The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I FOUGHT THE LAW, AND ... 5.6(mc)

Copyright by Writerzblocked, © 2001. All rights, well, you know. Repost and archive to your heart’s content, just don’t charge anyone for it or I’ll have to send Harry Long after you. You all know the rest of the drill by now. I’m not big on headers and/or labels, so anyone reposting may feel free to add whatever MF, MM, FF stuff they think is necessary.

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Tuck Amuck (Part 6)

{Authors note: We now take a break from hearing Warren Bandan talk in order to bring you a totally different point of view—sorta. If you don’t like it, feel free to ignore it; the big-headed, egocentric, sadistic, big-mouthed jerk will be back in action in a month or so. Apologies to MM and CJ—but not many}

She was wet.

Wetness dripped from her hair. It ran down her dress, inside and out. It clung to her bare feet and gently scattered in all directions as she walked.

But she didn’t shiver. Nor were there goose bumps on her arms or legs. Or anywhere else on her, for that matter. The outside temperature gauge on the BMW read 62 degrees, but she wasn’t cold.

She was hot. In fact, she was very hot, so hot that as they walked down the dimly lit corridors of the hospital, Bailey could almost see her glow. So hot, that those were Officer Deever’s exact words to her, actually.

“Geez, Detective, you’re HOT,” he said as he looked up from his chair as she and Bailey approached down the dimly lit corridor. The nurse on her knees in front of him didn’t look up, she was otherwise occupied.

“By the way...Detective...I really want to thank you for...requesting I pull a double tonight,” he added, breathlessly, as they passed. The nurse on her knees in front of him didn’t say anything, she was otherwise occupied.

The generator allowed for only two lights in the ceiling of his room. The television was silent, the only sound effects provided by the storm outside. But it was sufficient. In fact, more than sufficient. Thunderstorms don’t break for commercials. They also occasionally add extra lighting at just the appropriate time.

Such as when she and Bailey walked into the room.

Sally jumped at the lighting and thunder, but Dias and his blonde boy toy didn’t. They were otherwise occupied. Bailey smiled when she saw them, they made such a cute couple. Gilbert wasn’t there. Neither was the LT. Bubbles looked up at them when they entered but didn’t say anything. Her mouth was otherwise occupied.

And they ALL knew how Mr. Chuckles felt about interruptions.

Sally took a deep breath as soon as she settled down. “We were starting to worry...”

Bailey shook her head and sighed. “You would NOT believe the hoops we had to jump through to get here.”

Sally was looking past her with wide eyes. “Wow. She’s gorgeous! So much nicer than this morning.”

Bailey nodded. “It’s been a looooong day,” she half smiled. Then she looked over at the bed and then back at Sally.

The red-haired girl smiled, moved to the bed and playfully tapped Bubbles on the shoulder. “My turn!” she giggled, as she bent down as Bubbles stood up, adjusted her mini and hair and did some basic jaw stretching exercises.

“This is SOOO cool!” she yelped. “All this thunder and lightning and stuff. It’s almost like being INSIDE a cartoon.”

Bailey glanced out the window. “It does seem rather appropriate.”

Bubbles looked sideways at the bed. “You, like, don’t think he...”

Bailey planted a kiss on her forehead. “Eh, somehow, I don’t think so, kiddo.”

“I bet he could if he, like, you know, REALLY put his mind to it.”

“Well, I’m not one to discount anything where he’s concerned, but somehow I think...”

At that exact moment, a huge thunderstrike lit up the room and the resulting echoes bounced about for a few moments before the room was quiet once again. The two of them glanced nervously towards the comatose form on the bed. Dias raised his eyes with them, then quickly went back to his business.

“Uh,” Bubbles ventured, “maybe we, like, ought to get started,” as she looked over to the doorway.

She was standing there, unblinking, staring at the form on the bed. The floor was wet where she had walked and where she now stood, a growing pungent pool of rainwater, urine, sweat and...her essence. And while it was impossible to tell the exact mixture, only one of the four continued when the others had been exhausted. Yet still the pool grew. And expanded.

Bubbles looked at her curiously. “Is it safe to touch her?”

“Of course, silly,” Bailey replied as she demonstrated by caressing her shoulder. “And it feels WONDERFUL!”

Bubbles let out a small but wondrous sigh as she lightly touched the other shoulder. “Wow. If it, like, feels this good just to TOUCH her...”

“Don’t even think about it, kiddo,” said Bailey as she pulled one side of the gown down by the sleeve, “help me get her started.”

She stood there, silent and staring straight ahead, as they pulled the gown down to her feet. There was a huge hole in the front of what once appeared to be black panties. Bubbles squinted and pinched her nose.

“Ew, how ghetto!” She reached out to touch what was left of them, then drew back with a shiver as all the hair on her tiny body suddenly straightened and fell. “What happened?”

“All the way from the club here, she couldn’t keep her hands off herself,” Bailey reached up and started wringing the rainwater from her hair, which was still in the ponytail. “Even from the driver’s seat I could feel it.”

Bubble’s eyes grew wide as she took her hands and, basking in the shared warmth, gently peeled away what was left of the underwear. “Wow! She’s dripping like CRAZY!” Her left hand suddenly went down inside the front of her skirt... “This is soooo freaky, Bailey, my hairs are all, like, jumping around!”

Bailey only smiled and continued to towel dry the hair, which she had released from the ponytail.

“Do you think we ought to, you know, dry down here?”

“Hell if I know,” came the reply. “But probably better just to leave it alone.” She ran the towel gently over the rest of the body.

“Yeah,” Bubbles mused as she playfully touched different parts of the body, wallowing in the different sensations, “wouldn’t want to, you know, mess anything up.”

“Hehehehe, when I touch here,” she giggled as she caressed the left knee, “my right nip gets all tingly.”

“All right, you.” Bailey smiled and snapped the towel in her general direction. “It’s not supposed to be THAT much fun.”

“Pooh, can’t you, like, hear him laughing?” Bubbles looked up at her, puzzled.

Bailey returned the look. “Uh, no. Am I supposed to?”

For a second, Bubbles broke out in one of her patented pouts, “Oh, sorry,” then quickly smiled and stood up. “Maybe someday.”

“Hmm,” Bailey mused as she dropped the towel.

The shorter girl stepped back and put a hand to her chin, changing the subject. “I still can’t, like, believe, how much younger she looks in just, like, half a day.”

Bailey stood beside her and put her arm around the shorter girl’s shoulder. “It certainly is remarkable.”

“I wonder if he could, like, do that for me,” Bubbles sighed. “Well, in twenty years, I mean.”

“After the past week, girlfriend, I’ll believe most anything where he’s concerned.” Bailey bent down and kissed her passionately on the lips and they remained that way for a few moments, the only sounds coming from the rain on the window and the slight, wet, slippery sounds coming from the direction of the bed.

Suddenly, yet another tremendous thunderstrike shook the room. Dias looked up from his boyfriend’s cock. “Get on with it, already.”

Bailey grumbled and shot him a nasty glance. “OK, loverboy, but the next time he gets himself in a fix, YOU do all the work and WE get to lay around making love.”

She waited patiently as Bubbles and Bailey each took an arm and pulled her slowly towards the bed. Bailey smiled down at her. “Believe me, this is going to be MUCH better than cigarettes.”

They reached the side of the bed and Sally looked up from Mr. Chuckles and took one, long last tour before lifting her head from the bed. Immediately, without prompting, she bent down and took him, swallowing greedily. Her left hand, then her right went down to her cunt. Bailey and Bubbles stepped aside quickly as her elbows swung wildly back and forth, her entire hands seemingly moving in and out in rapid succession in rhythm with her now-pistoning head.

“Wow!” was all Bubbles could say as her hands slowly inched down her body. Her hairs were starting to move again.

Next to her, Sally found fingers doing likewise, crawling down the front of her flowered print sundress on their own. “Maybe we’ll see him cum in her mouth.”

“Oh, like that would be SO cool!” Bubbles was caressing her breasts with the other hand now.

Bailey was going to reply, but bit her lip instead as she gazed in wonder at the sex machine by the bed. Instinctively, her hand went down to her panties, then came back out. She sighed softly, finally, and backed towards the doorway.

“Something wrong, lover?” Issued a soft, low familiar voice from outside the doorway. “I’ve heard that sigh a hundred times.”

“Liz?” she asked without turning around.

“It’s the same exact sigh I hear just before I hang up the phone,” came the voice, now a breathy whisper in her right ear.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

“Neither should you.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“No, it’s not,” the voice chuckled. “There’s a sleeping policeman right outside the room.”

“It’s not something to joke about.”

“You’re right, it’s not.” The voice became a tongue that lapped at her ear. “I don’t know what’s going on and I’m not sure I WANT to know what’s going on.”

A bare arm snaked underneath Bailey’s right, then another under her left. “All I know that I want to be anywhere YOU are, Dufus.” The arms came together, pressing, caressing, each hand cupping a breast.

“You’re a fool, Miss Elizabeth Guidry.”

“I’m YOUR fool, Miss Bailey Davenport.”

Bailey grabbed one of the hands and brought it to her lips as she felt a different wetness, a very, very unfamiliar wetness. “Only if he wills it,” she said softly. Sadly.

“Only if...”

Another thunderstrike, further away this time, lit up the room. The lights flickered.

Bubbles and Sally Hooper watched in awe as the sex machine once known as Amanda Tuck jumped onto the bed and impaled herself on Mr. Chuckles. Immediately, the room seemed warmer, the temperature rising with each and every upward movement of her buttocks as she slid up and down. Even Dias and his partner noticed and stopped their lovemaking to gawk.

Suddenly, Bailey began to squint as she watched. “What, the hell?” Behind her, Liz turned her attention up from her lover’s breasts...


“You don’t see it?”

“All I see is you.” She kissed her neck. “Oh, yeah, and two crazed weasels in a hospital bed.”

“You don’t feel it?”

“Of course I do, Dufus. I’ve been feeling it all fucking day.” She squeezed her breasts again. “Or wanting to.”

“No. Damn it, Liz. You mean you really CAN’T see it?”

“No, what the HELL are you talking about?” Her hands fell down from Bailey’s breasts to the sides of her dress and crawled into the slits to hide from the warmth growing in the room.

Sally and Bubbles were on their knees now, knees spread wide. Sweat was beading up, collecting, and running in patterns across their foreheads, cheeks, dripping slowly from lips, noses, chins. An unseen wind, warm and moist and tender whipped around, above and under the bed and throughout the room, weaving back and forth between the bodies, lovingly touching each and every mind and soul in the room.

Save one.

Elizabeth Guidry’s hands reached their destination, but suddenly she pulled them back and out of Bailey’s dress, crying in agony, wringing them together and howling in a pitiful mixture of pain and rejection. She fell to the floor and writhed on her side, cradling her hands under her chin, crying.

But as she sobbed, alone and weakly in the dim light, she was matched and overpowered by five voices crying in pleasure. Her lover had fallen to her knees in a circle with the others. Through her tears, she could see the two bodies on the bed seemingly moving as one now, but she paid them only a moment’s heed. Her eyes were, as always, on the one.

Then, as quickly as the wind had come, it left. And as quickly as the voices cried, they ceased. Five bodies lay in the room, seemingly lifeless. And the other...

Elizabeth Guidry struggled to her feet, then fell back to her knees. Her hands hung limp and lifeless at her sides. She managed to raise her head to search for her lover. On her knees, she shuffled doggedly towards Bailey Davenport.

She came within two feet. Just a little more than the distance between the average person’s mind and their genitals. Then she looked up.

Liz Guidry was alone.

With the devil.

“Ain’t I a stinker?”