The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

It Just Ain’t Patrick’s Day

Patrick O’Keefe was sick and tired of being overlooked but the difference between this day and every other day was that this day, he was sure he could do something about it.

It was simple, really, the engineer thought. Well, maybe not simple, Patrick had to admit to himself, but it was hardly in his nature to gloat and once the idea had come to him, well, it had seemed simple enough and he was surprised that no one had ever thought of it before.

Or maybe they had. That was the thought that nagged the engineer. He checked and rechecked his data to make sure that he wasn’t missing something but every time he checked, the answer was the same.

This should work, he told himself.

That being the case, of course, he set out to create a test that would prove his theories, one way or the other.

Patrick didn’t much like working under a woman. He didn’t much like working under men either. In fact, what he really liked was when people just left him alone, but the fact remained that he really didn’t like working under a woman so maybe it was only natural that his first test subject was going to be his boss.

If Patrick didn’t like working for a woman, it seemed that his boss didn’t much like having him report to her either. Sure he was brilliant, Nina Rowland told herself, but he was arrogant, and the other group members didn’t much like him, and it seemed as if she was constantly having to fight morale problems that always seemed to come back to Patrick.

This day was no different. She’d been in her office when Patrick had showed up at her door. “I want to talk with you,” he’d said.

Nina had sighed at that. The day was still young and already she was going to have her first Patrick problem and she hadn’t even finished her coffee yet. Still ...

She waved at a seat and told Patrick to come in and tell her what was up.

But Patrick just shook his head. “No,” he said. “I need to talk to you in my office,” and with that, the man turned and walked away.

What the hell, Nina thought and then she sighed. She supposed she was going to have to go deal with this, she told herself, but first, she might as well finish her coffee.

It was fifteen minutes later when Nina walked down the hallway to Patrick’s cube. She was trying to tell herself to remain calm but with every step she took, she could feel her anger growing. “You wanted to see me,” she said.

Oh crap, Nina told herself. She could feel the irritation bubbling to the surface. She needed to tamp it down, she told herself. She needed to get herself under control.

Patrick looked up at the woman standing in the entry way to his office. “I did,” he said.


Knock it off, Nina told herself. Just because he’s a jerk doesn’t mean you have to let him get to you.

He was typing something on his keyboard. “I was thinking,” Patrick said. “I don’t think I’m paid enough.”

Oh my God, Nina thought. He hadn’t just asked her to come down to his office to ask her for a raise, had he.

He was looking at his computer and she almost thought she saw him smirk. “I think someone like me should be valued higher.”

“We have policies,” Nina began. “HR looks at the industry numbers and they set guidelines.

Again, Patrick looked at his computer. “Yes, yes, I know,” he said, “but like you said, those are really guidelines. They shouldn’t really apply to me.”

This was just too much, Nina told herself. “Listen here,” she started out but Patrick held up a hand. “I know what you’re going to say,” he said.

Nina was sure he had no idea what it was she was going to say.

The man typed something on his keyboard and again, he looked at the screen on his monitor. “Just hear me out, okay?”

Nina supposed she could do that. After all, it was only fair, and after she’d heard what the creep had to say, after that, she could lower the boom on him.

Patrick looked at his screen and then he typed something on his keyboard.

“You got to admit I do good work, right.”

Nina nodded. His work product wasn’t at issue here.

Again, Patrick typed something on his keyboard.

“And that’s part of the nature of what salary is for. It’s too recognize good work, right?”

Yeah, but it was for more than just that, Nina wanted to tell him and she was going to tell him hen he held up his hand. He typed something on his keyboard. “That’s what it’s for, isn’t it?”

Nina nodded. “Of course. It recognizes good work.”

“So I should deserve a raise.”

“There’s more to it than just—”

Patrick held up a hand to stop her and once more, he typed something on his keyboard. “I should deserve a raise,” he said again.

Well sure, Nina had to admit to herself. Sure, he did good work, but how was she going to explain this to him. “Listen,” she said.

Once more, Patrick held up a hand and he typed something on his keyboard. “Let’s try this again. I deserve a raise.”

Nina shook her head. Sure, she’d like to give him a raise, but he just didn’t understand. “There are guidelines,” she said.

“But you don’t really have to follow them, do you?”

Well yes, she did, Nina wanted to say, but how was she going to tell Patrick that.

He was typing something on his keyboard again. “You can go to bat for me, can’t you.”

Well yes, she could, she told herself, and she would, if it weren’t for the fact that he was such a jerk and that no one liked him.

Patrick frowned at the computer in front of him. He shook his head and he hit a few more keys. “You wouldn’t want me to go somewhere else, would you?”

No, Nina thought. She wouldn’t want that.

Patrick looked smug as he looked at the screen. “So you’ll go to bat for me, won’t you? You’ll call HR up and see if they can get me a raise, right?”

“Sure,” Nina said. “We don’t want to lose someone as valuable as you.”

“That’s good to hear,” Patrick said. “You can go now.”

That, Patrick thought, that was a pretty good test.

Of course, it didn’t mean that things couldn’t be better and of course, he still had the logs to check, and there were still a few tweaks he wanted to make and of course, he wanted to test out a few other things as well, but all in all, the man thought, not bad at all.

It was a couple of weeks later and Patrick thought he was finally ready. The night before he’d found it nearly impossible to sleep as he thought of what was about to happen.

Everything the morning before work seemed to take twice as long as it should have because he seemed to be continually distracted.

Even so, he still managed to get to work early. He settled in to his office and watched his computer boot up. He hadn’t gotten into work early in ... he wasn’t sure how long it had been, but it hadn’t been for a while. Patrick sighed to himself as the computer restart finished. He might as well get some work done, he grinned to himself as he thought it, the work they actually paid him for, he might as well get some real work done while he waited for the fun to begin.

It was nearly an hour later when Patrick finally pulled his head out of his work. He’d let himself get lost in his work and over the passage of time, everyone else, it seemed, had finally showed up. He closed the file that he’d been working on and he opened another application on his computer. It was time, he told himself.

The question, of course, was how was he going to get her to come to him. It was a question he’d been asking himself almost from the moment he’d settled on his next victim. An email or an IM would be the best way. Something inviting her to come to his office.

He sent the email and a couple of minutes later, he received his reply: I’m busy.

Patrick sat in his office and fumed. How dare she say that to him. I really need to see you, he replied.

Once again, the response was the same. I’m busy.

Patrick couldn’t believe it. After all the planning he’d gone through, he couldn’t believe it. It all hinged on the fact that the bitch thought she was more important than him.

Okay, calm down, the man told himself. Calm down. There had to be a way to get her to come to him. There had to be a way.

He sent another email. Suit yourself, he told her. I just thought you’d want to know first.

Her response came back in a couple of minutes: Know what?

I can’t tell you through inter-office email, he replied, but like I said, I thought you’d want to know.

He kept watching his screen as he waited for her response.


Patrick looked up to find Patty standing there at the door to his office. From the tone of her voice, she was obviously irritated and he hadn’t expected to see her there that quick so she’d caught him off guard.

“You said you wanted to see me,” Patty said irritably. “What did you want?”

With her long, blond hair and her ice blue eyes, Patty Meyers was one of the hottest girls in the office. Oh sure, there were some other girls who might have given her a run for her money, Patrick thought, but it was Patty’s tits that really sealed it for him. He liked a girl with big tits.

“What did you want to see me for?” Patty asked yet again.

Patrick looked at his computer screen. He really hadn’t thought this one that far out. All he’d really wanted was to get the girl to come to his office but he was starting to recover. “I, um, I heard something from corporate.”

“Something from corporate? What do you mean you heard something from corporate?”

“It’s ... it’s a new policy they’re coming out with,” he said lamely.

“Yeah, and why the hell would they let you know.”

“They, um, they didn’t. It was just that I was snooping around in the computers, and I, um, I came across it, but it hasn’t been released yet. That’s why ... that’s why I couldn’t tell you over the email.”

That seemed to satisfy Patty. Apparently, picturing Patrick snooping around inside the computers at corporate was just the sort of thing she thought he’d do. “So what’d you fine out,” she asked, “and why are you telling me?”

“Because it concerns you.”


“Well, not you specifically, but in general, yeah. It concerns you.”

“Yeah? How?”

“It talks about hot women—”

“So you’re saying you think I’m hot,” Patty smirked. It wasn’t that she necessarily disagreed with that assessment. It was just that it amused her to have caught Patrick actually saying it.

“Well, yes,” Patrick said with ... was that a blush, Patty thought ... oh this just was getting better and better.

“So what’s this so called guideline say about me.”

“It’s more of a dress code, really, and standards for comportment. It starts out by saying you girls have to stop dressing like sluts, and—”

“Whoa. Wait a minute. What did you say? Did you say we were dressing like sluts?”

Patrick looked at his computer screen and he grinned before he tapped a few keys on his keyboard. “I didn’t say it. The memo did.”

“Yeah, right. Let me see it.”

Once more, Patrick typed a few keys on his keyboard and Patty seemed to settle down again. “You don’t need to see the memo,” Patrick said. “After all, it’s just preliminary.”

“Yeah, well what else did it have to say?”

“Well, it said sluts like you have to stop wearing such provocative clothing.”


Patrick looked at the screen on his computer and then he tapped a couple keys on his keyboard. “It’s okay. I understand.”

“Understand what?”

“I understand that a girl like you, she has needs.”

“Yeah? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Patrick typed a couple more keys on his keyboard. “It means when a girl looks as good as you do, you can’t help showing yourself off.”

“Yeah,” the blond agreed and then in the next moment, she realized what she’d agreed to. “No wait. That isn’t right.”

Patrick looked at his computer screen and he pressed another key on his keyboard. “Sure it is,” he said. “A little slut like you likes showing off her pussy.”

“Well you know how it is,” Patty agreed.

“Sure I do. A slut like you needs to be fucked.”

Patty’s brow creased as if she was trying to disagree with what was being said but she couldn’t seem to find it in her to open her mouth to object.

Patrick tapped a few more keys on his keyboard. “Your pussy’s always wet,” he said. “It just makes sense to me that you’d always be on the look-out for a cock to take care of it.”

“Well, you know how it is,” the blond said.

“I know,” the man said with a grin. “What I don’t get is why Corporate wants to keep hassling you. Can’t they see that you just can’t help yourself?”

“I know,” Patty agreed. “It’s so unfair.”

“They just don’t understand,” Patrick agreed and at that moment, his phone rang. He looked at the display on the phone and he turned to the girl in front of him. “Hold on,” he said. “I got to take this.”

He turned away from the girl for only a couple of minutes while he dealt with the phone call but when he turned back again, she was gone.

“What the hell?” Patrick said to himself.

He got up and looked out in the hallway but Patty wasn’t there.

Maybe back in her office, Patrick thought, but when he went to Patty’s office, she wasn’t there either.

What the hell? Where the fuck was the little slut, Patrick asked himself.

Maybe she was in the bathroom, he told himself, but he wasn’t going to go in there to find her.

But what if she wasn’t, he asked himself. He had to find her.

He kept looking and he finally found her in the break room. She was bent over a table with her jeans and her panties down around her knees but that wasn’t what had Patrick’s attention. What had his attention was the cock that was sliding up between her legs.

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Fuck this little slut. Fuck me good.”

The man with his cock between Patty’s legs was Doug Billingsly. He was a twerp, Patrick thought. He didn’t know anything, and yet ... and yet, it was his cock between Patty’s legs.

“Oh yeah,” Patty moaned. “Oh yeah. Fuck this slut. Fuck her good.”

And Doug was doing exactly that.

“Oh yeah,” the girl groaned. “Oh yeah. I love it. Are you going to cum?” she asked. “Are you going to cum? I want you to do it. I want you to cum inside me.”

The man groaned.

“You know what a slut like me needs,” the blond moaned. “She needs to feel it. She needs to know she’s appreciated. You know how to do it. Show me how much you like me. Come on, do it. Show me.”

The man groaned as his cock finally came inside her.

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned. “Oh yeah. That’s what I want. Oh yeah. It feels so good.”

When Doug was finished, the girl pulled up her panties and her jeans and she gave the two men a smile and then she sauntered away.

“I don’t know what came over her,” Doug said. “I was just passing by in the hallway and she just sort of grabbed onto me and one thing just sort of led to another, if you know what I mean.”

Patrick knew exactly what the man meant and he wasn’t very happy about it. He’d meant to have Patty for himself but now that she was offering herself up to every guy in the office, what could he do. It wasn’t like he could tell what he knew and besides, he already had a contingency planned.

Back in his office, he picked up his phone and he dialed a number that he’d already looked up even before the day had started.

It was easy, he told himself. He needed some forms, he told the person on the other end of the line.

Interoffice mail ... he’d said. No, that would be too late. He needed them today.

Oh they did, Patrick remarked with as much innocence as he could conjure up. You have an intern and she could bring the forms over? Why yes, that would be fine.

Bureaucrats, Patrick smugly thought as he hung up the phone. They were so set in their ways but all one really needed to know was how to get inside their defenses ... and it was so easy. Now, all he had to do was to wait for his next victim to come to him.

Emerald Liu was a petite, Asian girl who’d caught Patrick’s attention once or twice and he’d wondered what it would be like to have her little Asian body dangling off the end of his cock and since Patty Meyers hadn’t worked out as well as he’d hoped she would, Emerald was the next girl on Patrick’s list.

“Hi, Mr. O’Keefe,” she said when she finally showed up at his office. “They told me you wanted these forms?”

“Ah yes,” the man said even as he glanced over at his computer. He frowned a little. “What’s your name?” he asked as if he didn’t already know.

“It’s Emerald,” the girl said.

Patrick nodded. “Tell me, Emerald. Have you worked here long?”

“Just the past two months.”

“You like it here?”

“Oh yeah. I’m learning a lot.”

“You like the people?”

“Yeah, they’re cool.”

Once more, Patrick looked at his computer and he screen and he scowled. He tapped a couple of keys and then a couple of more. That was better, he thought. Not exactly right, but better.

“Is this your first job?”

“Oh no. I worked at Old Navy when I was in high school.”

“But this is your first one since you got out of high school?”

The girl nodded.

“It must be exciting,” the man said.

The girl nodded again.

The man tapped a key on his keyboard and then he tapped it a couple of more times. “Really exciting.”

The girl’s face took on an almost worried look and Patrick couldn’t help but wonder if he’d overplayed his hand but that’s when the girl bit her lip and nodded.

The man tapped his keyboard again. “Really excited?”

The girl nodded again.

“The kind of excited that makes your pussy wet. That kind of excited?”

“H-h-how did you know?”

The man looked at his computer screen. Better, he thought. Better. “It wasn’t that hard to see,” he said.

The girl looked worried. “It wasn’t?”

The man tapped a couple of keys on his keyboard and the girl visibly relaxed. “It’s okay,” he told her. “It’s okay to let them see you like this. It lets them know who you are, right?”


“It’s okay to let people know who you are. It’s okay to let them know you’re a slut. Isn’t that right?”


This was definitely better. The man pressed a couple more keys on his keyboard. “Your pussy is so wet, isn’t it?”


A couple more key presses. “You need to have your pussy taken care of,” the man said.


“You need it right now.”

“Excuse me,” the girl said. “I gotta go.”

Patrick sat up in his chair. “W-what,” he stammered but even as he said that, already the girl was pulling out of his office doorway. Where the fuck was she going?

By the time he got to the hallway, the girl was already halfway down the hall. Where the fuck was she going?

Maybe she didn’t know that he was following her or maybe she just didn’t care. Whatever it was, she didn’t bother to hide where she was going.

She was going down to the loading area and Patrick kept right on following.

By the time Patrick got down there, Emerald was already in the loading supervisor’s office. “What’s gotten into you,” Patrick heard another girl saying through the open door.

“I was thinking about what you were saying,” he heard Emerald say. “I was thinking about what you wanted to do.”

“Yeah, but that was for after work.”

“I don’t want to wait.”

“But someone might see.”

“I don’t care.”

“But I do. I like this ... oh my God. What are you doing?”

“Do you have a pretty pussy, Nikki. I’ll bet you do.”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Let’s see if you have a pretty pussy.”

“Oh my God,” the other voice said. “Oh my God.”

“Let’s see if you have a pretty pussy,” and then, “it looks like someone’s getting wet for me.”

“Oh my God,” the other girl moaned. “We shouldn’t be doing this, but ... oh my God.”

Patrick peeked around the corner into the open office. There was a brown-haired girl bent over the desk, apparently naked from the waist down and there was Emerald with her mouth between her legs and her hands on her ass.

“Oh my God,” the brunette moaned again. “Oh my God.”

Emerald was too busy to say anything.

“I’m going to cum,” the brunette moaned. “I’m going to cum” and then she screamed as Emerald’s tongue finally got the better of her.

The last thing Patrick heard before he withdrew was Emerald telling the other girl that now it was time for her to return the favor. Fucking lesbians, Patrick thought. No wonder it hadn’t worked the way it was supposed to.

Iris was a bland girl. She had long, dark hair which hung down in bangs just above her eyes. The girl was timid and she wore glasses and when she showed up at Patrick’s office, the man thought maybe, just maybe, this was the one. After all, a girl as mousy as this one would be easy to overwhelm.

“Hey, Mr. O’Keefe,” said the girl. “I got those reports you wanted.”

“Iris,” the man said. “Just the girl I wanted to see.”

“You wanted to see me, Mr. O’Keefe?” asked the girl.

Patrick glanced over at his computer screen. Hmm, he thought. At least these readings looked familiar. Not like the readings he’d been getting when he was talking to Emerald. “Tell me,” the man asked, “do you have a boyfriend, Iris?”

“Not right now,” the girl said.

“But you have had boyfriends in the past?”

“Yeah ... why?”

“And as far as girls go, do you have any girlfriends?”

“Oh yeah. Sure.”

“You do?”

“Sure, I have lots of friends that are girls.”

“That’s not exactly what I meant.”

“It’s not?”

Patrick shook his head. “What I meant was something different. What I meant was would you have sex with another woman?”

“Mr. O’Keefe?!”


“I would never do that.”

Patrick looked at the computer screen and he nodded to himself. “That’s just what I wanted to hear,” he said.

“I can’t believe you’d even suggest it.”

“Tell me, Iris. What makes your pussy wet?”

“Mr. O’Keefe?”

“I want to know.”

“Well,” the girl said hesitantly.

The man tapped something on his keyboard. “Go ahead,” he said. “It’s okay. You can tell me.”

“I really shouldn’t.”

The man tapped a couple of keys on his keyboard. “Of course, you should.”

“I like to be spanked.”


“I like to be spanked,” the girl said. “I like to be spanked hard.”

Patrick looked at his screen. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with that.

“I like it when I’m on my hands and knees,” Iris continued. “I like being fucked from behind. I like it when guys pull on my hair and fuck me from behind. That’s what I like.”

Patrick just stared at the girl. That was the last thing he would have expected from little, mousy Iris.

“What do you like?” Iris asked. “Do you want to spank my butt?”

Patrick shook his head in bewilderment. That was the last thing he’d expected Iris to say.

Patrick couldn’t help but look at the patterns on his computer screen.

“I want to be used,” the girl said. “Can you do that for me?”

Patrick shook his head.

“I can do it.”

Both Patrick and Iris turned to find Paul McReynolds in the hallway behind her. “What’d you say?” asked Iris.

“I said I can do it. I’ll spank your butt. I’ll pull your hair. I’ll ride you hard.”

Iris grinned and then she looked back at Patrick. “It looks like I got myself a better offer, Mr. O’Keefe. See you later.”

Paul just nodded as he watched the two young people walk away. Three strikes and he was totally out. Maybe the next day would be better, but even Patrick should have known that nothing ever seemed to go right for him. It was almost as if the world was conspired against him. It was almost as if the day didn’t matter, because no matter what day it is, the world seemed to be saying that any day just ain’t Patrick’s day.