The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Part 2

by DG

Fox Mulder guided the blue FBI-issue sedan through the early morning Washington traffic and into the driveway of Scully’s townhouse. Before he could get out of the car to knock, the door opened and she stepped out.

“Morning, Scully,” he said as she got in the car. “You’re looking unusually perky this morning.”

“You’re late, and don’t call me perky.” This was standard verbal by-play for them, lighthearted sparring that they both enjoyed.

“Sorry. Is that coffee?”

Dana unscrewed the cap of the thermos and poured a steaming cup for each of them. They had worked together long enough not to feel the need for unnecessary small talk, and they maintained a companionable silence as Mulder worked his way out of the city and onto the main highway north to Pennsylvania. It was a bright, sunny morning, and the air had a heavy moistness that foretold a scorcher of a day.

Mulder finally broke the silence. “Before we try to talk to the girl—her name is Trudi Bowman—we should talk to the Chief of Police. Does he know we are coming?”

“Yes, I talked to a Chief Schroeder yesterday afternoon. He was surprised when I told him we were going to start an investigation, and he was angry that we had been sent a copy of the security tape. Apparently the guy who sent it to you wasn’t authorized to do so. I calmed Schroeder down a bit, and he finally said to go ahead and stop by when we got into town, but that he didn’t have any further information for us. I got the impression that they are embarassed by the incident and so they are trying to minimize the fallout.”

This brought a wry smile from Mulder. “That’s pretty much par for the course; no one ever likes the FBI poking around on their turf. I just hope he doesn’t actively interfere with us.”

“Well, you can just turn on your famous charm when we see him, and I’m sure he will be glad to cooperate,” said Dana in her usual deadpan tone.

Mulder, who wasn’t the least bit famous for his charm, glanced over at her to see if she was kidding and was rewarded with a playful smile. He briefly considered trying to move the conversation to a more personal level, but her usual noncommittal professional expression was back in place and he suddenly felt uncharacteristically bashful.

“So did you set up an interview with Trudi Bowman for today?” asked Scully.

“Yes. I talked to her mother last night. She’s pretty upset about this whole thing, obviously. Apparently the wife of the convenience store owner called her up and told her what a slut her daughter was. I think I convinced her that we were interested in proving that the sexual relations were coerced, and she agreed to let us try to talk to her daughter as long as she was home at the time.”

“How is Trudi taking this? Whatever actually happened, it must have been pretty traumatic for her.”

“I suppose. I got the impression that she’s taking it a lot better than her mother, though.”

They continued to discuss the case off and on for the next few hours, as the suburbs of Washington slowly receded and gave way to the rolling farmland of southern Pennsylvania. Finally, they exited the highway and found themselves driving slowly along the main street of Hallville. They had no trouble finding the police station; it was located in a large brick building in the center of town which also contained the post office and town library. A huge American flag hung limply against the flagpole in front of the building.

“This is it, Scully,” said Mulder as he stood next to the car and stretched. “Small-town America, where strange things go on behind closed doors. You can just feel it in the air, can’t you?”

“I don’t know, it looks like a pretty nice place to me. I think you’ve been reading too much Steven King.”

After that comment, Mulder didn’t feel too guilty about staring at her ass he followed her up the steps to the front entrance.

Inside, Chief of Police Robert Schroeder invited them into his small office. He was a stocky man in his mid-fifties with a ruddy, weatherbeaten face and a friendly manner.

“I sure was surprised to hear that you wanted to come out here and investigate that crazy little incident at the Road Pantry, Ms. Scully,” he said with a chuckle as he seated them in front of his large wooden desk. “I didn’t know the FBI was interested in cases of public indecency.”

“Well, it sounded like a good excuse to get out of Washington for a little while,” replied Scully with a smile.

This appeared to satisfy Schroeder. Like most small-town Americans, he couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to live in a big city, especially Washington.

“Of course, of course, a little fresh air and a change of pace are always nice... so now that you are here, what exactly can I do for you folks?”

Mulder spoke up for the first time. “You must know what goes on in this town better than anyone, Chief Schroeder. We were hoping you might be able to remember any other recent incidents involving public sexual behavior—maybe a complaint from an onlooker that wasn’t written up, something like that.”

Schroeder rubbed his chin for a moment, then shook his head apologetically. “No, I’d certainly remember something like that. People in this town are conservative, God-fearing folks, you know. I’m sure everyone here is pretty embarrassed that something like this happened in Hallville. Carrying on like that in public just isn’t tolerated here.”

Mulder resisted the impulse to tell him that people in Washington weren’t in the habit of doing the nasty on the counters of convenience stores either.

“Have you filed any charges in this case?", he asked.

“Oh yes, both of them have been charged with public indecency,” said Schroeder, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“That’s it?” broke in Scully. “What about statutory rape? Trudi Bowman is only sixteen.”

Schroeder fiddled with a letter opener for a few moments before replying. “We still have that option, of course. But I’ve known Vince Lansing for years, and he’s not...that is, he wouldn’t ...”

He cleared his throat and then continued, “Anyway, when you said you thought it might have been some kind of outside coercion and that you were coming to investigate, I kinda figured I would hold off on any further charges.”

“Fair enough,” said Mulder. “Have either of them been in trouble before?”

“No they haven’t. Vince is a family man and a real nice guy. Everyone makes mistakes in life, though, and it looks like he made a big one. I can’t imagine what he and his wife are going through over this. Trudi Bowman I don’t really know much about—she and her mother moved here last year, and she’s a sophomore at Hallville high school.”

“Well, as I told you earlier on the phone, Chief Schroeder, we aren’t here to try to get anyone in trouble or to uphold the morals of your town,” said Scully. “If it turns out that they were having consensual sex, then the case is yours to handle as you see fit.”

“To be honest with you, I’m sure that’s what happened, Ms. Scully. But you go ahead and investigate if you like.”

“Could we speak to the officer who responded to the incident?” asked Mulder.

Schroeder looked uncomfortable again. “Well, that’s going to be difficult, I’m afraid. Jim Needham is on vacation and won’t be back for a week.”

Mulder and Scully looked at each other. Before they could reply, the phone on Schroeder’s desk rang, and he picked it up. After a few minutes, during which he mostly listened, he hung up and sighed.

“I’ve got to see to something right now, I’m afraid. I’ll leave you with my deputy, Alan Johnson. He can answer any more questions you might have.”

He led them out into the main office area, which was nearly empty, and introduced them to a thin man in his early forties.

“Alan, these are the folks from the FBI, looking into that Road Pantry incident. Give them whatever assistance they need until I get back, will you?” With that, Schroeder disappeared out the front door.

Johnson greeted them politely and offered them coffee, which the agents declined. Mulder then repeated the same line of questioning they had followed with Schroeder, with the same result. If anything strange was going on here, Hallville’s finest didn’t seem to know about it.

Scully decided to take a slightly different tack. “Mr. Johnson, could you give us your personal opinion about what happened the other night at the Road Pantry?”

For the first time, Johnson’s expression of polite reserve faded, and he looked uncomfortable.

“My opinion.... ? Well, I guess I’d have to say it was just a crazy stunt. They were probably having an affair, and got a little carried away. I’m much of a believer in hypnosis,” he added.

“Chief Schroeder seems to think that would be out of character for these two,” observed Mulder. “Lansing is married with a couple of kids, and Trudi Bowman is only sixteen.”

Johnson laughed. “Since when did having a family stop a guy from getting a little on the side? Lansing is kind of a local hero around here—some kind of football stud. I bet he’s got young girls throwing themselves at him all the time. And believe me, these days a lot of the kids are sexually active at sixteen. This girl, she looks like she might be kind of a wild one. She’s got a nose ring you know, and what with her living with just her mother, no father around...”

Mulder glanced over at Scully. As he suspected, she was about to make an indignant reply to Johnson’s rather politically incorrect observations.

“I think we see what you are driving at,” he said quickly. “We are going to talk to her this afternoon to see if she can give us a better description of the other man who was there. Have you seen the security camera tape?”

“Oh yeah, I’ve reviewed the tape several times,” said Johnson with a smirk. “Makes for mighty interesting viewing, but I don’t see any evidence of hypnosis, or whatever it is you folks are trying to prove.”

Mulder glanced at Scully, who shook her head with a look of faint disgust.

“We aren’t here to try to prove anything, Mr. Johnson,” she said. “We are just looking for the truth.”

“Tell Chief Schroeder we may stop back later,” said Mulder as the agents stood up to leave.

As they walked out of the station, they noticed that heavy, dark storm clouds had built up on the horizon and that the temperature had dropped by at least ten degrees.

“Well, that was a bust,” said Scully as they got back in the car.

Mulder had a thoughtful expression on his face as he drove them back down Hallville’s main drag.

“They didn’t give us any new information,” he said finally. “But I thought it was odd that neither one of them asked us any specific questions about our involvement in the case. All they knew before we arrived was that we suspected some sort of coercion was involved, and they must have figured out we meant hypnosis since the security video shows no physical assault.”

“You’re always disappointed when your wild ideas don’t get a strong reaction from people. But I wouldn’t worry about it—those two didn’t strike me as being deep thinkers—especially Johnson.”

Mulder smiled. “You just don’t like Johnson because he was staring at your chest.”

“You stare at my chest, and I still like you.”

This threw Mulder a little off guard. Was he that obvious? He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, but her expression was unreadable as usual.

Scully was actually regretting the comment. Mulder was really quite a gentleman, and she didn’t mind the occasional appreciative glance, anyway. Especially from him.

“It seemed rather suspicious that the officer who responded to the incident is on vacation all of a sudden,” she said, changing the subject.

Mulder nodded. “It sure looks like they don’t want him talking to us. I guess he got himself in hot water by sending me the videotape—maybe he’s being disciplined.”

“Well, they certainly don’t seem to be very cooperative, whatever happened,” said Scully. “So where to now?”

“It’s still a few hours before Mrs. Bowman gets off work—we might as well check into a motel,” said Mulder. “I saw a few near the exit from the highway.”

* * *

Trudi stared at the clock above the classroom door, willing the second hand to click one more time. It had already been one of the longest days of her life, spent trying to ignore the stares and giggles of the students who had heard rumors about the incident at the Road Pantry and trying to figure out what the hell she was going to say to Gene, and it was still only 2:59 pm.

There had been plenty of time to reflect on the incident during the past two days, since she had been grounded—confined to her room with no phone privileges. Her mother had even kept her out of school and stayed home from work to keep an eye on her yesterday. Her face flushed with shame as she remembered the horrified look on her mothers face when she had arrived to pick her up late Saturday night at the police station. It had taken hours of tearful screaming and yelling on Trudi’s part before her mother had even begun to consider the possibility that she had been put under some kind of spell, and if the guy from the FBI hadn’t called Trudi might still be in her room.

The funny thing was this: not all of her feelings about the incident were negative. Not by a long shot. Whenever she tried to concentrate on what had happened, the feelings of guilt were soon pushed aside by memories of the incredible sexual feelings she had experienced. Although she clearly remembered being sexually aroused, the specifics of what had happened were fuzzy—she could only recall little bits and pieces, like tiny, vivid flashbacks. Putting her lips around Vince’s cock for the first time and being startled by its warmth. The intense look of animal pleasure on Vince’s face while he was fucking her. The truth was, Trudi felt that a whole new world had opened up for her, and she suspected that life was going to be a lot more interesting from now on.

However, for now she still had to deal with the considerable negative fallout. At the moment, her greatest concern was her boyfriend Gene. Her mother hadn’t even let her call him to let him know what had happened, so God knows what he was thinking. A queasy knot formed in her stomach at the thought of Gene hearing all the nasty rumors going around school. Just my luck, she thought. I’m finally ready for sex, and my boyfriend is probably going to dump me.

The clock performed its double click, and the bell signifying the end of another school day at Hallville High rang out joyously, interrupting the teacher’s half-hearted attempt to explain the quadratic equation for what seemed like the hundredth time that year.

Trudi grabbed her already-packed knapsack and headed for the door, ignoring the shouted last-second homework instructions that she usually copied down religiously. She had bigger problems to deal with than algebra homework, she thought to herself as pushed her way out the door. Maybe Gene hadn’t heard the stories yet and she could do some damage control.

Figuring that looking her best wouldn’t hurt, she was wearing a short green skirt which accentuated her long, slender legs, and a tight white t-shirt which showed off her high, round breasts. As she half-walked, half-ran down the hall she was oblivious to the many admiring glances that came her way, not all of them from students.

While she was standing in front of her locker, she suddenly heard Amy Archer calling her name. She groaned inwardly—for once she didn’t feel like talking to her best friend.

“Trudiiiii..... I can’t believe it! Where have you been all day! Oh my God, is it true? You are such a slut! You are such a bad girl! I want to hear everything, and I mean everything!” This was delivered in an urgent hiss.

Amy’s cute, perfectly made-up face was suffused with a combination of delight and awe. Nothing impressed her more than wanton sexual escapades, and she had been diligently trying to impart this outlook on life to Trudi for months. Now it seemed like all her work had paid off. At least she had the sense to keep her voice down.

“Yes it’s true, but it’s not like it sounds. Oh God Amy, can we talk about it later? I’ve got to find Gene—have you seen him?”

Although Amy thought that Gene was kind of boring, and that having a steady boyfriend cramped ones style, she had the decency to look concerned.

“No, I haven’t seen him today. Haven’t you talked to him?”

“I think he’s avoiding me,” said Trudi. She slammed her locker shut and headed for the exit, Amy in tow. “Maybe I can catch him in the parking lot.”

Amy could see that her best friend was near to tears, and she felt a stab of real sympathy. She and Trudi were extremely close, so close, in fact, that Amy was starting to have some feelings for her that went beyond friendship. Not that she was planning to say anything to Trudi about it, of course.

As they went out the side exit into the parking lot, Trudi saw Gene walking toward his blue Camaro, which was parked in its usual spot at the back of the lot. After promising Amy that she would call her as soon as she could, Trudi ran after him, reaching the car just as he was about to get in.

“Gene, wait! I’ve got to talk to you...please...”

Gene stood with the open car door between them, a mixture of emotions fighting for control of his face. He was a thin young man with a pale face and thick black hair. Although he was actually rather good looking, he was very quiet and reserved by nature, and he had spent his three years of high school on the fringes of the social scene. Asking out a pretty and popular girl like Trudi had been totally out of character for him, and he now had the sneaking suspicion that he had been made a fool of.

“I was worried about you,” he said finally.

“Thanks... I’m all right, I guess. Have you heard all the stories?”

“You might say that. Hard to believe, though.” The expression on his face said that he believed it all too well.

“Let’s drive somewhere and talk about, OK? I know what you must be thinking, but I really didn’t cheat on you. I mean, I sort of did but I really didn’t.”

A gust of wind ruffled Genes hair as he stood motionless staring at Trudi. Then a clap of thunder, very close, made them both flinch.

“Come on Gene—it’s going to rain. Besides, don’t you think I deserve the chance to at least try and explain?”

Gene glanced up at the sky, which had grown ominously dark, and finally relented.

“OK, get in.”

Trudi quickly jumped into the passenger seat and tossed her knapsack into the back of the Camaro. Gene turned the key and the car roared to life, emitting a cloud of blue smoke from the tailpipe. After two deafening backfires, the engine settled down to a angry, vibrating rumble.

“Car’s running great, sweetie.”

Gene grunted something about the carburetor as he pulled out of the lot. The first drops of rain began spattering against the windshield as they headed north, away from the center of town. Trudi collected her thoughts and was about to speak when Gene broke the silence.

“Your mom called me yesterday and told me what happened. She said somebody hypnotized you or something, and made you... do things with your boss right there in the store. Is that what happened?”

“My MOM called you?”

“Yep. She said you were grounded but that she didn’t want me to hear about it from the kids at school. Pretty cool of her, actually.”

Trudi felt a rush of gratitude towards her mother, who she would have gladly strangled a few times during the past two days.

“I was hypnotized, Gene, I swear. It was the weirdest fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. I didn’t want it to happen, but I couldn’t stop myself.”

Gene looked over at her and his expression softened. “OK, I just wanted to hear it from you. I believe you, Trudi. I just want to hear exactly what happened.”

Tears of relief came to TrudiÕs face. “I’ll tell you everything I remember, but it’s all just jumbled up images. It’s like waking up and trying to remember a weird dream you were having.”

As they drove through the increasingly heavy rain, Trudi related everything she could remember about the incident. She was basically truthful, although she didn’t tell him how much she had enjoyed the sex. When she finished, Gene looked over a her, but before he could speak a sheet of heavy rain splattered against the windshield and drummed on the roof, cutting the visibility down to almost zero. Gene pulled off the highway onto a muddy dirt road and parked under a tree. They sat there for a few minutes listening to the rain pounding on the car and watching the sheets of water running down the windows.

“Just like being in the car wash,” said Trudi.

Gene had a thoughtful look on his face. “So you and that guy Vince did all the things we didn’t do yet,” he said with a rueful smile.

Trudi smiled back at him. He seemed to be taking this much better than she had ever expected. She slid over next to him on the seat and kissed his cheek.

“But I hardly remember it, sweetie. And you believe me when I say that I didn’t do it on purpose, right?”

Instead of answering, Gene kissed her softly on the lips. Trudi closed her eyes and returned the kiss, making it last. What started out as a kiss of forgiveness slowly turned more passionate. Trudi opened her mouth and felt Genes tongue meet hers, and she slid her hand around the back of his neck to pull him even closer. She felt his warm hand rubbing her back, and she twisted slightly, offering her breast.

As he cupped her breast she leaned forward, pressing it firmly into his hand, and she felt her nipple harden and push against his palm through her bra and thin t-shirt. Gene began rubbing his palm across her nipple, and she moaned and bit his lower lip gently.

“That feels so good.”

Gene looked at her searchingly. This was about as far as they had gone in the past, and many a mild argument had started at this point. Trudi made a sudden decision. Taking her hand from behind Genes neck, she slowly trailed it down his chest and then let it settle in his lap. She immediately felt the bulge of his incipient erection, and she gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Well, what have we here?”

“Someone I’ve been dying to have you meet.”

Trudi giggled. “Is that right? Well maybe it’s time I got acquainted with the little fellow.”

“Hey, watch who you call little.”

She unzipped his fly and carefully worked his cock out of his jeans. It increased in size before her eyes, like one of those time-lapse films of plants growing.

“I think he likes you,” said Gene.

“Mmmm, I think it’s mutual.” Trudi examined his cock closely. It was about as long as Vince’s, but not as thick. She ran her finger gently up and down from the tip to the base, exploring its topography and texture. “Looks yummy,” she thought to herself. Gene shuddered and stifled a gasp.

“That tickles, Trude!”

“Aww, poor baby.” Trudi was having fun now—this time she was in control. She gripped the shaft more firmly in her fist and began working it around in slow circles. Gene groaned appreciatively.

“That’s more like it.”

Trudi squirmed around on the seat without letting go, tucking one leg underneath her and ending up so that they were almost face to face. As she continued to play with his cock, Gene slid his hand under her shirt and squeezed her breasts through her bra.

“It unhooks in front.”

Gene didnÕt need any further encouragement. He opened the clasp with creditable dexterity considering the circumstances, and lifted the bra upwards, releasing her breasts. As he kneaded and stroked them hungrily, Trudi noticed that his breathing had become noticeably heavier.

Trudi was rather proud of her breasts, and she was feeling sooo horny. Impulsively, she pulled her t-shirt over her head and removed her bra. Gene let out a long sigh of appreciation.

“God, Trude, those are beautiful. You’re beautiful.” He smiled at her. “You look like a mermaid.”

Trudi looked down at her green skirt and giggled. She rotated her torso back and forth, causing her tits to swing back and forth in a gentle arc.

“Glad you like them.”

Gene leaned his head forward and caught one of her breasts with his mouth. He sucked gently, pulling in the nipple and then swirling around it with his tongue.

Trudi caught her breath. “Ohhhh, that feels good.... don’t stop.”

“I won’t if you won’t,” came the muffled reply.

Trudi suddenly realized that she had been neglecting her new friend, and she grabbed it again and gave it a healthy squeeze. Gene responded by gently biting her nipple, which sent a jolt of pleasure shooting through her body. She could feel her pussy opening up like a flower, and she knew her panties must be getting damp.

After a few minutes, Gene groaned and lifted his head.

“Trude, I really think I’m gonna come... is that OK?”

Trudi looked down at his cock. The head had turned a darker red color, and it glistened with a sheen of moisture, which had also coated her hand.

She lifted her hand to her mouth licked her palm. The taste was salty, and not at all unpleasant. Suddenly, a vivid image of her kneeling in front of Vince with his cock filling her mouth flashed into her mind. For a second, she could actually feel every detail, down to the sensation of her bare knees pressing on the cold linoleum floor, and then the image was gone.

“Trude, baby, all it would take is a little more stroking...” Genes voice had a ragged note of desperation in it.

Trudi remembered what Amy had told her about men’s needs, and she suddenly felt sorry for him.

“I can do better than that,” she whispered, looking into his eyes.

Before she could chicken out, she lowered her head down into his lap and closed her mouth around the head of his cock. Gene groaned and bucked his hips upward, driving himself all the way to the back of her throat and making her gag. Amy had warned her about that, too.

“This is my first real blow job, Gene, so sit still.”

“Oh God...I’ll try.”

Trudi returned to work, and after a few awkward moments she was able to synchronize the bobbing of her head with Gene’s hip movements. She could hear animal groaning noises from Gene over the slick slurping sounds from her own mouth, and she realized for the first time what a privilege it was to be able to give someone so much pleasure. “I could definitely learn to enjoy this,” she thought to herself.


Suddenly she felt jets of thick fluid hitting the back off her throat, and her mouth filled with a hot, salty taste. She gagged as she reflexively swallowed some of it, but she managed to keep going until he was done. For a few seconds they just sat there, breathing heavily and listening to the rain beating on the roof of the car.

“I’m sorry Trude—I should have warned you when I was going to come.”

Trudi giggled. “Nah, that would have just made me nervous. How was it—did I do OK?” As if she didn’t know.

Gene kissed her. “It was incredible.”

“Good. You owe me one, then.” She managed to wriggle out of her panties without taking off her skirt, and then she climbed into his lap facing away from him and spread her legs to either side of his. Taking one of his hands in her own, she put it on her thigh and slid it upwards.

“Make me come,” she whispered, leaning her head back on his shoulder and closing her eyes.

A shudder ran through her body as Genes finger brushed tentatively against her pussy. Slowly, he began to explore this foreign anatomical territory, first rubbing his hand gently up and down her whole pussy and then finally putting a fingertip into the wet, slippery slot between her pussy lips. Trudi had done this to herself countless times, but Gene’s fingers were bigger and rougher, and somehow the experience was completely different. One second it would start to feel good, and then the next second it would just tickle, and she would have to stifle a giggle. Every time Gene’s finger bumped accidentally against her clit, Trudi felt a spasm in her upper thighs which was a familiar precursor to an orgasm. However, Gene was too gentle and tentative to bring her all the way to orgasm, and after a few minutes she was getting a little frustrated.

“Rub right here,” she said, guiding his middle finger to her clit.

Gene felt the little nub under his fingertip and figured out what to do immediately. Soon Trudi was grinding her ass into Gene’s lap and groaning as Gene rubbed her little love button. After all the foreplay, Trudi felt like a rubber band stretched to the limit. She felt the little tickle deep in her groin that signaled an oncoming orgasm, and almost immediately the wave of pleasure ripped its way through her body, more intense than she had ever felt before.

“OH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD....!” Was that her shrieking? Gene was so startled he almost stopped, and she pressed her hand down on his, making him keep up the stimulation. Aftershocks ran through her body for several more seconds and then she collapsed limply back against her boyfriend.

“That’s the magic spot, sweetie.”

“Jeez, I guess so. Are you OK, Trude?”

“Mmmmmm, I’m great.” She just wanted to sit here in his lap and sleep for a few minutes. A she started to drift off, she wondered idly whether her mother would be mad at her for being late. Suddenly her eyes flew open.

“Oh shit! I totally forgot! Two FBI agents are coming to our house to talk to me about what happened. Can you take me home quick?”

“For you, anything.”

She scrambled to put her clothes back on as Gene turned the car around and headed back towards town.

* * *

Mulder and Scully cruised slowly along a quiet residential street lined with small houses. “I think it must be that one,” said Scully, pointing to a small ranch. Mulder squinted through the rain-soaked window and was able to verify the address.

He pulled into the gravel driveway behind an old Honda Civic and killed the engine. The house was in need of a fresh coat of paint, but the yard was in good condition and there were neatly-tended flower beds along the front and on either side of the drive.

Avoiding the large puddles in he driveway, they went up to the front porch and knocked on the door, and after a short wait a blonde woman in her late 30s answered.

“Mrs. Bowman? I’m Agent Fox Mulder of the FBI, and this is my partner, Dana Scully. We spoke on the phone yesterday.”

“Yes, of course—I was expecting you. Please come in.”

She looked a bit embarrassed as she seated them on a well-worn couch in the living room.

“I’m afraid Trudi isn’t home yet... I don’t know what’s keeping her. She should be here soon.”

Dana smiled at her reassuringly. “That’s all right, Mrs. Bowman. We’re not in any rush.”

“Is that Trudi?” asked Mulder, indicating a large photograph over the mantle. The picture was of a stunning young woman with long, brown hair and a friendly smile, and it took him a few seconds to recognize the girl from the videotape.

“Yes, that’s her school picture from last year, before she cut her hair and started dressing like a tramp,” replied Mrs. Bowman with a smile that took the sting from her words. “She’s still a good girl, though. An A student, even with an after-school job.”

“She’s beautiful,” said Dana truthfully. “How is she handling this whole situation?”

“Well, I think her main concern is with her boyfriend—she was worried about trying to explain things to him today at school. When I was in high school this sort of thing could ruin a girl’s reputation, but Trudi assures me that she’s going to be seen as much ‘cooler’ now.”

“Kids today are certainly more sexually active than they were,” agreed Mulder. “But we were under the impression that maybe in a conservative town like Hallville there would be more of a backlash against her.

“Well, the parents may be conservative, but the kids apparently aren’t.”

Scully had the feeling they were missing something here. “Why do you say that, Mrs. Bowman?”

She looked a bit surprised. “You haven’t heard about the teenage pregnancy problem here?”

“No, we haven’t,” replied Dana, feeling a twinge of excitement. “We just arrived in Hallville today.”

“Oh, I see. Well, there was a newspaper article in the local paper a few weeks ago—the Hallville Courier—saying that the teenage pregnancy rate had gone through the roof in the last six months. Nine girls from a high school with only 600 students.”

Mulder had an intent, tight-lipped expression. “So this is common knowledge around town, then?”

“Oh yes, there was big uproar, calls for teachers to be fired, even a town meeting Trudi and I went to. What a fiasco that was. Someone made the suggestion that the police start patrolling the local make-out spots, and then a guy from the Hallville police department got up and gave a condescending speech about how kids would be kids, and that the only solution was to make sure that they had condoms. I remember thinking that it could never happen to Trudi,” she added with a rather wistful smile.

Scully spoke for both of them. “We talked to the Hallville police earlier today and they didn’t say anything about this.”

Mrs. Bowman shook her head in confusion. “I would think that this would be relevant to your investigation, certainly. It occurred to me right away that if someone forced Trudi to do things against her will, that maybe the same thing happened to those other girls.”

“We’ll have another chat with Chief Schroeder first thing tomorrow,” said Mulder grimly.

“Maybe you could tell me more about what you think might have happened to Trudi?” asked Mrs. Bowman.

Scully glanced at Mulder and then back at Mrs. Bowman. She got the impression of an intelligent, stable woman.

“We are part of a small task force within the FBI whose purpose is to investigate unexplained phenomena,” she began. “The incident involving your daughter matches a pattern of other reported incidents in our files. The only reasonable explanation for these incidents is that a person or persons is using some sort of mind control to make people act in ways that they usually wouldn’t.”

She then summarized the incident at the Baltimore restaurant. When she was finished, Mrs. Bowman looked doubtful.

“So you think that there might be someone with... unnatural powers attacking people in Hallville? I know it explains what has been happening, but I thought that psychic abilities like that had been disproven by science.”

Mulder shook his head. “The lack of scientific evidence doesn’t disprove anything. Our experiences over the last three years have shown us that there are plenty of things out there that science hasn’t explained yet.”

A loud bang caused them all to jump. Mrs. Bowman laughed.

“Trudi must be home. That was her boyfriends car backfiring.”

A few seconds later Trudi came in, looking a bit disheveled but cheerful.

“Trudi, these are Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.”

Mulder sized up Trudi as he shook her hand. She had a bit of the colt-like physical awkwardness that was common in teenagers, but she seemed remarkably mature as she greeted him and Scully and took a seat across from them. And, of course, she was very attractive. He had a hard time keeping his eyes from straying to the front of her damp t-shirt where it clung to her firm young breasts.

Scully summarized their previous conversation for Trudi as she made her own assessment of the girl. She too was impressed by Trudi’s self-composure, but what struck Scully was her beauty. If someone was preying on teenage girls, it was no surprise that Trudi was a target.

“If you feel up to it, we would like to go through the incident again in as much detail as you can remember,” she said to Trudi. “I know it will be difficult for you,” she added apologetically.

Trudi was still giddy from having sex with Gene, and she was worried that the FBI agents could somehow sense this. She looked over at them nervously, trying to size them up. She had been expecting expressionless men in blue suits and sunglasses who would interrogate her like she had done something wrong. But these two seemed friendly and sympathetic, especially the woman. And the man was actually very cute—was his name really Fox?

“At first I hardly remembered anything at all,” she began, trying to collect her thoughts. “But over the past few days I’ve been getting these weird flashbacks, where I’ll suddenly remember one little part of what happened really clearly. But most of it is still just a blank.”

“That’s a very common symtom of someone who is recovering a repressed memory,” said Mulder. He was becoming more and more certain that they were on the right track. “If you continue to work at it, you may eventually be able to remember the whole incident.”

“Do you remember how you felt when you were participating in the sexual acts?” asked Scully. “Afraid, confused, guilty?”

Trudi bit her lip nervously. What would they think if she told them the truth? Something in Agent Scully’s eyes told her that she would understand.

“No, not really,” she said. “I remember being very, uh, aroused, you know? Like all of a sudden all I could think about was sex. And then when the guy told me to do stuff with Vince, it was like I wanted to do it anyway and there seemed no reason not to.”

Mulder nodded. “It sounds like he somehow was able to focus in on your libido and amplify your sexual urges.” He thought for a few seconds. “I know this is very personal, but were you attracted to Vince Lansing—did you ever fantasize about having sex with him?”

“Yes,” said Trudi, looking nervously at her mother. “But I wasn’t going to do anything about it.”

Mrs. Bowman smiled at her daughter. “Of course not. Everyone is attracted to certain people—it’s very natural.”

“That may explain how he picks his victims,” said Mulder. “He senses the underlying sexual attraction between people and then uses it to control them.”

“Wouldn’t that mean that Vince would have had to feel the same way about me?” asked Trudi.

Mulder had a hard time keeping a straight face. “I think that’s a likely possibility,” he said matter-of-factly.

Trudi was blushing—she knew how naive that had sounded as soon as it was out of her mouth.

Scully changed the subject. “Have you been able to remember anything else about the other man in convenience store?”

Trudi thought about it for a few seconds, her face scrunching up with concentration. “I can’t remember what he looked like. But I do remember feeling that maybe he was someone I had seen before. That’s all I can really say.”

“Well, that’s something,” said Dana, smiling at her. “Here are our cell phone numbers—if you remember anything else please call us right away.” She handed Trudi a card.

“I will.”

As they were leaving, Mulder stopped to talk to Trudi. “One more thing to keep in mind: If this guy were to try to control your mind again there is a good chance that you would be able to resist. People can rarely be hypnotized against their will, and I suspect the same principle holds here.”

Trudi correctly guessed that this was mostly wishful thinking, but she appreciated the gesture. “OK, that’s good to know. I’ll keep trying to remember what happened.”

Outside, it was starting to get dark, and the rain had turned into an aggressive mist. As they drove back to the motel, the agents discussed the case with a mixture of excitement and frustration. It was clear that someone in Hallville was using mind control to prey on people. What was much less clear was what they could do about it.

“How can you catch someone who gives their victims amnesia?” asked Scully. “Apparently, most of the people don’t even remember they were attacked, much less who attacked them.”

“I think Trudi is our best hope. She seems to be slowly recovering her memory of the incident. Possibly some of the other victims will as well. If nine girls got pregnant, who knows how many more were attacked.”

“Right, and that brings us back to Hallville’s finest. Why do you think they neglected to tell us about the rash of pregnancies?”

Fox shook his head. “I have no idea. Maybe they really didn’t see the connection. We’ll see what Chief Schroeder has to say for himself first thing tomorrow.”

Fox parked the car in front of their adjoining rooms at the Best Western. It was fully dark out now, and the floodlights illuminating the motel gave the thick mist in the air an eerie yellow glow. Neither of them got out of the car for a few seconds, and Fox had a pleasant feeling of intimacy, sitting there in a dark car with his partner, so far away from their normal routine in Washington. Dana’s pale face seemed to glow in the darkness as she stared absently out of the window, and he felt a powerful urge to put his arm around her and kiss her serious mouth until it softened.

She turned to him and smiled. “I think I’ll take a shower. It always relaxes me.”

“Are you tense?”

“This case is giving me the creeps, Fox. I have a bad feeling about it.”

He pondered her use of his first name, which was a bit unusual. Trying to flesh out the hidden subtext of Dana’s comments had become one of his favorite pastimes. He decided to push it just a bit.

“I know what you mean. Why don’t you come by after your shower and we can watch TV for a while or something. I’ll leave the connecting door unlocked.”

“All right.” Before he could say anything else, she opened the door, flooding the interior of the car with light, and disappeared into her room.

“How am I supposed to interpret that?” he wondered to himself.

He went into his room and found a baseball game on the TV, and then made a quick run to the ice machine. After pouring himself a whiskey on the rocks, he stretched out on the bed to think things over.

* * *

Amy Archer pushed her bike under a hedge and walked quietly around the side of the Bowman house to the back. The light in Trudi’s room was still on, to her relief. Trudi’s room was on the opposite side of the house from her mother’s, and Trudi and Amy often snuck in and out of the house through the bedroom window at night after Mrs. Bowman was in bed.

Trudi was lying on her bed in her pajamas thinking about her afternoon escapade with Gene when she heard the tapping at the window. She bounced off the bed, pulled open the curtains, and slid the window up quietly. Amy climbed in nimbly over the sill and Trudi gave her a hug.

“I’m glad you came over, Ames—I can’t even think about sleeping right now.”

As she returned the hug, Amy could feel the swell of Trudi’s breasts against her chest, and she felt a surge of conflicting emotions.

“How did it go with Gene? I saw he at least gave you a ride.”

Trudi giggled. “Shhhhh, my Moms not asleep yet. He gave me a ride all right!” She turned on her portable stereo to a low volume and hopped back onto the bed.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, you slut?” asked Amy in a half-whisper, sitting on the bed next to Trudi.

“I gave him a blow job—all the way until he came.” said Trudi proudly.

“Oh my God—start at the beginning and tell me everything.”

Amy and Trudi had been sharing every detail of their sex lives for a while now. This usually meant either Amy telling Trudi about her own adventures or mutual commiserating about how horny they were, and Trudi was glad to finally have something to report other than masturbating. So she told Amy the whole story, not leaving out a single juicy detail.

Amy laughed when Trudi told her about almost choking on Gene’s come, and she found herself getting turned on by Trudi’s description of Gene fingering her to orgasm. Trudi was sitting Indian-style on the bed, and Amy realized with a guilty start that she could see right up her loose pajama shorts to the edge of her pussy.

“...I swear Ames, I was so loud when I came that I thought Gene would be freaked out. But he was just like, happy that he was able to get me off. I don’t know if he had ever done that before, but I didn’t want to ask.”

“Yeah, guys are sensitive about being inexperienced. So it was good, was it?”

Trudi rolled her eyes upward. “It was awesome.”

“Even better than phone sex with me?” Once Amy had gotten Trudi to talk about masturbating, it had become a serious hobby for both of them. One of their games was to start masturbating together over the phone to see who could finish first. Amy was an expert at this, but she always held back to give Trudi a chance. Or maybe it was to hear Trudi’s heavy breathing and those little high-pitched moans she made when she came.

Trudi squeezed Amy’s knee playfully. “Nobody could replace you, Ames. You taught me everything I know.”

“Yep. And now you’re getting it left and right and I’m the one who’s horny and desperate.”

“Poor baby...what’s it been, three days?”

“Four. And that was just a quickie with Steve.”

“Is he the one who wants to do you up the ass?”

Amy laughed. “Oh my God, he never stops talking about it! I tried to put my finger up my ass the other day while I was in the shower to see what it was like, and it hurts like hell! If that’s what a finger feels like, there’s no way I’m getting a cock jammed in there, even one as little as Steve’s.”

Trudi was laughing helplessly at this point. Amy was so sweet and so crude at the same time that she hardly knew what to think.

“I thought you would try anything, Ames.”

“Well, not that.” What I would really like to try is you, she thought to herself. They talked for another hour, with Trudi filling in Amy on the original incident at the Road Pantry and the visit from the FBI. Finally, Amy climbed back out the window after receiving another one of those stimulating hugs.

What would she think if she knew I was getting turned on by hugging her, she thought sadly as she pulled her bike out from the hedge and brushed off the seat. Down the street, a man sat in the cab of a blue pickup truck, watching her with interest. Amy didn’t notice as the truck pulled out to follow her as she began riding home.