The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Master PC – Child of the Program


Part 5: Clearing Sky

Chapter 34: Plans

While waiting for Michael, Andrea went to the records room and started pulling addresses. There were only four houses in the small town with a street number that matched the one I’d seen. She set the small stack in front of me and sat on the other side of the table.

Chloe, Yvonne and Savannah were all there too. They weren’t pressed right up against me but they seemed to have made an agreement that one of them would be within touching distance at all times. Maybe I looked worse off than I felt.

Andrea opened the first folder and pushed it in front of me. The information covered the owners, the original construction and other developments but there were no pictures. I looked up at Andrea, my question obvious on my face.

“There’s a guy in House Isaacs who can see things by touching objects. He calls it clairvoyance. I’m not sure if that’s the correct term but it’s still impressive. Michael told me you had a lot of potential and undiscovered abilities. Let’s see if we can wake one of them up.”

I was doubtful about that and told her so.


“Each of my abilities have developed when I bound one of my women to me. There’s only one other instance when anything happened that didn’t include sex.”

“What was that?”

“Erin had been kidnapped. She called out to me for help. As I tracked her down, more abilities came to me and when I confronted the one who had taken her, I gained more.”

Andrea nodded. “You’re worried about your family, right?”

“Yes, but I can’t feel Mandy. If she were calling for help, it would spur me more, but there’s nothing.”

“Define nothing.”

“Well, it’s like picking up a phone. There’s no dial tone, but you can tell there’s still a line.”

“And you keep dialing a number hoping it would go through. You can’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results. This is different from when Erin needed you, Mandy’s in trouble but cannot call to you. Try a different route. Try finding her with the map or these files.”

I considered what she said. Normally I would just know which way to go to find Mandy, but since I wasn’t getting any feedback from Mandy, I had to dial the operator. In this case though, I had to use something as the focus. I looked down at the first file.

The file was just paper with words. I picked it up, looked it over, read the front, glanced at the back. Nothing. I closed that folder and went to the next one. Nothing again. And again. On the fourth I felt something. It was like being shocked when I picked up the folder, so I dropped it immediately. Papers slid across the table. Andrea and the others watched as I looked over the papers without touching them. Something here had caused the jolt, but what? Gingerly, I picked up the first one. It had the address on it and as I thought about the street, I remembered.

“Third house on the left. Blue with white trim. The last time I saw this house I was twelve...” I looked up at Andrea. “Randal lived there, but I knew him as Mr. Sutton. I had thought for a while that he was related because his name was so close to mine.”

“Isn’t it amusing that he was?” Andrea was trying to lighten the mood. I appreciated it and gave her a small smile.

“This is where we need to go.”

She pulled out her cell phone and I held up my hand, “No, Andrea. I’m going in alone. They need help and it’s because of my blood family that they’re caught up in this. I’ll get them out.”

“I’m not sure you going in alone is a good idea, Ral,” Andrea replied.

“And why not, do you believe you could break Randal’s hold over them?” came a reply from behind me. Michael walked in, his coat hung over one arm and his knowing smile in place.

Andrea looked up at Michael as I turned around. Michael hung his coat over the back of one chair and pulled another around to sit with us. “Ral has bound more people to himself than any Mage I know of. Could you bind three people to yourself to break Randal’s hold?”

Andrea, who was ready to argue my going in alone, backed down. “No, I couldn’t.”

Michael’s smile never faltered, but it wasn’t demeaning either. “And nor could I.” He looked at me. “Ral can probably bind all three and many more before reaching his limit, but I daresay he’ll have issues with binding his father to himself.”

I did a double take at that. “What about my father? I thought he was in Charleston.”

Michael shook his head. “No, he was reported missing the day after the storm.” He looked at Andrea. “Charleston PD didn’t get the call, it went straight to the sheriff here.”

“Are you saying that Randal took him too?”

Michael nodded. “He was after everyone in your family. Not just your mother and sisters.”

I leaned back in my chair, stunned. Andrea looked from Michael to me and back again and asked, “What’s the problem with his father?”

Michael was watching me when he answered. “He’s male.”

Andrea’s expression was questioning. Then she looked around at Chloe, Yvonne and Savannah. Finally it dawned on her. “You’ve only bound women to you because you bind through sex?”

I nodded, not meeting her eyes.

Michael must have guessed at my issue. “There is another way, Ral. It’ll probably be more difficult for you because you’ve already established a method of binding, but you don’t have to use sex.”

I looked up and let my eyes do my talking for me.

“You merely have to will him to be yours.”

“Oh, ‘merely’ he says. How am I supposed to do that?”

“Well, you’ll probably have to subdue him first. If Randal is affecting him the way he’s affected you, your father will probably be in a rage or even suicidal.”

I nodded. “That’ll be easy.”

“Not necessarily. Randal will probably amplify any resistance or clarity of thought. Your father may be more animal than human.”

“More... animal...”

Michael caught my expression and glanced at Andrea. “Animal, yes.”

I looked back up at Michael. “I think I know why I can’t contact Mandy.”

“She’s a cat again?” Yvonne asked.

I looked back at her and nodded. I turned and explained Mandy’s secret to Michael and Andrea. “She’s probably completely feral right now and ready to fuck anything nearby. With her claws, she could be dangerous; and if she’s as gone as I think she is, I can’t get emotions or anything else from her because she’s in a more animalistic mind set.”

“Primal urges and instincts rather than human thoughts,” Michael added.

I nodded.

Andrea looked perplexed. “You’re saying that she’s a cat? Like a house cat or mountain lion?”

“Well, she’s about your height and build. Add in her possible mental state, but she doesn’t have the canines. With her strength and weight, more like a mountain lion.”

Andrea started, “I can see about a tranquilizer gun...” but I interrupted her.

“No, that’s not necessary. I’ve dealt with her like this on countless occasions. I’ll be fine.”

“Ral, if she’s more like a cat than usual, she won’t have the same inhibitors for strength.”

I smiled at Andrea. “I don’t have a problem there either.”

She shook her head, “I don’t know any Mage that could manhandle a mountain lion.”

I got up and walked around the table. Standing behind Andrea I said, “Hold onto your chair.” Instantly she gripped the sides of the seat and I grabbed the chair and picked it up.

She started to say something but stopped when I turned her around, chair and all, to face me. Her eyes were wide and when I balanced her and the chair on one hand and waved at her with the other, she gulped audibly. After setting her back down gently, I went back to my seat.

She recomposed herself and said, “Okay, then there should be no problems.”