The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Morningview Psychiatric Hospital

Chapter 1

Madness can be useful, if properly controlled and harnessed. Sex was the key. That was Dr Marr’s philosophy. This was at odds with the Psychiatric community in general. Their goals were a bit different from Dr Marr’s, and usually involved perscribing drugs by the bushell.

How he and his partner, Dr Laszlo Black, came to run Morningview and implement their policies is unknown. Rumors abounded of government or corporation involvement. Ultimately though they produced results. The most famous of which was a CFO who had been comitted after she suffered a massive breakdown and had tried to burn down the company she worked for. She had been comitted shortly after Dr Marr took over. She was released a mere 90 days later. She disappeared from public view for three years, then emerged running a company she had built from the ground up.

4 years had passed since Dr Marr had taken over, and still no other facility could replicate his work. The high rate of functional patients his facility turned out every year was the main reason Darla was committed. Like the CFO who had done 90 days and went on to run her own company, Darla had suffered a mental breakdown while working on her latest novel, and nobody knew why.

Being an author who had hit it big with her first book at the young age of 14, Darla was put on the fast track from then on. With that came pressure to produce sequels and new stories about her characters, all of which she did, and all of which were quality works. But something happened to her around the age of 19, and she started shying away from people. She became more and more withdrawn, spending more and more time alone in her mansion. She visited no one on her 20th birthday.

One day it all came to a head when her parents hadn’t heard from her in days. Fearful she had been murdered, they got the police to enter her home. What they saw was a manifestation of the sheer chaos that had existed in Darla’s mind for a long time. Empty liquor bottles were strewn everywhere. The mansion reeked of rotten food. Open containers of expired food were found everywhere. Furniture was destroyed.

Eventually they found her locked in a small guest bedroom. Signs indicated she had been living in there for a lengthly period of time. She hadn’t bathed in days. When they entered, she didn’t even acknowledge they were there. She sat at her computer, drinking whiskey and typing gibberish. Beside her was an incomplete draft of her latest novel, the last 60 or so pages nothing but gibberish. When she didn’t responsd to them, they tried to remove her. She attacked them.

“They stopped me from writing... They stopped me from writing! THEY STOPPED ME FROM WRITING THEY STOPPED ME FROM WRITING THEY STOPPED ME! THEY STOPPED ME!!!”

Darla sat in Dr Marr’s office screaming this over and over. He just sat there patiently looking at her as she yelled. Eventually she collapsed into the chair sobbing.

“And what were you writing about Darla?”

She immediately stopped crying and looked him in the eye.

“I was writing about the end to Danny, Rainer, and Dizzy.”

“You were going to kill off all three of your characters? Wouldn’t that be harsh for a children’s book?”

Darla smiled at him. “Children have to grow up sooner or later.”

Her eyes seemed to be looking right through him. It was hard for a young woman to look this creepy and deranged, but Dr Marr was unphased.

“That they do.” he agreed.

“” Suddenly her face changed to a normal expression. “So, will I have access to writing facilities here?” she said in a business like tone.

“We will see about that at a later date. For now I want you to get acquanited with our facility, settle in, and get comfortable with the routine. I will schedule a series of theraputic sessions, and—”

She leaped forward and wrapped her hands around his throat. A second later she was pulled off by the two burly orderlies in the room. She started yelling and screaming at him. He was still unphased. He took an electronic collar out from his desk drawer and locked it around her neck. Immediately her struggling stopped. The orderlies released her, but she made no attempt to attack him. Instead, she stood there blinking in puzlement.

“I want to strangle you for denying me my writing facilities, but I can’t make my body do that now. What have you done to me?”

“The impulse control collar is one way we control patients here at Morningview. It’s really just a bandage we use on violent patients until we can make more permanent changes to their minds.”

“I-have-to-finish-my-novel.” She locked her eyes onto his. “I have to kill my characters off now, or they will destroy me.”

“How will they destroy you?”

She laughed. “They started out as mere book characters. But they have become forces that I can no longer control. I want to end their lives the only way I can. One final book, and then its all over.”

“What will you do when it’s all over?”

“I don’t know. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” she replied.

“Heya there new girl! How’d you get collared?”

A woman with long unkempt brown hair sat down next to Darla. She looked at her tray of food and frowned. “Goddamn meatloaf...”

Darla judged her to be in her late twenties. Her skin was pale. Her eyes matched her hair and had a wild unpredictable look to them.

“I attacked Dr Marr, and when I am able to, I will attack you too for bothering me.”

“Oh you won’t be able to honey. Once you’re collared, it doesn’t come off until they fuck with your mind a few times. Plus...”

She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, showing off her fairly well muscled arms.

“It’s not a good idea to attack me, even if you could. I could pull your lungs out of your chest and feed them to you if I chose to do so.”

“Yes, I suppose you could, but I see no collar on you, so I guess you wouldn’t do anything like that.”

The woman tilted her head a bit then smiled. “Observant you are. No I wouldn’t, but I could... if I had to. You couldn’t, collar or not.”

The woman stared at Darla, madness glinting in her eyes. Then suddenly she smiled. “Name’s Chloe by the way. What’s yours?”


“Darla Stevenson? The author?”


“Why did you end up here?”

Darla stared at Chloe, an intense passion burning in her eyes. “They’re trying to stop me from killing off my characters, because childrens books are all supposed to end happily nowadays... but I will end it... I will end Danny, Rainer, and Dizzy, and they will never haunt me again.”

She leaned back and lifted her head. “You will never haunt me again.”

She looked at Chloe, puzzled. “I wanted to yell that.”

“The collars don’t let you yell. Be grateful. If they could let the wearer yell, old man Joe over there would be ranting about how the government is controlled by aliens... Brain damaged Schizophrenic. Not enough of a mind to repair. He’s never leaving.”

“And what about you, uh, Chloe? Why are you here?

She smiled at Darla. “Because I designed the protocols!... and Dr Marr knows it! I designed the protocols for the implementation of the process and the execution of the objectives! And he knows that I know. And I know that he knows that I know. And he knows that I know!”

Suddenly Chloe climbed up onto the table. “I DESIGNED THE PROTOCOLS! I...DESIGNED...THE...PROTOCOOOOLS!!!”

Several patients looked over at Chloe, and two orderlies advanced towards her. She quickly climbed down and sat back in her chair. “Whoa guys. It’s okay. I’m calm now. I’m sitting down and finishing my overcooked flavorless meatloaf now. I just needed to get that off my chest. I’m fine now.”

They stopped advancing. They watched her for several moments as she quietly sat there eating her lunch. Then they walked away to tend to a young Latino man who suddenly decided to have an outburst of his own. Chloe and Darla watched as they restrained the man, then slapped a collar on him.

“Oh Manwell... I tried to warn you...” Chloe sighed and resumed eating her lunch.

“So this is my new home...” Darla said as she paced around her cell. It contained a bed, a toilet, a sink, and nothing else. The bed was a concrete slab that jutted out of the wall with a padded mattress on it. She sat down on this and looked at the padded walls surrounding her. It was pretty quiet. She always pictured psychiatric hospitals as noisy places filled with the screams of patients. But here they couldn’t scream because the collars prevented that.

She decided to test the limits of the collar. She got up, intending to punch the wall. The most she managed was to lightly bump her fist against it. She felt around the collar for a latch or something, but the surface was smooth all around.

She couldn’t write, so she decided to draft her story out loud.

“The end of the Lucky Trio. By Darla Stevenson. Chapter one. Danny, Rainer and Dizzy all sat around their magical table telling of their stories they’ve has as the lucky trio. All the advantures... all the goddamn advantures and all the stories and the goddamn TV show they kept bugging me about and the book signings... The men eying me every goddamn day... B-Boris...”

She fell onto the bed and started sobbing. The universe she had created was no longer innocent. It was poisoned, and she had been poisoned by a man who had violated her in the worst way. No one knew, not the police, not her parents. No one knew, because such things weren’t supposed to happen to the creator of a universe where children happily lived. The characters had caused it to happen, and now she was going to make them suffer.

“And- and then Danny started spewing blood from every oriface of his body while the other two watched in horror. His luck had run out. His luck had run out! Just run out! Blood ran from his eyes and his furry body shriveled up. The trio was now down to a duo. ‘How could it happen?’ they asked themselves. How could it happen indeed? How could it happen? Why did it happen? Why did it happen? Why did it happen?! Why did it happen? Why did it happen... to me?”

She laid there looking at the padded wall. “Why me?” she asked. “Why did he pick me?” The walls had no answer for her.