The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

This story is inspired by/in honor of CoupleOfDragons, over on The Collective ( Sorry, no princesses in this one. ;)

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Dragon’s Horde

“This isn’t a typical dragon collection. What made you start collecting...”

The dragon settled down to look at his visitor. “Something other than gold and jewels?”

The female knight glanced at her melted sword, and nodded. “Yes. I mean, that is the typical thing. And this must attract attention...”

“Not as much as you’d think. Once or twice a generation there is someone like you; willing to risk everything for a ‘good cause’, but nowhere near the amount of people some of my brothers have to put up with who want a stack of gold. Gold keeps attracting, you see, and the more you have the more you attract. This,” He waved a claw, “seems to deter treasure-hunters when they hear of it, usually. Also, gold I have to go out and take, where as my treasure has a tendency to walk in on it’s own.”

He looked down, and managed a reptilian grin. “You want to hear the story? The story of my first item in this collection?”

The knight tried to look for an exit out of the corner of her eye. “Yes, please. Tell me. I’d love to know.”

The dragon chuckled. “Sure then. It’s been a while since I thought about it all...”

* * *

I had just set out on my own, a hatchling of a bare seventy years old. I had great ideals, of course, like any youngling. I was going to make a name for myself: my treasure pile would be higher than any dragon’s ever born! I would liberate it from the hands of humans, of elves, from the very dwarves themselves!

What? Of course it was my right! I am a dragon! Treasure, of all kinds, belongs to dragons, always has. It was stolen from us by the gra’narsh’a at the beginning of the world, and hidden from us under the ground, where we would not be able to search for it. For this we wiped the gra’narsh’a from the face of existence, with the blessings of the gods. They then caused the lower races to be born, to find the treasure for us, and to form it into shapes pleasing to the eye, and easy to carry. The dwarves were first, of course, to dig. The elves were next, as the masters of shaping, and you humans last: not as good as either, but able to do both, and prolific as even the dwarves were not. But enough history.

A young dragon setting out needs a lair, and a start to their horde. Some take to attacking other dragons; proving their strength by challenging those that have come before. I was the runt of the family. I decided to take the other route: to find a member of the lower races who hadn’t been raided yet, one who controlled a location I could use, and take both their lair and their treasure.

I won’t tell you how many nights I slept under the open sky, vulnerable, as I searched. My parents had raided far and wide, and my brothers had extended that further growing up.

I finally found what I was looking for: A solitary human, who had amassed a great treasure, and built himself a large castle. True, it was near the elven lands, which was probably why no one had taken it before me. The elves are cunning thieves and impressive warriors, and most dragons prefer not to deal with them. Humans are far easier to handle.

The mage—for he was a mage—probably could have killed me if I’d tried a direct assault while he was awake. Dragons are resistant to magic, not invulnerable. Another reason to avoid him. But I was young, rash, and believed myself invulnerable.

Of course, I wasn’t stupid. I waited, in the forest, out of range of the mage’s senses until it was deep night, and the mage slept. Then I flew in, shifted to elven form, and dropped in to his bedroom.

What? You didn’t know dragons can shift forms? I’ll admit it is a rather uncommon talent, but not so uncommon that... Well, never mind. Even those of us who can prefer to remain in our native form: Why try to improve upon perfection? Still, other forms have their uses...

One of which was entering dwellings of the lower races without destroying them. And the elven form I’d taken caused the mage to hesitate just a moment as his alarms woke him: a fatal moment, for him. I attacked, using the strength of the elven form and allowing myself the claws of the dragon, to tear him apart. It was over in moments.

He was delicious.

Oh, don’t look so disgusted. You eat cows, and pigs, and chickens, and any number of lower animals. I do the same.

Now, I was impressed by this mage’s magical alarms. We dragons can do magic—of course—but few bother with it. As a runt with big ambitions I figured any advantage I could come up with would be worthwhile. He had woken, and if he hadn’t hesitated, he might have managed to damage me. Perhaps more.

This was something worth learning.

So, I spent the couple of years or so learning magic as human’s know it, from the old mage’s books. A worthy investment.

At first the elves who lived nearby noticed nothing amiss: I was forced to walk the halls of my new lair in a humanoid form, and my attack had done little damage to the structure. The mage had probably been a recluse, not dealing with visitors much. I continued the same. My parents had taught me to never hunt in my backyard, so I usually hunted a few days flight away. A good meal will last a dragon for a month or more, so this was no hardship.

Eventually, however, they must have noticed. Things started to disappear while I was away. Things got moved around in my absence.

This, of course, could not be tolerated.

So, I spent the next month or so layering protections on my tiny horde. I was still inexperienced, and I wasn’t sure they would all hold... But I tried everything I could think of, hoping at least something would work.

I was just about to dig into my third kill when I felt the alarms I’d set up. Someone had broken in. I left it where it was, and headed back as fast as my wings could carry me. I used to win races when I was growing up, you know.

Anyway, it took me only a few hours to get back. Nothing seemed out of place from the outside, at first glance. I’ll admit I didn’t look long, and missed a few things.

I was in a hurry. I wanted to know what they’d stolen, and if any of my traps had worked.

It took a while before I found her. She’d scaled a wall in the back of the castle, and come in a second floor window. Neatly circumvented the alarms and traps I’d had there too. In fact, she’d circumvented most of the alarms, and nearly all the traps. If it hadn’t been for... Well, no need to tell you all my secrets.

She was sitting, one hand holding the necklace she’d tried to steal. The other was down her trousers, and she was within sight of her exit point.

I approached with caution. People stealing from a dragon’s horde usually believe they have some way to get away with it, after all. I am tough, but not completely invulnerable.

She was chanting to herself: “The treasure belongs to the dragon. I belong with the treasure.” It had been one of my more creative traps: A feedback loop. Once she got started, every time she went through it she would get more and more pleasure. The idea had been to get any thieves to wait for me.

Which had worked quite well, if I do say so myself.

She was an elf. Which I’d suspected. I approached in elven form. “Why do you invade my home?”

“Are you the dragon?” She asked.

As an answer, I shifted my hand to feature my talons. It was supposed to be a threat.

The reaction I got was not what I expected. “Oh, dragon... I belong with your treasure. I am treasure, treasure belongs to the dragon, I belong to the dragon.” The spell was still running, obviously.

In addition to changing her chanting, she’d risen, and was approaching me.

“What are you doing?”

“Please, great dragon, let me show you I am a treasure...” She removed her clothing.

I was aware of sex, of course. I didn’t have a big enough horde to go courting yet, but I had my eye on a pretty little female a few mountains over...

My elven form found her very attractive.

Before I knew what she was doing, she’d moved aside the illusion of clothing I worn, and had knelt at my feet, taking my manhood into her mouth.

She knew what she was doing. In moments my seed was flowing down her throat.

“Did I please you, my owner?” She asked.

I think I managed an inarticulate grunt.

“Please, let me show you all the ways in which I am valuable.”

What happened next was that I good a full and thorough lesson in humanoid sexuality. By the end of it I was beginning to come around to her point of view: that she was a treasure, and that I should keep her as she was.

Since she was so insistent on it, I did. She was pleasant bedtime diversion, and she kept the castle tidy.

And she proved the trap worked.

Eventually, an uncle of mine came round to visit, and was entertained by the idea of an elf who considered herself part of my treasure.

* * *

“It just kinda snowballed from there... Every dragon likes to be known for something. For me, it was for the unusual nature of my treasure. Oh, I gathered gold and jewels, the more common type of treasure, but what I’m known for is this part of my collection. What do you think of it?”

“I... Um, it’s... extraordinary.”

“Thank you. I do think so myself. It’s increased my status considerably, I must say: Other dragons now come to me regularly when they are having problems with the lesser races. Often, I get to keep a souvenir in exchange for my help.”

“That is... Just.” The lady night managed to make her tone flat.

“I think so.” The dragon looked at the armor-clad form he had cornered. “You know, it’s not often a human is able to control their fear and hold a conversation with me. Especially in a position like yours. And a female knight as well... You are quite a treasure, you know.”

The woman jerked at the last sentence. “I’m... a... treasure...”

“Yes you are. A valuable treasure.”

Her face was visibly flushed. “A valuable treasure.”

“A treasure like you should be kept and cared for.”

“I should be kept.”

“And treasure, rightfully, belongs to dragons.”

“Treasure belongs to dragons. Treasure belongs to dragons. I’m a treasure. I... belong to a dragon.”

“Yes, you do. Now, why don’t we get you out of that armor, and I’ll see if I can find some more suitable to... displaying my valuable property.”

“Yes, owner.”