The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


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Overview: A ‘Dear John’ letter to the unexpected from the unexpected.


Letter to Master John Worthington

New England Britannica

of the 16th Instant of the Seventh Month

In the year of our Lord, 1701, A.D.

Written by Mistress Josephine Meers

Grateful Ward of the Huntington Estate

County Glasgow


My Dear Master John,

Please forgive this letter, and the surprise it must bring with its unsolicited news of my life and dilemmas at this time. Necessity of my peace of mind forces me to write you of my fears, in order that you may allay them for me.

It is with reference to your wonderful, yet unfortunately short visit to my father’s house in the winter season bygone some months. Allow me to say that it was with regret that my father’s household said goodbye to you as you entered the carriage that windy morn’, for such was the joy we all felt at having your presence to accompany us during the cold and bleak days.

My father is unaware of my writing to you as I am doing, and I would hasten to beg of your silence regarding the matter and to hold it a most trusted secret between we two. Since the matter of which I shall soon speak holds concern for only myself, and possibly you, kind sir, I see no reason to involve others unnecessarily in a matter which may yet prove only to be my hysteria or delusions of womanly ill-health or growth to maturity in some way.

I trust my letter finds you in good health, Master John, and would wish that it leaves me in like manner. Yet alas, it does not, however, and so the reason for its existence.

Master John. If you could be so kind as to enlighten me on certain matters which may or may not have taken place during your visit, I am sure that the peace of mind which has for some time eluded me since your departure from my father’s house would surely and quickly return to me, and as well, the restful night sleeps that would be sure to accompany it.

I would hasten to add, Master John, that the strange dreams that have been of late, intruding into what small amount of sleep I am fortunate enough to receive, as well as the disturbing memories occurring in my moments of wakefulness returning from whence they have come.

I would humbly seek your clarification, Master John, on several of those dreams and wakeful memories, in order that my mind be made right regarding their existence, and, should it be so that I have been simply a foolish young woman suffering from hysteria and delusion, I would sincerely beg your forgiveness.

The first of these strange mental occurrences, Master John, transpired with the following images and recollections on my part, for this particular one I have found disturbing, as are equally the others of which I shall soon speak.

You remember that terrible day of my fall from Betsy, my lovely horse, Master John, when I awoke to find your kindness in cradling me as my head hurt and bled slightly. I will never forget your kindness and comfort as I saw you dabbing my life’s blood with your kerchief. None other has ever been so caring for me in any moment of extreme duress.

At that time, Master John, your kindness in nursing me as you had was all that remained in my thoughts. However, certain recollections are now most prevalent, that I have no answers for, and so, seek now your elucidation of them for my peace of mind in the matter.

I recall now, Master John, whether in a young woman’s fiction of fantasy, a time of my distress as I lay on the hard ground and you nursed me and cradled my hurting head, that certain feelings of, shall we say, a most erotic nature were being experienced by myself at the time.

Your gentle touch in slowly stroking my hurting forehead many times in bringing me relief from my discomfort, I recall now, also brought a far- away feeling of detachment to all earthly ties at the time. Even your comforting and soothing voice seemed as far distant as the sky above, and so, as I only recall now, distantly, of your words to me of gentle sleep.

Master John. While sleep did, in fact, take me from my pain and distress, it was not the sleep of the usual kind, but of the most unusual kind, in so far as I can now recall the awareness of the most unusual and never- before-experienced sensations on and within the most private areas of my young woman’s person.

My recollections of panic at the time of this particular experience as yet remain strong within my mind and body, Master John, such that although in that state your soothing voice at that time instructed me that all was well, and that they, my experienced sensations were simply those of my distress departing from my hurting head and body.

Yet truly, Master John, if I may speak bluntly this instant, my rather not too clear recollections as to the causes of those unusual, although not distressing sensations were, in fact, the gentle touchings of hands and fingers on and beneath my clothing, and in a most private, and, dare I say, rather pleasurable way; such gentle hands and fingers, however, as could only belong to you, Master John.

In humility and in truth now do I beg you for clarity of vision, Master John, with my sincere and earnest assurance that your enlightenment of the matter concerned will remain strictly confidential, and only my secret between us for all of my days, and surely will accompany me to my grave.

Yet sincerely, also, Master John, do I ask of you now, in your heart’s truth, if such gentle and warm hands and fingers that brought about the sensitising of my private person in such ways as I had never-before experienced, did, in fact, actually belong to you.

As well, that such gentle and warm hands and fingers were actually guided deliberately beneath my apparel by your good self to bring about those strange, yet delightful sensations for the purposes of healing, instead of the unusual dream state of only a young woman simply maturing, that, up until recently, I had previously thought of them to be?

Master John, in truth do I confess to you now that your voice of soothing nature, as it instructed me to sleep in that way while you continued to gently stroke across my forehead, did, in fact, leave me bereft of all pain, as you had no doubt planned for me, for such was I attached to the feelings beneath the words of your comforting voice, such sensations of accommodating your warm fingers nursing my bare bosom, and resting slowly in gentle action within the most private and womanly-secret confines of my young woman’s vulnerable person.

I am sure you can understand, Master John, of a young woman’s confusion and possible hysteria of nature at that time, when, although continuing to hear your comforting voice at all times clearly as it instructed me to sleep even more deeply while your warm fingers stroked my brow, there came rapidly, certain and quite intense sensations that remained within my lower body and deeply within my bosom, such that a heated feeling of strange and unusual yearning overcome my state of mind at the time, causing me to feel no longer the pain of my fall from Betsy, my lovely horse.

In truth, Master John, such was the intensity of my enforced, yet not unwanted hysteria of that occasion that I found reason and need to attempt unsuccessfully to control each breath leaving my mouth, as it was seemingly engaging in a life and rapidity of action of its own.

To the point, Master John, where I could no longer control any such breath at all as it left my body. And to the embarrassment of my own ears appeared to cause me move myself and my limbs in a most unbefitting manner, all the while wailing and making certain unwomanly noises as would be expected from a chamber maid in her master’s extremely close and most personal and private company.

Master John. The recollections of that disturbing, although no longer distressing event did culminate on the conclusion of that day, whereupon after such a length of time with my own body behaving beyond my own self- control most ungraciously with its certain vulgar thrustings and straining movements against the warm and comforting invasion of your gentle hands and fingers, as well as the heights to which my own embarrassed ears heard the pitching sounds of my wailing voice rise to the occasion, that finally my body trembled violently against your hands and in your arms, shaking with such ferocity that I thought I should lose my senses were it to continue.

Yet continue it did, Master John, for I recall how my body heaved and yearned and strained against you at that crucial time, not believing the manner in which it was behaving, as if I were merely a bystander. Surely do my memories not fail me now, Master John, as I recall clasping your warm and gentle hand and fingers deeply and most tightly within that most precious of all young lady’s most secret places, not wanting them to leave that place at any cost, until it became my own personal desire for them to do so.

Master John. As the disturbing episode continued do I clearly recall now the sound of my high-pitched wails and screams assaulting your kind and tender ears, wondering and fearful of what you must be thinking of my apparent wantonness, for such did my body stretch to reach more of your hand and fingers while my sensations shook me physically from my toes to my crown.

In truth, my mind was not my own, Master John, at that crucial time, for my eyes did not see, and my ears did not hear anything but my own sounds, as did my body not respond to my own instructions. Yet in truth in recall, Master John, did I not want them to, yet yearned for everything as it was to continue unendingly until I entered the pearly gates of heaven itself.

Master John. Fortunately, I feel now, my poor demented body could not sustain such uncontrolled and very vigorous behaviour indefinitely, nor could my lungs draw any larger breaths than they had been without bursting. Memory sees my sight dimming and my body quietening with my thoughts as I rested against the strength of the warm hand and fingers which remained so deeply and comfortably within me, and on my person, nursing my naked bosom. Such warm hand and lengthy fingers, I believe, Master John that surely belonged to, and were guided most delicately and effectively by you for my unknown healing benefit.

Master John. If that surely was the honesty of the situation then your healing seemed most effective in my mind at the time, for I can clearly recall now that I suffered no more distress from my fall from Betsy. In fact, so loudly did my own heart beat so wildly within my bosom that I felt nothing but the most exquisite of sensations, and they in such places as even I, as a young and maturing woman of gentile background could not even have imagined in all my days alive.

It was at that time, Master John, that my recollections grow somewhat dim in nature and clarity, yet not of intent of actual recall as to what may have been truth, and what perhaps was delusion from my fall, for surely its clarity remains within me as if it had only just occurred.

Master John. Clearly now do I recall that I felt my bodice being unfastened completely, for the air flowed soft and cool about my naked bosom.

And my mind could not mistake, Master John, the gentleness of your warm hands as they withdrew my personal and private undergarments from my person, such that the same cool air rustling about and around my bosom, causing them to freshen and swell could be clearly felt rushing about my most intimate person as it cooled what seemed to be my own body’s heat and ardour.

In truth, Master John, do I clearly recall, for it was like a dream at the time as I stared at the blue morning sky over my father’s estate that I reposed on the ground on my back, displayed openly naked and completely vulnerable in every way.

In my moment of panic at that time, Master John, was that moment of panic forcibly subdued when I suddenly felt such warm strength in your two hands as they lifted gently the feeble strength remaining in my own legs and placed them widely apart and then back on the ground.

Master John. At that time then do I recall clearly the coolness of the breeze I have previously mentioned, for it seemed to rush into places about my person as have never been exposed in such a way to ever fell its presence there.

Such was that refreshing and somewhat pleasurable coolness, Master John, that the front and hind quarter of my most personal and private body felt instantly the cooling of what had previously been such torrid heat there in those places of my person.

About the wondrous blue sky do I recall searching with my wandering gaze, Master John, even as I felt the warmth of what could only have been your own nakedness befall upon me from head to toe, yet still did I search that sky in my feelings. For at that time did my breathing take on that same manner of breath, and my life’s energies, Master John, seemed to centre only in my lower and most private belly,

Master John. Was my heart not pounding in my head and my ears I would surely have felt the pain that followed more intensely than perhaps I did, for surely it passed excruciatingly, but rapidly. Verily, I say to you that my lower body reacted upward of its own accord to accept the presence of another within its person.

Although uninvited, Master John, did my body then yearn and seemingly lift high off the ground to accept its lodger in both length and girth, for of those qualities do I now recall clearly as my own body grew with its new host that replaced your gentle warm hand and long slender fingers.

Master John. Of the pain of which I have just spoken was it brief, yet intense, bringing my distress evident through the tears of my short anguish. Yet moments only was I affected before my body took its own control once again.

Master John. Of my own voice to my ears can I only state that it seemed not my own that I plainly heard in its wailing and moaning like a trapped animal in mating heat. And then yet again did my own body betray its gentile heritage to grossly misconduct itself with your presence lodging well inside its most personal and private area.

For on and on did my lower belly and person rear relentlessly upward to meet your penetrating invasion of that area. Yet not with pain did you enter and arrive rapidly within my body with your length and girth, such was the readiness in betrayal of my own heated loins.

My memory, Master John, of all that followed is hazy at best given the time passed. Yet to say my own centre was plundered and pillaged royally would be to make little of what actually transpired.

For it seemed for time immemorial did my shouting so unladylike go on unstoppable as my own body’s hips and buttocks did continually rear and cavort wantonly and shamelessly like a wild brood mare in heat, wanting her stallion and all that wanting entailed therein.

Until finally, Master John, it happened again; that which I have previously already spoken, where my body took flight from my mind of instruction and trembled violently from within the very depths of nature’s discardation area to the very core of my womanness.

In pleasure, Master John, could I speak no more highly as I experienced your fire within me in my wanted hysteria of the moment, my own ardour and uncontrollability cooling only and at peak’s passing, Master John. It was then that I heard clearly your voice in its own moment declare you intentions loudly for all to hear. To quote you from the vernacular, Master John, you shouted loudly to all ears; “Tremble you now, young father’s daughter, for your prime young cunny shall know of its master now!”

It was only at that point alone, Master John that I distinctly heard your guttural groan as a warning of your gift about to come. My body responded violently and with unusual craving to your hot liquid’s arrival with another long moment of trembling and shaking from without and within, such that I was left lathered and exhausted in sweat like my own horse, Betsy, ragged and breathless while you calmed in your movements of pushing and plundering inside my swollen centre.

Master John. It is of the arrival of that precious gift will I now speak heart’s truth, for in truth your seed remained with me, and has to this day been growing healthily within the home you hastily made for it deeply within my belly.

My father will not feel the pain of his daughter’s shame and pleasure without leaving his earthly sojourn, such that my own future is now made uncertain by your stroking hands and comforting voice.

And, disinherited, to my shame, I would simply not survive with babe in arms, nor would I want to for sharing with you that which you have taken and enjoyed, with my unwilling permission, as did I.

Master John. The humble writer of this letter is of gentile heritage, educated and well-born.

Notwithstanding the understanding of your heart in the matter do I now ask for your consideration of my dilemma now stated clearly from recall at best, or delusion.

Master John. The seed of your pleasure now growing within me has my blessing, since unwillingly, although not unwantingly did I seemingly take a most vigorous and most active part.

Yet survive in the land of my birth I must, and without shame to family will I do that at the expense of others if need be, should there be a need for my recollections to be made just as clear, yet maybe hazy, yet again in remembering my own forced, yet active part in those pleasurable proceedings, for it was in certainty only by forceful coercion to rob me of that precious flower which could and should have been presented to a future unknowing husband, in tact, and in purity.

My Dearest Master John. Of these matters will I now speak of no longer and wish you well in happiness during your long and tiring return journey to ask for my father’s blessing for our future betrothal. Long will be my nights without you while I wait to revisit that place that, on occasions, fades with time and distance without you.

Yet in my heart, Master John will I believingly see you soonest to make our plans, and say our vows for the benefit of the babe, your future heir growing daily within me.

And come a time there will when you and all others will look with pride on the resemblance that sees one and all the pride in its father’s strong looks of gentle hands and long slender fingers that nurtured its home in readiness for a timely arrival.

Indeed, Master John, will all and sundry attend our heart’s joining on the celebrated day, for there will be merriment a plenty on that occasion, and enjoyed by all, including my father’s friends, the gentry of Gendarme Central.

And so, my Dearest Master John, do I eagerly look forward to your much-awaited arrival in due time soonest, for to delay would be impossible for me to answer the obvious questions of my maternal changes that are already happening now, and, since time then, is of necessity, now the essence of all things to us both.

My Dearest Master John.
I wish you well, and I wish you happiness
Your betrothed from this moment onwards,
Mistress Josephine Weers-Worthington.

The End