The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Master PC – The Protector

By TechnicDragon

Chapter 22: Cause and Effect

“Before I got the program, I had a weight problem. Remember, I told you I didn’t date at all while I was in high school? Well, that’s why. Even in a school with a graduating class of over two-hundred and fifty students, no one would go out with me. And don’t think that I didn’t try, because I asked guys out too. Most of them were kind enough to let me down gently, but it still hurt because no matter how much dieting, no matter how much exercise I got, I couldn’t lose enough.”

“My family threw a graduation party for me when I finished high school. Among all the gifts was that laptop. My Dad bought himself a new one and I got his hand-me-down, because they knew I would need it for school. Later that same day I found a CDR disk in the drive labeled “Master PC.”

“I ran it wondering what it was. At first I thought it was some kind of make-over game and I spent a couple of hours making changes to myself.” She grinned, apparently thinking back to that day, “Imagine my surprise when I realized the changes really happened. I spent that entire weekend in my room tweaking and modifying myself until I was what I thought I should look like.”

“Wow! What did your parents think?” I asked.

“Well, that’s the weird part of the story. My Mom came in worried about me because I hadn’t come down for food or anything in almost forty-eight hours. When she saw me, I almost panicked, but she was calm and got me to quiet down. She told me a story that I didn’t think had anything to do with the program, but like you, I sat and listened while she told it.”

I squirmed a bit. “I doubt you two lay together on a couch like this.” We were completely devoid of clothing and my softened cock was nestled between her incredible thighs.

“True, but we talked calmly nonetheless. She told me about a trip to a doctor to have liposuction done because she had been so over-weight when she was younger. I couldn’t understand at the time why she thought she was fat, but it was before I was born. All I ever knew was my beautiful, thin mother. Well, it turned out that the doctor had used the program on her to reduce her weight instead of surgery. When she figured out that he had adjusted her to take on the desired look her lover, my Dad, wanted, she went back to the doctor demanding an explanation. Not only did he confess the truth to her, but he gave her a copy of the program. I think he gave it to her so she could change herself back if she wanted, but she enjoyed the extra attention she got from Dad. It was that extra attention that brought about my birth.

“Well, she kept the disk but put it away. She wasn’t upset with the doctor for making the change; he actually took the initiative to help their marriage along. He probably knew the statistics of failed marriages after such changes and wanted to help hers. I, for one, am glad he did what he did.”

I hugged her waist, “So am I.”

She smiled gently and continued her story. “Well, it was my Mom who put the disk in the computer. I think it was the same disk the doctor had given her. She had decided that since she wasn’t going to use it, she would give it to me. I had calmed down by the end of her story to ask a very child-like question of her: ‘So you don’t mind the changes I’ve made?’ She smiled and told me how beautiful I would always be to her, no matter what I looked like. Sappy, I know.”

“Does you Dad know about any of this?”

“He acted like I hadn’t changed at all. I think Mom may have had something to do with it, but I’ve never had the heart to find out.”

“Alright, you had the program and made changes to yourself. Didn’t your new appearance draw a lot of attention from guys?”

Renée chuckled. “Yes, but not like you. I just looked better, more attractive. It started off as really fun. I was getting attention I never did before. I got help in stores; guys would let me go before them in line; all kinds of stuff. I knew what they wanted. It was something I was eager to try and I could literally pick any guy I wanted and probably have him. But I played it smart. I didn’t pick just anyone, and I didn’t leave myself unprotected. I gave myself immunity from disease, viruses and every other known way of contracting something through sex. I even gave myself birth control. I could actually enjoy the feel of a real-flesh cock and not worry about the consequences.”

“How did you convince the guys you were with that you couldn’t get pregnant? Some guys are really terrified of ending up attached because of it.”

“Well, that was easy. I told them that I lost my ovaries to cysts, just like I told you. I looked up a good excuse on the internet. Medical excuses are always the best. Anyway, I started dating guys and the sex was great, but I noticed that my body kept changing. I thought something may have been wrong with the program and when I went to look, there was some funny code where I had made the changes. I had noticed how my body adjusted to what the guy I was attracted to wanted, and I would understand what he liked in bed and it was weird at first, but fun. I actually enjoyed a lot of it, but my adjusting to what those men wanted didn’t change who they were. Some only wanted the sex and then never called back. Some thought that I belonged to them and tried to truly possess me.”

I squirmed at that statement. I felt possessive of her as well as six others. It may have been wrong to feel that way, but I did. Apparently Renée noticed my nervousness, “It was different with them. They thought of me like a piece of furniture.”

“I don’t,” I said in self-defense.

She nodded. “I know. You’re worried about how I feel. They didn’t care.” She touched my cheek softly, soothing away my concern. “If I think you’re being wrong with me, in that way, I’ll let you know. Okay?”

I nodded. I needed her assurance that if I started acting like a true jerk, she would tell me. Hell, I hoped she beat it out of me if it occurred.

“Anyway, it was during that time of dating that I noticed my shape-shifting. Like your charm, it came naturally and I didn’t have any control over it. If I broke up with someone, my body would shift back to what I had set in the program, but if I started dating someone else and found them attractive, it would become active again and I would become their bedroom angel or demon, depending on what they enjoyed behind closed doors.”

My expression must have shown my confusion about the demon statement, because she said, “Some of them liked pain, and I wasn’t into that. Not giving or taking. As soon as I figured out that they wanted to play that way, I was gone. It didn’t matter that I had shifted to meet what they wanted; I still had a mind of my own.”

Her story reminded me of the night we met. “Did you go through any changes for me?”

Her eyes sparkled and she nodded in short rapid movements, “Yes, I did, but not a lot. The only change I went through for you were my breasts. I think it was because you already liked what you saw, and it was only my tits you thought needed changing.”

“I find Erin beautiful and Nadia just makes me drool. I wonder why you didn’t change for lighter skin and darker hair.”

“You weren’t expecting anything from me. It may have been part of the difference, and since I haven’t changed any more, it may be because you like me the way I am. All I can do is thank you.” She kissed my lips lightly.

I blushed a bit, and her smile widened. You’d think that after all the sex I wouldn’t get embarrassed about anything. Apparently, I was wrong. It was time to change the subject, “Okay, so the theory is that you got your ability from your Mother.” She nodded, letting me make the shift in direction. “I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if my parents were having sex with lots of people. They hung out with the snobbish, but complained about them when we were home.”

“Then that concludes my theory about you.”

“What theory?”

“That you were adopted.”

For a moment, I just laid there looking back into those honest sky blue eyes. “Do you know how long I’ve wished that to be true? How often I wondered where my real parents were and why I was stuck with such pigs?”

“Well, it may explain why I couldn’t find you with the program.”

I raised an eyebrow, Spock would have been proud. “What do you mean?”

“Remember me telling you that I thought about making changes to you? Well, I got as far as trying to pull you up but it returned an error. Something like either you weren’t in range or didn’t exist.

“How can that be? What’s its range?” I almost felt insulted.

“The range is a hundred miles.” That raised my other eyebrow. “There’re two possibilities: Either you are completely immune to the program and it can’t affect you at all, or it doesn’t recognize you as Ral Setton.”

“How can we find out?”

“Well, I tried pulling you up by your first name. Even if you don’t know someone’s full name, the program can help you find them. Since most adopted children have their last names changed, I considered that possibility with you.”

“What did you find?”

“The program says that your last name is Nautikuus.”

“Nautikuus?” I thought back to home, my parents and the people they knew. No one came to mind. I thought about all the other kids I knew in high school. Again, nothing even rang a bell. “I don’t know the name.”

Renée shook her head, “I don’t know how else to explain it.”

“Okay, let’s go with the theory that I’m adopted. I don’t ever remember having a different last name, which would mean they adopted me when I was really young.”

Renée nodded. “Most couples prefer to adopt infants or young toddlers.”

It was like a dream come true. If that program was returning accurate info, then I was adopted. Those two people who claimed to be my parents weren’t, but it left more questions. Who were my parents? Where were they? And why had the couple who adopted me treated me like an unwanted pet rather than a beloved child? They already had two girls, maybe they wanted a boy but weren’t willing to give it another go in the bedroom? Something was missing from that puzzle. A big section that made the whole thing work, but what was it?

Renée wiggled against me. I could feel her thighs groping at my softening tool. The reminder of her nude body pressed down on mine gave me some rise. “That’s better,” she commented.

“I’m not shifting to be what you or Erin or Nadia wants. Not physically. But my equipment is growing and I can attract women by the horde. Why would my real parents set themselves up like that?”

Renée shook her head slightly, “The growth, I could understand. The charm, however... It may have worked different for them. If both of your parents had something similar each, then yours could be a combination, an amalgam of their abilities.”

“It makes me wonder if there are any more surprises in store.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” She squeezed my length again, “I don’t think it’s bad.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “I think it’s the lack of control. If I could project the charm instead of it working on everyone constantly, then it would be more acceptable.”

“That’s why I think it’s a combination of what each of your parents had. Your Dad was a charmer, but it was controllable. Your Mom just radiated beauty constantly. You got both, nothing left out.”

“That’s pretty sound, but what about how I make that... attachment with each woman I have sex with. All of you feel like you belong to me, and I feel that each of you is mine. You can even feel the others through me. You don’t want another guy, though all of you seem willing to enjoy each other with or without me.”

“What else have you noticed?”

“Touch is important. I don’t feel right unless I’m touching one of you. It doesn’t have to be sexual, but skin-to-skin contact is what it takes. It could be my hand on your bare elbow and it would feel... right.”

Renée closed her eyes and I could feel portions of her body tense and relax along mine. She was testing it. “You’re right. It’s right. I’ve never felt so... complete.”

I widened my eyes, “Yes, that’s it. I feel more complete when with any of you. The weird part is it feels different for each of you. Like different foods or types of clothing.”

Her sparkling eyes opened. “Yes.” She breathed out that one word as if it felt as good to her as the most intense sex.

“Do you think this will last or fade over time?”

“I don’t know. I hope it lasts. I haven’t felt this good with someone in... ever. I’ve never felt so good with someone.”

“I know the feeling.” I relaxed below her and she laid her head on my shoulder. We continued holding each other, feeling one another’s bodies in the press of flesh on flesh. Neither one of us wanted it to end; neither willing to relent.

Renée and I continued to relax and cuddle there on the couch, both completely nude and laid out along the length of the furniture. We were comfortable and happy. Then I noticed the time, 6:45. “We need to get over to my place. Everyone else will be showing up soon.”

She nodded and smiled but didn’t move.

I started to lift her up, but her legs tightened around my stiff pole. “You said you would share me.”

“But there’s no one here to share you with.” She said meekly, but the grin on her face was anything but meek.

With a squeal from Renée, I rolled us over onto the floor. I caught us so the impact wouldn’t spoil our play, but the move achieved what I wanted, she let me go to wrap her legs around my waist. I lay on top of her as she giggled and our fun heated up real quick.