The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Usual disclaimers apply, work of fiction blah blah blah...

All copyright laws apply etc etc etc. ©JinnyJ

Synopsis: An average girl finds an above average way to get love.

Tags: MC FF.

No average desire.


Kristie Atkins had lived in an average town, on an average street, in an average house with an average family. Everything about her was average; average height, average weight, average hair, average size, average grades, average everything. The perfect, government grade, average girl; except she wasn’t, not quite.

She had never dated a boy, had never kissed a boy, had never even held hands with a boy and had never wanted to; it actually made her feel sick to even think about doing so.

She had held a girls hand though, and cuddled a girl, even kissed a girl a few times; even if it was just a girly cheek kiss, it had still given her a warm and fuzzy feeling in her special place.

While her eyes would roam over the deliciously various coloured girls with their multitude of different shapes, only one could make all the others shimmer out of sight, only one always made her heart beat faster, only one always gave her that special feeling just by smiling at her. At eighteen she knew there would only ever be one person for her, she also knew it wasn’t just some dumb crush. She only truly loved and wanted one girl.

As they had grown into womanhood, Kristie and her lifelong friend Amy had, at times, spent the occasional couple of weeks apart; though she tried not to let it show, Kristie never enjoyed those times for she always feared her love would wither and fade away. When at last they would reunite, the average Kristie would fight her bigger than average desire and, with a furiously burning ache deep inside, do all she could not to passionately kiss and hold her friend.

Amy Blake was a tall, slim brunette with an athletically toned models body and long, slender legs and, like her breasts, she was firmly perky at all times. She was bright and clever and she loved, and was great at, photography and she was Kristie’ best friend. Unfortunately for Kristie there was one very big problem, Amy liked boys and boys liked Amy; which meant that while they remained firm friends, they spent less time together as they grew. But Kristie could live with that because she knew, Amy only ever kissed.

On the day that Amy had come to her and told her, with ever so much care and tenderness, that she had been offered a fantastic job with a great photographer, Kristie had squealed and hugged her with happiness for her. That is until Amy had said she would have to move away.

Kristie had been stunned, she felt her world start to crumble, panic started gnawing at her like a mouse with cheese, the pounding in her ears drowned out most of what Amy was telling her. For the first time in her life, she couldn’t wait to be alone so she could let all her fear and panic explode, of course she kept all this hidden until Amy finally went home.

When she was at last alone, Kristie had locked her bedroom door with shaking hands. She had slumped onto her bed, pulled her knees up to her chest, rocked herself and shook her head while muttering incoherently, of course it wasn’t incoherent to her, in fact she muttered the only thoughts the locusts in her head refused to devour. Maybe she could tell Amy how she felt, that was a thought she let the locust eat.

She couldn’t let Amy go, couldn’t, wouldn’t; tear blurred eyes flicked around her average room. She had to change Amy’ mind, she couldn’t, wouldn’t lose her; tear blurred eyes slid over her average desk. Couldn’t, wouldn’t, had to find a way; tear blurred eyes were pulled to her average bookshelf with it’s average books. She’d find a way, but how, how, how? Her tear blurred eyes were drawn to the light reflecting off the stupid set of cellophane wrapped books her dumb aunt had sent her a couple years ago, she hadn’t even read the description on the back of them. Had to find a way!

The voice of her mother calling her for supper had broken through the buzz of locusts and thud of thoughts. Stupid bitch, who could eat when they were losing their whole world, mothers! But Kristie knew she had to hide her feelings, couldn’t let anyone know her pain, not until she had found a way. She stopped rocking herself, stretched out her legs and climbed off the bed, she took a deep breath and unlocked her bedroom door.

She sat picking at her supper, barely listening to the stupid, banal chatter of her family, idiots! Didn’t they know the world was ending? No, of course they didn’t, she was good at hiding how she felt. What was the thought trying to grow amid the all devouring locusts? She was about to fork the last of her scrambled egg into her mouth when her mind sprayed pesticide on the interminably buzzing bugs, one by one they fell and the thought consumed each corpse and grew and, despite herself, Kristie felt hope. She excused herself, dropped her fork, and rushed to her bedroom.

Before the door had even closed she rushed to the bookshelf and, ignoring the others she knocked off in the process, grabbed the cellophane wrapped set of books her aunt had sent her. She read the title on the two spines, “Hypnotica by Proffesor Twizzle”, the write-up on the back said “A study in the practices and techniques of hypnotism.” As she tore the cellophane open and caught that new book smell, she wondered what had made her aunt send her them, she also hoped they weren’t just the silly junk the authors name suggested they might be.

She wasn’t disappointed, once she had started reading the first book she couldn’t put it down; actually that’s not quite true, she could, she just didn’t want to. Kristie Atkins had suddenly got a very big appetite for reading, never before had she read any book so avidly, or with such determination to remember, and remember she did. As she read and remembered, so hope flourished and a plan formed and her smile grew. By the time she had finished reading Kristie was..more than her usual self.

Amy had always suspected her friends feelings; she’d noticed little things through the years, but because Kristie had never said, or tried, anything, because she loved her lifelong friend, she had not embarrassed her by speaking of it, and never would. When she had told her friend about having to move in a few weeks, Amy had seen the effect on Kristie, it hadn’t surprised her that her friend had needed a couple of days alone and, as much as she missed seeing her friend, she knew it was best to wait, so wait she had.

When at last a smiling, if slightly pensive, Kristie walked into Amy’ room and hugged her tightly for several long minutes, Amy happily returned the hug, even though the thick, heady aroma of her friends perfume was making her feel a little light headed. When they sat on Amy’ bed and Kristie moved so close and took her hand, the perfume distracted her. Then the pretty brooch on Kristie’ blouse caught the light and glittered so beautifully with so many colours, she’d never seen it before and it distracted her. Amy was so distracted she missed what her friend was saying. When Kristie started lightly and rhythmically stroking her arm, Amy became even more distracted.

Kristie had made her plan, she had searched her jewellery and, finding nothing suitable, had taken half a day longer than she wanted to and searched the shops. Finally she had found it, a curious little brooch, the silver filigree led the eye in to the clear gem that, when it caught the light, shone in a myriad of colours.

She hurried home and changed, dressing plainly in jeans, a blouse and pumps. She put the brooch just above her left breast and; after taking a deep breath and holding it, sprayed herself with the perfume her mother had bought her that always made her feel a bit sick; she remembered her and Amy had laughed at her mothers bad sense of smell when they’d tried it.

By the time she walked into Amy’ bedroom and had hurried to hug her she was ready, succeed or fail at least she had tried.

After several minutes she broke the hug and, still smiling, guided Amy back onto the bed. She took her friends hand and, as she moved closer, babbled a bit about when Amy moved. Kristie smiled inwardly as her friends eyes were drawn to the brooch, she kept the colours flickering with slight movements. She lowered her voice and slowed her speech, just like she’d practised.

“Isn’t the brooch pretty, look at it, so enticing, keep looking, the colours are so pretty, so enticing, look deeply, see the colours change, deeper, softer, so pretty, watch them, watch, so pretty, so sleepy, so deep, deeper and deeper, follow the colours, follow them deeper, sleepy and deeper..”

She started gently, rhythmically stroking her friends arm and kept making the brooch glitter and change its myriad of colours.

“Watch the colours, the soft, pretty colours, follow them deeper, sleepy and deeper, the soft strokes, deeper and sleepy, follow the colours, feel the strokes deeper and sleepy, so sleepy, pretty colours going deeper and deeper, soft stroking, getting sleepier and sleepier, colours and strokes, deeper and sleepier..”

She felt her heart beating faster as she watched Amy’ eyes slowly glaze, she wanted to laugh but knew she had to stay calm.

“deeper and sleepier, listen, listen, follow the colours deeper as you listen to me, trust me, deeper, sleepier, sleepier as you listen to me, listen to me, see the colours, hear my voice, feel my hand lead you deeper, trust me always, hear my voice, trust me, see the colours, let your eyes close and see the colours Amy, see the colours..”

She watched as Amy’ eyes fluttered shut.

“See the colours behind your eyes Amy, hear my voice, trust me, can you see the colours Amy?”

“Yes” Amy answered as if in a dream and Kristie let out the breath she’d been holding.

“Good Amy, watch the pretty colours, trust me, trust me, you trust me don’t you Amy?”

Again she heard Amy’s dreamy “Yes.”

Kristie smiled but she had to test it, she had to make sure before she tried the big stuff, she had to be certain.

“Listen and trust me Amy, listen, you’re thirsty, you want some orange juice, thirsty for orange juice but you’ll pour pineapple juice, listen and trust me Amy, you’ll pour pineapple juice and drink it and think it is orange, the pineapple is orange Amy, trust me.”

It was the truest test she’d been able to think of. Amy couldn’t even stand the smell of pineapple, even as a joke she’d never drink it.

“Pineapple is orange Amy, listen and trust me, I’m going to wake you soon, when you wake up you’ll think time just flew by while I babbled. But remember Amy, when you hear me say “Amy naps” you’ll sleep as you are now, remember “Amy naps” and you sleep. Now, I’m going to count from three to one and snap my fingers, when you hear the snap you’ll wake up, understand Amy?”

“She was delighted and not a little nervous as Amy whispered “Yes.”

“Listen and trust Amy,” snap! “So, anyway what..” she faked some babble and watched her friend.

Amy blinked and looked at her, and laughed. “Hey hey, slow down, look, I’m thirsty, you want some juice?

Kristie grinned and nodded “Sure” she answered as Amy climbed off the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. This was it, one way or another there’d be no taking it back.

After several agonising minutes, Amy reappeared with two glasses of pineapple juice, she handed one to Kristie and took a large sip from the other. Kristie watched her closely, looking for the smallest sign of faking. She had finished her own drink and watched as Amy had plainly enjoyed hers, even licking her lips as she’d finished. Kristie decided that was almost enough proof, almost but not quite.

“Hey Amy, you know what we need, we need..” she paused as her friend looked at her expectantly “Amy naps”. She almost squealed as she watched Amy’ eyes glaze and close. “Can you hear me Amy?”

“Yes” came the hoped for reply.

“Listen to my voice, with every word I lead you deeper Amy, trust me, trust me and come deeper Amy. Come deeper and feel aroused Amy, feel a nice gentle heat of arousal growing Amy. Listen and trust, come deeper, grow more aroused, feel the heat, feel the delicious moistness of arousal for me Amy.”

She knew that if her friend had been faking she would be giggling and teasing her by now, so she took it further. She wanted to be certain so she made sure to take her time, softly adding reinforcement after reinforcement, building and strengthening.

“Feel the arousal only for me, only for me, trust me Amy, come deeper, more aroused, you love me and want me Amy, love me and want me Amy. Feel the heat, the love, the arousal, the want for me Amy, only for me, listen closely, listen and trust me Amy, you’re going to wake up soon, when you do want to kiss me, you’ll know I love you, you’ll kiss me and know I love you Amy.”

She went on, placing foundation on foundation before finally offering up a silent prayer.

“When I say “Wake Amy” you’ll wake up knowing we love each other, we want each other Amy, we love and want each other so badly Amy, when I say “Wake Amy” you’ll wake up and know we love and want each other and only each other Amy. You’ll be relaxed, and happy and know we want and love only each other Amy, relaxed, happy and in love..” She took a deep breath “Wake Amy”

Amy took a deep breath, licked her lip and she looked at Kristie. Kristie almost panicked. Suddenly Amy smiled and launched herself on top of her friend and crushed her lips with her own, passionately kissing her as she pressed her firm, perky breasts against Kristie’ and ground her groin against her friends, she momentarily broke the kiss and sent Kristie into bliss with a whisper.

“I love you Kristie, come with me..” Before Kristie could answer her open mouth was crushed and she felt Amy tongue slip along her own.

Trembling fingers tugged at buttons and pulled at blouses, hearts pounded as skirt and jeans slid down to bare soft, supple thighs. Shaking hands and mouths dry with nervous lust explored aching bodies. Inexperience showed but didn’t slow the hands that caressed firm young breasts and stiffened nipples. The soft, whimpered moans encouraged the fingers which slipped slowly through the velvet fur of virgin sexes. They Shivered in growing desire as eyes roamed over deliciously moulded flesh. Each inhaled the others scent of pure, clean, virginal arousal, loving bodies twisted and writhed until, as one, they cried out in never before known ecstasy.

* * *

That had been a year ago and average Kristie Atkins wasn’t average any more, she had moved with her one true love and they only wanted each other, and when anguish, pain or heartache threaten; though Amy never knows how, Kristie soothes it all away, and Amy loves her more each day.

Still, there is that blonde across the landing in 2B...