The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

WARNING: The following story contains graphic descriptions of a sexual nature. It is intended for mature persons who are old enough to legally receive adult materials. Those who are not legally able to receive adult materials or who are offended by them should read no farther. Further distribution of this story is permissible only with the author’s permission.

Copyright © 1997 (original writing) and 1999 (revision). The persons and situations depicted in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or situations are completely unintentional and coincidental.

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“My Trip to the Dentist”

Written By MindBender

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“OUCH!” Probing around my teeth with my tongue, I let loose a scream in reaction to the sudden stabbing pain from deep in my mouth. “What’s wrong?” asked Karen, my beautiful (albeit vexatious) girlfriend. “I was eating a piece of candy and my mouth... OW!!!” Rubbing my jaw gingerly, I jumped up to take a look in the bathroom mirror. My eyes quickly focused on the reflection of my bottom left rear molar, the source of the pain. It looked like half the friggin’ tooth was missing! Wonderful, just wonderful. I’m only 19. Things like this aren’t supposed to happen to 19 year-olds.

Soon Karen was standing behind me, her soft brown eyes peering mischievously into the mirror. “Is your booboo bad?” she asked in a voice tinged with a little too much mock concern. “Yeah, bad enough. I broke a damn tooth,” I snapped back. Once again, the game of witty repartee was afoot. “So then, are you going to the dentist?” I moaned a non-answer; actually, I didn’t want to admit to my brilliant if not sensitive concubine that I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. “Well, are you?”

I threw Karen a look of exasperation. “I barely have enough damn money to get by as it is... just how the hell am I gonna pay for a dentist?” To emphasize my point, I pulled out my wallet and showed her the two lonely one-dollar bills that resided there. Predictably, my demonstration backfired. Karen’s gorgeous face took on that insufferable look of smug superiority. “Don’t tell me you didn’t get the school’s Student Medical Plan. Everyone else I know signed up...” Her implication was unmistakable: ‘Are you the only stupid person I know?’

Now my ego was hurting almost as bad as my tooth. Wait a minute... Student Medical Plan... that sounded familiar. Moving quickly to my dresser, I jerked open the bottom drawer. Next to a bunch of socks—none of which seemed to match—lay a pile of official looking papers. This was where I kept all my important documents. Despite what it looked like, it was a great filing system—everything was there in one place, and I never lost anything really important. I figured Karen probably wouldn’t see the benefits of my system, so I didn’t belabor the point.

After several trips through the pile (accompanied by the occasional snide remark from you know who), I finally found the paper I sought: my approved application for the student medical coverage plan. I quickly scanned the contents for anything related to dental care. Viola! Paragraph 4a said I was entitled to free emergency dental care Monday through Friday until 5 p.m. at the Student Medical Center. I glanced at my watch: 4:42 p.m. Grabbing Karen’s hand, I just about pulled her out the door. As we left, I told Karen that I hoped the dentist hadn’t decided to leave early today. After all, it was only Friday afternoon. What else would a dentist rather be doing on a sunny Friday afternoon other than fixing teeth? “I mean, it’s not like the average dentist could have much of a social life,” I added for extra measure.

Eight excruciatingly painful minutes later, Karen and I arrived at the Student Health Center. The look on the receptionist’s face made it clear she didn’t appreciate our arrival so close to quitting time. “Is this an emergency?” she demanded. “Yeah,” I shot back, “I broke my damn tooth and it hurts like hell. I need to see the dentist right away.” I thrust the insurance paper at her; she scanned the document for about 15 seconds before letting out a sigh. Swinging her chair around, she got up and poked her head through the open doorway behind the desk. I couldn’t hear the brief conversation she had with office’s hidden occupant, but the deflated look on her face when she returned confirmed she’d be staying late today.

“Ok... Dr. Nelson will see you in a minute,” she said in an irritated voice, throwing her thumb towards the door she had pulled closed. “And you can have a seat over there Honey,” she added curtly for Karen’s benefit. ‘Honey!’ I knew Karen well enough to know her blood pressure had risen at least 30 points since that magic word had fallen on her ears. I could see the fireworks coming, but to my surprise Karen held her tongue and sat down in a well-worn chair. Oh well, I thought, maybe they’ll still have the catfight later. At least that gave me something to look forward to besides the ‘fun’ that awaited me in the dentist’s chair.

About 30 seconds later, the phone on the receptionist’s desk buzzed. Ms. Congeniality gestured me into the office, and I meekly opened the dentist’s door. “Hello?” I said as I took a hesitant step inside. Suddenly a figure in a white coat sprung out from behind another door. “Oh hi, come in!” came the eager response. I pulled back in surprise as my eyes fell upon the person who beckoned me; Dr. Nelson was very different from the elderly man I imagined the dentist to be.

Elderly man indeed! My dentist was a very attractive blonde woman of maybe 40 years. She strode towards the doorway with a smooth gracefulness, her movements and gestures exuding an unusual mix of seriousness and sensuality. However formally she carried herself, it was blatantly obvious that this was a woman with a capital “W.” She held out her hand to me as she announced, “I’m Doctor Carolyn Nelson. I hear you’ve got a problem. Can I have a look?” Having not quite yet recovered from the unexpected surprise, I managed only to mutter, “Huh?” in response. Aware of my distracted confusion, she bailed me out. “Your mouth... can you open it so I can look inside?”

“Oh... right.” Grinning (and feeling) like the village idiot, I opened my mouth. “Where does it hurt?” she asked, and I pointed to my lower left molars. Clicking on a pen light she pulled from her pocket, she zeroed in on the offending tooth. “Oh yes... I would imagine that hurts quite a bit.” I nodded in violent agreement. Replacing the light, she gestured towards the dental chair, and invited me to have a seat. “Please have a seat in my ‘Chair of Torture.’ I did as she commanded with more than a little trepidation.

As I sat down, Dr. Nelson pulled up a chair beside me. She probed around my mouth for a couple of minutes, then pronounced her judgment. “Well, I’ll have to repair that broken tooth immediately. I’m need to use the drill and some of the other tools which will be... uncomfortable. I’d like to use a local anesthetic in addition to using Novocaine; you’re not allergic, are you?” Why did she have to ask such difficult questions while I sat there dying of pain? “Well, I uh... I don’t really know. I’ve never been gassed before.” Pain or no pain, I couldn’t pass up the chance to make a quip, especially to such a pretty woman.

The lady dentist smiled in response my funny line. Boy, did she had a pretty smile. “Well, there is another alternative to consider. I’m certified in clinical hypnosis; I could use that instead of the gas to control the pain. Have you ever been hypnotized before?” At least I knew the answer to that one, and I immediately shook my head no. “Well, it’s really very simple... and it’s completely safe. I’d prefer to not use the anaesthetic without knowing whether you’re allergic. Should we proceed with the other option?” Hypnosis... It conjured up images of people flapping their arms and clucking like chickens. I bet Karen would love to see me like that. Well, maybe not; after all, what fun would it be torturing a chickenman?

My voice wavered momentarily as I pictured myself pecking the ground and clucking. “Well, I guess it’s OK... you’re not going to make me cluck, are you?” She threw me a puzzled look. “Cluck...?” The gorgeous smile returned, sprinkled with amusement. “Oh! No, no, of course not. Hypnotized people can’t be made to do anything they don’t want to do. I assure you that you will not leave here clucking.” Feeling like an idiot yet again, I meekly nodded my concurrence.

Dr. Nelson got up and went to the door, which she promptly opened. “You can leave now, Roberta. Don’t worry, I’ll lock up. Oh, and young lady, I’m afraid your friend needs about two hours of work. You’re welcome to stay, but you’re likely to be rather bored. Or, you can leave and come back at seven o’clock if you’d prefer.” After a moment, she nodded and then closed the door again. Smiling at me, she announced, “Your friend will come back for you about seven. We should be able to get you all fixed up by then.”

As she finished, I could hear the door in the outer office close. The doctor and I were now alone.

“Shall we begin?” I nodded, and Dr. Nelson adjusted a switch on the wall, causing the overhead lights to dim significantly. Noting the puzzled expression on my face, she explained that she needed to make the room more conducive to placing me in a hypnotic state. Then she pulled a chain out from the top drawer in her desk; on the chain hung a sphere that seemed to be covered with dozens of tiny mirrors, some clear, some colored. After turning a lamp on the desk on, she sat down next to me again, holding the sphere above and slightly behind my head. The light on the desk played off the mirrors, producing a plethora of little multicolored reflections.

She began to speak, her voice subtly softer. “Now I want you to take three deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply; exhale slowly and completely... good, and another... and now just one more. Very good. Now I want you to just lay back in the chair and relax. Relax every part of your body. Relax every muscle. And as you are relaxing, I want you to watch the shinny ball very closely.” She began rocking the sphere back and forth. “Watch how the light reflects off of the ball, making all those pretty colored lights. Watch closely as all those tiny points of light move back and forth, back and forth, over and over again. And as you watch the lights, I want you to listen carefully to my words.” Was it me, or was her voice continuing to get even softer?

Softer or not, her voice continued. “Good, that’s it... watching the lights very closely now... back and forth... back and forth... all those pretty lights swaying smoothly and gently... smoothly and gently... smoothly and gently... the lights are so relaxing to watch as they move back and forth. And as you continue to watch the lights and listen to my words, you feel yourself relaxing more and more, sinking deeper and deeper into the soft, comfortable chair.”

As she continued rocking the sphere above my head, my eyes began to feel a strain from staring up and back at it. Yet, for some reason, I found myself wanting to watch the fascinating little ball. I suddenly became aware that all of the background noises and sights—such the drone of the air conditioning and the soft glow of the overhead lights—had somehow faded into near obscurity. Indeed, the only things I seemed to be completely aware of were the sphere and the doctor’s soft words. Even the throbbing pain from my tooth had subsided. I swallowed involuntarily, as my mouth suddenly had become bone dry.

Dr. Nelson’s instructions continued, her voice having taken on a very soft, soothing tone. “Yes, you want to keep watching the amazing lights swaying back and forth... swaying gently and smoothly... gently and smoothly... over and over again. You want to listen to my voice, listening carefully to every word I say... Now, as you continue to watch the lights swaying back and forth and you continue to listen to my words, you realize you are beginning to feel very fatigued. Yes indeed, you now find yourself growing very tired. The more you watch the lights, the more tired you become. The more you listen to my words, the more fatigued you become. With every passing moment, every swing of the pendant, you are becoming more and more tired. Yes, totally relaxed now, sinking deeper and ever deeper into my wonderfully comfortable dentist’s chair.”

Don’t ask me how, but all of the sudden I really did feel tired. The doctor’s soothing words continued to pour into my head. “That’s right, as you continue to watch the wonderful lights and listen to my words, you find yourself growing ever more tired... ever more sleepy. Now you can feel your eyelids becoming quite heavy. You’re feeling so incredibly relaxed as you sink deep into my chair... sinking deeper and deeper, deeper and ever deeper. It’s becoming so hard to keep your eyes open as you closely watch the amazing lights going back and forth, slowly and gently.”

As I watched and listened, I could sense my eyelids—now feeling as though they had bricks hanging from them—start to flutter slightly. The doctor’s voice became little more than a whisper. “Now, although you want to keep watching the beautiful lights, you can feel your eyelids starting to close. They’re closing very slowly... very slowly as you continue to grow more and more tired... closing a little more... a little more... as you become more and more tired... totally relaxed as you sink into my incredibly soft chair.” As my eyelids closed about halfway, I could feel my body melting into the dental chair. In fact, I almost couldn’t tell where my body ended and the chair began.

“And now, as you watch the lights sway back and forth one final time, a feeling of overwhelming sleepiness now envelops your whole body... your eyelids are now irresistibly heavy... you simply can’t keep them open any longer... and now they are closed.” On cue, my eyelids slid shut. As the doctor’s voice fell silent, I laid there—eyes closed, completely relaxed, totally unconcerned about anything. My tooth was but a rapidly fading memory. My body motionless in the chair, I suddenly had the sensation that I was floating like a cloud.

Some time later—I couldn’t tell how much later—I vaguely heard some noises coming from what seemed to be far off in the distance. They seemed familiar... like clothing being removed, but I couldn’t be certain. Frankly, in the state I was in, it was very hard for me to be certain about almost anything.

The noises eventually ceased, the doctor’s low voice returned, quietly authoritative in tone. “You’re now in a state of deep hypnosis. You can hear my words clearly, but you hear no other sound. You may not speak or move unless I instruct you to do so. I have taken the pain from your tooth away temporarily, but if you disobey my instructions the pain will come back. I know you don’t want that to happen. I will take the pain away forever if you follow my instructions. Do you understand this? You may speak to answer me now.”

My muted words flowed awkwardly from my cotton dry mouth. It almost seemed like another person inside me answered. “Yes... I understand.”

“You will address me as Dr. Nelson.”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson,” I answered in a soft monotone voice.

“Good. Do you want me to fix your tooth and remove your pain?”

“Yes Dr. Nelson.”

“Then you will carry out all of the instructions I give you?”

“Yes Dr. Nelson... I will carry out all of your instructions,” I concurred, my will suddenly as weak as my voice.

“Very good. You’re doing very well indeed. Now, if I’m to help you, I’m going to have to ask you some questions. By answering these questions, you’ll help me keep the pain from returning. I want you to answer each of the questions simply yes or no. And your answers must be completely truthful. Let’s begin.”

The doctor asked a series of questions about my dental and medical history. Then, suddenly, her questions took a turn in a more personal direction.

“Is the girl who you came here with your girlfriend?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Are you attracted to her?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Are you in love with her?

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Have you had sex with her?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Have you ever had sex with other women besides her?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Have you had sex with many others, say... more than five women?”

“No, Dr. Nelson.”

“Is there anything you like better than having sex?”

“No, Dr. Nelson.”

“Do you still find other women besides your girlfriend attractive?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Would you still like to have sex with other attractive women?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Do you find me attractive?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Do you find me very attractive?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Would you like to have sex with me?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Do you want to have sex with me right now?”

“Yes, Dr. Nelson.”

“Excellent. Now be silent until I tell you to speak again.” I became vaguely aware of a pulling sensation in the crotch of my jeans. The pulling sensation became more intense, as if it were now being applied directly to my body. Although it felt like I was dreaming all of this, I could swear my penis was now being held in somebody’s hand. And the hand wasn’t mine.

The doctor’s voice changed again, becoming more sensual. “Now, I want you to think about all of the pretty girls you have had sex with. Think about their tits, think about their pussys. Think about how good you felt being deep inside each of them. Think about thrusting in and out of them, deeper and deeper, over and over again.”

Even in my foggy state, I could tell that I was getting a hard-on. It seemed like my body was floating again—or was it just the chair moving?

“Yes, think about all of those beautiful women you’ve had sex with... and the ones you wanted to have sex with. Think about all of them. You want all of them to be your girlfriends, all of them to be your girlfriend. Yes, they’re now your girlfriend. They have become one woman just to satisfy your needs. They want to satisfy your needs. She wants to satisfy your needs. And now she wants to take you deep inside of her. You know it will feel so good once you start pumping away inside her. You want nothing more than to be deep inside of her... and once you’re inside, you’ll want to make that feeling last as long as you can. The longer you can make it last the happier you will be. You want it to last until you absolutely can’t hold back any longer.”

The doctor’s voice now seemed much closer, coming from directly over and in front of my face. I felt a weight on my torso. “Now, your girlfriend is on top of you. She’s about to take you inside her. Once you’re inside, you will let her please you by pumping you over and over again. You want that feeling to last as long as possible.” I suddenly felt my engorged penis being sucked into a warm, wet, slippery place. Then, as I became aware of a bouncing sensation, I began to feel a tremendous pleasure. My confused mind told me I was being fucked by my girlfriend. I knew I had to wait to cum to make that incredible sensation last as long as possible. I heard my girlfriend moan with pleasure as she took me deeper inside of her, deeper and deeper...

The moans continued for some time, or so it seemed; I was unaware of the exact passage of time. The moaning eventually climaxed into an explosion of intense pleasure. Then there was silence. The last sounds I heard were of the soft voice, which had become somewhat ragged. “You did so well, my little toy. You will always think of your girlfriend whenever you’re around a pretty woman. Now, I want you to sleep...”

“You can wake up now.” All of the sudden I snapped wide awake, my eyes opening to the image of Dr. Nelson smiling down upon me. Standing behind her was Karen, studying me closely. The pain in my mouth was gone. “Is my tooth fixed?” I asked, my mouth still a bit numb from the Novocain. Dr. Nelson’s blue eyes flashed warmly at me. “Yes, but you’d better come back early next week so I can see how you’re coming along. I want to be certain no further repairs are needed. You can make an appointment with the receptionist on Monday morning. Meanwhile, your friend has returned to take you home.”

Nodding, I lifted myself from the ‘chair of torture.’ My benevolent dictator girlfriend threw me one of her omnipotent smiles, which I tried my hardest to ignore. As I turned towards the dentist, something struck me as being out of place. Was it me, or did Dr. Nelson’s skirt seem slightly askew?

I thanked the doctor, and Karen and I were on our way. “How does your tooth feel?” she asked. “Fine... as good as new,” I replied as we started down the path back towards the dorms. “You know, she used hypnosis on me to control the pain.” Karen’s eyebrows raised slightly. “Hypnosis? What was that like?” I shrugged my shoulders in reply. “To be honest, I really don’t remember a thing after I sat down in the chair.”

All along the way, I couldn’t get the image of the lovely Dr. Nelson out of my head. Everytime my eyes closed I saw that perfect smile. I was as if someone had glued a picture of her to the insides of my eyelids.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived back at my dorm. As we entered the main stairwell, Karen asked if I was unhappy about having to return to the dentist in a few days. Not at all.” I answered with an enthusiasm that clearly surprised her. “Going to the dentist was never something I liked, but Dr. Nelson has changed my mind about all that.”