The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Lucky Stiff

Author: JiMC

Chapter 25—Marla; June and Merry

One of these mornings,
You’re going to rise up singing.
Then you’ll spread your wings,
And you’ll take to the sky!
Summertime (Porgy and Bess)

On the way upstairs, I asked Marla what time she needed to be home. I didn’t want her to get in trouble with her Aunt.

“Aunt Gin won’t expect me home until dinner tomorrow.”

“You’re shitting me!”

“Nope, and I intend for you to take my virginity tonight.”

“There’s only one problem, Marla. I cannot take it from you unless Kristen agrees. She’s still my number one priority. If she has a problem with my taking your virginity, I’d rather have you disappointed than have Kristen angry or jealous.”

“Those Oogie Stories are so true,” Marla said, sighing. “You are so fucking nice. You can turn a girl down, but make her think that it’s in her best interest.”

“No,” I said, stopping Marla before we got into the apartment. “What I said is absolutely true. I’m not turning you down. The fact is, Kristen has seen me fuck other women, and she probably has some planned for me that I haven’t even met. I just can’t make a promise until I know Kristen’s desires. My life is with her, whereas you are just a special moment or a special recurring moment. I’d be stupid to give up my life for a moment. Do you understand?”

Marla looked at me. “You are so fucking unreal. How do you do it?”

Is that what every virgin asks me?

* * *

Upstairs, we were greeted by Lynette, June, and Kristen. I found out later that Camille had another commitment, and wasn’t able to see us until noon the next day.

Marla anticipated that Lynette and June would be in, and she didn’t seem at all uneasy with the fact that everybody was nude, including her.

“Does the orgy start now?” Marla asked.

“Let’s start with introductions,” I said, smiling.

I moved behind the love seat, where June was sitting on the back of the love seat with her feet on the cushions where people would normally sit. I fondled June’s breasts and introduced her to Marla: “This is my good friend June. She likes to call herself Cunt Whore, which is strange considering the fact that she’s a virgin. Kristen and I told you her story. She’s given me her virginity, and has no idea how it will be taken, although she has a dream. She’s a romantic and, despite appearances, she is utterly faithful to her true love, Archy Jonas. She will do anything you ask, because she trusts the people we trust. She loves showers, orgasms, the song ’Mr. Bojangles,’ and if you are a guy, she will show you the most amazing blow job technique that I’ve ever witnessed.”

June smiled at me. Her nipples were as hard as I ever felt them.

“Oh, by the way, if you didn’t notice, June is black. I can see how you could be blinded by her beauty, but such things are eventually noticed a few days or weeks after you meet her.”

Lynette stifled a giggle at my last statement.

Lynette was the next person on my agenda. She was cuddling with Kristen on the sofa, as usual.

“Stop smirking and get up and get over here Pussy Slave!” I demanded.

Lynette looked at Kristen, who nodded in confirmation.

It only took about five seconds for Lynette to get over to where I was. I started fondling her breasts as I introduced her: “This is Lynette, also known as Pussy Slave. She can tell you the exact number of lovers she has had, male and female, and even give you their names if you are looking for references. In our high school, she was the head cheerleader in more ways than one, and has made herself available to any athlete that wanted her this past year. They eagerly took her up on her offer, sometimes two and three at a time, I’ve been told. She loves showers and she loves it when the person with her achieves orgasm; it’s a personal triumph for her. Like June, Pussy Slave has a true love, but Lynette shares her true love with me. I’ve been told by a number of females that she is probably the best pussy eater that you’ll ever meet.”

I moved behind the sofa, where Kristen was sitting. “You can go back to where you were.”

Lynette moved back to the sofa and resumed cuddling with Kristen.

I moved behind Kristen. “This is the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes. She is my one true love. She is my future and I am her future. She is the person that has made everything you see here possible. Every story that you know as an ‘Oogie Story’ has Kristen at the heart of it. Even if she isn’t directly involved, she is foremost on my mind, and when I am with other women, I simply treat them the way I would treat this wonderful Goddess. In my mind, Kristen is paramount. That means, what Kristen says goes, and her word trumps everybody’s including mine, since she has proven herself correct more than I ever have. You may call her Kristen, Kris, Goddess, or simply Mistress, depending on how you feel about her.”

Kristen motioned to me to bend down toward her and I did. I received a warm kiss from her.

I finally moved back to Marla, who was still standing at the entrance of the apartment. “Everybody, this is Marla. She comes from California, and is only here for a short period of time. She appears to love showers, orgasms, and a certain piano player. She would like to lose her virginity if she gets the blessing of the Goddess. If not, I have promised her a night of ecstasy, and I think that everybody that is staring at this vision of loveliness will have no problems fulfilling that promise with me. Her special fantasy is to have her own special Oogie Story that she will tell nobody, which I think might be impossible, since the point of most Oogie Stories has been to tell it to everybody in the whole fucking world.”

I looked around, pleased that I managed to do such a good job. “Why don’t you sit down next to June, Marla?” I suggested. “Tonight, you’re family.”

Marla moved next to June, and there was a slight awkward moment when June avoided Marla, not knowing how she would feel having another nude girl touch her. Marla simply kissed June, mashing her breasts against June’s, letting June know that she didn’t mind.

I sighed in triumph.

“Don’t you dare!” Kristen warned.

I looked at my Goddess, confused.

Kristen said, “I am not going to take that silly introduction lying down!”

Lynette took that very moment to position herself between Kristen’s legs and start licking.

“Oh, fuck!” Kristen said. “I guess I’m going to have to. Well, I’m going to get even. That oaf that’s standing there with a smirk on his face is Jim, who is also known as Master, Mr. Big, and Oogie.”

The Mr. Big name drew a giggle from June, as it always did.

“Oogie likes showers, taking virgins on pool tables, and forcing girls to blow him only to make them spit the semen from their mouths into mine, which I happen to like, but that’s not the point. He had a single sexual experience with a wild girl from the West Coast, and she found herself hopelessly in love with him. He did more or less the same with me as well as many people you already know. He is the kindest, most caring, and most wonderful man on the earth. He also thinks for some silly reason that I am the perfect woman for him, so I find myself having to work my ass off making him happy so that he doesn’t get bored with me and have to give me one of his ‘let’s be friends’ speeches that he has mastered. This guy leaves women behind not upset that he’s leaving them, but makes them sop their panties in the thought that his doing so is, of course, the best thing that ever happened in their life. He is a one man wrecking crew: he can turn a heterosexual virgin into a Cunt Whore in ninety minutes, and the girl thinks it was her own idea. Loving this man is devastating, and he’ll leave your heart completely full of his love for you in return.”

When Kristen finished, there wasn’t any movement in the room. Even Lynette stopped her oral attentions on her mistress and turned to look at me.

“Um...” I said, not really expecting that from Kristen. “I think I may need a second opinion...”

“Ditto!” June yelled.

“Ditto!” Lynette agreed.

“Ditto!” Marla said, getting into the mood.

“It’s unanimous, Jim,” Kristen said, solemnly.

“OK. I’m Mr. Perfect,” I said, sullenly.

“Mr. Asshole is more like it,” Kristen said. “But your heart is good, and that is what counts.”

“Oh, Kristen, did I ever tell you I love you?” I said, boring my eyes into hers.

“Oh, just every fucking day since you first said it,” Kristen said, her voice a bit softer.

“I love you,” I said. “Just in case I forgot today.”

“You didn’t,” Kristen said softly.

* * *

Marla was serious about me taking her virginity.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to do this.

I wasn’t sure about Marla’s motives. There was an image of me as this superhero that I didn’t think that any human could live up to. Kristen’s “introduction” of me to Marla didn’t help that situation at all, but seemed to make Marla even more determined that I would be her first.

From my earliest sexual experience a year ago with Patrice, I knew that a woman’s virginity was extremely precious. A woman would always remember the person who took it from her, and I didn’t want to be that person for Marla. I hadn’t been aware of Marla’s virgin status until she told me, and my initial attitude would be to have her wait for the right person to take it, since I never seriously considered myself to be the right person for Marla.

Kristen was first and foremost in my love interests. I would willingly give up all other females in my life for her, but she seemed willing to share. June and Patty, and to a lesser extent Lynette and Camille, were the only other girls who could vie for my affections.

Truthfully, I only barely knew Marla. I did have a fling with her a year ago courtesy of my tickets, and even though she forgave me, I didn’t consider her a very important part of my life. I knew that taking Marla’s virginity would put me directly into the cross hairs of her sights on me, and she might want to start working her way into my inner circle. She might even try to replace Kristen in my life.

“What are you thinking about, Jim?” Kristen asked me, noticing that I hadn’t been listening to the girls talking.

“Huh?” I asked, just realizing that my mind was wandering.

“You’re a million miles away.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said sheepishly.

“What were you thinking about?” Kristen asked again. Kristen was persistent.

“Nothing, I guess,” I lied.

Kristen, Lynette, and June all gave me a funny look. Marla saw this and looked confused.

“What?” I asked.

Kristen shrugged and turned to Marla. “Were you serious about an orgy?”

“What do you mean?” Marla asked, surprised.

“You asked, ‘Does the orgy start now?’” Kristen explained. “Were you serious?”

“Um...” Marla looked uncertain.

“We have what we call the Cheerleaders’ Rules. May I explain them to you?” Kristen asked.


“The first rule is that everything that happens requires consent. Lynette and June have already given consent to do whatever Jim and I request them to do. Their consent is for us to order them, Marla, not you. We might ask them to ‘do’ you, but if you ask them, it will be up to them to decide. Likewise, you haven’t given any consent to anything yet. You are sitting in our living room, nude. Nobody will touch you, and nobody will be asked to touch you, unless you initiate contact first or you specifically give your consent.”

Marla nodded. “I...”

“Please let me finish, Marla,” Kristen interrupted. “You’ve already taken a shower with Jim and me, so you’ve already given some consent to the two of us, but you haven’t yet to June and Lynette. You may not be comfortable with one of us girls getting physical with you—I know it took me a while to gather up the courage, and we all understand. We will think no less of you if you don’t want that. In return, we don’t want you to think less of the three of us because we do. I think the entire basis for the Cheerleaders’ Rules is respect. Respect each other and each other’s wishes.”

Marla nodded again. “I think I understand.”

Kristen smiled, but her tone got serious. “Let me start with my limitation on Jim. We’re partners, and partners need to give consent as well. My limitation is that whatever you do with Jim, other than what you may have done privately in the practice room, I want to be there. I’m not asking to participate, but I want to be there.”

“I understand,” Marla said, slowly.

“I’d like to break the ice, Marla,” Kristen said, looking at me.

“Break the ice?” Marla and I both voiced the same question at the same time. Neither one of us knew what Kristen was up to.

Kristen nodded her answer, and turned to Lynette. “Pussy Slave, I want you to give Cunt Whore an orgasm using only your tongue. If it takes more than three minutes, you will get ten spankings for every minute additional that you take!”

Lynette looked surprised. I think she figured that her role was to fade into the background with Marla around, but Kristen showed her otherwise.

Marla gasped as Lynette raced between June’s legs, spreading them as she knelt between them. Without any hesitation, she started licking June furiously.

June was surprised as well, and looked nervously between Marla and me. I shrugged, not knowing what Kristen’s game was. I decided that Kristen was demonstrating that Lynette, at least, was really a slave.

I knew from experience that June wasn’t an easy person to get to ecstasy. Her orgasms took a while to build up, at least her first one. Once she got to that point, however, she found it easy to get off again. Three minutes was a terrible deadline to give Lynette.

In addition, up until now, June hadn’t participated in any of the girl-on-girl activity. Of course, she witnessed first hand Lynette and Kristen playing together, and didn’t seem put off by it, but I believe that this was a first for her.

June didn’t seem terribly worried about Lynette’s activity, so I decided to let Kristen continue what she was doing. I wasn’t entirely sure about her motives, but I knew that if she crossed a line with June, I’d notice it and would do everything to prevent that from happening.

Lynette, for her part, was determined.

As I said, this was the first time I ever saw June receive oral attentions from Lynette. June’s eyes were lidded and there was a slight smile on her face as Lynette got busy. It only took about a minute before the first of her moans started to emerge from her lips.

I glanced at Marla, who was staring transfixed with her mouth slightly open at Lynette’s and June’s lewd display.

“F... F... F...” June was trying to keep herself under control as Lynette kept up her attack. June’s fists were clenched tightly as she struggled. “F... F... FUCK!” June finally shouted.

I never saw June in the throes of orgasm from a distance before.

Marla seemed shocked at June’s vocal cries of passion.

“FUCK! FUCK ME, LYNETTE!” June shouted, momentarily forgetting Lynette’s role as Pussy Slave.

June’s face moved left and right as she started to reach her peak. “OH SHIT!” June shouted as we realized that Lynette achieved her goal. “OH! OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

“MMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHH!” June cried, losing her vocal abilities as her orgasm inundated her body.

I couldn’t see exactly what Lynette was doing, but from June’s reactions, it appeared that she was easing off, as June was now simply moaning with her legs wrapped tightly around Lynette’s shoulders.

“Oh, my,” Marla said softly, surprising me.

Kristen said, “I just wanted you to know that it’s one thing to hear or to fantasize about the things we do, and it’s another thing to participate in it.”

Marla nodded in response, still staring in fascination at Lynette and June, who seemed to be winding down their passionate moment together.

“Marla?” I called.


“Marla?” I repeated, trying to get her attention.


“Did you hear Kristen?” I asked. “Do you really want this?”


“Think about it, Marla,” I said gently. “Do you know why those two girls just did this in front of you... a complete stranger?”

“Um...” Marla tried to look at me, but I could tell that her mind was still on what she just witnessed.

I looked at Kristen and shrugged. Kristen shrugged back.

Lynette gave June’s crotch a very loud kiss and pulled away forcefully, unwrapping June’s legs from her body. As she turned to us, it was obvious that her face was soaked from June’s copious secretions.

“May I?” I asked Lynette.

Lynette smiled at me, and moved over to where I was sitting. I kissed her and proceeded to slowly lick June’s love juice from Lynette’s face. It took about a minute, after which the two of us kissed deeply.

“You kiss divinely,” Lynette said with a sigh once we broke our kiss.

“That’s my Oogie!” Kristen said, proudly.

“Oh, my,” Marla breathed.

Lynette looked at Marla and then back at me with a questioning look on her face. I gave her a brief shake of the head; I didn’t know how far Marla wanted to go, despite the fact that she said she wanted to lose her virginity tonight. Instead, Lynette moved to Kristen and the two women kissed and fondled each other.

“Oh, my,” Marla repeated.

“Welcome to the Emerald City,” I said to Marla.

“And I thought they were just stories,” Marla said.

I smirked. “Famous last words.”

* * *

In the end, Marla chickened out to my relief. I think Kristen intended this. She slept with the two of us, but we mostly cuddled, although I fingered her to a couple of orgasms.

Kristen tried to get Marla to give me a hand job and aim for her mouth, but I really think the presence of Kristen with Marla and I made her reticent.

Kristen was good natured about it, though, and positioned herself so that I was in the middle of the bed. After Marla’s steady breathing indicated she was asleep, Kristen got her fix of my seed by blowing me quietly. It was one of her lovely leisurely sucks, and after I shot my load into her mouth, I drifted off into a sweet slumber.

* * *

I woke up, spooned against Marla, since she was on the side of the bed Kristen normally used. At first, I thought I was with my blonde Goddess, and I rubbed my dick against her ass.

When Marla stiffened, I realized something was different. Normally, that was a cue for Kristen to reach behind and start a hand job. Instead, Marla gasped as she felt my erection close to her back door.

I think that Marla’s fantasies about our “den of iniquity” and from the wanton display that Lynette and June put on the previous night, Marla apparently thought that I was going to take her anally.

Of course, I had no such intentions, but Marla reacted just the same. “Um...”

“Ssh, Marla,” I said, soothingly. “You were on the side of the bed that Kristen normally uses. I wasn’t quite awake and thought you were her. You are quite safe, OK?”

Marla giggled. “I was afraid...”

“Don’t be afraid. You are cuddly, though.”

Marla reacted to that by wiggling her ass against my very erect cock.

I felt Kristen stir behind be, and wondered what she would think if I mistook Marla for her. “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed, Oogie,” Kristen whispered in my ear, letting me know that she heard the conversation between Marla and me.

In for a penny, in for a pound, I figured, and I started moving my cock up and down Marla’s ass crack. Marla moaned quietly in response.

Kristen now had her tongue in my ear, and she was driving me crazy. If I knew how much that this would drive a person crazy, I wouldn’t have done it with so many girls in the past. As it was, I was getting extremely horny with Kristen blowing into my ear as she licked on my lobe.

My erection wasn’t getting too much relief.

Marla turned her head toward me. “Can I suck you, or will Kristen mind?”

Kristen snickered quietly into my ear as she heard Marla’s request.

“If you suck me, then you’ll have to kiss Kristen afterward and share it with her.”

I winced as I considered Marla’s reaction.

“Sounds kinky,” Marla said.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Marla repositioned herself. She sucked me tenderly, and I was immediately taken back to that one summer day underneath the shade of a willow tree as Marla sucked me for the first time.

There were warm lips on mine as Marla continued sucking. Kristen gave me one of her great erection special kisses and I felt myself grow within Marla’s mouth. With the double stimulation, it didn’t take very long for me to go off.

Kristen knew my condition by the way I was starting to suck her tongue into my mouth greedily. Marla noticed my cock’s twitching in anticipation and she started a stronger suction. I erupted into Marla’s mouth, blasting off inside it. It wasn’t so much Marla’s sucking, but I think it was the closeness I felt with Kristen kissing me that really set me off. Of course, I’d only admit that privately to Kristen.

When I was spent, Marla brought her head up and saw Kristen break her kiss with me. She opened her eyes wide, as if asking a question, and Kristen moved over to her and kissed her. I heard Marla moan as she did so, not minding that her breasts and Kristen’s were touching.

When the two broke their kiss, Marla was blushing. I thought she looked so cute that I moved over and kissed her myself, surprising her as my tongue entered her mouth and tasted the little seed that Kristen left her.

I then moved over and kissed my lovely blonde Goddess. I kept my eyes open as Kristen shared some of my own semen with me. Marla inhaled suddenly as she saw Kristen finally swallow the semen that she deposited in Kristen’s mouth as the two of us kissed.

“Wow,” Marla breathed.

“That was wonderful,” I said to Marla, thanking her for the blow job, remembering the guilt that I felt a year ago when I didn’t even thank her.

“How do you do it?” Marla asked.

Kristen convulsed on the bed in laughter, making me join her. Kristen has heard June ask that same question to me over and over again in the same curious way, sounding almost as if she were a little kid the way she asked the question.

“Oogie Story number four,” Kristen said, and Marla started laughing as well.

* * *

When the three of us got out of our room, we found that Lynette and June were already up and they started breakfast. I didn’t have any classes until that afternoon, and June had the entire day free. Lynette and Kristen had a class at 11:00.

Lynette and June acted as our servants for breakfast, and brought out plates of blueberry pancakes made with wild blueberries that Kristen’s mother imported from a place in northern Maine for her daughter. Each stack of pancakes had some thick homemade blueberry sauce and whipped cream on top of them. The stacks looked as if they came from a gourmet restaurant that specialized in such breakfasts.

“Who made these?” I asked.

June raised her hand timidly. “My mom... Ass Whore... taught me how to cook. She used to work as a cook at a hotel.”

“These look wonderful. Did you make enough for Lyn... Pussy Slave and you?”

“Yes. We’re eating in the kitchen,” June said.

“Nonsense,” I said. “Join us. This is a meal fit for a king, and I’d be honored to share the table with its creators!”

June’s cheeks dimpled when I said that. She bounded into the kitchen to retrieve her plate. Lynette looked at Kristen, who nodded her permission for her to eat with us as well.

I have long noticed that Lynette only did things at Kristen’s command or with Kristen’s tacit permission, and this was a good example. Despite the fact that she was supposed to obey my orders, she usually looked to Kristen for confirmation before following them. It was obvious to me where Lynette’s loyalties were. June, on the other hand, wasn’t as fixated on me, although I occasionally saw her looking at me with those “puppy dog eyes” that June once described Kristen as having when Kristen looked at me.

“Pussy Slave and I have class in two hours,” Kristen announced. “What will the three of you do until Jim’s class at 2:30?”

June and Marla looked at me.

I shrugged.

June gave an evil smirk. “I don’t know. How much hot water do we have in the shower?”

Kristen and June laughed at that. Thanks to that damned communal shower that Kristen installed in our apartment, I think that I was the most-washed male in the state.

I had a feeling that some music, some pool, and a shower might be in the cards today.

* * *

After breakfast, I insisted on cleaning up while Kristen and Lynette got dressed for class. They left at 10:30, and both of them gave Marla a deep kiss.

Our first stop after Kristen and Lynette left was the music studio.

Marla told June about my serenading her the previous night, and June told her about our “nasty” session in the practice room at school.

“Ooh,” Marla said. “Another Oogie Story!”

“Girls, can you please avoid telling those stories in front of me?” I asked.

“Why not?” Marla asked.

“I’m not sure I react to them the same way you do.”

“I’d be surprised if you wet your panties hearing them, Jim,” June said, giggling.

I gave June a look that would have wilted a rain forest. June cast her eyes down as I did that, and I was immediately sorry. I pulled June into my arms and said, “I’m sorry, June.”

Marla watched June and I hug, her mouth opened wide.

“Fuck! If I didn’t know that Kristen was your one true love...”

June giggled, but when I looked at her, I saw tears in her eyes. “What’s the matter, little girl?” I asked, softly.

June didn’t answer, but sighed against me.

As if they were on cue, the two girls said at the exact same moment, “How do you do it?”

* * *

June was sitting happily on my lap, my penis between her legs. Marla was happily licking my erect penis. The original idea was June’s, who wanted to be the one that blew me, but I knew how drained I’d be if I were the recipient of one of June’s colossal blow jobs.

Somehow, I think that June anticipated my reaction and simply got her way.

Mr. Bojangles, please,” June requested.

Unlike Pussy Slave, Cunt Whore had no problem making requests.

I played the song, singing it exactly the same way I did that day in the practice room with June.

About halfway through the song, Marla’s ministrations on my cock ceased. She looked up at me, and once again, her mouth was open, agape.

After I finished the song, June kissed me.

“Are you really that good?” Marla asked.

“Huh?” June asked.

“Jim... does he really play like that?”

I nodded, and June smiled at Marla. “I used to think that Archy was the most awesome trumpet player. He used to play for me, occasionally. Jim, here, is like Doc Severinsen.”

“I don’t play like him,” I corrected June.

“Archy said you put his uncle to shame, and he worships his uncle’s memory!” June exclaimed.

I shook my head. “Archy is much better...”

“You see?” June said to Marla, who nodded in response.

“Is there another song you want?” I asked, hoping to change the subject.

Lady Madonna,” Marla said.

I glared at Marla. I knew that her choice wasn’t random. I shrugged, and belted out the song, trying my best to sound as good as Paul McCartney.

“Fuck,” Marla breathed when I finished the song.

“I bet you’re wet down there,” June said, giggling.

“Of course...” Marla cut her comment off, her embarrassment overtaking her.

“You should have heard him in the practice room that day,” June said, softly. “He played the entire flip side of Abbey Road, singing all the parts, and only stopped at the drum solo on The End. Then he switched to Joy to the World and began a medley of Three Dog Night.”

“You heard that?” I asked.

“Everybody heard it, Jim! Mr. Proilet opened the door and you were playing... banging, really... and he was just standing there, staring at you. He called off classes. Your face looked as if you were ready to cry at any moment, and we all were worried about you. Finally, you played the introduction to a song and then slammed the keyboard hard. I mean, most of us were shocked at the amount of emotion you poured into what you were singing. You laid your head down on the piano and...”

“The door was open?” I asked, quite shocked.

“Anybody that didn’t know you were a genius, found out that you were that day,” June said. “You were distracted, and you put on a show—unintentionally, I realize—but you put on a show that rivaled the Music Man. Nobody wanted to interrupt you... even your teacher was in awe at what you were doing.”

Oh my god. My tantrum hadn’t been as private as I thought.

June just hugged me. “That morning, when you played Mr. Bojangles for me, I was just playing at loving you. When I saw you later on that day, pouring out your soul on the piano, I realized that I really loved you, even more than I thought I did.”

I sighed.

I hadn’t realized that Marla was sucking me as June was telling me, but when June told me that she loved me, I blasted off into Marla’s mouth for the second time that morning.

June and I took Marla home afterward.

Marla didn’t give me her virginity that day, but she whispered to me as she hugged me in front of her Aunt Gin’s house that I was going to be a very difficult act to follow. She now had her requirements for her first sexual partner, and I was worried that she might have a difficult time in fulfilling them.

After Marla got into her aunt’s house, I walked slowly into June’s car.

“To the college?” June asked.

“No, June,” I said, sadly. “Take me to Lake Shore Point. I need a friend to hug me.”

“Yes, Master.”

“No, June!”

“Sorry. Yes, Jim.”

I needed a hug. Marla was probably what was never meant to be with me. I wondered how many people I would never meet in Orange County would hear and repeat those Oogie Stories that she knew and would repeat from her cousin over the next couple of years.

“Jim?” June asked after we just hugged for about twenty minutes.


“What if I...?”

“No, June,” I said, reading her mind. “Save it for Archy. He’s your future.”

June looked at me with that look that I’ve seen in her eyes a million times. “How do you do it?”

* * *

I think it was the one year anniversary from the date that I found the “Lucky Tickets” that June arrived at our gate on Saturday, telling security that Cunt Whore was there.

Kristen wasn’t in, as she had classes that day.

I got the standard message from security, who seemed to get a kick out of the Cunt Whore and Pussy Slave visitors we constantly had. “Please send her in, and use the message ‘Cunt Whore is not allowed today, but June Rodgers may meet Jim at the apartment, fully clothed.’”

“Yes, sir.”

June arrived at the apartment. “What was that all about?”

“Archy is gone. I know you miss him, and I don’t need Cunt Whore any more. I never wanted that, in fact. After you told me that you heard my tantrum in the practice room and how you felt about me afterward, I decided that I would like a friend that I can talk to, who doesn’t mind kissing and cuddling, and who likes Kristen as much as you do.”

There were tears in June’s eyes. “My mom told me that you loved me, Jim.”

“She did?”

“She said you were a strong person, and put her in her place. She didn’t think that you would have taken my virginity that night, but as a mother, she couldn’t allow herself to do anything to possibly hurt me.”

“I knew that,” I said.

“She wants to come over, you know.”

That, I didn’t know. I said nothing, and waited.

“She purchased the handcuffs. I saw them, and pretended not to notice them.”

Oh, shit.

“How are Archy’s practices going?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

“The coach is a slave driver, and he barely has time to write a couple of sentences to me every day. He’s overtired and he’s the smallest linebacker, if you can believe that!”

“I guess his nickname is finally appropriate,” I said.

“I miss him, Jim. He earns some extra money Friday nights playing in a small combo at a local hotel.”

“I know you miss Archy,” I said, hugging June very close. It had been a very long since I hugged a fully clothed June in my arms. The sensation was... erotic, if you could believe that.

June seemed to sense that as well, and we rubbed against each other as lovers who know each other’s secrets do.

“How do you do it?” June asked me for the umpteenth time.

“Magic,” I answered. I long gave up trying to answer that question. I didn’t have a good answer when I asked it myself.

We cuddled together for a while.

Finally, I found the courage to say, “Do you remember my sister, Merry?”

“The fisherman?” June chuckled.

“Yeah,” I smiled. “She’s entering tenth this year.”

“Ooh,” June smiled. “Two Oogies at once!”

“Not quite. She’s not musical, and she’s not even related to me.”

“She’s your step-sister, right?” June asked.


“That’s when... um...”

“Her mother passed away. Her father married my mother, but I was already born. My mother isn’t really her mother, and her father isn’t really my father. I never refer to Merry’s father as my own, but Merry calls my mother ‘Mom.’”

“Sounds confusing,” June said. “I know what it’s like when your father disappears.”

“My father didn’t disappear. I made him disappear. I would rather eat rat poison than spend another second in his company. My mom and I escaped from him, and he moved away somewhere out west. Mom found Merry’s father, and they married. He’s a good man, but the word ‘father’ still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

“There are good fathers,” June said.

“Name one.”


“Touché,” I said, conceding the point. Archy’s father was the black equivalent of Ward Cleaver from the TV series, with a good sense of humor. He was also quite smart. “Most fathers are assholes.”

June sighed. “Why were we talking about Merry?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said, getting back on track.


“Merry used to do gymnastics. She wasn’t competitive, but she was good. I’ve gotten to know a few cheerleaders, and I think they are a great bunch of people.”

“Is she as good as Sherry?” June asked.

“No,” I said, truthfully.

“Have her try out. The name Crittenhouse will go a long way.”

“Her last name is Cummings, and if you smirk at that name, I will paddle your ass until it turns raw.”

“Oh.” June didn’t smirk.

I didn’t have any idea why I insisted on keeping the last name given to me by that bastard I hated, but I did. I was younger at the time, and I’ve gotten used to the name. For her own part, Kristen loves her last name, and I wasn’t sure what she would do when we married.

“How likely is it for a marginal gymnast sophomore to become a varsity cheerleader.”

“Expect thirty or forty applicants for ten positions.”

“Three to one against.”

“I don’t think Jackie would compromise the squad. Lynette and Camille worked very hard to get the squad where it is today. Jackie is our tie to those two special girls. Besides, Sherry is the flame behind the cheerleaders now.”

“Sherry?” I asked.

“She’s easily the most gifted, and she keeps pushing everybody to try harder. She tried to get us to practice more than once a week last year, and almost succeeded. If it weren’t for that stupid sex thing that Lynette and Camille came up with, she’d almost certainly be the captain. As it is, she still runs things.”

“I’m worried about Merry, June.”


“She doesn’t seem to have any drive.”

June shrugged. “People such as Archy and you get heart attacks at a young age.”

I remember Camille telling me that I was heart attack material. Did these girls all talk about me?

“How did you get on the squad?” I asked, changing the subject.

“I wanted to become a cheerleader, and some people told me that black girls just don’t become cheerleaders. That focused me to get onto the squad, and since Lynette and Camille are color blind, I got on.”

I laughed. “Color blind. I like that.”

“It’s rare, Jim. I know that you notice my skin color, but you only mention it to get a rise out of people. Our first time together, I kept called you ‘white boy’ to get a rise out of you. It failed.”

“I noticed your color, June,” I said. “I admit that I was curious about the black/white thing when you asked me if Kris and I could get together with Archy and you in the hot tub, but I had some time to get over that.”

“I don’t think many boys would have done that.”

“I did see your blackness, June,” I said. “It’s similar to being given the keys to any car on the lot. You pick the exotic, foreign one. You drive it around, and you might be curious about how it feels different than other cars. But when you fall in love with that car, then it may have been the fact that it was foreign that brought it to your attention, but it’s the fact that it’s a great car that keeps you driving it.”

June smiled. “I’ve known many who have ‘tried black and then went back.’ We even have people that discriminate backwards. They are against people putting ‘cream in the coffee.’”

I laughed. I hadn’t heard either of those expressions. “Part of what attracted me to you was your exotic beauty. But you can ask any girl that I love, it’s their inner beauty that keeps me with them. You have that, June.”

“I know you think that, Jim,” June said softly. “You tell me that all the time, even when I’m Cunt Whore.”

“Do you think you could be a big sister for Merry?” I asked. “When we first met, she loved me because I was the big brother that she never had. It occurs to me that Merry never had a big sister.”

“Neither did you,” June pointed out.

“I’m not a girl.”

“I have no big sister. I have no idea what she’d be looking for.”

“I have no idea what being a big brother was supposed to be; I just played it by ear. What would you look for in a big sister?”

June was silent for a few moments. “This is important to you, isn’t it?”

“You are important to me. Kristen is important to me. Merry is my step-sister who sees me as her big brother. She’s at that age when she really needs help that I can’t give her, and I want the best in the world for her.”

June nodded. “How do you do it?”

Before I recognized the question, I answered, “Do what?”

June didn’t answer.

“What if I invited you for supper at my parents’ house? My mom likes making macaroni.”

“Am I allowed to wear clothes?”

The two of us laughed.

* * *

My mom was happy to see me for supper. I told her I was bringing a friend, but even so, she was a bit surprised when I brought June in. My mom didn’t miss a beat, however.

“Hello, June,” Mom said. “Jim tells me you’re a cheerleader.”

“Yes, I am. Jim is sort of the cheerleaders’ adopted pet.”

“Hey!” I protested, but I heard this before.

Merry came over. “I’m Merry!”

June smiled. “I remember you as the fisherman!”

“The fisher-WOMAN!”

Everybody laughed.

“Jim used to write music upstairs. He used to let me listen in while he wrote music.”

“Do you play?” June asked.

Merry shook her head. “I’ve got ten thumbs when it comes to the piano.”

“The band is becoming the popular activity at school,” June said. “A lot of people from your grade are doing music.”

Merry shrugged. “What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?” June asked, confused.

“Being a cheerleader.”

“They’re all the same as me, Merry. They’re blonde, they are dumb, and they date football jocks.”

“You’re not blonde!” Merry said, laughing. “I’m blonde, but I’m not dumb. Can you introduce me to a jock?”

“June’s boyfriend is Tiny Jonas. Do you remember him?”

“That big mother... I mean, that big guy?”

June fell in love with Merry at this point, I believe.

We ate a great supper. Afterward, Merry invited June into her room—her inner sanctum. I visited my room, and found that I now had little nostalgia for it. After all, I lived in this room when my father lived in the house. Now, most of the important things I owned were over at the apartment. I still stashed a few nondescript jeans and T-shirts and stuff in the event I needed to crash there for a night, but I had a lot of older friends who didn’t mind driving me, so I could usually get transportation back to the apartment. There was also the limo service, which had many times offered to take me out at night instead of just during the morning, in order to earn more of Kristen’s money.

I spent time with my parents in the living room watching T.V. The TV show M.A.S.H was playing. I didn’t mind that series, since it was anti-war and showed a rather funny sense of humor to it.

At about nine, June and Merry came downstairs. “Need a ride home, Jim?” June asked, knowing the answer.

“Sure, June.”

I kissed my mother and Merry good-bye.

* * *

“She’s adorable. She’s almost exactly like me at her age.”

“I didn’t notice that she’s black,” I said, trying to get a rise out of June.

I failed.

“Do you think you can get her on the squad?”

“I put the seeds of the idea there. Do you realize that she has a serious crush on you?”

“So does nearly everybody at school,” I said, groaning.

“She said that you watched her masturbate.”

How many people has Merry told this to?

“How serious is it, June? Do I have to worry about being attacked by my sister?”

June shook her head. “No, but you could possibly turn her off all boys. Unrequited love isn’t pretty, Jim.”

Just great. Let’s dump so more responsibility onto Jim.

“What should I do?”

“You’ve dropped off the map, as far as she’s concerned,” June said. “New Year’s Eve was the high point of her life. Then you disappeared from her life. Then... you need her for the Fisherman song. You pop in and then pop out, and she finds it frustrating. She doesn’t want to fuck you, Jim. She wants to talk to you, but you seem to be afraid of her.”

“You got all this in two hours?” I asked.

“Two hours and an entire lifetime. We’re very similar.”

“I’m sorry, June. I’ve... I took advantage of her a year or so ago, and I don’t want to put myself into that situation again. I love her, I really do, but I don’t want to fuck up her life.”

“Popping in and out of her life is going to fuck her up worse.”

I realized that June was right, after all.

June changed the subject. “You won’t have your female mafia this year.”


“Last year, there was Camille, Patty, Kristen, Sherry, and Lynette surrounding you whenever you moved. Camille, Patty, Kristen, and Lynette are gone this year. I can move into it, but that makes just Sherry and me, and Sherry has been very short with me since she found out we have a sexual relationship. Sherry has held a torch for you for years.”

“Sherry scares me.”

“Sherry’s feelings for you are identical to Lynette’s for Kristen. I’d say that Kristen handled it better, because Lynette has no jealousy. Watch Sherry the next time you see the two of us together.”

I sighed. I was trying to fix a potential problem with Merry and June keeps dumping more and more problems onto me. “I’m only human, June.”

“Despite our attempt at scandalizing your good name, very few people still, to this day, think you’re human.”