The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Mollusks and a Master

mc, mf, md

Synopsis: A nerd and model are on vacation, and the model gets stung by a mollusk that makes her want to be the nerd’s slave. Everyone has a problem with this.

Fernandina Beach, Florida was an amazing small town. It had also just had a hurricane blow over it. It wasn’t a huge hurricane, or a slow one, and it was a glancing blow. The locals were saying that it was nothing. To Unis Waterfield and Delisha “Del” Sibarium, the storm was the worst they’d ever seen.

“I want to see the waves,” Unis was saying as he got his swim trunks on at the hotel room.

“The front desk said that the water would look all muddy and such,” Delisha said, but followed suit by going into the bathroom to change into her bikini.

The two were an unlikely pair. Unis was tall and scrawny with brown hair that never stayed in place, and glasses so thick that without them he was legally blind. To look at him one would think he was a nerd and not the best predictive crime programmer in the country.

Delisha was a model, and everyone knew it. She had naturally blond hair she kept long, and usually in a ponytail. Her skin was pale pink, and flawless all over. Because of this, her obsessive exercising, and three years before she got 450 cc breast implants, she looked like a living Barbie doll, with amazing muscle tone.

The pair decided to take a vacation together, to save money, and because they were very good friends. Because of this they had no problem sharing a room, with two queen-size beds, in the town of Fernandina Beach. The plan was to go to the beach north of Forth Clinch State Park, while staying in the town near the Amelia River. The hurricane changed those plans and the park’s roads were closed due to flooding, and the beaches on the Amelia River were not like the ones on the other side of the city that faced the ocean. Despite this the friends went down to the Amelia River to see what they could see.

“It feels like home,” Delisha was saying shifting her shoulder bag as she looked at the muddy river and muddy banks. There were a handful of people walking around, looking at the muddy sand, and picking up a few things here and there.

“Where’re you from?” An older woman asked. She had on a white outfit and a broad white hat.

“Ohio,” Delisha said.

“I hated Ohio,” The woman stated. “I’m from there, and love Florida so much better.”

“Are people collecting shells?” Unis asked realizing how cold it was, and his swim trunks were inadequate for the weather.

“Oh, these are Olive seashells,” the woman was saying. “A hurricane stirs them up, and you can go around and get a bunch of them.”

She held up a shell that looked like a mini football in shape, tapered at each end, and a slit on the side. There was a wonderful array of red and brown dots on an otherwise tan shell. Unis looked down, into the woman’s gloved hand, and out came a small tentacle startling Unis. Unis jumped back and Delisha laughed at him. Unis seemed startled.

“It’s alive!” Unis said pointing at the woman’s gloved hand.

“Of course, it’s alive, where do you think shells come from dear?” The old woman said and looked at Unis with disappointment. The old woman turned and looked at Delisha to say, “You can do much better than him, honey.”

“He’s usually much quicker than this,” Delisha said and then realized what the woman was talking about. “We’re not together. We’re just good friends.”

The woman spoke low enough for only Delisha to hear, “Make sure he knows that.”

“Should we be wearing gloves, and shoes?” Unis asked looking at the shells all around his bare feet.

“Oh yes,” the woman was saying. “Until these little critters have a chance to dry out and die in the sun, they will be very angry, and could sting you.”

“Snails, these are snails,” Unis said as if realizing it for the first time. “Can’t some mollusks be venomous?”

“There he goes with the big words,” Delisha said in mock insult.

“He’s right,” the woman said putting the shell back in her bucket. “Some of these critters can have a sting on them that will hurt like someone stabbed you in the hand, but it is worth it. Some of my friends have found some shells that had snails in them that are unknown to science. Philip down the way from me got a hundred dollars from some science guys for a snail they’d never seen before. It killed all the fish in his aquarium, but he got more.”

“So, gloves,” Unis said.

“If you want,” the woman said. “I’m going to go back at it before all the good ones are taken. You,” she said pointing at Unis, “treat her like a queen.”

“I always do,” Unis said.

Delisha rolled her eyes as the old woman went off looking for more shells. The blond model looked around and saw a few rocks off in the distance. She started heading for them. Unis had to catch up.

“What are we doing?” Unis asked.

“You’re going to film me while I do a few workout moves on the rocks over there,” Delisha said. “I didn’t wear this bikini for old guys to stare at me.”

“You did it so paying people on your Patrion can stare at you,” Unis joked.

“Yes, exactly, as long as they’ve paid for a subscription,” Delisha said with a smile. She pulled open her bag and got out a rolled-up bright pink yoga mat. She then smiled at her friend giving the bag to Unis. She climbed up onto the rocks, letting the sunlight bathe her body in the yellow glow. “How do I look?” Delisha asked.

“Amazing as always,” Unis said scrambling up the rocks to look around. “Oh, watch yourself. That sandy spot behind you is littered with those snails.”

Delisha looked behind her and snickered. “Don’t fall backwards, got it,” She said as she positioned the yoga mat. She planted her feet firmly on the foam and started to stretch as Unis got the phone’s video recording going.

For ten minutes things were going well. Delisha was doing wide sweeping moves of her arms and legs in regular patterns that could have been an exercise routine. She was doing hops and lunges. She was doing pushups, squats, and crunches. Then when she was doing hip twists, something moved the rock she was on. Either something crumbled, shifted, or just gave way, the large rock Delisha was on shifted violently, and all but tossed the woman off.

“Del!” Unis said in shock as she tumbled off the large rock.

Unis jumped over the rocks he was on and over to where Delisha went. She fell right in the muddy sand where the snail shells were. She was on her back, stunned with the wind knocked out of her, looking up at the blue sky as Unis bounded over to her. Just as Unis was about to get to her Delisha’s eyes shot open and she started to scream. It was a loud piercing scream of someone in extreme pain. Unis got to Delisha as she was rigid as the scream was still coming out of her mouth. Given she could move her body made Unis think she wasn’t paralyzed, but she was all but frozen from whatever was making her scream.

“My back!” Delisha screamed as her body started to shake. “They’re on my back!”

Unis lifted up her top half and saw over a dozen now shell free snails attached to Delisha’s back, and there were long pseudopods repeatedly grabbing her skin. Unis grabbed the snails and started ripping them off Delisha’s back. He was going so quick, only one of them got his hand. It hurt, like someone was stepping on his hand and then smashing it with a hammer, but he kept at it taking the snails off Delisha’s back. There were some that were bright colors, and some that were mud brown, and some that looked almost transparent.

Unis used all his muscles to pull Delisha back up onto the rock on her side and away from the snails. He kept pulling them off her legs, and firm ass. Delisha was crying now, but she was moving. As soon as the last mollusk was off her body Unis went around to check on her. She looked paler than usual, with her pupils dilated and her eyelids twitching.

“I’m calling an ambulance,” Unis said and grabbed for the phone using the hand that had not been stung by a mollusk. It was the phone that minutes before was recording Delisha’s workout.

“Don’t leave me,” Delisha said trying to grab Unis’s hand but was too weak to do so.

Unis took her hand in his and held tight despite the numbing pain that was traveling up his arm. “I swear, I’m not going anywhere,” Unis said with a grin. “You’re stuck with me forever,” Unis said with a reassuring smile. Delisha nodded, and then closed her eyes.

Minutes later the ambulance came and took both Delisha and Unis to the emergency room. Delisha was in bad shape. Unknown toxins were circulating in her system. Her heart rate was dangerously low, her breathing was shallow, and her brain activity was frighteningly small. Unis at first denied any treatment for himself, concerned about Delisha, but eventually he was persuaded to get his hand checked out. Unis’s first call was to Delisha’s parents and got an ear-full from them. His second call was to the hotel to see if someone could bring over their clothes and was grateful that this was possible. After that Unis got to see Delisha.

As soon as Unis sat down next to Delisha, and took her hand in his, the machines around Delisha perked up. Her ventilator wasn’t helping her breathe since she was doing so on her own. Her heartrate monitor got back onto a steady rhythm. Even the EEG of her brain showed increased activity. This was good, and the doctor on call came in to say as much to Unis.

Ten minutes later Delisha opened her eyes to see Unis sitting there, gazing at her. The heartrate monitors spiked, and so did her breathing. Her brainwaves shifted and increased in amplitude and frequency. A few minutes later a nurse came in and removed almost all the equipment from Delisha.

The first words from Delisha were to Unis. With a depth of emotion that would have been more appropriate after a marriage proposal Delisha said, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Unis said. The EKG of the heart spiked which startled the nurse that was undoing everything. “Del, are you okay?” Unis asked Delisha.

“No,” Delisha said not taking her eyes off Unis, or blinking much. “I need you to say it again, and again, and mean it.”

“Say what?” Unis asked confused.

“I love you,” Delisha said and this time it sounded almost sexual.

“Del, I love you,” Unis said, and the blond woman came close to moaning. “I’ve always loved you, but you were the one that put up boundaries and I was okay with that since I could still be with you.”

“No boundaries,” Delisha said with a dry mouth. “I love you, and I say anything you want is fine. No, not fine, necessary. I love you and will do anything for you.”

The nurse and Unis exchanged glances. In that look there was an unspoken communication that this wasn’t right. The nurse nodded as she took the cart full of equipment out of the room.

When the door closed Unis turned back to Delisha. “Del, what’s going on?” Unis asked with a touch of force in his voice.

“I don’t know,” Delisha said. “I love you, and that seems to be the only thing I can think about. I want to please you, make you happy, do everything I can for you.”

“Why?” Unis asked. “Don’t get me wrong, this is like a dream come true for me, but you didn’t use to act like this.”

“You’ve always been there for me,” Delisha said with a smile. The pair took each other’s hands and held them. “You jumped into a pit of poisonous snails to save me. You were there when I lost consciousness, and there when I woke up. You’re the bravest and smartest person I’ve ever met. It’s probably killing you I called the snails poisonous and not venomous.”

“I was going to let that slide since I’m just happy you pulled through,” Unis said with a smile. “Don’t you want to be with some of those muscular guys from the gym? How about someone with tons of money?”

“You have tons of money,” Delisha said. “You wrote that program that all the police use.”

“I have, enough money,” Unis said thinking. “You’re beautiful, and quick witted, and driven. You could find some old billionaire that’s three breaths away from kicking the bucket and have him.”

“I only want you,” Delisha said gazing into Unis’s eyes. “I only love you. I only want to please you. If you want me to go away and never come back, I will. If you want me to be your wife, I will. If you want me barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen, I will.”

“What do you want from me, then?” Unis asked with concern.

“You just need to be with me,” Delisha said. “You need to be the man I know you are. I need you to be honest with me, and tell me whatever you want, whenever you want it.”

“I love you, and care for you more than you can imagine,” Unis said, and Delisha heard the condition coming and frowned at it. “I want you to get checked out by a psychological professional so we can make sure nothing bad happened to you.”

“Of course,” Delisha said with a vigorous nod of her head. “Anything you want.”

“You also need to call your parents,” Unis said fishing around for his phone.

“Of course, M—,” Delisha said and stopped before she said the last word that was on her lips.

“Here,” Unis said handing Delisha the phone. “I’ll be in the hallway so you can have some privacy.”

“NO!” Delisha said instantly. “Sorry, but no, um, you don’t have to go. I’m fine with you being right here.”

“How about this,” Unis said standing. “You talk to your folks, and I get you some ice chips for your throat.”

“If that’s what you command,” Delisha said sounding unhappy about it.

Unis left quickly and went to the nurse’s station. A psychological evaluation was already scheduled. It was advisable for Unis to stay with Delisha to make sure there were no other noticeable changes in her behavior. Unis got the ice chips and was back in Delisha’s room in minutes.

“—Love him and will do anything for him!” Delisha was yelling into the phone not seeing Unis. “So what, I love him so I can call him anything I want!”

Unis came in and looked confused. “Call me what?” He asked.

Delisha blushed and it was the first real color she’d had since the accident. “I’m just trying out pet names,” Delisha said embarrassed.

“Del,” Unis said looking at her, “tell me what you were calling me.”

“Master,” Delisha said automatically. She then seemed to realize what she had just said and looked even more embarrassed. Then she must have heard something on the phone since she then put the phone out for Unis. “Daddy wants to talk to you.”

Unis swapped the ice chips for the phone and put the call on speaker, and the phone on the table next to the bed Delisha was in. “Mister Sibarium,” Unis said into the air a foot above the phone.

“Don’t you ‘Mister Sibarium’ me mister,” Delisha’s father yelled. “I hear that Del’s been poisoned by some kind of sea snails, and now she’s calling you ‘Master’ and saying she’s in love with you! Whatever drugs you two are using, stop!”

There was a small commotion on the other end of the line, a distinct sound of someone getting elbowed in the ribs, and a friendly woman’s voice came over the phone. “Hello Unis, this is Susan,” Delisha’s mom said over the phone. “You have to forgive Abraham. He’s worried about his little girl. We both are.”

“I got Del to the hospital as soon as I could,” Unis said, and Delisha just gave him a loving look.

“I’m sure you did,” Susan said. “I also know how Delisha is. When she wants to do something, she does it. That includes exercising on unstable rocks. The question I have is, should Abraham and I come down to you two?”

Unis looked at Delisha, who gave no indication one way or another. “I think we’ll be heading back to Ohio,” Unis said. “I’m pretty sure our vacation is over with as soon as Del is released. What do you think Del?”

“Whatever you want,” Delisha said with manic love in her voice.

“Okay,” Susan said hearing the same thing. “Unis would you be so kind as to text or email me the details of your flight when you get it. I’m sure Abraham and I want to see Delisha as soon as possible.”

“Will do,” Unis said.

“Thank you, could you take the phone off speaker and give it to Delisha,” Susan asked politely. “I have a few things I would like to tell my daughter.”

“Mom,” Delisha said taking the phone and pressing the button herself. “I’m not a child,” Delisha said into the phone. “You act like it’s a big deal,” Delisha said looking at Unis. “I’m not acting weird,” Delisha said. “Maybe it’s just love?” “Like you don’t have pet names for Daddy.” “That’s not a pet name.” “Mom, why do you think I want to hear this?” “Sure, I’ve seen him naked.” “Well, no, but it’s not like he waves it around.” “Do I need to pull my ‘I am an adult now’ card?” “Okay, fine, I will!” “No.” “Yes.” “MOM!” “I will.” “I said I will!” “My life, my conversation!” “I will.” “I love you too, and Daddy.” “You don’t even own a shotgun, Daddy.” “I’ll call later, love you, by.”

There was a pause before Unis had to ask, “So?”

“Mom and Daddy want me to talk to you about our relationship,” Delisha said scooping some ice chips into her mouth.

“The relationship I didn’t know we had an hour ago,” Unis said.

“You knew,” Delisha said with the roll of her eyes. “Let’s face it, I’m a model, and you’re a computer nerd. We’ve known each other since our early teens. The fact a near death experience has opened my eyes to how much I love you, care for you, and need you in every way possible shouldn’t be a surprise.”

“I think it is the ‘Master’ part of the relationship that your parents have a problem with,” Unis said grabbing a chair and sitting down.

“Okay, so I might need to be checked out about this,” Delisha said and took another scoop of ice chips.

“What about the whole ‘do whatever I tell you to do’ part of things,” Unis said. “I’m not interested in some kind of mindless slave.”

“How about an obedient one?” Delisha said in a way that could have been joking. “Look, right now, in my head, you are front and center. I close my eyes, and I see you in my head. I look at you and can feel like I’m open to anything and everything you are and want me to be. I’ve been running through my head about anything that you could tell me to do, and I wouldn’t do it. Short of killing someone I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do for you. Now, it’s your turn.”

Unis thought for a second. “I’ve always loved you, even if when we dated for that short amount of time we broke up, I still loved you,” Unis said. “I’ve always been there for you out of love. Remember in college when you were dating that football player everyone said was no good for you? When you realized why we were trying to warn you, I was there. Remember when you got out on your own and when we went grocery shopping together because you didn’t have a car, and I would always say we’d split the receipt, but never did. I did that because I love you. I was there to help you recover after you had your boob job. I was there for you when you had that fever that knocked you out for a few days. You’ve taken me to so many of your cousins’ weddings, I swear your relatives believed we were already married. I will always be with you because I love you.”

“Do you think about having sex with me?” Delisha asked.

Unis took her hands in his and answered, “Several times a day. You are sexy all the time, and the idea of making love to you drives me crazy because I know no one could possibly compare to you.”

“Sexy all the time,” Delisha said with a raised eyebrow. “Like when I’m exercising without makeup, and I’m all sweaty and hot?”

“You without makeup just shows how naturally good looking you are,” Unis stated. “Being all hot and sweaty makes me think about making you hot and sweaty on your back with your legs open and me inside of you.”

Delisha’s eyes rolled up and she let out a low moan of pleasure. “God,” she whispered. “You’re making me hot and wet just talking like that. As soon as we’re out of this hospital I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

“Promises, promises,” Unis said just as there was a knock on the door and a staff member brought in the pair’s suitcases with their clothes.

Delisha did go for a psychological evaluation. It was the term of her release. Unis sat out in the hallway. It took almost an hour before Delisha came out with a big smile and Unis was asked to come into the office. Unis got a quick lecture on the proper way to treat a person who might be going through trauma. A few more warnings and suggestions and Unis was able to take Delisha back to their hotel room.

“Fuck me now,” Delisha said as soon as they were in their room. She ripped off her clothes. She actually grabbed her t-shirt and pulled until the fabric ripped. She ripped apart the front clasp on her bra. She didn’t rip off her bottoms, but instead slid down her shorts and panties to the floor to step out of them.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Unis asked one last time.

“I want to please you,” Delisha said moving like a sex hungry predator. “I want to make you happy in every way possible. If you’ve been dreaming about having sex with me, now’s your chance. I will do anything you want, anything!” That last part was something Unis truly believed.

“So, you’ll do anything I want,” Unis asked.

“Anything,” Delisha agreed.

“Freeze, like a statue,” Unis said, and Delisha’s eyes went wide. She did stop moving. Even her breathing slowed. Her eyes seemed frozen, staring straight ahead as Unis moved around her. He was behind her and cupped her breasts with his hands, feeling their firm weight, and confirming the thoughts that for years had been in his head, they felt wonderful. He leaned over and nibbled her earlobe and then whispered, “Flex for me.”

Still unmoving, and still staring straight ahead Delisha flexed her body. Every part of her suddenly had muscles pop out. Biceps swelled into tight balls on her arms. Abdominal muscles surrounded the valley of her navel with hills of packs of muscles. Her legs became snakes of cords of muscles. Even her back became mirror images of the same parcels of tight muscles.

“That is so sexy seeing the results of all your hard work and dedication to fitness,” Unis said. “You need to keep that up, or even go harder at it, to keep this body that I like. I do like your body. I love how smooth your ass is.” With that Unis ran his hands all over Delisha’s firm bare ass, making her pussy burn.

“I like how you have these tight muscles,” Unis said moving around to Delisha’s front, and running his hands on her thighs and abs. The smell of sex filled the room as Delisha’s pussy got wet enough to start to leak its sticky clear juices out from her slit.

“Most of all, I love how you’ve decided to eliminate the barrier you put up between us,” Unis said kissing her frozen lips. “Now you not only can accept my love but give me love back. You may move now.”

Delisha roared as she grabbed Unis’s shirt and ripped it apart, and then tossed him onto the bed like he was a stuffed doll and proceeded to rip his shorts off his legs. In an instant she was on him, kissing his bare chest, rubbing her naked body against his, and sliding her wet and naked pussy up his leg.

“I love you,” Delisha was saying as she kissed Unis’s body. “I want to obey you. I want to please you. Let me please you with my body, Master.”

“Okay,” Unis said as he realized he was naked, and Delisha was naked, and she was on top of him. What’s more is Delisha knew, and knew he was hard. She reached down between her legs and guided him into her.

Both grunted as Unis entered Delisha. Unis didn’t believe it could feel that good, being warm, and surrounded by flesh, and flesh of a woman he’d lusted after for so long. Delisha had her mouth hanging open as she let Unis’s unit slide into her. She was shuddering as her body was being filled by his man-meat. She started to sweat as there was a squishing sound coming from her vagina. She used her powerful legs to drive her body up and down on Unis’s shaft. It only took a handful of thrusts before Delisha started to climax.

Her body flexed as her pussy gave a small squirt onto Unis’s cock bush. Her eyes rolled up as she continued to pulverize his cock. Her legs and body were shaking as she slammed her pussy down on his cock so he was balls deep inside of her as contractions drove away thought from her mind.

In minutes Delisha found herself on top of Unis. She had passed out from the orgasm and Unis let her pass out on top of him until she slept it off. He was still inside of her.

“Did you cum?” she quickly asked.

“No, but that was wonderful,” Unis said, but Delisha pulled off Unis and then scooted down his body. She hovered over his sex-slime covered cock and went for it. She took his cock into her mouth and sucked. She drew in his rod like a thick strand of spaghetti. The feeling of her mouth on his dick made Unis’s eyes bulge. One of her hands was rubbing his balls giving them just the right pleasure and pain. Her other hand was circling and stroking his shaft with slow rhythmic motions. As Unis felt himself pulled down her throat, he had a concern.

“Don’t do more than you can handle,” Unis said quickly.

Delisha pulled her head, slowly, off his cock, but still playing with his balls and shaft, to look up at him and say, “As you command, Master.” Delisha then sucked his cock down further than before.

“I’m not sure how much I like that name,” Unis said quickly.

“Call me a slave, Master,” Delisha said after she popped his cock free from her mouth. “I think it would be such a turn on to hear that from you.” With that she went back to drawing his dick deep within her.

“I want you to enjoy this too, slave,” Unis said to test the word.

Delisha gave a start. Her mouth kept doing its sucking and slurping of Unis’s manhood, but the rest of her body was a different story. Her hand that had been playing with his balls went between her legs. As soon as fingers touched clit, everything but her mouth went wild. Legs spread and squeezed. Her abs flexed and bunched. Her arms shook as her ass also vibrated from internal forces. Delisha was climaxing after being called a slave.

“I’m going to cum,” Unis said quickly getting off the bed and standing up.

Delisha got her face off Unis’s member and quickly said, “Cum on me, in me, or whatever. Mark me as your slave, Master. I am here for your pleasure. I am your slave, your cum dumpster, and your cock sheath. Let me serve you, Master.”

Unis shot his seed out. It landed on Delisha’s face, some in her mouth, some in her hair, and some across her eye. His next shot landed on her breasts, making them glisten with his cum. Delisha got her face right under his cock and the last weak shot landed on her chin. She was all smiles as she rubbed his white into her skin like a porn star.

Delisha was scooping the semen into her mouth and sucking it down. She was sucking her fingers, watching Unis the whole time. She was swaying her body, showing her sexy moves and curves, and knowing he liked her muscles, the tight loads of her physiques just under her skin.

“How else may I please you, Master?” Delisha asked in a sexy husky voice.

Unis sighed as he got onto the bed and under the blankets. “Why don’t we spend one more night here before heading back to Ohio,” Unis said. “You know, together.”

“Only if you call me, slave, Master,” Delisha said crawling up to the head of the bed.

“Get under the covers with me, slave, so I can enjoy your body even while asleep,” Unis commanded.

Delisha shivered with sexual delight. “I am yours to do with as you wish, Master,” Delisha said as she rubbed her bottom and back against Unis’s chest and crotch.

Unis wrapped his arms around her, and the quiet hum of the air conditioner was the only sound except for their gentle breathing. All was calm. All was quiet. All was good.

“I haven’t used the bathroom or eaten since before the accident,” Unis said perplexed.

* * *

Delisha couldn’t get the worry off her face at the ICU anymore than she could get the red from her eyes. She was cold, very cold. It was from the antibiotics she had to take because of all the wounds caused by the snail shells that had punctured her back after the rock broke under her. Now she was wearing a thick sweatshirt promoting The Ohio State, and sweatpants. She looked tired and worried as she couldn’t take her eyes off Unis.

His hair was still a mess, but so was the rest of him. There were tubes going into every part of his body. His skin was pale white. His lips had a tinge of blue. His fingernails also seemed to have a blue trace as his arms were on top of the blanket that covered most of his unmoving form.

Delisha’s mother Susan came up behind her daughter to soothe her. “There’s nothing you could have done,” Susan said.

“He jumped into that pit of venomous snails without a care for himself, mom,” Delisha said starting to cry again. “He pulled that snail off me before it could sting me, and now he’s in a coma.”

“Unis always would do anything for you,” Abraham said from the chair in the ICU just inside the curtain. “The boy’s been like a son to me, and that was before his parents passed. You two grew up together so much I swear I know as much about him as I do you. I know you two love each other more than anything.”

“I know,” Delisha said trying to dry her eyes with her sleeve. “He loves me, and now I can’t tell him that I love him too! God, why!” Delisha went over and took Unis’s hand in hers, feeling how cold he was. “Please,” Delisha was crying while saying the words letting them flow like her tears, “don’t do this to me. Come back to me. I’ll do anything. You swore you weren’t going anywhere, well do not go to the other side. I’ll do anything for you, please don’t leave me.”

“Only say that if you mean it,” Abraham said from the chair.

“I do mean it Daddy,” Delisha said crying. “He’s smart, and witty, and brave, and I couldn’t do any better than him, and I never told him! I’d do anything for him, if he just wakes up.”

“Let’s pray,” Susan said taking her daughter’s hands. Susan encouraged her husband to join her to pray over Unis. “If the Lord wants to call Unis back to be with his own parents, then we can at least call out to God so He knows there will be people here on Earth that will miss his child. Dear Lord, please allow your spark of life to remain in Unis Waterfield so that he may be with those of us that love him. We ask in your almighty wisdom to grant us this finite time we have in this world be shared with Unis. In your son’s holy name Jesus Christ, we ask this of you, amen.”

“Amen,” Delisha and her father said at the same time.

Just then the curtain flew open, and a doctor came rushing in with a thin white plastic box. “Please step aside,” the doctor said.

“Doctor Masters?” Abraham asked.

“We got the antivenom, or at least what we hope is the antivenom,” Doctor Masters said. “Since we don’t know exactly what mollusk stung Mister Waterfield, we’re working on the assumption it was a subspecies of the blue cone snail. This was flown out from California. At this point I’m willing to try anything.” With that the doctor plunged the needle into the access port on the IV in Unis’s hand.

“When will we know if it worked?” Delisha asked with a touch of hope for the first time in ages.

“Watch the EEG, and if it starts to go up in activity then he might have a chance,” Doctor Masters said. “I’ve consulted with a few marine biologists, and they give this the best chance of any kind of success.”

“Wait,” Delisha said putting her finger to the small peeks of the brain monitor. “I saw something.” Delisha reached down and took Unis’s hand. “Come on, you jerk, you swore to me. You never swear. That’s part of what I love about you. Come on back to me. Come on. I need you back. I need you to tell me all kinds of nerdy things I didn’t know were real. I need you to be my partner, more than my partner. I need you. Please, come back.” She was crying while she talked.

“Honey,” Abraham said putting his hand on her arm, one of the few places on her that didn’t have a bandage under her sweater. Delisha looked up at the EKG and there was a steady increase in activity.

“If he opens his eyes buzz the nurses,” Doctor Masters said taking away the needle and slim plastic box.

Twenty minutes later there was steady brain activity, steady heart rate, and even his breathing had become less reliant on the respirator. His eyelids started twitching. Delisha had not taken her eyes off him the entire time, the button on a cable to call the nurses in her hand. As soon as his eyelids pried themselves open Delisha pushed the button. She cried tears of joy when she saw the sides of his face pull up a little with a smile.

He couldn’t move his fingers or toes just yet, and talking was slurred but the first words out of Unis’s mouth after getting the tube removed and ice chips inside was, “Let’s never go to Florida again. This never happens in Ohio.”

“Anything you want,” Delisha said holding his now warm hand.

“Oh, have I got a dream to tell you about,” Unis said letting his head rest on the pillow.

The End