songs with some really cool ska tracks”

I had no idea what post punk or ska music was but a smiled and thanked her. “oh yeah and our website in on the back on the back of the case” she yelled as she walked back to her friends. I would have put the CD into my car right then to listen to on the way home but unfortunately my car was one of the few cars owned by teenagers that only had a tape deck in it.

I drove home and completely forgot about going to the comic book shop so I called my friend Ashley to pick up the books she knew I read every month and drop them off at my house. Ashley and I have had an understanding when it comes to money since we were about 12 and the understanding pretty much is that over the years we buy stuff for the other so often that we pay back any debt we owe when we buy something for the other. Its silly and a little complicated but that’s the kind of teenagers we are.

By time Ashley got to my house I was in my room already half way done with my homework. The door to my room bursts open and a small white bag filled with comic books flies towards me hitting my shoulder. “I should be getting nailed by my one true love right now” Ashley said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I replied as I thumbed through the comics. Ashley and her boyfriend, Sal, had been together forever and madly in love with each other even longer and they both never missed an opportunity to express their feelings even if it could be categorized as to much information.

“I wasn’t sure if you still read Titans so I picked it up just in case” she said as she walked around my room.

“Yeah I actually do still pick it up from time to time” I laughed a bit. “I’m still hoping it gets better”

“What’s this?” Ashley said as she was holding up the CD the girl from before had given me. The over to the CD was puke green and had the letters OTM on the cover in white.

“It’s just a CD I picked up from these people who helped me out earlier today.” She seemed to have more interest in it then I did so I told her she could keep it if she wanted and it was any good she could burn me a copy.

“Thanks Maddie. Well anyway I should get going to go see Sal.” We said our goodbyes and she left.

The next day at school I was on my way to math class when I saw Ashley’s boyfriend, Sal, crying at his locker. Sal and I were never very close but I knew him well enough to ask him what was wrong and so I walked up to him and said “Hey, are you alright?”

“No! Ashley broke up with me last night” I was shocked and beyond shocked. “She came to my house and just told me that she did not want to be with me anymore”

This made no sense at all. I have known Ashley all my life and I knew for a fact she loved Sal so much that she wanted nothing more than to marry him and spend the rest of her life by his side.

“Can you talk to her for me?” Sal said in between the tears.

“Year of course I will” I decided to skip math class and go down to the cafeteria where I knew Ashley would be since she had first lunch shift.

It didn’t take long for me to find her sitting at a table with a bunch of our friends. I didn’t notice it then but as I walked up to the table all the girls except for Ashley had their CD players or ipods out and were listen to music rather than eating or talking.

“Hey Ashley?”

“What’s up Maddie” She had a strange smile on her face.

“Can we talk?”

“About what?” She still had that creepy smile.

“About you and Sal! Duh. Maybe we should talk someplace private” I said looking over to the other girls at the table and that’s when I noticed that they all had smiles and dazed looks in there eyes as they were listening to music. The whole table was creeping me out a little bit and that is something that you would think would be hard to do considering the majority of there girls and I have been friends since we learned what the word meant.

Ashley and I walked outside to her car. “Look Maddie” even now her smile held strong. “I just was not happy with Sal and I don’t think he is the right guy for me”

I grabbed her shoulder and shook her a bit “Ashley! Just last night you were rambling about how much you loved the guy! What is going on with you?”

Ashley was clearly a little taken aback by my actions but it didn’t stop her from saying what she said next. “I don’t know what to tell you. We just grew apart I guess. You can be mad at me if you want but im actually happy for once in my life.”

Something was wrong but I realized that I would not get to the bottom of this issue with my current approach. “Okay. I’m sorry”

“No problem. I’m sorry for snapping at you like that. I guess I’m just tired.” Despite her chipper attitude she did look kind of sleepy. “ I was actually up all night watching the videos on the bands website from the CD you gave me.

The CD! I don’t know if it was because I’m used to reading crazy stories in comic books at that moment everything came together for me. Something about the CD or that bands website must have done something to Ashley. Before I could think any more about the strange possibilities Ashley was getting in her car.

“Where are you going?” I said. “We still have two more periods to go”

“Like I said before I’m sleepy and more importantly I want to browse around that bands website some more. They have a lot of really cool stuff on there and you should really check it out” I was starting to wish I never met this band. “I’ll burn you a copy of their album later”

As she drove off and I started to walk back inside the school I couldn’t help but pinch myself because only in my dreams would Ashley ever skip school and only in comic books would my best friend be hypnotized by a bands website.

As I was walking down the halls trying to get to math class even though my teacher would kill me for being late I saw Ashley’s little sister, Dawn, hidden behind her locker and I figured finding out what was going on sooner rather then later trumped getting yelled at by my math teacher so I walked up to Dawn.

“Hey Dawn, Have you noticed anything wrong with your sister since last night?” Dawn shut her locker door and once more I was shocked. You see Dawn is only a freshmen and like many freshmen she is going through a Goth phase and normally has black lipstick on, bondage pants, and a baggy hoodie with the logo of some emo band on it but today she was in a bright pink shirt and pink shorts.

“Not at all. Why do you ask?” she said while I was still coming to terms with her now look. I will admit that I never knew she was hiding such a beautiful figure and curves under all the baggy pants and hoodies.

“No reason. Hey Dawn what is with the new pink look? I really like it”

Her face lit up with a huge smile. “Thanks Maddie!” she gave me a big hug. “Last night I figured it was time for a change. I mean All good girls where pink right?”

My jaw dropped as the bell rang for the next period. “uh yeah” Was all I could say. She told me she had to get to class and started walking. I noticed that she was not walking towards any classrooms though. She was walking down the hallway towards the computer rooms.

I decided to follow Dawn from a distance and I started to think she would even notice if I was following right behind her. She walked into one of the computer labs and parked myself at the water fountain outside the room. A few other girls from all different grades walked into the same computer room and after the last one was in they shut the door.

I slowly snuck right outside of the closed computer room door so I could peer into the room and hear what was going on. It took a few minutes for something to happen but then I started to hear all the girls voices.

“I am a good girl”

“I want to obey and serve One True Master”

“All good girls love pink”

“When I have pretty pink panties on I feel very aroused”

“When I am with my Master I must be nude”

“I love my sister slaves and will never get jealous of them”

“I am only a girl and girls are only here to serve One True Master”

“I only have eyes for my One True Master”

I started to hear some moans of pleasure as the girls kept chanting these crazy things and it was then I decided to burst into the room not that any of the girls noticed me because all of them kept chanting away.

“I feel pleasure when I obey my Master”

“A woman’s place in Nature is to serve her god”

“mmmmm. I want to serve my Masters cock” came from a girl at one of the far left computers. I noticed that some of the girls had there hands down there pants and were clearly pleasing themselves.

“I must obey”

“All good girls obey”

“I belong to my lord and Master”

I waved my hands in front of one of the non masturbating girls eyes but it did nothing. I looked at the computer screen but only saw a hypnosis spiral. I kept looking at it but heard nothing and saw nothing else. It was actually pretty relaxing. I looked up from the computer screen for a moment and instantly felt a great loss. I looked at the girls watching the videos and noticed that they mostly had only pink on and I envied their clothing choices. I wanted to go out and buy a nice bright pink shirt.

My eyes moved back down to the relaxing image on the computer screen and started to here some kind of noise above all the chanting from the good girls around me. I couldn’t make out what the sound was but I was sure it was important.

“Wait” I shook my head and jumped back. What the hell was I doing. I looked around the room and was afraid. The girls were still saying things and I couldn’t help but think that I needed to get out of this room, find Ashley, and save all of them.

“I am a good girl”

I belong to one true master”

“I will go onto youtube and find his videos”

“I will go onto Clipser and find his videos”

“I am in love”

“the only man for me”

As a ran out of the room I couldn’t help but be a little aroused by hearing them chant and that made me even more scared. My only hope was that I stopped watching the damned video soon enough that these feelings I were having were only a slight side effect that would fade.