The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I Want To Play A Game: The Game Continues

Chapter Seven: The Game Changer

As the video feed for the game ended and the clock counter (now at , Reynolds once again struggled to find the words for what he had seen. Michelle just smiled and waited.

“We’re not doing this anymore.” growled the inspector.

“But we’re having so much fun.” smiled back Michelle.

“You’re a monster and I won’t play your game.”

“Why are you so upset? They won didn’t they? And they seem so much happier with life now than compared to before.”

“I said the game is over. You’re taking me to these girls and you are taking me now!”

Michelle shook her head. “Now now officer. Those aren’t the rules of the game. You want your sister to win don’t you?”

Derek was beginning to lose his cool. “You even touch my sister and I’ll put a bullet through your neck before you can even call out for help.”

“Please Derek, there’s no need to be making idle threats. Look the next game is starting, why don’t we just sit here together and watch the games unfold?”

The computer monitor maximised a video image of another kidnappee of the Barbiemaker. She was stood naked on top of a platform with some kind of vibrating dildo contraption strapped around her waist. The dildo part of the device was slid deep inside her and there was no way of removing it. The key to the device was on a plinth situated on a second platform. The two platforms were connected only by a twelve inch thin plank. Her task was to unlock herself before the device turned her into a bimbo. Falling off the plank meant instant failure as well as falling into the clutches of twenty naked men waiting below.

Reynolds watched as the girl began the fruitless task of trying to waddle across such a narrow walkway, handicapped the way she was. Whatever it took, he was not prepared to watch on any longer as girl after girl put themselves through these ordeals and he was especially not going to let his sister suffer the same fate. He had to act and he had to act now.

He spoke into the police camera and said out loud to nobody in particular: “Anybody wanting to keep their jobs should leave the camera room immediately and not return for ten minutes.” He then waited thirty seconds or so for the message to filter through and reached for his gun.

“I think you should think about your next move very carefully.” Warned Michelle.

“You’re not the one with the gun bitch.” snapped Reynolds, “I think it’s time to play a new game. It’s called, take me to where these girls are or get a bullet in the brain.”

“Come on now,” said Michelle, beginning to choose her words carefully, “Lets just take a minute to think things through shall we.”

“I am done thinking.” replied Reynolds, before whipping Michelle across the face with his pistol. He’d never hit a woman before, but he was gladly making an exception this time.

The force of the blow took Michelle of her chair. She got back to her knees and felt the blood running from her lip. “Please inspector, think about your career.”

Officer Reynolds was in no mood for mercy and he kicked Michelle square in the ribs. “Tell me where they are!”

Michelle coughed and wheezed from the impact. “Please… Derek… think about your sister.”

“I am thinking about my sister.” he said grabbing Michelle by the hair and placing the gun in her mouth. “I am thinking you will now tell me where she is.”

“Derek, Please!” mumbled Michelle through the barrel of the gun. She was actually sounding distressed now.

Reynolds said nothing. He just cocked the pistol.

“Okay! Okay!” conceded Michelle. “You win. I’ll take you there.”

Finally, with still three hours left on the clock to save Felicity, he had won. Gun still to Michelle’s head, Officer Reynolds dragged Michelle out towards his car. A couple of colleagues tried to talk sense into him but soon backed down when they saw his willingness to use his gun on anyone who tried to stop him.

Soon he had got Michelle in the passenger seat and was driving as per her directions to where the girls were being held captive. After twenty minutes or so they came to a deserted factory complex on the edge of town.

“She’s in there.” said Michelle, still nursing her injuries.

“Where is she?” demanded Reynolds wanting to know further information. There was only two and a half hours left.

“It’s the second door from the left. Just enter there and take the last door on the right at the end of the corridor.” Michelle was starting to sound like a broken woman.

Reynolds now had the information he needed. His only care was to rescue his sister from the same fate that fell upon his wife and now he had information as to where she was. For security he handcuffed Michelle’s already bound hands to the steering wheel of his car and headed for the factory, following the instructions given.

When he entered the second door on the left he was faced with a long hallway running up to two doors at the far end. As he walked towards the doorways he could see to his left the girl from the third video being fucked by numerous guys and enjoying every last second of it. Part of him wanted to try and save her, but his experiences with his own wife told him that she was beyond saving. His best course of action was to focus on rescuing his sister before it was too late.

When he reached the two doors at the end of the corridor, he paused for a second to compose himself for the horrors that may lay before him in regards to the game Felicity might have to face. However, after taking a few seconds to compose himself and realising there wasn’t much time, he charged in through the left hand door to save his sister.

Officer Derek Reynolds was not prepared for what happened next. As he tried to charge into the room he stumbled immediately due to the floor in the next room being about eighteen inches lower than that of the hallway. He tried to steady himself, but before he could adjust, the floorboards seemed to close in around his ankles.

Reynolds furiously fought to get his feet out of the floor but to no avail, he was trapped. He looked around him trying to find some way of freeing himself but all he discovered was that the square of flooring where he was trapped seemed to be part of a pathway heading towards the far end of the room. It was then that he felt the needle pierce the back of his neck and he slipped into darkness.