The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

DISCLAIMER: Do not even attempt to read this if you are below the age of majority where you come from. DO NOT. Anyone older is free to make the attempt.


Exams are a pain in the arse.

God, look at that. A sentence in and I’m ahead of myself already. I just wanted to get that off my chest, I suppose.

OK. I’m 18, I go to a public school. That’s a private school, but they call it a public school. Public schools are called state schools.

You think you’re confused?

I’m Robert Clark.

And, being 18, British, and still at school, I have to deal with these things called A-levels. This is our equivalent to the SATs, if the SATs are what I understand them to be. They’re what get you into university, or fail to do so.

But, and as far as I can determine this is different to the American system, you apply before you even sit the exams, based on predictions. You then get an offer and attempt to achieve the grades required. This leads to three distinct stressful times over the school year: the wait after the application for offers, sitting the bloody things, and waiting to see if your results are what they should be.

This is a lot of stress, and stress is something I don’t like. My traditional response to that is to think about something else, so I did. I did my thinking in the bowels of the town library, just searching for whatever I could find. Old issues of British science fiction magazines long defunct by the time my father was born, Boy’s Own comics—a window into a different age, when the kids who unearthed crime didn’t bother with a cowardly dog and didn’t even think about associating with girls, let alone girls who wanted to be boys and called themselves George. A truly bizarre world.

King & Country; the magazine that purported to tell the Tommies the truth about the war but probably didn’t.

Papers on the occult from people who really believed the crap they were spouting, a fact which completely escaped me until someone pointed out Thomas Hardy didn’t believe any of the stuff in stories like The Withered Arm was fantastical. Even then I had to check the dates before I grasped that less than a century ago we believed in that shit.

Only it probably wasn’t all shit, and the notebook that proved that also showed that the British didn’t reproduce by fission, which was about as likely as sex to judge by the other stuff I was reading. This, of course, the advantage of the national library, or whatever it’s called—if it was printed during or after the sixteenth century in the English language, and in some cases even if it wasn’t, they’ve got a copy of it somewhere. I tried looking in that stuff to start with, but there’s no helping some people’s spelling.

A little pamphlet with a bunch of stuff in Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek, and even a little in the alphabet I know and... know. Quite why it had all the other languages on it at the time it was printed—when English had become the language of learning—I didn’t know. I still don’t.

* * *

I took it to the French teacher, who spoke the languages I figured were there as well as French. Nice young lady, really; so young it’s like she’s just come out of Uni herself. Everyone calls her ‘Babyface’ though not to her face. Irritating Geordie accent which you’d have thought someone who’s mastered the right accent for French could get rid of, but she likes it. All in all, I’m glad I dropped French, but she was the best lead I had for decrypting this thing, so to speak.

I left it with her overnight, and turned up the next day. Exam leave had started, so I figured if I went when she normally taught the upper sixth we’d be able to keep this private. This is habit with me; I keep everything quiet, generally. And I especially wouldn’t let it be known I was going to the teacher with extracurricular stuff. It’s just not done.

“Hi, Robert,” she said, in that irritating accent of hers.

“Hi,” I said, quietly. Chatting to a teacher never did quite feel right. I guess Miss Robins wasn’t too bad looking, a little chubby for my taste, but not too bad; not actually fat. But the fact remains, you don’t associate with teachers if you can avoid it. I walked over to the desk she sat at. “Uh, about—”

She elbowed me in the solar plexus. I broke off my sentence, let my breath out fast, and doubled over. Fingers pressed into my temples like steel pincers grabbing nuclear waste. They began to circle, never losing their tightness. Her little fingers began to drum at the skin above my eye in my eye socket. I heard her repeating something I didn’t understand, some weird mantra.

The rest of my body seemed miles away; just the manipulations around my brain remained. It was like an out-of-body experience where they’d made me take my head along during a bad hangover.

And what was this with the eye socket? I’m no expert on acupressure, but I thought the headache points were on the feet. I had a headache, and I’m almost certain she knew I did, and that she was causing it, but I thought all the brain links were down on the feet.

Clearly I was wrong, and I didn’t like the knowledge.

I blanked out.

* * *

Miss Robins was naked in front of me, and I wasn’t in the least bit interested. I looked down to check; no reaction whatsoever, just lying totally limp. Which meant I was naked too; I’d expected just to be checking the absence of a bulge in my suit—yes, public school, we have to wear suits—but clearly someone had been busy while I was out. I had a nasty feeling, though I couldn’t see how, that it had been me.

Now, perhaps a lack of an erection wasn’t utterly impossible, but I just wasn’t interested. Not even in the fact that there was a naked person in front of me, nor that I was naked, which should have panicked me. It didn’t, but the fact that it didn’t was starting alarm bells ringing dimly in my brain. They just weren’t reaching my mind, the conscious part of me; it was like I’d been shut out of my body’s control room, just a detached observer.

Which I definitely didn’t like; the alarm bells got louder and louder, but nothing physically happened. I should at least have had faster breathing, something like that. But... no, nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I tried picking up my shirt, lying down by my feet; not a twitch. I wasn’t in control of my limbs any more.

Miss Robins was in control of hers, though; she walked over to me and popped a nipple in my mouth. I responded straight away, or rather my body did, sucking away, teasing it with gentle tugs from my teeth, running the tip of my tongue over it as lightly as I could.

And down below, something dimly told me the lion wasn’t asleep in it’s jungle anymore. I wasn’t interested in that, either.

She seemed to sense that; taking my hand in hers she led it to her entrance. My fingers briefly skimmed her pubic hair before resting on her labia and then spiralling down in slow, rhythmic circles until an indrawn breath told me I’d found her clitoris, and I began to work. I still wasn’t interested. Then I became aware of her mouth stooped down by my ear; her breath floated over it as she whispered sweet somethings to me. “Take a little interest in your work, slave.”

I mumbled something that was probably “Yes, mistress”—I didn’t know, nor did I care—as I continued to please her. Suddenly the situation seemed erotic; feeling returned again, and the vague awareness of my penis standing erect turned into a highly important fact written across my sensorium in six-foot-high glowing capital letters. It was like an entirely new sensation, like I’d never even had a quick experimental wank before, let alone sex—and, just as on the occasion of that first twelve-year-old wank, I liked this new concept. In fact, I was getting the same signals as I’d had on the day I lost my virginity, which are a hell of a lot stronger than solo, despite the fact no one was paying it any attention. I quickly rectified that with my free hand. but Miss Robins slapped it away again.

This was starting to get annoying. “You can’t come,” she whispered.

“I can’t come, mistress,” I replied, but since it was going through a breast it came out a little garbled. My free hand was snatched up and applied to her free breast. It clung and began working in tandem with my mouth, duplicating what it did as well as it could.

She reached under my balls and gripped something. I became aware of something cold stuck firmly into my backside. A quick click and it shuddered into life. I had a vibrator stuck in me, and I was actually enjoying it; which was wrong, as far as I knew. I’d never had the least interest in anal sex before. But then, this whole situation was wrong.

She pushed me abruptly and I slowly toppled backward, with her riding me down, onto the desk. She climbed on top of me and substituted my erect penis for my fingers, then shifted herself around until she’d got me positioned the way she wanted me. “Fuck me, slave,” she said. I did was I was bid.

* * *

We were dressed again, and she told me what she’d done. Explained the hypnotic procedure to me. Ordered me ‘never to tell anyone’, which I accepted with the same monotonous reply I’d been using up until then. Thankfully, she removed the proscription on my penis; I could come again.

“I just wanted to check it worked,” she said. “And then I couldn’t resist taking advantage. Have fun.” She flashed me a wide smile, and turned away from me. Big mistake.

I took her legs out from under her and dropped onto her back, knees first. My hands found her head, my fingers began to circle over her temples as if in an attempt to bore through them. My little fingers curled down and started beating out a rhythm on the skin in her eye sockets.

She clearly didn’t really understand the concept of revenge. And while she clearly understood the potential of what I’d dug out of the library, she didn’t want to use it. Moronic, by my standards at least. Power, that’s key. With this sort of power, even if inductions were a decidedly one-on-one phenomenon, you could do more or less anything.

I started to recite the mantra. Recollection thrilled through me; what it had been like succumbing to this process myself, what Miss Robins was going through.

She’d made me unable to come; even if she released me from that, letting me remain aware of what she’d done had been a big mistake. If it wasn’t for that particular assault to—and on—my manhood, I’d have let her go. But I wasn’t about to. I was going to do something permanent to her and I was going to make sure she remembered exactly what I’d done. And I’d remember to lock in proscriptions against being controlled in return; she’d been careless, not thinking things through in advance.

I felt her physical struggle, trying to throw me off her back, cease. I felt her limbs grow dormant, quiescent; and I knew they were now under my control, at my disposal, not hers; and I loved that. I knew from personal experience her mind was due to go the same way very shortly, and I couldn’t wait to screw up her psyche utterly. And block her from visiting psychiatrists to try to repair it.

She was engaged, I remembered, though they weren’t yet living together—odd, in this day and age, but there you go; it was probably why she’d picked me to play with rather than lover boy. I decided I was going to change his life spectacularly, too. I wondered how he’d react to the realisation that after marriage his bride would be exclusively lesbian. And uninterested in sex at that. Or maybe I’d have her buy the smallest dildo she could find and tell him fucking herself with that was a lot better than anything he could do. See if I could give him some serious insecurity problems. Have her give him occasional presents; penis extenders, Viagra... but always withhold herself from him. Which wasn’t being nice to her, either. She’d turned my ability to come off; I was going to do far worse to her.

A change in the feeling my little fingers were getting from their drumming on the skin around her eyes first alerted me to the fact she’d blacked out. I pulled her up and propped her in her chair, then stood back to take a look at my success. Tried to remember her first name from the school magazine.

Emily, that was it.

“Emily, can you hear me?” I asked.

“Yes...” she whispered. It wasn’t the almost robotic voice I’d used in acknowledging what she’d ordered me to do, more a kind of half-asleep eagerness, if you can imagine that.

I grinned at that, and suddenly wondered if there was any protocol for phrasing the orders. Studying computer systems will yet be my downfall. So I looked at the stuff on her desk, and sure enough, lying on top of her lesson planner was a sheet of handwritten instructions for after induction. None of which the bitch had decided to tell me. Failing to get them right would snap the subject out of it after only a couple of mistakes. Someone had had some more embarrassment for me in mind. And trouble.

I deciphered her handwriting, making a neat copy of it myself—translating teachers’ handwriting is a subdiscipline of decoding hieroglyphics, as anyone who’s looked at their report can tell you. I pocketed her version and referred to my own, spoke the words written in English on the original.

“Your mind is asleep though your brain still thrives,” I said. “My mind is in control.”

“Your mind is in control...” she whispered. The buzz of power brought my erection back. As I’ve said, she wasn’t that bad looking, just a little flabbier than my dream girl. No flat stomach, legs not as trim as I’d have wanted, but beyond that, not at all bad.

“My control will remain while your mind is awake. My will has the power to dominate yours.”

Whoever thought this up, I reflected, wanted his ego boosted at every turn. “Your control will remain while my mind is awake. Your will has the power to dominate mine.”

And after that it was straightforward command time, though apparently these commands included pretty much total access to their minds.

“Your cunt is switched off. You will never again experience any degree of sexual excitement.”

“My cunt is switched off...”

“You may still react outwardly as if sexually excited, but you will never experience an orgasm again. You will never feel hot, horny, or in any way turned on.”

“I will never experience an orgasm again...”

“Your memory of previous orgasms will remain in total clarity, even enhanced in the pleasure you received, but it will only be available to you as longing for a repeat, which will happen every half an hour, or as a comparison to the utter absence of sensation you feel when you have sex from now on. You will masturbate four times in every twenty-four hour period, at which times your desperate hope for that remembered orgasm will reach levels that almost make you want to kill yourself in despair when they are unfulfilled.”

“I will masturbate four times in every twenty-four hour period...”

“For at least half an hour at a time,” I said smoothly, interrupting her. “On the first day after your marriage, on your honeymoon, you will visit a sex aid shop. You will buy the smallest dildo they have and that night will reject your husband’s advances in favour of fucking yourself with the dildo in front of him. You will tell him that this brings you far more pleasure than he ever has. You will continue to emasculate him in this way throughout your marriage, giving him things that suggest a lack of masculinity as presents. And you will never, ever, have sex with him after your marriage.”

“I will never have sex with him...”

“You will not attempt to put me back under your control,” I continued. “You will remember what I have done to you and you will feel however you want to about that, but you will not do anything that might have any negative repercussions for me. This includes never allowing anyone to find out what I did to you in any way.”

“I will not attempt to put you back under my control...”

“You will go on frequent trips to London that you will explain to your husband as shopping tricks. You will wear sensible clothes, but you will carry sexy clothes with you. You will work out until you lose this excess fat and you will strictly monitor your diet to ensure that once your stomach is flat it remains so. You will spend your shopping trips in the sexy clothes, prostituting yourself, pandering to the most depraved and perverted section of the populace. The money you receive from this will be used to rent a flat to take your customers back to and to have breast enlargements. Following that, the money will be used to become utterly self-reliant. You will estrange yourself from your husband and live on your own. If he visits you, you will take out a court injunction against him ever coming near you again. But you will not divorce him, and you will love him utterly devotedly. However, you will never come into contact with him. You will not allow yourself to. In five seconds, your mind will return to wakefulness. You will remember these commands, but you will still obey them.”

She started to repeat what I’d told her. With that, I left. I didn’t bother to see how she responded. I already knew.

* * *

I didn’t do much with my new power for a while. As already noted, it’s strictly a one-at-a-time induction; you’ve got to have privacy. So I went back home, I looked over my exam timetable, and worked out who’d be where. I picked an afternoon exam which a number of eminently attractive girls were going to, and I went in first thing in the morning.

The school, bless it’s little cotton socks, has provided us with a sixth form centre that used to be the dorms for the young boys, but has plenty of space. Lower sixth—the year below me—are all banged up in a single, big private study room; we’ve got the rest of them, scattered about the place, normally two or three to a room. This being exam leave, of course, all you got in there were girl boarders who wanted a bit of peace (girl’s dorms are nearby—the sixth form lad’s dorms are actually on a different site to the rest of the school, so they stay there).

Like Keunhee.

Keunhee’s one of our students whose parents managed to find out about a relatively minor British public school despite living somewhere on the other side of Russia, and—perhaps more astonishing—decided to send their kids to said school. She’s Korean, petite, relatively big-breasted for her size, keeps herself in shape (my principal problem with Miss Robins) and has legs to die for. She also understands English better than some of the natives round here. I think, since most of our Asian classmates are older than us, she’s 20; but it hardly really matters.

And she gets very stressed about exams.

“Morning,” I called, as I came through the door.

“Good morning,” she said. She’s not that uptight, but she had a very scrupulous grammar teacher and we haven’t quite broken her out of the habit of exact English; not completely, anyway. “What are you doing here?”

I dropped into the chair at the desk next to her and sighed. “Oh...” I pulled a tattered old paperback—Pratchett I think it was—out of my jacket pocket and chucked it onto the desk with a flick of my wrist, emphasising my disinterest. “Well, this was the latest time I could sponge a lift off my parents and not have to pay for transport.” I live about ten minutes’ walk away, but Keunhee had no way of knowing that. Very few people at the school did; I keep myself to myself, as I’ve said.

“Oh, right,” she said. Whoever taught her English was conscientous in the extreme; you could hear the ‘t’ click into place. Consonants at the end of words have become such a rarity around here you forget they’re supposed to be included.

“How about you?” I asked, being friendly.

“Oh...” She let her voice trail away. The emotions in that single syllable spoke volumes.

“Helen,” I said. Helen’s cute, but... well, you know there’s always at least one major bitch and one complete dickhead at any given school? Helen was our bitch. And not in the prison sense, either. I had plans for her too, later.

She nodded. “Yes, Helen is really starting to annoy me.” A slight smile. I wondered whether what I was going to do was worth it. I reminded myself I was male, and that steeled me for it.

“Only starting?” I asked, with a grin. She laughed, and glanced back down at her work. Big mistake.

I reached out and pressed my fingers to her temples, starting the chant. Helen often studied in the next room; she’d be over in about half an hour to piss Keunhee off further, if I was any judge. I’d get her then; Keunhee, being my eternal slave by that time, could hardly object. Katie always came in early, so at one the girls would be dressed again and presenting a normal facade. Then I’d get Katie, who’s managed to hold much of my sexual interest for the last six years. Three is enough for one day; maybe I’d add to my store later, but after the exam they’d walk home with me. And they’d stay there. Anyone worrying about them would simply be given the treatment at the first opportunity I got and they’d forget there was a problem.

And Helen would spend quite a bit of time kissing our butts.

Yep; all things considered, things were looking up.

* * *

I even passed my exams. I’m going on to Nottingham University to study English after the holidays. And Katie’s coming with me, loyal girl that she is.

I’ve sent Keunhee home to her family; she was a great novelty, but I’ve got bored with her. I turned Helen into a masochist; she had £30,000 in a trust fund for Uni. I suspect a lot of it’s going to go on the first lesbian dominatrix she finds. I’ve left her personality coiled up at the centre of her mind, the new Helen around it making all the decisions. For the rest of her life, she’ll be getting pain and pleasure from all the humiliation her new mistress ladles over her.

I think I’d have done a lot to Helen anyway, but the particular vehemence I used has a lot to do with Miss Robins. The idea of shutting off sexual functions, of warping them, I’d never imagined that before her. And I’d imagined what I could do with complete control over those three girls many a time.

Or maybe that’s me trying to salve my conscience. I’m going to get Katie to put me under and turn that off for a while, I think. Then I can examine this more clearly.