The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Jake’s Dream Come True

By Billy_Ray77

Chapter Four

It was a week before Thanksgiving and I was ready to move on to the next step. Samantha now thought I was physically attractive and I hadn’t even needed to condition her to find my body nice-looking. I guessed the exercise was working. But there was still no trace of a sexual attraction. Her feelings towards me were more or less brotherly. Just as with all the other steps, I had to be careful here as well. This was doubtless the most important aspect of the whole project and since it hadn’t manifested itself on its own, I had to do this gradually.

I was walking home from the library trying to decide how to word my first set of commands when a long black limousine slowed and began pacing me. I looked over and the rear window slid down. A man, who appeared to be in his late fifties or early sixties, with thick salt and pepper hair and mustache peered out at me and, with the slightest hint of a British accent, he said,

“Would you like a ride, young man?”

Yeah… right… I would have thought I was getting a bit old for this sort of pedophile.

“I don’t think so.”

He chuckled, “I don’t blame you for being suspicious, but I really do wish only to talk to you.”

“Let me guess, you need help finding a lost puppy.”

At that he laughed out loud.

“You know, you are not only smart like him, you look a lot like your father.”

I stopped cold, so did the vehicle. If this guy knew my father, the questions that had plagued me my whole life might now be answered. Of course, I tried, but I couldn’t get anything from his mind. The power was still frustratingly intermittent. I would have to find out the old fashioned way.

“You know my father? You know where he is?”

“It was over twenty five years ago that I approached him, just like I’m approaching you now.” He said soberly, “So, yes, I knew your father. What happened was a real tragedy.”

Tragedy? Shit. The way he used that word, the expression on his face and the tone of his voice gave me the distinct impression that whatever happened had been terribly final.

“You appear confused,” he said, opening the door, “come, join me. I’ll answer any questions you may have.” He slid to the far side of the car.

I had to know. Not just what had happened to him—but everything about his life. My mother had always been so evasive when it came to information about my father. Here was someone willing to fill me in. I just hoped he wasn’t bullshitting me. I got in and closed the door. He told the driver to take us to my house.

We sat in silence for a moment, and when I couldn’t wait any longer for him to start, I asked, “What happened to my father?”

He slowly shook his head.

“No easy way about it. Your father was murdered.”

An icy blade sliced through my soul. I had always dreamed of the day my father would return. He would have a good explanation of where he had been and we would become a family again. I would have my father back, but more important, my mother would be happy again. But now those fantasies were well and truly dead.

A hundred questions whirled through my brain.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions. I’ll tell you everything. But I have to know one thing first.” He shifted slightly, facing me. “How long have you had your mental powers and what sorts of things can you do?”

About a hundred years later I noticed that he was grinning. It must have been because my mouth was hanging open.

“I’m sure it has only been recently given your lack of control. For God’s sake boy, you are flailing about an incredible amount psychic energy.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I could say that I’m from the government and I’m here to help, but no one ever believes it.”

“That you’re from the government?”

“No, that the government could be helpful.”

“Are you?”

“Yes, I’m very helpful.”

“No. I meant, are you from the government?”

“Oh, yes... in a way.”

“Are you going to take me away and do experiments on me?”

“Why on earth would we want to do that?” he asked looking puzzled.

“Well, because of the whole mental powers deal.”

“We stopped doing experiments a long time ago. Why we haven’t done a dissection in over a month.” He noted my wide eyes. “That was a joke.”

“Then what do you want from me?”

“It’s more a question of what do you want from us. You see, we make it a point of contacting all new talents, that’s what we call those of us with paranormal psychic abilities, anyway – we contact you and see how you are doing, offer any training you may desire and set you up with all the information you will need to contact us if you ever wish. It’s all part and parcel of keeping such abilities a secret.”

“You aren’t going to try and turn me into some sort of ‘super spy’ or something?”

“Only if you want to. We have plenty of chaps who want to do things like that so why would we try and force someone into it? No, we will only get involved in your life to the extent that you do or do not want us to.”

“So that’s it? I get this remarkable ability, you show up from the government and its all, ‘here ya go kid, call us if you need us, we expect nothing in return.’ Well I may be young but even I know that the government doesn’t operate that way.”

He laughed freely at that and when he finally settled down there was a twinkle in his eye as he addressed me through a wide smile.

“You’re pretty sharp, aren’t you? Just like your old man. Look, the only thing we expect is that if there is ever a problem or fugitive in an area you are in, that you will cooperate fully with the agents sent to do the cover up and/or capture. The amount of assistance they will need varies from incident to incident, but you will never be asked to perform at a level you are not capable of. Fair enough?”

We had been parked in front of my house for several minutes by now and I didn’t want my mother getting suspicious about the limo.

“Maybe I should be getting inside,” I said attempting to sound casual, “how about I give you call in a week or so.” I really wanted some time to think.

He glanced at the house, “What do you say I go in with you? I haven’t seen your mother in many years; I’ll bet she’s still a hot piece of stuff, eh?”

I got out of the car and walked to the house with Philip in tow. We entered and my mother greeted me from the kitchen.

“Jake, honey, is that you?” She came out of the kitchen drying her hands with a dishtowel, “I’ve just finished some Rice Krispy Treats and…” she stopped when she got a good look at our visitor, a smile crept into her face and her eyes lit up, “Phillip? Phillip is that really you?”

“Ah, Maureen, you are as lovely as ever.”

Mom rushed to him but instead of a passionate embrace they each held the other by the shoulders and traded chaste pecks on the cheeks.

“You old scoundrel,” my mother teased, “you haven’t been around in ages and I’m a bit irritated with you about that.”

“But not so irritated that you didn’t do the right thing I see.”

They were still holding each other’s shoulders, but now they were looking at me with amused looks on their faces.

“He’s been at it for months; mostly it’s been awfully clumsy. His commands have become very compelling nonetheless.”

“Well the observational reports have all been positive and it seems the only thing he has done other than order you about, is to fight off a couple of hooligans.” He then stopped talking ‘about’ me and began talking ‘to’ me. “That was nicely done, too. I know talents with far more experience than you who wouldn’t have handled that with as much finesse or telekinetic skill.”

They broke their loose embrace and he sat on the sofa.

“Maureen, if you would be so kind as to bring us some refreshments, Jake and I need to have a talk.” Looking at me he indicated the love seat directly opposite him.

“I won’t be but a minute.” She hurried out of the room as I sat down.

“Did I hear you right?” I asked as soon as my mother was out of earshot. “Mom called you about me?”

“Your mother was specially conditioned to be aware of any mental meddling and to call us the very moment she detected some. That way she was in place in the event you achieved your powers or if any other talent tried intruding on the two of you. Now, of course, I will remove that ability since she no longer needs to be aware of such things.”

He grinned at me, “Did you think we have some sort of psychic radar? Usually we have to watch the news, police and hospital reports for interesting items and follow those clues. Sometimes we get a talent and sometimes we don’t. But we also arrange to keep track of children of talents. The power appears to be hereditary though not all of the children get it. For the ones who do, some develop it during adolescence while others seem to require some sort of trauma – anywhere in the brain stem area will usually do the trick.”

He regarded me seriously for a moment.

“So, Jake, have you been involved in anything else?”

I was suddenly very ashamed that I was using this amazing ability for nothing more noble than getting the girl next door to sleep with me. I could never tell him that. What if mom knew? She must not or I’m sure she would be acting pretty disappointed in me. I realized that I had never given Samantha a command in the presence of my mother so I should be safe there no matter how clumsy I was.


My mother had mentioned that my efforts were clumsy. What did she mean by clumsy? Could my clumsiness have, in some way, harmed Samantha? I could keep my mouth shut until I had learned more and then try to assess and repair any damage myself, but what if I wasn’t good enough?

No. It didn’t matter what he and my mother would think of me. I loved Samantha and if there was any chance that my screwing around in her head had caused her any harm at all, then I had to have someone who knew what they were doing take a look at her and make certain she was okay.

“I… I’m afraid I am,” I said hesitantly, “and I may need you to help me fix it.”

“Tell me about it.”

I explained the entire thing, right from the beginning, well... you know, except for the cumming in my pants part, and to my amazement he wasn’t shocked, angry or even disgusted with what I had planned. He even tried to allay my fears. My mother returned with the Rice Krispy Treats and some cans of soda in plenty of time to hear the whole sordid thing and even she took it in stride, only offering her opinion that she thought Samantha was a lovely and delightful young lady, and I had chosen very well.

“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.” Phillip said, when I had finished expressing my concerns. “The ‘clumsiness’ your mother talked about isn’t anything dangerous. I don’t think you could have harmed your young lady in any way and, if your ineptness had given her any sort of idea of what you were up to, well, you’d know it by now – trust me. I think you’re all right. But, just to be safe, you may want to get a little training before you take the next step. It won’t take long to get you up to snuff.”

“But Mom knew what I was doing. How can you be so sure about Samantha?”

“Without the conditioning your mother had, it’s doubtful she could have detected your instructions, never mind figuring out what they meant. I’ll say it again, I think you’re just fine, but you should hold up until you’ve had training. It would be a shame to foul it up now.”

Something he had said earlier finally percolated through my still confused mind and jumped to my awareness.

“Hey, you said that some other talent might fuck with us. Why?”

“As with any group of people there are some who don’t wish to follow the rules,” he said with a sad shake of his head, “the types that are involved with those ‘incidents’ I mentioned earlier, the ones you may be expected to help out with. It was just such an incident, with just such individuals, that claimed your father’s life. There are underground organizations of these rogue elements. In order to dissuade independent talents from helping us they will sometimes victimize the families of any who do so as a message to others. Your father was killed while we tried eradicating one of the rogue organizations.”

“And the members of that group?”

“Some were killed, some got away.”

“So my mother was conditioned to resist mental commands?”

“Heavens no. There’s no way to do that. She was just to be aware that such commands were being given.”

“So she couldn’t have stopped them. Hell, she couldn’t have stopped me. What if, instead of Samantha, I had focused my intentions on her?” I had no such desires, but had decided that these guys didn’t shock easily and I wanted to hit him with an example that was really ‘out there.’

He looked over at my mother, performed a lingering once over that caused her to blush and turned back to me.

“In that case I’m sure you both would have had a rousing time.” He replied with a grin, and then his countenance became serious. “Look, we do take morality into consideration, but you must agree that the ability to control the thoughts and desires of others, just by its very nature, harbors some quite dastardly possibilities. We have plenty to concern ourselves with, other than how the talents are getting their jollies. We are more focused on things like the world’s political landscape and just who may be mucking about with that. So if you wish to subjugate the young lovely next door for whatever purpose, no one will stop you and no one will judge you. If you wish to include your mother and perhaps gather a whole harem of beautiful women for your sexual utilization, we won’t say a thing unless you become too indiscreet and endanger our secret.”

“So the guys who killed my father, they were trying to take over the world or something?”

“In a manner of speaking. This is the most powerful nation in the world and whoever controls this government and its purse strings, holds the keys to much of the rest of the world.”

“And, right now, that would be you, right?”

“If you meant the organization that I am a part of, then, yes it is. But what we do is to try and keep such manipulations to a minimum. By ensuring those in power have the right attitudes we can maintain the status quo thereby giving the normal population plenty of other things to be concerned about and our secrets remain safe. Those involved in your father’s death disagree with that method and wish to replace us – violently if necessary.”

“Do you think my mother is still in danger?”

“Hard to say. They may not even be aware of you, but if they are, I think now that you have power they will wait to see which side you fall out on. When that becomes clear, they may target you.”

He looked at his watch and put down the soda-pop can he was holding.

“I have other commitments I must attend to. I honestly believe that you have nothing to worry about for now. I shall return on Saturday, noon and we’ll get going on that training. Until then,” he stood while he was talking and extended his hand, “good day to you.”

We shook hands and he turned to my mother. Their good-bye embrace mimicked the hello one and he turned back to me as he left.

“She won’t recall any talk of mental abilities or your manipulations of the young lady next door, and she will no longer know about any commands you may decide to give her.”

He let himself out and left me standing there agog. Some questions had been answered, but the answers created almost as much mystery as they cleared up.

My mother began cleaning up and I looked at her in a bit of a different light. Even though Mike had been smitten, I hadn’t considered her in a sexual way before, but Phillip had put the thought into my head. I watched her picking up our dishes and discarded cans realizing that she was, in fact, extremely sexy. Her curves and lovely features were tempting.

But she was my mother. If she had been my stepmother or something, then I may have seriously considered it, she was that beautiful. But I couldn’t bring myself to fuck my own mother and was a bit incredulous that Phillip was so cavalier about it.