The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive




One month later, John Silverton sighed, leafing idly through the stack of official and very credible documents he had been given for resources. He closed the folder and locked it securely inside his briefcase. He had taken some of his annual leave and worked day and night to almost finish the book. Now, except for the ending, which he had not yet been able to imagine or create, it was done. He intended to send it off to the publishers, as soon as the right type of finish came to him. It would be released within three months.

Scripting the story around the truthful facts hadn’t been easy. He hadn’t been quite sure how to begin, or in what fictional setting he should enshroud the important truths and awareness that might help the reader toward becoming a part of the intended and desired trend toward critical mass consciousness.

The whole thing had become so overwhelming at times as he worked, that he had stopped often and shaken his head, not believing what he had just written; what he had read, had been told, or even, that which he had been asked to do.

Now it was almost done, but he felt no better for having done it. He knew, and, he couldn’t unknow. It was the most depressing period of his life. He just couldn’t see how one little science fiction book was going to help anyone.

As he puzzled over the perfect ending to the book, his tired, depressing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. The frown of annoyance appeared instantly across his forehead, instigated by his surprise that anyone would be calling on him at eight o’clock at home on a Saturday night.

For a moment, he thought of his ex-wife, then immediately grinned and discounted the idea, knowing she’d rather send him a letter bomb than call on him in person. He almost felt the same way about her, but not quite.

Dragging himself up from his comfortable writing chair, he walked slowly to the door, running his fingers through his hair. Images came and went through his mind of the faces of those that might possibly be waiting on the other side of his door, but, by the time his hand had gripped the doorknob, he was none the wiser.

He opened it and immediately felt his mouth drop open slightly. His eyes stung painfully. Then he shut his mouth and smiled, embarrassed. It was Christie.

His heart sang and his eyes continued to sting. In her hands, she held a casserole dish. The tantalising aroma assaulted his nostrils and then his stomach with a savage vengeance. He hadn’t got around to eating anything since breakfast, instead, preferring to focus on the book and its future ending. His shining gaze dropped to the round dish once more then quickly found her smiling eyes again.

‘You don’t look sick to me,’ she said, grinning, her eyes shining with his.

‘I’m not,’ he admitted with an embarrassed smile, standing aside for her to enter.

She looked and smelled gorgeous.

‘Thank you,’ she said softly. ‘I whipped something up, just in case you were.’

She placed the bowl down on the table and looked around.

‘Guaranteed to raise the living or the dead,’ she added.

He chuckled at her seemingly reading his mind. So did she. Then she straightened and turned to face him, her gaze looking him up and down, as if he were something in a store she was about to purchase or throw aside for something better. He was so glad to see her. His heart was bursting.

‘Do I pass?’ He asked, smiling.

‘Of course,’ she grinned, ‘you always did, right from the beginning, but you look as if you could do with a shower and a change of clothes.’

He looked down at himself, knowing she was right. Suddenly, he felt embarrassed, tired and dirty-certainly not presentable for her unexpected and wonderful company, but, he was hungry. He hadn’t noticed before just how much. He shook his head tiredly and grinned.

‘Yep,’ he said. ‘I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.’

Twenty minutes later, he walked back into the lounge room. She wasn’t there. She was sitting at the kitchen table. Set on formal placemats, were two steaming plates of beef casserole. The delicious smell hit him the instant he entered the room.

He smiled, wondering where she’d found the tablecloth and placemats. He could never find them when he’d searched-not that he’d ever had need of them.

‘I won’t ask,’ he grinned, sitting down opposite her.

‘Don’t,’ she grinned. ‘Got to have some secrets to keep you interested.

He smiled, noticing that she dropped her gaze immediately, after having said her last words. Then she looked up, grinning.

‘Let’s go,’ she said. ‘No ceremony to stand on, unless you want to make one up.’

Jesus, he thought-she’s mothering me.

He shook his head, smiling, then began to eat the delicious meal-grateful for her misplaced compassion toward a single, white male living on his own by choice, and, who, by sheer good luck alone, hadn’t managed yet to starve to death in those circumstances.

John’s heart was happy for the first time he could remember. As they ate, he noticed her looking at him from time to time. On two of those occasions, she had the strangest look upon her face. And on those occasions, he had just grinned and continued eating. Her eyes seemed deep and milky, but intense, as if attempting to look inside him, somehow.

All too soon, his meal was finished. One piece of thickly buttered bread soon mopped up the last vestiges of the delicious casserole. She chuckled as he put the last piece into his mouth.

‘Feed the man meat,’ she smiled.

He laughed and leaned back in his chair, then patted his belly contentedly.

‘Thank you,’ he said sincerely, glancing at his empty coffee cup. ‘I feel like a fat cat.’

‘Go in and relax,’ she said, getting up from the table. ‘I’ll make us another coffee and then clear this lot away.’

‘Leave it,’ he said, getting up and heading toward the lounge and his favourite chair.

‘No,’ she said behind him.

He knew she meant it and let it go. He was too tired to argue. If washing dishes turned her on, he thought-she could have it all to herself.

Within five minutes she brought him a coffee and then returned to the kitchen. Seemingly in no time, and, with very little noise, she was back, settling comfortably into the other single chair in his lounge room. It sat opposite him and slightly to the left. She smiled. It was a nice smile, a contented smile, and a female smile. Sipping her coffee, she gazed down at the carpet.

‘Are you going to tell me?’ She asked, not looking up. ‘Or is our working partnership over, too, before it’s even begun?’ Her face was serious.

He knew it would come and felt his back against the wall.

A rock and a hard place, he grinned-why am I always wedged in there in some way?

Now, she was looking at him with those milky female eyes again, sending him on a guilt trip, but he felt he could drown in those eyes. His body then suddenly stirred very strongly, a surge of pure male adrenaline radiating upward from his groin. He felt warm and flushed, but from guilt, embarrassment or raging male hormones, he wasn’t quite sure.

What he was sure of, however, was the feeling of his heart’s fondness for the tall, beautiful blonde woman who sat there gazing strongly back at him, as if she were waiting for him to take the lead, or to do something. He was so glad to see her. He wondered if she felt the same, after the way that he had treated her.

She had arrived unannounced out of concern for his welfare, bringing with her, food and her cheerful company, even after he had ignored her calls. That meant something to him. She liked him. It wasn’t often that it happened, if ever. He wasn’t quite sure where the evening was going to take them both, but he felt or sensed that it was going to take them both somewhere. It had been so long since he’d lain in the arms of a caring woman, or any woman, for that matter, he smiled silently.

He realised then that he had missed her company greatly.

God, don’t give me a decision, he thought, not amused at his predicament.

And then suddenly, he made one, and, without a chosen thought in his head. He reached down and unlocked his briefcase then took out the almost finished manuscript and gave it to her. Without looking at him, she took it and began reading it immediately, flicking through the pages at a fast pace, which surprised him.

‘Speed reader?’ He asked, grinning.

‘It’s your large typeface,’ she answered, quietly smiling, but not looking up.

He made himself two more coffees while waiting for her to finish, saying nothing the entire time. When she turned over the last page, one hour and twenty silent minutes later, and glanced quickly up at him. The question mark was evident across her brow. He shrugged and grinned sheepishly.

‘I haven’t got there yet,’ he defended, not having an ending.

He watched her looking at him. She wasn’t smiling. He wondered what she was thinking, what she thought of the book. Hating criticism, he figured he could take it from her, if from anyone.

Carefully, she handed him back the manuscript. He took it and locked it back away in his briefcase, once again. When he looked up, she still hadn’t smiled. Her face was serious, her blue eyes, deep and milky. His groin stirred, waiting for her to deliver her review, but she just sat there, gazing at him.

‘What?’ He asked, finally.

‘Do you have an idea for an ending yet?’ She asked, still not smiling.

‘No,’ he replied.

Then suddenly he became fed up with feeling as if he were on the defensive, about a lot of things. He rose from the chair and faced her, staring strongly down into her eyes.

Secret governments, he thought-Aliens, books, no endings and a woman who likes me for some strange reason and whose body always drives me crazy. It’s all too much.

‘Stand up,’ he said firmly, watching her eyebrows arch high on her forehead.

‘What?’ She queried, and then smiled softly.

‘Stand up,’ he repeated more firmly.

Her smile faded slowly, but it faded completely, replaced by a deep and meaningful look of seriousness, the likes of which he had never seen before in his life on the face of a woman.

‘Yes,’ she said softly.

Then, slowly, without taking her eyes from his, she rose to her feet and just looked at him. He had had enough of the world and all of its problems. The world had broken the deal he had made with it and it with him. He had written the damn book like they had wanted him to. He had given to the world. Now he needed something else. He needed to live and he sensed that she did, too, in her own way, and for her reasons.

All of the government secrecy, all of the Aliens and their associated problems and agendas could go take a hike for a while, he thought, feeling his gaze deepen into hers-he just needed to be who he really was and felt like being right then-a normal and natural human male.

Powerfully sensual images of the sexually feral female he had seen in the video flashed vividly through his mind and imagination. Then, again without choosing his words, he spoke and was instantly surprised at the words he heard leave his lips with meaning and serious intent.

‘This may or may not come as a surprise to you, but I’m very fond of you,’ he told her. ‘I also find you incredibly sexually attractive and very desirable. If you’re still standing here, thirty seconds after I finish what I have to say, I’m going to strip you naked and take you where you stand. Then I’m going to take you to bed and make love to you for as long as I want. If you’re not still standing here when I’ve finished speaking-well, I hope you’ll still talk to me at work on Monday, and will wish to keep working with me. So, stay or go-it’s that simple.’

His heart thumped inside his chest as she stared at him with a serious half-smile on her face, but he couldn’t take the words back. Besides, he didn’t want to. He didn’t know why he’d said them, but he didn’t care now. They were said and he’d meant them-every single word. Now he just waited.

Her half-smile faded and then returned, slowly at first, shyly, even coyly, but she smiled. The colour of her face had deepened to a light crimson. Her lips had parted slightly. Then she licked them quickly and they glistened. His body flexed strongly.

‘My casseroles don’t usually turn my men feral,’ she said quietly, not smiling.

‘It wasn’t your casserole,’ he told her firmly, ‘it was you, just you. And you’ve probably wanted me just as badly from the moment we first met.’

She should have laughed. He knew that, but she didn’t. Instead, she licked her lips quickly and again left them glistening. The powerfully erotic images from the video of the abducted South American woman again flooded through his mind’s eye. He was so hard.

‘Ha,’ she answered, but not smiling. ‘For all you know I could have planned to seduce you with my casserole all along, just waiting until you were down and out or too tired from writing your secret book to resist.’

The erotic images flowed thick and fast across the viewer of his imagination. He hardened some more. He had the feeling she was toying with him, but, in a serious way, which was good. That was exactly how he felt right then, serious.

‘You have something I want,’ he said seriously, ‘and I intend to take it, with or without your permission, if you don’t walk out of here in the next few seconds. You’ve been warned.’

‘And what might that be that you want?’ She asked, not smiling, and again giving him the feeling that she was playing with him in some way.

‘Your love,’ he said. ‘At least, for this moment.’

Then she smiled. It was the most beautiful, the most sensual and the most feminine smile he had ever seen in his life. His sex responded instantly from the adrenaline surge. It was so hard. Then suddenly, she broke his gaze and dropped her eyes to the obvious bulge in his trousers, staring for almost a minute.

‘I was there,’ she smiled softly as she spoke, then lifted her gaze to his eyes once more.

‘Not yet, you haven’t been,’ he said seriously. ‘but you will be.’

‘Why?’ She said, her face serious again.

‘Because you’re still here,’ he said, ‘aren’t you?’

Several seconds later, she answered.

‘Yes,’ she said quietly. Then, ‘Why are you being so dominant with me?’ She asked, licking her lips once again until they shined. His sex was so hard.

‘Because I can,’ he answered. His face was deadly serious. ‘Can’t I?’

After only a few seconds, she answered and his sex hardened some more.

‘Yes,’ she said quietly, lowering her gaze from his, ‘you can.’

‘Come here,’ he told her, his heart beating its heightened pulse through the large vein in his restrained snake that wanted nothing, but to strike her good.

‘Yes,’ she answered demurely, then took two hesitant steps to stand in front of him.

Quickly, she looked up at him, and then lowered her eyes submissively. Then she linked her arm through his, as if they had been lovers forever. Resting her head against his shoulder, he turned with her then walked toward the bedroom.

By the time the door had closed, the chemistry and natural electricity of sensual anticipation had reached its peak inside his mind and body, but it heightened even more so when their lips then softly met.

Gently, he leaned her back against the closed door and melted against her softness with his mouth and thighs. His mind and senses tingled all over, as they always did when the chemistry was so right, but this time, it was perfect. It hadn’t always been, but now it definitely was.

His senses flamed with the change in his hormones as their yielding, gentle kiss deepened. The electric touch of their tongues in mutual discovery only served to fan the already seething flames of lust and passion that had been kindled naturally between them in times past.

Finally, breathless, he gently ended that remarkable and very wonderful first sexual kiss.

Smiling, he withdrew his senses from the central depths of her deep, milky eyes and stood back, holding her gently by the shoulders at arm’s length and just drowning in her strong, steady gaze. He hadn’t felt such a deeply sexual kiss, or any kiss, for that matter, for very long time. He smiled into her flushed face and shining eyes as she grinned softly back at him.

‘John —’ She began to say, but he halted her with his finger gently pressed vertically over his lips. Now was not the time for talk of any kind, he decided-it would only spoil whatever destiny had in store for both of them and he didn’t want that to happen. He felt there was no need to analyse or discuss anything. The only thing of importance was the way in which their bodies and minds would decide through their mutual and natural sensual communication.

Powerful images again stormed his mind and imagination of the female in the video, as she lay bound to the bed, thrashing and heaving in the throes of her sexual anguish and joy.

Christie then slowly exhaled the remaining breath she had been holding when he’d silenced her with his gesture. Then she breathed again, her lips slightly open as she drew air in a light, panting fashion. His own breath was more than a little heavy itself, as he gazed into her deep blue eyes. Then he let his hands drop from her shoulders and took her right hand in his, leading her to the shower. He walked forward, gently pulling her behind him, like a submissive schoolgirl, about to lose her virginity.

They took their time in undressing, kissing and embracing as they each had their turn, with him having a wonderful time as he peeled the dress downward over her hips and thighs.

The g-string-type underwear came away to reveal the blondest and lushest thatch of curly pubic hair he’d ever seen in his life. The thick, blonde triangle of soft, matted down had been trimmed neatly to cater for a very deep bikini line. It took all the internal strength he had to not take her orally to her own pleasure peak right then and there, but he managed it, wondering what she’d do when it became her turn in that area. He needn’t have worried, however. She tantalised him maddeningly as she undressed him, but stayed clear of his centre.

By the time they stood together beneath the gentle spraying jets of warm water, his body had risen more than fully to the occasion. The darkened nipples and areolas of her breasts had also joined his centre in their mutual enjoyment of the anticipated ending to their union, when it finally came. Time seemed to be slowly grinding down to a halt and he didn’t care.

For now, the time was for pleasuring and for discovering and for knowing; deeply, passionately and fully as they took turns beneath the streaming shower in using their hands and their bodies to heighten an already incredibly charged sexual tension between each.

By the time they had finished gently padding each other’s tingling and glowing bodies dry with the soft towel, he felt as if he had reached a state of prolonged sensual liberty and freedom. He, for one, had not had the exquisite pleasure of enjoying such for a very long time-so long, in fact, that at that moment, he honestly couldn’t remember when.

Like a child, he led her from the bathroom and back into the bedroom. He glanced at the bed and then at the soft shag-pile carpet on the floor. Then slowly, he gently gripped her shoulders and pressured her down to her knees on the carpet before him. Then he guided her further downward until she lay on her back staring up at him, her eyes deep and very serious.

He straightened and stared hard down at her. His heart hammered his ribs mercilessly as he stood directly above her head. He gazed down at the full, naked length of her lying on the thick, soft carpet before him. Her full head of long, thick blonde hair made an absolutely perfect match and female pattern with the lush, shock of thick, blonde pubic hair between her legs of the same matching colour.

His sex flexed instinctively, like a hunter who’d found his prey; like a predator who had sensed intuitively where it was hiding. He was so hard.

He allowed his hungry gaze to enjoy itself fully of her hot sensuality. It travelled slowly upward from her blonde bush to her soft, flat stomach and then to her flattened full breasts, with their blood-red areolas and equally centred and equally red erect nipples. They seemed to firm and lengthen as he watched them move up and down gently with her deep breathing.

His gaze left her breasts of its own accord and travelled further upward to her long, slender throat. He knew if he were a vampire, he’d drop to his knees above her and sink his strong, sharp teeth into her soft, white flesh of neck and drink endlessly of her life-giving sustenance. It would give them both a unified and immortal life eternal to spend in each other’s arms and caresses.

When his gaze finally reached her face and deep blue eyes, it found her white teeth smiling seriously up at him through full and glistening moist lips; parted lips that went well with the absolutely female look upon her features.

Her face aroused him even more so, almost appearing carnal, in its heated and natural female state, and, although her mouth was smiling, her eyes were not with his. Instead, they had riveted themselves right on his groin, or rather, on that standing part of his groin and the heavy soft sac that based its length and girth. He wondered curiously then how he must look to her from that angle, looking up from lying on the carpet as she was.

‘Incredible!’ She moaned, as if reading his mind.

Her gaze didn’t stray from his loins, but her smile widened by the second, until finally, she groaned aloud and lifted her eyes to his. Her gaze sparkled.

He noticed immediately then how different her face and features appeared to him. Her natural female had taken over from her learned woman and was now drinking in the naked sight of him standing above her, as if she’d never seen a man naked before. She seemed to look at him with felt female knowledge only. Gone completely was any sign of the learned woman. Only her female remained.

My God, he thought, you’re beautiful-absolutely bloody beautiful.

‘Oh, John,’ she murmured softly, widening her legs and lifting her hips slightly, as if beckoning him down to her.

Her actions increased her own vulnerability to his gaze and anticipated touch. Her hips gently lifted upward again, as if beckoning him in their own uniquely female language; offering her absolutely blonde female to him for his utter pleasure.

Slowly, she then lowered her hips and widened her legs even more, looking for the entire world like a naked female human universe, with a flowing blonde sun at its zenith and a fiery blonde star at its centre.

He sank slowly to his knees behind her head and leaned his weight forward to rest on his forearms. His face, he held directly above and only an inch or so away from the centre of that sensual and incredibly sexual albino blonde star.

The video images of the feral female in heat on the bed raced through his mind, like a raging bush-fire of what he wanted to do with her, wanted to do to her. It seemed as if he were telling her body and her listening mind a sensual tale, whispering each sexual word from his imagination directly into her ears, while she read the story of his erotic imaginings for her ultimate sexual joining and mating with him.

Leaning down further between her legs, he inhaled her blonde bush fully and was instantly made drunk and dizzy on its pure female potency and aromatic blend of natural and willing arousal. His face then lowered downward even more so, slowly, until finally his open lips feather-brushed lightly over her blonde, forest canopy.

At the same time, he felt her strong warm hands grip the object of her desire and pull it vertically downward. The wet warmth of her mouth then deeply encompassed him, melting away any further ideas he might have had about delaying the inevitable.

With a soft groan, his face and mouth fell hungrily on her blonde nest. Immediately, he felt his length gripped by the strong, warm sides of her deepest throat as she fed him inside herself, inch by ball-busting inch. The raw male in him unleashed fully then with a natural female who cared. She ingested him, hungrily, right down to his pubic hairs as he relaxed the full weight of his face between her legs and tasted her for the first time. Then he groaned loudly and devoured her bushy blonde sex invasively, and, without mercy.

‘Ohhh!’ She groaned deeply.

Under her guidance, his hips settled almost onto her face, moving only with the gentle and constant up and down slow pressure of her strong hands beneath his hips and together they then dined, and together they then wined; drinking each other to the full in their mutual and eventual simultaneous climax.

She drained him into her deepest throat and belly while he drank the slick female juices dry from her overflowing blonde well. Then he rolled sideways, but did not release her throbbing blonde sex from his mouth. She rolled with him, also not releasing his still hard, still splashing trunk back to him.

And, together then, they lay like that, entwined and enjoined, feeding and drinking, wining and dining in five-star human quality from the essence of one another-he from her natural female and she from his natural male.

Finally, regretfully, he released her back to herself and felt her do the same with him. Then he fantasised through their resting mutual afterglow, their hands having touched, their fingers having locked, and their minds knowing that they’d touched and met in a very special, very intimate and especially bonding way.

After only a little while, he sat up and turned to look at her, finding her wide-open gaze staring directly at him, as if she had been waiting patiently for him to do just that.

He held her penetrating eyes, all thoughts of wanting to keep travelling downward between her thighs now returning completely. He rose to his feet, and then held his hands out for her to take. She took them and he lifted her upward, and then held her closely against his nakedness.

As he lay her down on the bed, he felt light-headed, yet very calm and very relaxed, focused fully on the here and now. Yet, he was fully experiencing each and every flowing wave of rising, sensual pleasure as it washed over his mind, his body and his senses. He rolled gently over her to position himself between the entrance to her warm thighs.

With a sigh, he settled gently downward into the blonde nest of her warm female saddle. Upon entering slowly inside her tight, moist well, he experienced the exquisite liquid grip of being ensnared by her blonde centre’s warm wetness of arousal.

‘Ohhh, John!’ She groaned loudly, deeply.

With the musky scent of her sexual female awakening to his presence, he drew deeply into his lungs, feeling it harden the already hard core now deeply embedded to the hilt inside her body. She felt like a virgin in every sense. His heart reached out to her in her pain.

‘Ohhh!’ She moaned in his right ear of her acceptance of his full entry.

Her legs and thighs then lifted higher. Her ankles locked around his lower back and she began to gently rock her thighs in time with his long and slow, but fully penetrating and repeated entries inside her slick, blonde nest.

Time now is not the boss, he thought.

The urgency had gone. It was time for the completion. They were both savouring the experience of minds and bodies joining. He could tell. He began to feel his mind sink further and further down and away from conscious awareness. His senses swam freely in the gentle rocking and rolling waves of pleasure that broke over him with each deep slow thrust, one after the other. His sexual pleasure seemed never-ending as his mind sank even more deeply into each kiss of her lips on his.

Her mouth encompassed him fully; her tongue, a life and a mission of its own; exploring, knowing and enrapturing him. Her breasts seemed like two hot, hard irons of fire against his chest as their bodies’ gentle rocking began to gather their own natural momentum in preparation for the climbing of pleasure’s high mountain together.

And, in that happening then, did his conscious mind sink even more deeply into the abyss of their destined joining.

Higher and higher, did they climb together, while deeper and deeper his mind sank into its own very depths, freeing his soul to meet hers on the plane of the unearthly and join in spirit as well. Truly, he felt as if his subconscious mind had been released fully for the first time in his life. It sensed and felt everything, as if he were meeting her on another level of existence, of mind and senses alone-more alive, more sensual, more knowing and more feeling; experiencing every thought she was having in her rapture while she experienced that of him. He felt as if he were she, receiving his pleasure. He sensed also that she felt the same way in being he, and receiving her own in return.

The momentum of their seemingly endless journey upward then began to find its own natural, rhythmic level in their bodies and senses in the quickening moans of her cries and deep gasps; in the actions her hips and buttocks. Her thrusting sheath’s tightness seemed so virginal as he lanced her solidly, rolling in perfect timing to meet each and every deepening stroke within her tight liquid well.

Then, from somewhere far off in the distance, he became aware of singing voices, like an angelic quire, praising the union of their first meeting; the fulfilling of a destiny that had been meant to be fulfilled in every way.

‘Ohh! Ohh! John! Ohhh, yes!’ Her voice gasped over and over, groaning in his ears.

It sounded distant with her whimpering tears as her hips and thighs then suddenly lost the final control to the jerking, involuntary reception of her pleasure’s peak.

‘Ohh, yes!’ She cried softly, over and over, like a baby. ‘Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!’

Her body thrashed urgently while she whimpered softly, arching high and hard beneath him, moaning loudly her rapture. He lost his own battle then and won the war, emptying in mutual agreement with her body’s urgent need and anguished calls.

Again and again, her tight, trembling blonde glove drew from him. He thrust hard one last time, pulsing and draining continually inside the gripping groove of her warm liquid tube, until at last, their first incredible union was complete.

Then he lay still on top of her, cresting the sea of passion now spent; luxuriously riding the waves of their slowly dying bliss. They floated ever downward on a sea of soft, caresses and unintelligible murmuring that he knew he would never remember. Then, and with a deep sigh, he relaxed fully in body and mind and knew no more; giving himself up completely to the all-encompassing experience of the deepest feeling of relaxation and calm he had ever experienced in his entire life.

Soaring like an Albatross, high above the wondrous sea off heaven’s shore, he drifted lazily, a warm afterglow deepening his peace and healing his mind of all past life hurts. And then he slept, and when he did, he found her waiting for him again, but in his dreams-blonde, naked and beautiful. And together, in those dreams, did they once again join in mind and body in the rapturous union of two souls, that felt in very the heart of the dream, had always been destined to be.

Sometime later, he awakened to the strong sixth sense that his environment had somehow changed. Opening his eyes, he turned his face to the left. He was alone. Sadness immediately overwhelmed him. Then suddenly, he sensed he was not alone, after all, but he had been. He was sure.

She stood at the side of the bed gazing down him, a wonderfully radiant and feminine smile upon her face and features. His eyes registered her magnificent and beautiful blonde presence while his mind conflicted with her absence that had been present only seconds ago. She was still completely naked. She was still the most feminine, the most beautiful female creature he had ever seen in his life.

He felt strange, his emotions jumbled and tumbling. He tried to speak, but found he couldn’t, didn’t want to. All he wanted to do was gaze up at her magnificent, naked blonde beauty and her warm smiling blue eyes. He could have sworn he could actually feel the absolute and utter love for him in her gaze and in the features of her face.

‘You can,’ she said suddenly, gently, smiling. ‘You are my first human contact and will be my last.’

His thoughts suddenly ceased to string together. His heart then beat faster, then seemed to relax again, and then skipped a few beats while attempting to kick-start. And then it relaxed again. Something was wrong. Again, he tried to speak and found he couldn’t. He tried to sit up, but found he couldn’t. He tried to roll over, but found he could not do that, either. Relaxing, again, he wondered if he had had a stroke or something similar, or perhaps a heart attack. Then he heard her soft chuckle.

‘No, you didn’t,’ she smiled softly down at him. ‘You are in perfect health.’

He just lay there, staring up at her, wondering what was wrong with him. Maybe she wasn’t getting the message that there was something seriously wrong right then?

He tried again to talk, but again, found he couldn’t. Something was terribly wrong. She looked to him like a tall, blonde goddess and he knew he loved her right then with all his heart. But somehow, he just knew, something was still very wrong.

‘I love you, too,’ she said quietly, as if reading his thoughts. ‘We love you, but the time now is for listening.’

It took only seconds to register. She had said, we. Then he remembered. She had also said, human, the first human.

His mind was confused, puzzled. He tried again to move, but again, found he could not.

We? He puzzled still. Human? The first human?

Something was terribly wrong. His senses of alarm rang loudly inside his head, but he couldn’t figure it out.

‘Yes, we,’ she said with the most beautiful smile on her face he had ever seen on a human being.

Then slowly, her right hand came up and gently rested on her bare belly, just below her navel, just above her lush, blonde, pubic hairline. His eyes remained on her hand for a few seconds before darting back up to her face. His thoughts were not working. His eyes seemed to be the only part of him that were. Again, he lowered them to look at her hand gently resting on her lower belly.

What’s wrong? He wondered. He wasn’t panicking. Every sense he had screamed at him that something was very wrong.

‘Your book is wonderful, so far,’ she said quietly, smiling. ‘It is fair and balanced, as we expected it would be.’

His confused thoughts sluggishly turned to the book without an ending, as yet.

‘You will think of something appropriate for the perfect ending,’ she said quietly. ‘I have faith in you. We all do.’

We? She’d said it again.

His mind was besieged with a multitude of questions and warnings of something being very, very wrong. What did she mean, we? He puzzled.

‘Your book will help many reach the critical level of consciousness they need,’ she said then, gazing down with love for him in her eyes. ‘Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. Those whom you believe chose you did not choose. We did, and, we chose well.’

He was confused. His thoughts were confused. His mind was confused. He tried again to move, but still could not. Everything seemed to be a jumble inside his head, and something was wrong, very wrong, he repeated to himself.

‘No, John Silverton,’ she said softly, ‘nothing is wrong; everything is right; everything is just perfect. I chose you as well.’

He watched then as her hand began to gently rub her lower belly while she stared softly, but deeply down into his eyes and smiled. His gaze then quickly went back to hers, puzzling, questioning. Her smile widened. He looked at her face. She seemed more beautiful, more radiant than she had only a moment ago. Her smile broadened.

‘Our daughter will soon make us both proud,’ she said tenderly. ‘She will be the best you and I can offer the world of our future. Both our worlds need her and others like her, like you need your next breath of fresh air.’

He felt his eyes widen and smart with stinging tears. His heartbeat skipped.

Daughter? What’s wrong here? He puzzled. Nothing made sense. Daughter? His daughter? Their daughter?

And then it did. Like a penny falling into a slot, suddenly and completely, it locked and loaded; everything locked and loaded and he knew then what was wrong. He was hearing her, but her lips never moved. She was talking and he was hearing her clearly inside his head, but her lips never moved. Suddenly, he began to panic in earnest.

‘Everything is fine, John Silverton,’ she said inside his head without her lips moving. ‘Everything is just perfect. Listen now. We are here and have come to help, to assist-not to hurt. Those who are trying will not succeed. The natural human goodness of those like you, as well as those of us that have always been here, preparing for what will soon come to pass, outnumber them.’

His mind raced at the conclusions she was presenting to him inside his head. He couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to accept it. It couldn’t be. Christie?

‘Yes,’ her warm soft voice said inside his head, ‘you do believe now and you will. That’s why you were chosen, by us, and finally, by me.’

The tears formed, but did not shed when his gaze dropped once again to her hand resting gently on her lower belly: just above the thick bush of her blonde, pubic hair.

Daughter? He puzzled. A child? Chosen? We?

Everything was falling into place rapidly-everything.

‘Yes,’ her voice said warmly, ‘everything is just perfect.’

He felt the burning tears stinging his eyes before he realised consciously that they were there. A thousand thoughts and questions raced unchecked and unstoppable through his mind and imagination, as he lay there unable and not wanting now to move in any way. Her face shined and glowed beautiful. Her long blonde hair cascaded down over her shoulders and beautiful breasts like a shimmering, gold waterfall.

‘You have helped your human race,’ she said inside his head, gently rubbing her lower belly again, ‘and, you have helped ours. Our daughter will be one of many and will be the best of both our worlds. And she and those many like her will soon help even more, until one day soon, there will no longer be two different races of us, there will only be one. Then your race will have arrived at where we have always destined you and ourselves to be at this time.’

He blinked. One tear from his right eye trickle down over his cheek. It was true, he thought clearly. She was leaving him when he’d only just found her. His heart began to break, slowly, but surely.

She smiled softly down at him, her glowing blonde beauty enhancing by the passing second.

‘One day soon you will see her and you will know her,’ she said in his mind very clearly, ‘and she will know you. You will be safe from your kind who would harm you from this point onward. You need not worry. Everything is just perfect.’

Once, again the questions came upon his mind like huge waves while he lay there voluntarily immobile and gazing up at her beautiful glowing face.

‘Sleep now,’ she said inside his head as she bent down and kissed him warmly on the mouth. ‘Tomorrow our New World will have begun for us both and you will finish the book that many have been waiting unknowingly to read.’

Another tear trickled downward from his left eye. It was warm. He didn’t want to go to sleep. He wanted her to stay, forever. It had taken his entire lifetime to find her. She couldn’t leave. He still had so many questions.

‘Everything will be just perfect,’ she smiled at him, and then kissed his mouth deeply a second time. More tears flowed then from both eyes, as his lips found their natural strength and kissed her liquid warmth back.

‘Sleep now,’ she smiled, straightening and gazing down at him with love in her eyes and on her face for him. He could see it and feel it throughout his being. ‘Sleep now. Everything is just, perfect.’

He didn’t want her to go. He had waited for her his entire life and he loved her with all his heart. Desperately, he tried to say so, to tell her how he felt inside his head. It had been so wonderful.

‘I know,’ she answered in the same place he had thought it. ‘I was there. Remember? Do not search for us, John, we will find you. Do not wait for us. We are here already. Do not whisper your name. We know it well for we have loved you forever, and soon, time will tell. We are Nordic and one of your true Guardian Angels. Sleep now.’

As he felt his eyelids close down all by themselves, like two runaway garage doors, John also felt the twin streams of tears that their closing released to trickle warmly and slowly, in unison down either side of his cheeks. He just wanted to tell her he loved her with all his humankind soul. Then, as his heartbreaking world gently faded to grey and then to black, he thought he heard her beautiful warm voice one last time.

‘I know,’ she seemed to say softly in the fading distance. ‘I love you, too.’