The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By Ohdammitnotagain

“All right everyone, quiet down now. We all know why we’re here.” The scruffy satyr waved his arms at the assembly before him, gesturing for quiet. Over two dozen small beings were clustered in the clearing, each one possessing the legs of a goat and the torso of a human being. Soon they were all quiet and the head satyr continued. “As I’m sure you all know by now, Sylana has been taken from us to reside in that big tree in the sky.” All the satyrs bowed their heads for a moment, remembering their friend. “Seems she was trying to help a squirrel across the road…”

“Twas a turtle it was,” another satyr interjected. The head satyr frowned at being interrupted.

“Fine then, a turtle. Whatever. The point is she walked out into traffic again, only this time she wasn’t so lucky.” Several of the attendants grumbled under their breath at this statement. “I know it’s frustrating, but she was a nymph folks. They’re kind and loving, but a little slow on the uptake.”

“A few flowers shy of a full garden she was,” a satyr called from the back.

“More like a sex starved bimbo she was,” said another.

“SHE WAS A NYMPH PEOPLE!” The head satyr cried as he threw his arms up in defeat. “What’d you expect, Albert Einstein? They’re supposed to be horny idiots, it’s what they do dammit!” All the satyrs nodded in agreement with their leader. “The point is we need a new nymph, immediately. Without one the whole forest will go to shit.”

“Ah, what’s so important about having a nymph?” A young satyr moved out from the rest of the crowd and stood before the leader. “What did Sylana really do around here other than pet rabbits and fuck everything that was too slow to get away?” The head satyr sighed.

“Look, I don’t make the rules alright. The handbook says that every forest needs a nymph just like it needs satyrs. So sit down and shut yer yap wouldya?” The young upstart bleated angrily and went back to his original spot.

“But how are we supposed to find another nymph boss?” An older satyr cried. Several others nodded and turned questioning glances towards their leader.

“We’re not gonna find another nymph boys. We’re gonna make ourselves one.” The head satyr reached into a small burlap sack tied around his shoulder. “And we’re going to use this to do it with.” The satyr held up what appeared to be the most perfect apple ever grown. All the other satyrs gazed in awe at the perfect fruit.

“Uh, we’re gonna use an apple?”

“Yes you dolt, an apple. You see boys, nymphs are too rare to find these days, so I’ve developed a way of making new ones. All we have to do is get a human woman to eat this apple, and presto! We’ll have ourselves a new nymph frolicking around, screwing everything in site, in no time.” The head satyr admired his beautiful apple as the others talked excitedly amongst themselves.

“How’re we gonna get a human woman to eat that though? I mean, it may have worked back in the old days when knights and dragons still fought out on the plains, and women knew their place. But no human woman in these times would eat that thing. They’re all about ‘equality’ and all that crap now.” The group once again looked to their leader for an answer.

“You’re right, human women have their men by the balls now. That’s why we’re gonna sneak our apple into that produce bin out in front of Farmer Johnson’s General Store. Some lucky lady will walk bye, see the apple, and then she’ll be ours. Once she eats this fruit, my magic will change her into our new nymph. Her mind won’t be able to resist the magic’s control.” All the satyrs seemed to accept this answer and cheers went up for their leader.

Soon, the forest would have its new nymph. Whether she wanted it, or not…

* * *

Sarah was lost and she knew it. Unfortunately, her boyfriend Dave knew it too. That, in its own, wouldn’t have been so bad had Sarah not been making fun of Dave’s navigation skills only five minutes ago. It was only a matter of time before…

“Well, well, well. Someone’s not lost is she?” Dave asked with that damned smirk on his face. Sarah hated that smirk. It was the one he used when he was about to mock her.

“I’m not lost, this is just a detour. A scenic route if you will.” Sarah tried to sound confident, but Dave knew she was full of shit.

“Ah, a scenic route, gotcha.” Dave leaned his seat back as Sarah sped around another bend. This damn forest road was really making him queasy.

“Oh shut up. I’m lost alright. Is that what you need to hear to make yourself feel better?” Sarah hated it when she was wrong. Even with Dave, who had to be the nicest guy she’d ever dated. He never took the sexist approach in any of their arguments. Unlike other guys who thought she was just some stupid bimbo. “Damned hair,” Sarah thought, “why’d I have to be a blonde?” Sarah glared at her reflection in the rearview mirror. Despite the fact that she kept her hair dyed dark brown, she could always see that golden yellow in her reflection, mocking her. She’d started dying it when she went to college to keep people from treating her like some bimbo. It didn’t matter that she was the valedictorian of her high school class, or the fact that she didn’t have a body to match the stereotype anyway. People will think what they want to, Sarah thought.

“Hey! Watch the road,” Dave cried suddenly, “you almost hit that thing.” He shifted his seat back up and looked at Sarah. “Are you alright?” Sarah gave him an embarrassed smile.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. Just thinking. What was that anyway?”

“I think it was a turtle.” Dave continued to stare at his girlfriend. “You sure you’re alright?”

“Yes, I’m just hungry that’s all.”

“Well look, there’s a store up ahead. We can stop and get something to snack on.” Sarah pulled into the gravel parking lot of the old wooden store.

“This is cute, a real old fashioned general store.” Sarah got out of the car and noticed the produce bin. She almost walked bye if it weren’t for the bright gleam of sunlight that caught her eye. “Wow, that’s got to be the biggest apple I’ve ever seen.”

* * *

“C’mon, you know you want it.” The head satyr whispered to himself as he watched the human from the bushes across the road. “That’s it, take the juicy apple.” The satyr cackled maniacally.

“Hey boss, I’ve been thinking,” the satyr behind the boss said.

“There’s three words that worry me,” said the boss.

“If the lady eats the apple she’ll become a nymph right?”

“Right, go on.”

“But if she drives off before she becomes a nymph how are we gonna get her back?” The boss slowly arched an eyebrow, thinking.


* * *

After an hour on the road, Sarah and Dave finally reached a motel around sundown. They got checked in and unloaded their luggage. Dave finished putting things away when he noticed Sarah holding her head. “Alright hon?” Sarah frowned.

“I don’t know, my head feels funny. I think I’m gonna turn in early tonight.”

“No dinner?”

“No, you go ahead into town and get yourself something. I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed.” Sarah got up and made her way to the bathroom as Dave went out the door.

“I’ve got my cell, call me if you start feeling worse ok?” Sarah waved dismissively.

“I’ll be ok, honest.” She walked into the bathroom and got undressed. As she was taking off her bra, Sarah noticed that her breasts looked a little bigger. “What the hell?” She thought to herself. “I’m a little old for a growth spurt.” The water was cold as she slipped into the shower and put her face into the stream. Cool liquid coursed down her back as she ran her hands through her long blonde hair. Wait. What? “How’d my hair get so long?” Sarah wondered. “And what happened to the dye!?”

Sarah ran out of the shower, leaving the water running, and quickly wiped the condensation off the mirror. She looked at her reflection in horror. Staring back at her was definitely her image, but certainly not the one she remembered seeing this morning. Instead of the normal short, brown hair, she now possessed long blonde locks that flowed down to the small of her back. Not only that, but her breasts were definitely bigger. Sarah gaped at her reflection and slowly turned around. She’d never really had feminine curves like those bimbos in high school, but she did now. Her ass was perfect and her waist was clearly smaller than before. “Oh my God,” Sarah stammered.

She ran back into the bedroom, looking for her phone to call Dave. Sarah was reaching into her purse when she noticed her hands. Her nails had become a deep shade of green and they had grown out at least an inch. Sarah watched in horror as her hands grew smaller and more feminine than before. She glanced down at her feet and watched a similar process as her toes became smaller and their nails turned green. Sarah gasped and felt her lips fill out as she did so. She reached into her purse and found her small travel mirror. Sure enough, her lips were fuller and they too had turned a sexy shade of green. This was too much for Sarah to process all at once. Her eyes rolled back and she fainted there on the bedroom floor.

* * *

“Sarah, wake up. Wake up Sarah, we’ve got work to do.” Sarah slowly stood up and noticed that she wasn’t in her motel anymore. Instead, she was standing in a forest clearing surrounded by tall trees. She looked down and moaned at her appearance. For starters, she still had that wet dream body that she’d grown in her motel before passing out. But to make matters worse, she was now dressed in a skimpy green minidress that appeared to be made out of some kind of plant. Sarah winced as she looked at the cleavage that was on display. She’d never had any respect for those sluts in her school who’d dressed provocatively.

“Guess what goes around, comes around,” she said.


“Who’s there?” Sarah called into the woods as she looked all round. “Who said that?”

“I did.”

“Who are you?”

“Not who, Sarah. What.”

“Huh?” Sarah frowned. “You’re not making any sense.”

“You don’t remember that delicious apple you ate?” The voice giggled. “You should.”

“You’re telling me that I’m talking to an apple?” Sarah laughed. “Well, that confirms it. I’m nuts.”

“You’re not crazy Sarah. I’m very real, and we have very real work to do.”

“What are you talking about?” Sarah gestured down at her body. “And why the hell did you do this to me?”

“You don’t like it? That’s a shame. It’s the new you.”

“Whatever, just undo it!”

“I can’t do that Sarah, you no longer have any say in the matter. You can either accept this willingly, or we can do it the hard way.”

“I’m not going to do a damn thing you say, whoever the fuck you are, so just leave me alone!” Sarah began searching for an exit to the clearing. She may be asleep, but she wasn’t going to take threats from some crazy fruit.

“Poor Sarah, it’s time for your attitude adjustment.” Sarah’s search for a way out became more frantic. That voice was freaking her out, and now she could actually feel something working its way into her head.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” The voice giggled as it faded away leaving Sarah alone.

* * *

Sarah woke up back in the bedroom of the motel. She felt her new breasts jiggle as she slowly lifted herself off the floor. The clock said that she’d only been out for about five minutes, but that was still five minutes too long for Sarah. Damn that fucking voice was creepy, she thought. I’ll never eat another apple for as long as I live. Now cock, that’s another matter. A nymph should always have lots of cock to suck.

“What the hell?!” Sarah yelled out loud. Where did that though come from, she wondered. Sarah had never even considered giving a blowjob, not even to Dave. Mmmm... Sarah moaned at his name and she slowly began rubbing her new body. “God, I need a fuck,” she said. No, no, no! This isn’t right, I’m not like this.

“Oh yes you are.” Oh no, the voice was back, only this time it was inside Sarah’s head. “You’re nothing but a little flower loving, squirrel hugging, forest slut now Sarah.” The voice giggled, and this time Sarah giggled with it. A real stupid bimbo giggle.

“No, like, Sarah doesn’t want to be, like, a forest bimbo.” Sarah screamed inside her brain as she heard her new high pitched nymph voice. This can’t be happening, she thought. I won’t give in.

“Oh yes you will!” The voice yelled as it exerted its own magical will. “I am the forest Sarah! I am the trees and the animals. I am mother earth herself, and you will obey me you silly little bimbo nymph!” Sarah tried to keep fighting, but it was no use. The earth spirit flooded her mind with thoughts of servitude in the forest, of fucking and sucking all day, thoughts of pleasure and lust. “Say it!” The voice commanded. “Say what you are, and accept your place as my newest nymph!”

“I’m, like a silly bimbo now!” Sarah squealed in delight and clapped her hands. “I’m a nymph!”

“Yes,” said the voice, “yes, my dear. And what do nymphs do?” The new nymph pause and placed a finger to her full lips. An adorable look of concentration was painted on her pretty, dumb face. Then, she smiled.

“We suck and fuck and, like, play with all the fuzzy critters!” Sarah giggled and began rubbing her bare pussy. “And we, like, make all the plants grow big and pretty.”

“Yes, little bimbo that’s exactly right.” What little of the old Sarah remained screamed and struggled inside the new nymph’s brain. “Hmmm…” the earth spirit said, “this Sarah was a fighter. Well, I know how to get rid of her once and for all.” Old Sarah’s remaining consciousness could do nothing but wait in horror as the spirit in her head continued. “A good bimbo nymph needs a bimbo nymph name doesn’t she?”

“Like, sure Momma!” The new nymph played with a long strand of blonde hair as she continued to diddle herself.

“I know,” the voice said, “how about Daisy? That’s a bimbo name, and it fits the part too.” Daisy the nymph, formerly Sarah the human, jumped up and down in bimbo delight.

“That’s like, the most perfect name ever Mommy!” Daisy screamed as she brought herself to an orgasm with her hand. “I love you so much Momma.” Inside Daisy, Sarah’s remaining will finally faded away into nothing.

“I love you to sweety,” the spirit said. “Now, let’s get you to your new home shall we?”

“Yay!” The new nymph squealed and bounced towards the door of the motel. Before Daisy could open it, however, Dave walked in. The bimbo didn’t miss a beat before jumping onto the surprised man. “Oooh, a man,” Daisy said as she nuzzled Dave’s neck, “wanna fuck my juicy pussy?” Dave finally managed to pull the new nymph off of himself, but not before she’d ripped most of his clothes off.

“Sarah! What the hell happened to you?” Dave was shocked as he took in the sight that was his girlfriend, or what used to be her. Daisy giggled and struck a pose, jutting out her chest to let Dave see her enormous tits.

“Sarah, who’s Sarah,” the bimbo smiled, “I’m Daisy! Now can we fuck? Puh-lease!” Daisy drew out her plead as she made her best pouting face. Dave began to back out the door.

“I’m gonna go get help Sarah, you just stay put alright?”

“I, like, told you already, I’m Daisy!” Daisy put her hands on her hips in a defiant manner. “That old bitch Sarah’s gone. My momma got rid of her and made me!”

“Your what?” Dave stammered, confused. “Look, just stay there honey and I’ll…” Dave was cut short by the 100 lbs of nymph that jumped onto him before he could get to the car. Daisy tore off what remained of Dave’s clothing and proceeded to suck his dick which had grown very hard by that point. “Oh, God. Wait, Sarah stop!”

“No way, I’m gonna get some yummy cummy in my tummy.” Daisy giggled at her little saying before diving back into Dave’s crotch. To Dave’s credit, he tried to fight, but in the end he gave Daisy exactly what she wanted. The newborn nymph gulped down mouthfuls of cum before taking Dave’s cock out of her mouth and letting the juice spray her face and body. Daisy stood up and slowly rubbed the cum into her pores like some kind of lotion. Dave looked up in a half dazed way to see his former girlfriend skip off towards the woods they had left a few miles down the road.

“What the fuck just happened to me?” Dave put his head down onto the sidewalk and passed out in euphoric bliss.

* * *

Life in the forest returned to normal pretty quick. At first, the satyrs had been worried that their efforts had been for naught. The boss was particularly angry at himself for not cutting the car’s tires or something to keep Sarah from driving off. But just when all seemed lost, a satyr picking berries at the edge of the forest spotted quite a site. All the satyrs came running to the other’s call to see what all the commotion was about. There, down the road, was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and the biggest pair of tits any of the satyrs had ever seen running towards the forest. Well, skipping actually, and singing too.

“That’s her, it’s gotta be!” The boss cried in jubilation. Sure enough, the woman came close enough for the satyr to realize that it was the same girl he’d seen take the apple from the store earlier that day. Or at least it used to be her. This new nymph was clearly an improvement, in the bosses mind at least, over that prude from the store. This girl looked happy and carefree, and as she came closer, the satyrs saw that she was covered in semen.

Daisy took to her new position, or positions if there were multiple satyrs involved, with relish. She quickly brought new flowers to bloom and all the trees looked greener and healthier. On any given day, you could walk through the forest and see Daisy frolicking through the woods wearing her favorite leafy green dress that showed of her huge tits. She was always smiling and usually covered in satyr cum which she used as a snack and a beauty cream. The earth spirit from the magic apple never had to make Daisy do something she didn’t want to, because the bimbo was always willing to do anything that involved a cock and her pussy. So in the end everyone lived happily ever after, except Sarah of course…