The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Concept and original story by Blankpage. This story written with permission.

Volupian Takeover: Kendra


Kendra Forge opened the door and stepped into the conference room ten minutes late. She had been delayed by another phone call from the West Coast. ModernMedia was purchasing her company, KF Designs, for a stock swap and the business reporters were keeping her phone busy. Despite the hard deal and great terms Kendra had negotiated, she still harbored an uneasy feeling about the buyout coming down to the wire.

Nerves, she chided herself. Eighteen hours from now, my net worth will triple and my employees will by grinning over their stock options. Give it a rest, old girl.

One step inside the conference room, she paused.

Donna Alk and Gina Montenegro were already seated waiting for her. That was expected, since Donna was her consulting accountant for the last five years and Gina was her lawyer for over half that time. What wasn’t expected was the blooming crimson blush on Gina’s face. Donna straightened papers. Gina’s olive complexion and black hair didn’t save her from looking odd with crimson cheeks and earlobes.

What had Kendra seen? Or almost seen?

She moved to her chair, thinking hard, reviewing her first impression as the door opened. She had it. Gina’s large eyes locked on Donna. Gina’s feet out of her shoes, bright red polished toes under the nude hose, a bit of gold glitter around her little toe? Gina pulling her feet back quickly as the door opened.

How odd.

Kendra sat down, “Sorry I’m late, are we ready to go over this one more time?” She watched their faces. She couldn’t believe that Gina and Donna might be managing a double agenda here while this important stock deal was closing. If they were playing Kendra false, she dreaded what that might mean.

Had they been promised something on the side by the corporate board of ModernMedia?

Paranoid fantasy or nerves?

Kendra very carefully covered the contracts with them and was pleased to have their full attention through the whole process. She reproached herself as they wrapped the long process. She handpicked Gina and Donna after a long search. She wasn’t going to let the big dollars make her jump at shadows.

Or second-guess her friends and associates.

She closed her portfolio and looked at them both, “Girls, I really thank you for putting the extra time in on this. I could never have made this deal without your effort behind me.” She smiled, “And my employees would thank you, too, if they were here looking over our shoulders.”

Donna met Kendra’s gaze, “You should be the one to get the cheers from your people. I wish I were holding some stock options in KF Designs. This is a great deal, Kendra.”

Kendra shifted in her chair, relaxing, “I think so, too. I won’t keep you two. Thanks a lot.”

They both closed their briefcases and got up to leave.

Kendra couldn’t resist, “Gina? Could you stay a moment?” There! Kendra saw something again. Gina’s eyes widening and glancing at Donna?

Donna left with a smile at Kendra and a flip of her blonde hair over her shoulder. Gina slid her hands back and forth along the top of her briefcase.

Kendra thought of a few questions, then a few more. None of them were quite right and all of them sounded too harsh or predatory. Kendra was uncomfortable with just how paranoid she was about this. She liked to think of herself as flexible and levelheaded. What was she really afraid of?

Gina raised an eyebrow, “Well, Boss?” Her tone was matter-of-fact and completely broke the mood of mystery that Kendra was conjuring.

Kendra flushed, disconcerted with where her mind was going, “Just make sure I get two extra copies of everything, OK?”

Gina smiled, “You got it.”

Kendra nodded, smiled. Gina lifted the case and left, closing the door behind her. Kendra drummed her fingers on the tabletop.

* * *

The papers were filed and everything checked out. The bank had called to confirm the electronic transfers. Kendra had a glass of wine from the bottle she had tucked into the bottom drawer last week in anticipation.

The building was empty. Time for her to head home, too. Like Donna and Gina, Kendra was living a single life. Gina was divorced six years, long before Kendra had met her. Donna had never found a long-term man and had confessed to Kendra that she was not imaginative enough to figure out what men wanted from today’s career-minded gals.

Everything that you won in a career cost you something on the personal side, it seemed.

Kendra’s heart stopped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She screamed, spilled the wine and jumped up from her chair in one motion.

She banged her knee on the desk, but turning found no one in the room. No one at all. She shivered in reaction. Her heart was racing. She took a firm grip of her thoughts and took a deep calming breath.

“Sorry, Kendra, my mental touch has a different reaction with everyone. I’m not there with you, your senses and nerves just reacted to my initial contact.”

Her eyes widened to a level of pure shock. She quickly looked around the entire room. There was no one here. The voice had honeyed tones, if it was a voice, and Kendra could think of no one that she knew that sounded like that.

Her mind scrambled for answers, she really couldn’t think of any voice she had ever heard that sounded like this woman’s voice. Except it clearly was a woman. The timbre was so pleasant and warm that it could only be an actress. Where?

“Kendra, its time for me to give you some idea of why I want you.”

“Want me?” she whispered.

“Yes. I have the idea that you will be exactly the kind of person, excuse me, woman that I need so badly to move my vision forward.” The voice was flawlessly mellow, enchanting and vibrant.

“I can’t believe that I’ve reached the peak of my career only to have a nervous breakdown,” Kendra looked at the carpet and her voice was tired and overlaid with disgust.

Laughter greeted her from the corners of the room. “Oh my blessed heart! I’m so glad I studied enough of your culture to appreciate the irony of this! No, please just listen for a moment. I know that you have noticed some things about Gina. I know you’ve been working very hard lately, but you are not ill or likely to have any breakdown ever.” The voice paused.

“Simply put, Kendra, you are my first potential Prime. I’m contacting you because I’m going ahead with my plans and I hope you will be part of them. You have the choice. You make the decision. That’s why you can’t see me yet. When I come to you and you look into my eyes, you will become mine completely. That much of the old stories is true, at least.”

Kendra scowled, thinking that she really wished her breakdown could have had more interesting visuals. Talking to phantom voices in an institution for the rest of her life seemed so lame. “Really? That’s so illuminating. Not.”

There was a light rolling chuckle in a breathy whisper. “Charming. So edgy. So dominant even when off-balance and feeling stressed. Oh, I’m sure you will be perfect.”

“I’m really flattered,” Kendra muttered, “Can I go home now?”

“Surely. Only mark these words. I want you to belong to me. I want you to become part of my re-ordering of the world. You must choose this, choose to look into my eyes and become part of me. You must do it knowing that you will lose a small part of yourself to me and I will raise you up above all others in the new order.”

“You shall become a Queen Above Queens. Prime Mistress in the Pyramid that I will raise up. You will be my slave, yet through you I will free the world.”

Kendra moved to her closet and yanked open the door. She grabbed her coat even as she felt the nervous sweat along her spine, “Great. Thanks for the pep talk. I’ll just go home now and give myself to my microwave, so it can raise me up a frozen dinner of Sublime Poor Taste.” She angrily shoved her hand into the sleeve of her black wool coat. She was disgusted with herself for becoming a stress case.

Another breathy chuckle resounded in the room. Despite her feeling of surreal discomfort with what was happening, Kendra envied the quality of the voice. For just a second, she wished she did know a woman with a voice like that. Could spend an evening listening to that laugh, sharing a smoke and a drink.

“You do not believe me yet, which I anticipated. Do not go home. Go see Donna now. Go and see her and talk to her. She has looked into my eyes and found the happiness that I promise. Then you will know my offer and your decision is real.”

Kendra slowed while pushing her other hand through the other sleeve. Donna? Just about her best friend in the world? Donna was part of this? She felt butterflies wriggle in her stomach.

Go and see Donna and talk about invisible voices? Oh, boy. “What do I call you, oh great Voice of Mental Collapse?”

“Go see Donna. No purpose is served by Naming myself yet. Ask Donna your questions.”

Kendra walked to the door, she flipped off the light, ‘flipped off’ the voice with her finger, “Eat me!” She stalked out.

Behind her in the empty office, a breathy chuckle wound about the darkness, “Oh, I will, my dear child. I will very soon.”

* * *

She stood outside Donna’s apartment trying to come up with an explanation for being here. Something that Donna would believe. She had almost gotten home when she was unnerved by the Voice joining her in the car.

“If you don’t go see Donna, how will you prove to yourself that you don’t need a physician’s care? Don’t you think that you really need you mind clear right now, Kendra dear? Wouldn’t it make more sense to see if I am telling you the truth?”

She jerked with surprise, but kept the car on the road. “Go away! I don’t believe in you.”

“No. In fact, I promise you that I’ll talk to you quite a lot until you go see Donna. Just imagine how badly I can ruin your day.”

Kendra ground her teeth and took the next turn-off for the other side of town. She’d think of something intelligent to say to Donna when she got there.

But now she was here and really didn’t want to be. She pushed the doorbell again.

Shadows moved inside, then the door swung open. Donna smiled. “Hello, Kendra. Come on in.” Donna was wearing a black silk kimono and stockings. No shoes. Her hair was down.

Kendra nodded and entered at the invitation, gesturing in frustration, “Hello. Look, Donna, I really hate to bother you on your own time—”

She stopped and stared at the living room. Gina was nude and on her elbows and knees facing the front door. Gina’s forehead was on the carpet in supplication.

Kendra stood with her arms in mid-gesture. She was frozen by the sudden whirling heat of embarrassment and the shock of finding out there WAS something going on, just as the Voice had said. She turned slowly and looked at Donna.

Who was smiling.

She looked back at Gina. She realized Gina wasn’t nude. She was still wearing today’s pantyhose and nothing else. She looked at Donna again, trying to find the starting point for the questions. Trying to decide if she could run out the door and never come back.

Donna shrugged, “You’re here to ask me questions, so ask.”

Kendra straightened her arm pointing at Gina. “What’s Gina doing here?”

“She’s my slave. I’m her mistress. She is here waiting for you, in case you wanted to ask questions of a slave. We serve the power of Aphrodite.”

Kendra groaned. This was awful. She knew she wasn’t a mental case if Gina and Donna were experiencing this too. If she hadn’t wigged out, then the Voice was real. If the Voice was real, then she was being recruited for a mad scheme of sexual perversion.

And her best friends were already in it. Aphrodite?

“Ah. I see.” Kendra swallowed, “Donna could I trouble you for a glass of water?”

Donna smiled, “Just a min. I’ll get it.” She padded off around a corner.

Kendra hissed, “Gina!”

Her head came up with a smile, “Yes, Kendra?” Oh my, her face was made up with green eyelids and hot red lips.

“Do you want me to get you out of here?”

“Oh, no, Kendra. I love the affection, the submission that makes me feel so good. I’m such a better person since I surrendered to Aphrodite.” She laughed, “I’ve started winning a lot more cases in practice, too.”

Kendra felt like she was the one out of step. She couldn’t believe Gina, smarter than either Donna or she was talking like this. This was scary.

Donna walked back from the kitchen with a glass of water. “Here you are. What kind of questions do you have? Would you like to sit down? I think we’d all be more comfy.” She pointed to the living room, where Gina once again had her forehead on the floor.

Kendra took a sip of water. She couldn’t just bolt on her friends. She had to ask a couple of questions, maybe things the police would ask her when she turned this over to them. Kendra nodded and they walked into the small room and sat. She felt dazed.

“How long have you been with, um, Aphrodite?” Kendra tried to picture a small Greek woman in a toga. Black hair, cupids bow lips, slender figure. Sure. Aphrodite.

“gina has been with her for three months. I’ve been one of her Dommes for four weeks.”

So long!! Donna seemed to be doing all the talking, but Gina hadn’t sounded drugged just now or through the last three months. “Has Aphrodite collected any money from you? Have you turned over bank accounts or anything like that? Does she visit you or use your charge accounts?”

Donna laughed and Gina giggled. “No. She really doesn’t need those things. I don’t think she wants for anything except affection and love. Even a goddess needs love.”

Gina chimed in, “Speaking of which, Mistress Donna. May I cuddle?”

Donna nodded, “Sure, gina. But stay on the floor. I don’t want you distracting me. This could take a while.”

Gina promptly crawled over and snuggled her face against Donna’s stockinged toes and shins.

Kendra couldn’t avoid noticing that Gina’s crotch was thoroughly soaked. She must have been quite aroused for that kind of seepage. She also noted what she had almost seen earlier in the day. There was a tiny gold ring around the little toe of Gina’s right foot.

Kendra tried to think very fast, “What kind of car does Aphrodite drive? Do you have a phone number for her?”

Donna giggled, “She doesn’t have a car. I have a phone number for emergencies. Here.” She grabbed a note pad and wrote a number down. Then handed it over to Kendra.

Good. Kendra could give that to the cops. She stared at Gina stroking her face against Donna’s leg. This was too much. Suddenly she felt caught, trapped with two people who only looked like her friends.

Donna looked at her questioningly, “Don’t you want to know about the submission? Or the feeling of accomplishment? You’re really tense and you don’t have to be. We are the same people.”

They obviously were NOT the same people. “No. I don’t plan to submit to anyone.” She got up and hesitated just for a moment, thinking about ruining Donna and Gina by exposing them to the police. She crumpled the note in her hand with frustration. “I’m going. I’m glad you two are happy.”

“Stay for a massage.” Donna offered.

Kendra made a short gesture with her hand, “No, thank you. I’ll call you.” She went to the door, opened it and left, closing it softly behind her. Admonishing herself not to cry or have a heart attack she got to her car and started planning how she was going to get her friends unhooked from a Greek goddess.

And wasn’t Venus supposed to be into boy toys?

* * *

Kendra dreamed.

A dark skinned woman with cupids bow lips spoke to her. Kendra was wearing a sheer robe of dark blue and stockings to match. The Greek woman was wearing a white robe and stockings. Kendra envied her legs and ass.

She always looked at another girl’s ass first. That was where her hands would—

No. She turned over in her sleep.


Panties. Soft pink panties that would vibrate in random patterns all day. Slipping the panties along Gina’s legs. Pulling them up tight to her sex. Watching her eyes melt in sensual delight.

No. No. No. She tried to wake up. She rolled over.

Such sweet sensuous vibrations flowed over her.

The smell of her own sex was glorious. Her fingers couldn’t stay away from her own pussy. Sheer panties with lovely lace roses. So hot. Fingers fondling herself, moving around and back and forth, finding more warmth, more slippery heat in her slit and moving it over her clit. Her toes curled within midnight colored stockings. She gushed as the dark skinned Greek whispered encouragement and advice. The dark fingers reached and guided her fingertips in a way that doubled the pleasure. Oh. Magnificent. Just moving so. Hands.

She came like a rolling thunder of surf battering a sweltering beach.

* * *

She woke up and stared at the ceiling. Moving her legs just a bit confirmed her pussy was drenched and slick. “Aphrodite.”


“Answer me, you conniving bitch.” She clenched her hands into fists.

The mellifluous Voice filled the room at soft conversational levels. “My, my, Kendra, I am not used to being addressed in this fashion. What have I done to deserve this sort of treatment?”

Kendra sat up and let her rage explode, “You’ve turned my friends into perverts! You took a smart sexy lawyer who loves men and made her into a little slave girl crawling around on her hands and knees! You got into my fucking dreams and started messing with me! You told me I had a choice and now you are programming me to be your fuck slave! You are an evil bitch and you can figure Hell will freeze over before I give myself to you, you ruthless cold-hearted Voice-From-Another-Fucking-Twilight-Zone!!”

Silence filled the room.

Kendra was hot. Very hot. She had slammed her. Told her off completely. If Aphrodite was a goddess then Kendra knew she had doomed herself. Vengeful goddess goes berserk! Struck by a sex ray, Kendra’s mind would be completely blown out. A little giggle girl with a wet snatch and a dreamy smile and not a single thought in her head except obedience. She had a mental picture of herself crawling to Donna.

She held her breath.

No way.


“Well?” Kendra asked the ceiling.


Kendra looked around. Listened. Her voice posed the question softly, “Still there, Ms. Evil Lesbo Voice?”

Wow. She threw off the covers and got up.

* * *

Kendra took a shower, started planning on enjoying her vacation. She wouldn’t call the cops, she’d be a best friend and she’d try and talk sense to Donna and Gina. She put the soap in the molded dish and turned around to spray her back.

“I want you to know that I was not in your dreams. Nor am I trying to program you.”

“AAAAaaaaaah!!!” Kendra jumped, slipped in the stall, caught herself on the walls.

“If you saw me in your dreams, that was your doing, not mine. I just want to be clear on that.”

“Liar!” Kendra screamed. She smacked her hand on the shower stall.

“Think that if you wish. I admit I underestimated your resistance to the sisterhood I am offering. I thought you would ask questions of Donna that have transcendental meaning. Ask things about the world. Issues about war or famine. I had no idea you would try and turn this into an investigation for the police.”

“I didn’t count on your strength of will. I am sorry and yet pleased you are this strong.”

Kendra stood under the spray of water. Warm tickling sensations running down her ass and legs. Hundreds of stinging spray points on her back and shoulders. “Oh my, you want to end world hunger? You want me to be Jesus Christ?” She cupped her breasts with her hands and hugged herself. “Why me?”

“Because I have looked everywhere and you are my choice, because your capacity for fulfillment is great enough on the sensual level, because you have the wealth to be free to do this work. I want you, Kendra. But the world can not be changed by one, even a goddess needs believers, people of spirit to take on the charge.”

Kendra leaned on the stall wall and let the spray dance across her arms and stomach. “If I say no, you’ll find someone else. The world is a big place.”

“If each person I approach says that, I’ll never find anyone. You are the best. If you don’t do this, I foresee I’ll fail completely.” The honeyed Voice held back awesome sadness.

Kendra swallowed. This was a kind of madness. Submit to an ancient goddess and save the world? Lead an army of sensual lesbians? No one would believe this.

And so it might work.

The warm water spray danced across her.

Kendra licked her lips, “I want a contract. My terms. No fine print. I want voting stock in the organization. You will be the Chairman of the Board, but I’m the CEO. I suggest the ruling board members, or Dommes, or whatever you call them.”


“Yes? You haven’t seen the contract yet.” Kendra leaned her head against the stall.

“Yes. I have. It exists in your mind. Quite lengthy and ironclad, with many technical details I don’t quite follow. I accept your cautions completely. Do you accept me?”

Kendra stared through the shimmering glass of the shower door. A shape had taken form there. A woman stood on the other side of the translucent door. Details were blurred by the wavy glass. Small, petite and dusky skinned, with big eyes or lashes from what she could see, modest figure and long dark hair.

Probably a cupids bow mouth.

Kendra licked her lips.

She reached out and opened the door. “I accept you.” The glass door swung back.


Those eyes were—

—she felt—
