The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fun Shay

Part IV — The Green Dragon

“Hi, Mr. Lee.”

“Miss Shay,” the old man said. “How is it going for you today?”

“Not good,” Shay said with just a hint of a whimper in her voice. “I’ve got a cold today.”

“I can hear that,” the old man said, “and you’ve come to Mr. Lee to get some medicine.”

The girl shook her head. “I’ve already got that, Mr. Lee, but I’ve got classes I have to go to and I feel all achy.”

“Maybe you should stay home and rest.”

“Can’t,” the girl said. “We’ve got midterms coming up and they don’t let you miss those, even if you’re sick.”

“I see.”

“And today, the professor’s supposed to be telling us what’s on the test.”

The old grocer looked confused. “Isn’t that illegal?”

Shay shook her head and sniffed. “Nah. The professor can tell us whatever he wants to tell us, and it’s not like he’s going to tell us the exact questions that’ll be on the test, although I wish he would.”

“I see,” the old man said in a tone that lacked conviction. It was clear that he didn’t see.

“So that’s why I’m going,” Shay said. “I got to go.”

The man nodded. “Can’t someone else take the notes for you?”

Shay shook her head. “I’m sure someone could,” she said, “but I wouldn’t ask them to. I’d want to be there to hear the professor myself and to ask questions, if need be.”

“I see.”

“It’s just that I’m not sure what good I’m going to be when it comes to studying.”

“Ah, I see, but perhaps I can help you with that.”

“What? Are you going to give me some kind of ancient Chinese remedy? No offense, Mr. Lee, but I think I’m going to stick with good old Benadryl and Tylenol.”

The old man nodded. “I understand, but it wasn’t these things I was talking about anyway.”

“What were you talking about?”

The old man seemed to consider and then he seemed to become evasive. “How about you stop by shop on way home from school.”

Shay shook her head. She didn’t have time for this crap. “Why can’t you tell me now?”

“I just can’t,” the old man said. “It not ready.”

“What’s not ready?”

“I can’t tell you that either. Just say you’ll stop by after school.”


“Maybe not good enough. Say you’ll stop by.”


“Just say you will.”

“Mr. Lee!”

“Say you’ll stop by.”


“Okay, you’ll stop by?”

Shay nodded numbly. She wasn’t even sure why she’d agreed to it. She just had.

This was dumb, she told herself as she sat there in class. She wasn’t getting anything out of the lecture and it was clear everyone was avoiding her. She got that. They didn’t want to get sick like her, but the fact that they were avoiding her showed her just how sick she was.

But at least she’d gotten what she’d come there to get. She’d listened to the professor talk about the test, not that he’d said all that much, and she’d dutifully written that stuff down in her notebook and now if she just could figure out how she was going to get the time to study, maybe she might even pass the test.

She was on her way home when she remembered her promise to the old man. She didn’t really want to go by his place. What she really wanted was to go home and go to sleep.

But if he had something that would help her.

That was the thought that kept running through her mind. You kept hearing about Chinese medicine and it wasn’t like she exactly believed it, but if he had something that would help her ...

“Hi, Mr. Lee.”

“Miss Shay. You’re back?”

Oh great, the girl thought. Even he was surprised to see her. Even he thought she shouldn’t have come back. Now she felt even more foolish for coming back here again. “You told me to come back,” she reminded the old man.

“About your cold. Yes, I remember.”

“So I’m here,” she said.

“Yes, of course. If you’ll hold on just a minute while I finish with Mrs. Kowalski here—”

The girl nodded. “Take your time,” she told the grocer.

There was one good thing about being sick, Shay told herself. No one wanted to be around you when you were sick and that included people in little grocery stores. It probably even include old Chinese grocers as well, so as soon as he was able to get around to getting her what she needed, she could go back home and business could return to normal.

Mr. Lee soon dispensed with the middle-aged woman and then he was back again. “Now, Miss Shay. We need to make you more healthy.”

“That would definitely be good,” Shay agreed.

“You ever hear of green dragon?”

Shay shook her head. “What’s that? she asked. “Is it some kind of tea or something?”

The old man shook his head. “Green dragon is not a tea. Green dragon is way of marshaling energy. Green dragon is way of making you more prosperous.”

“I don’t need more prosperous,” the girl said. “I’d just settle for more healthy.”

“Yes, I know, but green dragon can help with that, too.”

In spite of herself, Shay could feel her interest picking up. It wasn’t like she actually believed this stuff, but if Mr. Lee had something that could help her ...

“What do I do?” she asked.

“Do you know which way is East?”

Why did he keep asking her these things, Shay wondered. What was she? A God damned map? Wait a minute. Danielle had said her window faced east. Before she got pregnant that is. Well, presumably her window still faced east, so yes, Shay knew. “Yes, Mr. Lee.” I know.

“That is good, Miss Shay. Now, I have something I want to give you.”

“What is it?”

“It’s called dragon scroll.”

“You mean like in Kung Fu Panda?”

The old grocer looked confused. “I do not know what you are talking about? What is ... Kung Fu Panda?”

Shay smiled to herself. Okay, so her joke had gone over the old man’s head but that was okay. In fact, in a way, the fact that it had kind of made her feel better. “It’s nothing, Mr. Lee. You were saying something about a dragon scroll?”

The man went to his counter and he took out something tied up in a roll. “You take this home,” the man told her. “You put in bedroom. You put on east wall. When you sleep, green dragon look over you. Green dragon make you well.”

Shay was about to open the ties that held the package closed. “I don’t know, Mr. Lee. Can I look at it?”

“No. Don’t open now. You release green dragon too early. Green dragon become impotent. You not want impotent dragon.”

Shay smiled to herself. No, that did sound bad. Poor, impotent dragon. Imagine, a dragon who couldn’t get it up. Now that would be a dragon that was really, really pissed. No, you probably wouldn’t want that.

“Remember,” the old man said again. “Take green dragon home. Put in bedroom. Put on east wall.”

Shay smiled. Sometimes, the funny old grocer just made her feel better just by the things he did. “I’ll remember, Mr. Lee.”

“Good. You remember. You feel better. I guarantee.”

If only it were that easy, Shay told herself because as soon as she left the old grocer’s shop, the heaviness of her cold once more descended upon her and she felt weak all over again. She hated being sick.

It wasn’t like she had any intention of putting the scroll up on her bedroom wall. She’d only been humoring the old man and yet now that she’d arrived home, she grew curious, especially when Danielle asked her what she had. “Nothing,” she told her friend. “It’s just something I picked up on the way home.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Why hadn’t she wanted to tell her friend what she had and yet Shay had known that she’d wanted to keep it to herself.

She took the scroll into her bedroom and she undid the ties that had kept it rolled up.

Her first thought was, Yep, that was certainly a green dragon.

It was the picture of a dragon caught in flight. He, Shay wasn’t sure how she knew, but she was sure the dragon was a he, he was a green dragon with a big snout and big teeth but what really caught her attention was the dragon’s eyes.

They were so intense. It was like they weren’t just looking at her. It was like they were looking into her and every time she wanted to look away, she found herself wanting to look back. It was good not to take this dragon for granted.

She wasn’t sure where that last thought had come from but it just seemed right.

And even as she thought it, she still wasn’t going to hang the poster up. It was only that now that she had it, now that she’d opened it up, there was a part of her that was saying she didn’t want to let it go to waste.

That was silly, she told herself. It was probably just a remnant of what the old man had told her in the shop when she’d wanted to open it there and yet her eyes kept coming back to the dragon’s eyes. It was just so hard to look away.

So maybe she would hang it up. It wasn’t like there was really a place for it, but she’d find a place, and when she did find a place and when she did hang it up, she did actually feel better about it.

But enough of this silliness, she told herself. She was still sick, and she still had a test to study for and even if it wasn’t for a few days, she wasn’t about to leave it to the last minute.

She got herself ready for bed. For this night at least, it would only be the bare essentials. She started off with a set of fluffy, flannel pajamas. Added to that were her class test and her own notes, and added to that were generous helpings of Tylenol, water and lots and lots of Kleenex. She was as ready as she’d ever be.

She’d go for as long as she could. she told herself and then she’d just pass out and the next day, she’d do it all over again.

She would have liked to have turned on her music but she knew what would happen. She wouldn’t get as much studying done as she’d hoped to get and then it would be the night before the test and she’d be cramming like crazy so regrettably, for this night at least, no music.

She sat on her bed and she opened her notes. For all her talk of going to class to hear what the professor had to say about the test, she really hadn’t taken all that many notes and what she had taken were somewhat jumbled. Damn. This wasn’t going to be easy.

And that’s when she looked up and she saw the dragon looking down at her with his big toothy grin and with his glowing red eyes. “What are you smiling at?” she asked the dragon.

The dragon, of course, said nothing.

An hour passed and Shay felt like she was barely making any progress at all. Maybe she should have put on some music, she told herself. At least if she’d done that, she would have had more fun being unproductive.

The girl shook her head. That was the easy way and she needed to study.

Another half hour passed and Shay was starting to feel that there wasn’t a point anymore. Maybe she should get some sleep. She’d be healthier in the morning, she told herself, and then she’d be ready to study.

She almost gave into that siren song but maybe ... maybe she should ...

* * *

She was in her room and the room but then of course she was. Where else would she be?

The room was dark. She must have given in but she didn’t remember giving in, but the room was dark so she must have given in.

She was under the covers of her bed. Yet another sign that she’d surrendered to the inevitable. She felt ...

Actually, she didn’t feel that bad. Actually, she kind of felt ...

Stop that she told herself even as she let her hand slide down inside her pajama bottoms and then down inside her panties. Stop it. You’re sick. You need your rest.

The only thing was she didn’t feel sick. She felt ... she kinda felt kinda horny.

She let a hand slide up under her top and she rubbed her titties.

She looked up at the poster that Mr. Lee had given her. Even in the darkness of the room, she could still see the whiteness of the teeth and the glowing of those fiery red eyes. “What are you looking at?” she demanded.

The dragon, of course, said nothing.

Shay couldn’t help but moan as her fingers rubbed her clitty. She was feeling better, she told herself. Maybe not well, but certainly better.

The bed creaked and Shay’s eyes opened even wider than they had before. “Who’s there?” she called out.

“Shhh,” a man’s voice said. “No words.”

No words, what the hell did that mean, and then Shay realized that she still hadn’t said anything since he’d said that.

She opened her mouth to speak but almost at the same time, she felt the covers being pulled back and whatever she might have said was suddenly stuck in her throat.

The man, whoever he was, was climbing on her bed and then he was pulling her hand from between her legs. What the fuck. What did he mean to do?

“I think someone’s all hot and wet,” she heard the man whisper, and his voice just felt hot and wet in her ears.

“Yeah, I mean ... oh fuck ... no.”

That last part was simple because even as she’d been speaking she’d felt the man’s hands take their place between her legs. “No?” the man asked in an almost mocking tone.

Oh fuck, Shay thought. That was what she’d thought when she’d felt the boy touch her there, and once again, Shay realized that she hadn’t said a thing.

“I think you like this. I think you like it when I touch you here.”

“I ... I ...”

“You what?”

“I do like it.

“I know you do,” and that’s when Shay felt the man shifting positions.

What? No, the girl thought and yet her legs seemed to open as if they had a mind of their own and that’s when Shay felt the man moving in between her legs.

Oh geez. He had a big cock. He wasn’t even inside her pussy and she could already tell that. He had a big cock.

“Now what do you think we should do with this?” she heard the man say in the dark.

There wasn’t a doubt in Shay’s mind what the answer was. “I want you to fuck me,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“I want you to fuck me.”

Shay couldn’t help but moan as she felt the man slide inside her tight, little pussy. Oh geez. That was good. That was so fucking good.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?”

“Oh fuck,” Shay groaned. “I love it.”

“I know you do,” the man whispered in the dark.

That could have sounded boastful, but not the way he said it. It was more like a statement of fact. It was like he was just confirming something Shay already knew.

“I’ll bet you want me to cum, don’t you?”


“You want me to cum in that tight, little pussy.”

“Yes. I want you to cum in my pussy.”

It was almost as if the man was responding to Shay’s words because no sooner had he said that than Shay felt it, first the groan of the man and then the swell of his cock and finally the splash of his cum inside her tight, little pussy.

“Yeah,” the man told her. “Yeah. You like that, don’t you.”

“I love it.”

“I’ll bet you want to feel it again.”

It hadn’t occurred to Shay but when he said it, it just seemed to make sense. Of course, she wanted to feel it again. “I want it,” she said. “I want to feel it again.”

“Do you want to ride my cock?”

She wouldn’t have said she’d wanted that. Heck, not that long before, she wouldn’t have wanted some strange guy in her bedroom and yet here he was, but now he was asking her if she wanted to ride his cock.

“Do you want to ride my cock?” the man asked again.

“Yes,” the girl moaned and even as she said it, she knew she meant it.

“You’ve got to get up then.”

Get up, she wanted to say. Why?

“Come on,” the man said. “Get up.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Get up anyway.”

She didn’t want to but then she caught sight of the dragon poster just over the man’s shoulder with its big, red eyes and she just couldn’t help herself. She knew she had to do it. She knew she had to get up.

Shay pulled herself up off the covers and no sooner had she vacated her place than the man was lying down where she’d been. In the near darkness of the room, she still couldn’t see more than just a vague outline of the man.

“Come here,” he told her.

She came.

“Straddle my body.”

She straddled his body. It almost was as if the green dragon poster was alive, as if it were watching her and grinning as she straddled the man’s body, and it made her hot to think of the dragon as if it were doing exactly that.

“You know what to do,” the man told her.

He was right. She knew what to do. She reached between her legs and she took hold of his cock. It didn’t surprise her that the man was hard again. It would have surprised her more if he wasn’t hard for her.

The man groaned as the woman took hold of his cock and then he moaned again as the girl led his cock to her pussy. “Yeah,” the man groaned. “Yeah. You know what to do.”

He didn’t need to tell her that. She knew what to do.

The man groaned as his cock slipped inside the girl’s pussy.

Shay knew what the man meant. His cock felt so good as it slid between her legs. Oh geez. It felt so good.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned.

Oh yeah, Shay thought as her pussy bounced up and down on the man’s cock. Oh fucking yeah.

And that’s when she felt it. It was tentative at first but it was definitely there. There was a hand on her thigh.

It wasn’t the man’s hand. Shay knew that. She wasn’t sure how she knew. She just knew. It wasn’t the man’s hand.

That hand was moving higher up and now it wasn’t just on her thigh. It was on her butt and now on the small of her back and then it was moving back again, and once more, that hand was on her thigh.

That was so hot. It made her want to fuck the man even more. That was so hot.

And now there was a second hand over on her other thigh. And then there were two hands on her ass cheeks. And then two hands on the small of her back.

Oh geez. That was hot. That was so fucking hot.

And that’s when she felt it. It wasn’t just a pair of hands back there. It was a pair of tits, too.

Shay couldn’t help but moan. Her body was sandwiched between a man and a woman ... and she loved it.

“Yeah, you like this,” the man said almost as if reading her mind.

“I love it,” Shay groaned and then she moaned again as the man drove his cock up inside her. “Oh fuck yeah. I love it.”

“I knew you’d love this,” the man said and still the woman hadn’t said anything. She was kept pressing her hands and her tits against Shay’s backside.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned. “Oh fuck. You’re going to make me cum.”

She wanted him to do it. She wanted him to cum in her tight, little pussy.

“Oh fuck. You’re going to make me cum.”

She wanted this. She wanted it so bad.

The man groaned and that’s when Shay felt it. He was cumming in her tight, little pussy and it wasn’t just that. He was cumming in her pussy and she was cumming, too. She was cumming so fucking hard.

She was back in her bed and the room was dark. There wasn’t a man there and there wasn’t a woman and she was back underneath her covers and across the room, she thought she could make out the image of her dragon poster with its fiery, red eyes and its big, laughing grin, and it was the last thing she saw before she went back to sleep again.

It was the next morning and it was great to feel healthy again. It probably wasn’t the poster, Shay told herself. She was probably already getting better when Mr. Lee gave it to her, but nonetheless, it was great to feel healthy again.

She’d just left her Lit class and she was thinking she’d go to the coffee shop before she went on back home when she saw him.

He was an Asian man. He probably wasn’t even six feet tall, but he was totally buffed and and even though Shay was sure she’d never seen him before, she had the feeling she had.

“Fancy meeting you here,” he said.

“You know me?”

“Of course.”

Weirder and weirder, Shay thought. He definitely seemed to know her, and yet she had no idea who he was. Maybe a boy from one of her classes, she thought. That could be and yet even as she rolled that thought around in her mind, she knew that wasn’t it.

“You know you owe us.”

Us, Shay wondered. Just who the heck was ‘Us.’

“The absolute least you could do was to come around and say hi.”

Say hi, Shay thought. He must have her confused with someone else.

And yet she was sure that wasn’t it.

“Well,” the boy said. “Are you going to come around and say hi.”

Shay wasn’t sure why but even though she couldn’t remember having met the boy, somehow, that just seemed like the right thing to do. “I guess.”

“Good. When?”

That was a good question considering that she didn’t even know the guy, “I don’t know. What do you think?”

“How about now?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I got a test.”

“Oh hey. I didn’t know that,” the man said in a somewhat mocking tone. “Hey. Don’t let me stand in your way. I just thought you’d like to help.”

Who the hell was this guy and why the hell did he seem to think that she owed him anything?

And the weirdest part, Shay had to admit, was that there was a part of her that thought she owed him something, too.

“I can come now,” she said.

“No, no, no,” the man said irritably. “You’ve got a test to study for. We wouldn’t want to interrupt your doing that?”

“Don’t patronize me.”

The man looked at her and then he nodded his head. “I suppose that’s fair enough, but are you doing this because you want to, or are you doing it because you have to?”

Considering that she didn’t know what ‘this’ was, Shay wasn’t sure how to answer that. In a way, it felt like she had to, but somehow, that just didn’t seem right to her. “I’m coming because I want to,” she said.



“Well good then. We can go now. Come on. Let’s go.”

Shay nodded. Yeah, let’s go, she thought, even though she still had no idea where no idea were going.

“Do you have your own car?” the man asked.


“You want to follow me then.”

“I’ll follow you.”

She was in her own car, Shay thought. She could have changed her mind at any time. She could have just ditched him and gone back home, and yet ... and yet what was the point. Somehow, she knew she needed to do this.

The guy pulled into an apartment complex parking lot and Shay followed him. It looked like all the spots were reserved until she finally found some spots at the end that were marked for guests.

The guy was waiting for her as she finally parked her car and headed for the entrance. “You ready?” he asked.

“I guess,” Shay said, although for the life of her, she still wasn’t sure what it was she was supposed to be ready for.

“Come on,” the boy said. “It’s not that bad.”

What’s not that bad, Shay wanted to ask.

The boy nodded down a hallway. “She’s in there.”

Who’s in there, Shay wondered, and yet even as she wondered it, she knew she was supposed to go that way.

There was a closed door at the end of the hallway. Shay stopped at the door and she turned to back down the hallway but the boy hadn’t followed her. If he was interested in where she was going, he wasn’t showing it. It was clear she was on her own.

She knocked on the door.

“Yes?” came a muffled moan from inside.

Shay opened the door.

The room was dark. It was a bedroom and in the middle of the room was a bed with big, fluffy covers, and in the middle of the bed was an Asian woman wearing a t-shirt.

She didn’t look all that hot. On the bed next to her was a box of tissues and from the mounting pile of discards, it was clear that the tissues had been put to good use.

“Who are you?” the Asian girl asked in a raspy voice.

Shay took a step into the room. It was clear the woman was sick and she’d just gotten over a cold but it just seemed like the right thing to do. “My name’s Shay,” she said.

The girl on the bed just nodded. “Hi,” she said with a muffled voice.

Shay took another step forward. What the hell was she doing here, she asked herself.

The girl on the bed blew her nose. “Can I help you with something?” she asked.

Shay was about to say she didn’t know when she noticed it. It was a poster hanging from the girl’s wall. It was a poster of a green dragon with red eyes and a big, toothy grin. It was the same poster that she had in her bedroom and suddenly, Shay knew. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she was certain she knew. “It was you,” she said. “You were the one who was in my room last night.”

“Was I?”

“And your boyfriend—”

“Husband actually.”

“Your husband was there, too.”

The girl sniffed and then blew her nose. “If you say so,” she said. “Fat lot of good it did me.”

Once more, Shay looked at the poster with the dragon with the red glowing eyes and suddenly, she knew what she had to do. “You know what?”


“I really liked your tits. They’re nice and big and they’re so firm. I liked feeling them on my back.”

“I’m glad you liked them,” the girl said sullenly.

“But I’m afraid I’m going to have to take something back.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I’m afraid I gave you my cold. I’m afraid I’m going to have to take it back.”

For the first time, the girl in the bed actually looked interested. “You’d really do that?” she asked.

Once more, Shay looked back at the dragon with the red glowing eyes. There was something about that dragon, something which made her hot.

She turned and looked back at the girl. “I told you. I really liked your tits.”

“You really think so?”

Shay nodded. “Can I see them?”

“You want to see my tits?”

Shay couldn’t believe she was asking to do this but she knew what she wanted. She nodded. “I want to see your tits.”

The girl lifted her t-shirt all the way to her shoulders. “Is this what you wanted to see?”

Shay nodded. She could feel herself getting wetter by the moment. She wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like she was really into girls, but there was something about this one, something that Shay couldn’t put her finger on. “What are you wearing under the covers?” she asked.

“Just an old pair of panties.”

“Can I see?”

It was clear that the other woman was starting to warm to this just the same as Shay was. She flipped the customers aside to reveal a pair of blue and white striped panties. “Is this what you wanted to see?”

Oh yeah. Shay could feel herself getting wetter by the moment.

“What are you doing?”

What was she doing, Shay wondered as she realized that she’d started to take off her top, but in the next moment, she didn’t question it. “I think you know what I’m doing.”

The Asian woman just grinned at her. “You want me to play with my tits?”

That was exactly what Shay wanted and more than that, she knew the other girl knew that was what she wanted. “You know what I want,” she told the other woman.

Already, Shay had her shoes off and she was pushing her jeans down past her hips. God, that was hot, watching the other woman’s small hands play with her big tits.

She pushed her panties down and she couldn’t help moaning to herself. Her pussy was so wet. The green dragon could watch her all it wanted with its fucking red eyes but on this day, Shay told herself, on this day, she was going to eat herself some pussy.

It was clear that even in spite of her cold, the Asian woman was getting turned on as she watched Shay get undress. Her hands never left her tits and there was just something about the way she stroked herself that said she was getting more and more into this by the moment.

“You know what I’m going to do?” she asked as she put a knee on the bed.


“I’m going to lick your pussy and then I’m going to suck on your tits and I’m going to make you cum.”

“You are?”

She might have sounded surprised but she she didn’t fool Shay. Shay had little doubt that the other woman knew exactly what Shay was going to do to her. “Let’s get these panties off of you,” Shay said.

Shay slid the other woman’s panties off and then she was back again between the other woman’s thighs, running her hand up the woman’s thigh and then letting her tongue slide between the other woman’s legs.

“Mmm,” the other woman moaned. “Mmm. That’s good.”

Mmm yeah, Shay thought. The other woman was already wet. In fact, she was so wet. In fact, Shay’s tongue just slid in there so easily. In fact, there was the other woman’s clit ...

“Mmm yeah,” the other woman moaned.

She liked that, Shay told herself and that was all it took for her tongue to continue to savage the other woman’s pussy.

“Oh fuck,” the other woman moaned. “Oh fuck.”

Shay pulled back and she looked up at the other woman. “Do you like that?” she asked.

“Yes. Don’t stop. Oh geez. Don’t stop.”

Shay shook her head. “I told you what I was going to do.”

“But my pussy ...”

Again, Shay shook her head. “I told you what I was going to do,” she said again, and with that, she was moving up from between the girl’s legs and then her hands were on those big, Asian tits, and she was kissing first the one and then the other of them and she was pressing her face against those tits.

“Oh yeah,” the other woman moaned. “Oh yeah. I like that.”

Shay liked it, too. She wasn’t even sure why. She just knew she liked it, but now ...

“Do you want me to make you cum?”

The other woman nodded. “I want you to make me cum.”

Shay grinned as she once more slid back down between the other woman’s legs. This was going to be easy, she told herself. Easy ... and fun.

Once more, Shay let herself slide down between the other woman’s legs. Once more, she let her tongue slide between the other woman’s lips.

“Oh yes-s-s-s!” the other woman moaned.

That was all the encouragement Shay needed. Once more, her tongue was on the other woman’s clit and this time, she wasn’t going to ease up. Her tongue kept coming after her over and over again and the more she did, the harder the other woman moaned.

“Oh my God,” the other woman moaned. “Oh my God.”

Shay’s tongue kept coming.

“Oh fu-u-u-uck.” The other woman froze and then she moaned again. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yes!”

Shay just kept on licking.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

Shay already knew that from the way the other woman’s body was shaking but that didn’t mean she was about to let up on her. Her tongue just kept licking the other woman’s pussy until she’d made the woman cum a second and a third and even a fourth time.

“Oh my God,” the other woman moaned wearily as Shay finally pulled herself from between her legs. “Oh my God.”

Once more, Shay was climbing up over the Asian’s body. Once more, she could feel the other woman’s tits as she leaned in to kiss her. “Did you like that?”

“You know I did.”

Well that was certainly right, and Shay wasn’t sure how she knew it, but even as she could feel the red eyes of the dragon poster boring into her from behind, she knew one other thing. “You’re not sick anymore, are you?”

The other woman shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

And I’m not either, Shay thought. She wasn’t sure how she knew but she just knew. “Good. I’m glad, but now ...”


“I was wondering if you wanted me to eat your pussy again.”

The other woman grinned. “I was kind of hoping you’d say that. The answer is yes.”