The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

If you are under 18 years of age, please do not read the following story. Likewise, if you are offended by depictions of graphic sex, please go no further. Otherwise, you’re on your own.

This story is Copyright © 2002 by Sara H. Do not post elsewhere without express written permission from the author.

This is part two. I’d suggest starting with part one, but you’re free to do as you like. I hope you enjoy!

Nods to my regular noddees trilby else, EyeofSerpent and Tabico, but especially to Mark Anthony, whose “Daughter Knows Best” is reflected in spirit among the words of this section.

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by Sara H

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“Do you think she’s ready?”

“Yes. I was worried at first, but I should have known better. Every eventuality has been accounted for, even the resistance of some key inductees.”

“She’s not a key inductee.”

“Don’t be so sure. A month ago, you were a nosy neighbor. Now, you’re in charge of the twenty-third region.”

“True, but...”

A third woman cleared her throat and cut short the discussion. When both women had turned to her, she said, “I think you’re both forgetting something.”

She let the words sink in before continuing. “Something important.”

“The final goal?” asked one.

“Who else we need to enlist in the Cause?” asked the other.

“No,” said the third. “You forget that your opinions are not relevant.

“You are forgetting obedience.”

The two women’s faces turned red with shame. There was no way to answer; no excuse that could be given. There was only the truth of Jessica’s words.

Jessica allowed their torment to build inside of them, swirling like a ball of white-hot wax, growing until it nearly filled them. In truth, she loved not the torture, but where it would lead them. Though they did not realize, it was a necessary step in shedding the myth of their individual importance.

There was only Home, and the Cause. Soon, they would know that more deeply than they knew of their own existence.

Jessica licked her lips and felt her clit respond with itching desire. The rewards of growth were always quick in coming.

The women turned, already aware of what was to come. They opened their eyes so completely that anyone watching would think them in mortal fear, or perhaps insane. Such was the level of their desire to let in the light of teaching.

Jessica smiled and turned on the lamp. She knew that if she stayed, more of her humanity would be stripped from her—that she would become even more of a mindless pawn of the Cause. Soon, she would not even know her own name.

Her heart swelled with love and longing. Her addiction to the light of teaching was a matter of pride, pride that would soon be gone, replaced only with complete surrender.

Soon, she would be purified. Soon, she would be the perfect vessel of the Cause. She would be a Queen.

Soon, she would be Home.


“Mom?” called Tami as she came in through the front door. “Sorry! I forgot to take my Ouija board! We’re doing the seance thing tonight!”

No one answered back. Weird. Her mom was kind of a homebody. After work, she didn’t ever seem to have much energy. Tami didn’t mind. She knew she’d worked hard ever since Dad took off to keep them going. And at sixteen, she was old enough to appreciate it.

She shrugged. Mom was probably gone to the grocery store, or, just like her, had left something behind and gone back to work to get it. She went up the stairs two at a time, running to her room to grab the box with the Ouija board in it.

As she walked back out of her room, she heard something. It sounded like it was coming from her Mom’s room—kind of a low, throbbing hum. Just as she got close, it stopped.

She froze. She could hear someone moving in the room, as if trying not to be heard.

“Mom?” she whispered.

“Tami!” Came her Mom’s voice, urgent but soft. “Go! Now! While you...” The throb started again, cutting off her mom’s words.

Tami wasn’t about to go anywhere.

She crept the rest of the way to the room and pushed the door open slowly. She gasped as the scene opened to her view.

It wasn’t just her Mom. There were two women standing in front of her as she sat on the edge of her bed. All three of them were naked.

While Tami watched, frozen, one of the women knelt and began to lick at her mom’s... well, at her... privates. Tami knew about sex but this was even beyond her precocious knowledge. It was... it was sick.

The remaining woman turned to look at Tami. Before she had a chance to turn, she was caught by the stare, frightened to run, frightened to stay.

As she watched, the late evening light seemed to play tricks on her. It looked like the woman’s eyes were glowing. White on white, almost swirling. Looking for anything to grab onto with her mind to keep herself from collapsing, she stared back.

“Mom?” said Tami, almost whimpering.

“Your mom’s occupied, Tami. She can’t hear you. She doesn’t even know you’re here right now.”

She cringed as she heard her mother utter a loud moan. It didn’t sound like her mother at all. She couldn’t tell if it was a moan of pain or pleasure. It if was pleasure, it sounded like it must have been pretty damned good. Through it all, her eyes never left the woman’s.

“No, she really doesn’t,” continued the white-eyed lady. “But I do.”

“Why don’t we go to your room, Tami? We can talk about this. I can explain it in a way that will make it all make sense. That sounds like a very good idea, doesn’t it?”

“Very good idea. My room. Explain,” thought Tami. She was having a very hard time finishing her thoughts. She decided it was because it was too much to take in, although she only felt it as a sense of relief. “Yes. Why don’t we go to my room?” she agreed.


Tami sat at her desk. Walking down the hall without looking into the strange eyes of the woman had cleared her head a bit. She looked at her telephone. She wanted to call someone. But who? What could she say? “Help! There’s a woman with swirling white eyes seducing my mother and another trying to confuse me! Help! Get someone here right away!” She almost laughed at how stupid she would sound.

“My name is Marge, Tami. I do understand. I worried about it all, too. I thought either I was going crazy, or I was in a nightmare. In fact, it was neither. I just didn’t understand.”

There was a moment of silence.


Tami looked up out of reflex and right into the swirling pools of light where Marge’s eyes should have been. Colors seemed to dance there, and something else, like secrets told by a best friend. The telephone was a distant memory.

“Your mother has found her purpose, Tami. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Tami found herself shaking her head yes. Something wasn’t right about it... but she couldn’t quite figure it out.

“She saw the light in my eyes, too. It was all she could see after only a few moments. Do you know what that’s like?”

The room faded. It didn’t seem strange at all. It seemed like it was supposed to happen. Marge smiled, and Tami’s heart nearly exploded in joy.

“You see, you’re beginning to see what I see, feel what I feel, think what I think. I always say what I think. So... I guess that means you always think what I say. Is this making sense to you, Tami?”

Tami knew that it shouldn’t make sense. She fought with every ounce of he being to shake her head no, but all she could do was tremble as it moved up and down.

“I can see you’re upset. But I don’t feel upset. I feel so good. So very, very good. I even feel good in my pussy. I love feeling good in my pussy. What do you think?”

Somewhere inside of Tami, a voice was fighting, clawing to get free. It made her voice strain and sputter as her voice creaked out of her. “I think I love feeling good in my pussy.”

“I think with my pussy. My brain is a secondary organ. My pussy gives me life. My pussy tells me everything. My pussy feeling good gives me life. What do you think?”

Tami was trembling all over as she struggled with the words. They were obscene... insane... and so, so right. There was nothing but sound of Marge’s voice in her brain, becoming her thoughts, and the glow of the light and it was... it was delicious. Tendrils of pleasure seemed to be growing like vines on her skin, covering her arms and legs, her hands and feet. Her pussy and breasts were on fire, her clit and nipples red-hot points of ecstasy.

“I love my pussy. And my pussy loves Home. Home gives my pussy a reason to feel good. Home is the Cause my pussy lives for and obeys. And I obey my pussy. I love my pussy. I love what my pussy loves. I obey what my pussy obeys. I love Home. I obey Home. I love the Cause. I do whatever Home directs me to do for the Cause.

“Tell me Tami, what do you think?”

“I—I—n-n-n—LOVE MY PUSSY!” she screamed as her resistance shattered into a trillion fragments.

“I love your pussy, too,” intoned Marge, her voice suddenly earthy and seductive.

“I love your pussy, too,” said Tami. Obeying the imperative sent a shockwave of lust and pleasure through her young body.

Tami felt herself standing and moving, and then laying down. The word “bed” surfaced, but disappeared, having no meaning.

“I love only women.

“I have no use for men.

“I love only women because Home says I love only women.

“Bringing women Home is my cause.

“I love how women look.

“I love how women smell.

“I love how women feel.

“I love how women taste.

“I love to taste every inch of every woman I see.

“When I bring them Home, I can taste them.

“I love how women fuck.”

Each statement moved through Tami like an ultrasonic scalpel, severing the threads back to where she had begun. Each word, each syllable was bliss, eroding any awareness of anything but the thoughts in her newly corrupted pussy-mind.

She knew what she had to do. Her tongue stretched out in longing to taste the woman she was with, the woman who offered the light of teaching, the woman who had come to take her Home. It found viscous wetness, and a delicious, heady flavor unlike any she had ever known washed over and through her.

And then she felt it... the tongue that was touching her, matching her movements, circling and playing over her clit, something probing her asshole, and she was doing the same, and it was being done to her...

She lost track of anything but the union of lust and complete abandon, her body floating in the pleasure of woman... no, of obedient woman... and finally, just when she thought she’d reached as far into pleasure as she could, her soul soared into heaven itself, and she came, giving herself completely, totally, with no thought but that her lover go there with her, to where they belonged, obedient, surrendering, completed as no one had ever been...

Tami was Home.


“Took you long enough,” said Sharon, frowning. “Did you get lost or something?”

“No, no,” said Tami. “Mom had some friends over, and she wanted to show me something.”

“Sheesh, parents,” said Megan, joining in the conversation. “So what was it?”

“Just a thing. Better than the Ouija board, though. She let me bring it over after I begged.”

“You brought the Ouija board, too, didn’t you?” It was Sharon again. “If you forgot it, we might have to go get it ourselves.”

“No, it’s right here. But I bet you won’t want to use it after you see the other thing.” Tami put down the large canvas bag and opened it. She pulled out a kind of funny looking lamp.

“A lamp?” asked Megan. “You’re all excited about a lamp?”

“Look, trust me.” Tami took on a dramatic pose, and with a voice that like an over-serious imitation of her mom, she said, “One look at this, and you’ll never look at lamps the same way again! They all fell into fits of giggling.

It was already dark outside, but Tami turned out the lights.

“How come no lights?” asked Megan.

“Well, it’s much cooler to see that way,” said Tami. “Besides, this is supposed to be a seance tonight, right?”

“Shut up, Megan,” said Sharon. “I want to see this thing, and get it out of the way so we can start asking questions of the spirit world. WoooOOOoooOOoo!”

They all started laughing again. As her eyes adjusted to the low light coming from the new moon through the window, Sharon noticed that Tami’s eyes looked kind of funny. Almost like reflections in them that swirled a bit. But then it was gone, as the lamp Tami had brought over started to put out a weird, throbbing hum.

She sat down on the floor and waited. It was going to be a great night...

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