The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Draconia or the End of Reason

Chapter 1 — Los Angeles is Burning

Can you hear me? Do you even exist? I feel like I’m reaching out to someone beyond this nightmare, but how can I be sure?

I can’t. But I have to pretend you exist. Even if I talk only to myself...I have to talk.

My name is Draconia Bathory—I know, I hate my parents—and the world is ending because of me.

No, I’m not crazy. Or rather, I am crazy, always have been...but not in that way. Ever since I was born, my nights have been plagued with terrible nightmares. Visions of a world without reason or order. Chaos everywhere. From New York to Tokyo, from the blistering streets of Mexico to the frozen desert of Greenland. Cities turned into gigantic beasts, people turned into all the monsters your imagination can dream of.

Thing is, they were merely my nightmares. I was just a girl striving to be normal despite a ridiculously evil-sounding name and a deep-seated fear of falling asleep. It was just me and my defective brain. It shouldn’t have mattered.

Yet, one night, I fell asleep, and I haven’t woken up since. I can only wish that means I died. No...I just kept dreaming. Dreaming and dreaming until I realized I was trapped in that universe. Sure, I could act however I wanted. I could travel to any point in time and dick around. For the first time, my dream was lucid. But let me tell you, oneiromancy is only rad until you realize your dream has begun to infect reality.

It started with a dream of myself sleeping in my bed. Then, of seeing my dorm mates trying to wake me up. Then, of them turning into monsters. Then, I understood. All along, my dreams were visions of the future. And I was now witnessing my thoroughly normal world beginning to turn into my nightmare.

I know this is real. I can feel it. Maybe not in your world. Maybe you’re a denizen of a perfectly reasonable reality. But in my world, madness is spreading. I want to stop it. Use my lucid control to stop the corruption. Wake up. Die, maybe. But I can’t. There is just too many nightmares, and whenever I show up...I am either shunned by the last rational humans, or adored by the people who succumbed. I have powers limited only to my imagination...But I cannot save an entire planet. The Queen of Nightmare, they call me. Bullshit. I can’t even control the apocalypse I’m causing.

I can see Europe as a living nightmare, engulfed by their myths, ruled by Olympian Gods and Celtic Faes. I am forced to witness the fall of America. Have they already succumbed? Are my visions of a world completely devoured by my nightmare an uncertain present or an immutable future? I can see heroes rise and fall in the wake of the rampaging unreality. I see lives transformed, people enslaved by their innermost desires.

I see too many conflicting things to understand how the corruption works, or how I can stop it. Stories pile up in my mind, and...I have to recount them to you before I’m lost in the sheer weight of them. I have to, and I hope they’re not happening in your world as well. Maybe you’re a poor shmuck wondering why you’re hearing some girl chatting you up while you toil away at your soul-eating desk job. Maybe you’re reading this as a story on some fetish site. Maybe you’re even the one writing it, mistaking my voice for your own imagination. Maybe you don’t exist and I’m talking to myself. No matter. I have to tell.

So many people. So many stories...Which one should I start with? I don’t even care. Maybe this one. I don’t remember how it ends, but I remember it starts with a fall.

* * *

A woman is alone on the tarmac. She is African American, though it is clear one of her parents is Caucasian. She is quite beautiful, in a charismatic, confident sort of way. Her ponytail haircut and masculine, practical clothing pegs her as a woman of action almost as effectively as the gun holstered to her belt. With clear cut, precise movements, she unfastens a series of belts and straps from her body. Behind her is a parachute. You can still hear the weakening howl of the plane that dropped her.

“For fuck’s sake.” She swears. “It’s Los Angeles International goddamn Airport, you dolts, not a anti-air missile base. You could have made the landing.”

She removes her protective glasses and gazes upon the vast expanse of concrete. She had the time to look at it at her leisure while she was in the sky, but seeing such a behemoth of human urbanization completely devoid of traffic has much more impact at ground level. Ultimately, she knows the pilots were strictly forbidden to land in the Los Angeles quarantine zone, but still...LAX, one of the biggest airports in the world, completely unused.

“And that’s only the first baffling thing I’m going to see there, if there’s any truth to the intel. Anyway...”

She whips up a futuristic-looking device and taps on its touchscreen. The earpiece she wears starts recording.

“I have landed. I am now officially inside the supernatural clusterfuck that’s wreaking havoc all over the world. I might as well be stranded in the middle of a hostile country. On my own, no support whatsoever...Janet Campbell, you are one stupid bitch.”

Janet, for this is the woman’s name, quickly looks at the GPS integrated in her smart device, then sets off North, leaving the parachute behind. But before a kick-ass melody can verify this is, in fact, the introduction to an action movie centered around a badass black woman, a shriek comes from her right side.

“You theeeere! Help me, pleaaaase!”

Miss Campbell turns her head and sees a young shapely woman running down the tarmac, covered with only a miniskirt and a sports bra. Already, the surreality that has engulfed Los Angeles is showing its head, for the woman sports two very conspicuous bunny ears. With surprising, borderline unnatural speed, the rabbit woman reaches her and hides behind her, clearly afraid of something coming from the opposite direction. Janet looks there, and sees four bright lights in the distance, accompanied by the sound of engines.

“They kidnapped me while I was out to look for some food...” Whined the bunny girl, kneeling down. “They stripped me almost naked and brought me there...”

“Stay behind me, ma’am. I’ll take care of this.”

“Are...Are you a FBI agent?” Asked the bunny girl, curious.

“Something like that.”

Duty and professional conduct dictated she should be wary before discharging her gun. But Janet had no reason to suspect old Lady Law had still any influence in the city of angels. Besides, “Near naked woman and four motorized pursuers” didn’t leave a lot of room for misinterpretation.

She aimed with her handgun and fired four shots. Each blew a front tire apart, sending the motorcycles careening. Now to quip a witty one-liner like her job expressely discouraged her to do.

“Your moms really need to give you a crash grounding.”

But as proud as she was from this lameness, she winced upon seeing the people behind the rudders. All the intel in the world couldn’t prepare you for the sight of literal demons, rising, unharmed, from the wreckage. The bikers had, behind open-chested black leather outfits, fiery red skin. Janet felt the bunny girl nervously grasping her ankle.

“What do we have here?” Growled one of the demons. “A Normal. Did you lose your way to the kitchen, sweetheart?”

“I’m here to rescue a childhood friend.” Drably said Janet. “By the way, glad to see even demons can’t be both sexist and racist at the same time.”

“What can I say? Being sexist is one Hell of a lot more fun in Lost Angels.”

“Amen to that!” Declared another demon. “By the way, it’s useless to hide behind a Normal, bunny. You can’t hide from Nightmare.”

The poor naked woman whimpered. The black woman frowned and took aim.

“You’re pretty fucking cocksure for people whose bikes I just ruined.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” Condescendingly said the first demon. “You don’t know anything about the Dreamscape. Go ahead, shoot.”

“Wow, you absolutely do need a shattered kneecap.”

Janet took the shot...And staggered. For the blink of an eye, there was a glowing red curtain in front of the demon biker. Whatever it was, it blocked the bullet, for her target didn’t even flinch. That was pretty bad...but then it got worse. A thoroughly unnatural apparition stood behind the assholes.

It was a giant. A goddamn four armed, horned, four meters tall colossus. Its crimson skin seemed to crackle with lava, and its eyes burned with the fires of Hell. Janet could only mouth “What the fuck” upon laying her eyes on this monstrosity. She had seen pictures of Los Angeles’ monsters in the situation room, but witnessing them appearing right the fuck out of nowhere was a different thing entirely.

“Lost your tongue, bitch? That’s what you get when you try to fight against Nightmare. Hey, homie!” Shout the bastard to the giant. “Bring the bunny girl over here.”

Without a word, the monstrosity obeyed, and the woman of action fired two shots to its eyes. She didn’t have the time to scream bullshit about the bullets being blocked by the red curtains again before the demon shoved her to the side and caught the playboy playmate in the same moment.

“God fucking dammit!” Swore Janet as she saw the girl being carried back to the biker gang, screaming her lungs out, rightly terrified.

“There is no God down here, bitch.” Commented the demon leader. “Only Changelings like Daruma here. Now...little bunny, it’s been fun but you need to become our biker slut now.”

“Noooo! Get away from me, you goddamn monsters!”

Daruma silently gave the panicking woman to his comrades, who restrained her as the leader produced a ring. Janet burned to intervene, but knew any effort would be wasted against the colossus. She had to flee, but was instead somehow compelled to look at the ring. Ominously enough, it bore a skull.

“Noooo! Heeeelp! HEEEEEEELP!” Bellowed the victim, scared out of her mind.

“Shhh. You’ll love being our plaything.”

He slipped the skull ring to the appropriate finger. Immediately, the woman’s screams died. Janet instinctively squeezed the grip of her handgun when she saw her go completely slack. The demons grinned.

“Whaaa...” Called the woman, her voice wavering. “Whaaat’s”

They didn’t answer. They knew their victim’s current persona was as good as gone. Already, pitch black polish covered her long nails. Her cries weakened as a fingerless, studded black glove materialized out of thin air. She didn’t go completely silent, however. Her pleas simply morphed into moans of pleasure as the ring kept transforming her.

Janet couldn’t move. The magical ring appeared inert, but the immense power it radiated with affected her as well. She couldn’t know this, but only her normalcy prevented the transformation from reaching her. That was how powerful the ring, a cantrip straight from the heart of the new Hollywood, was.

She thus assisted, helpless, to the poor bunny girl’s change. Tribal tattoos covered her skin. Her bra became a trashy torn black shirt, revealing parts of her luscious chest. A choker adorned with a satanic pentagram wrapped itself around her neck. Piercings appeared on her ears, her nose, even her tongue. Her already flimsy skirt was reduced to a mere thong. But the most sinister thing was the victim’s expression.

“Mmmmh...” She moaned seductively, running her studded tongue over her upper lip. “I feel soo much yummier now...”

She showed no resistance or even disgust as the demon groped her breasts.

“Ready to be our gang’s slut, babe?”

“Am I ever.” She purred with a utterly skanky voice. “Make me yours, my demon Lord.”

“What the fuck is this?!” Violently reacted Janet. “Intel never mentioned anything about induced transformations!”

Attracting the demons’ attention probably wasn’t the best move, even if she was slowly regaining control over her body, but Janet’s inquisitive mind just couldn’t resist doing so. She had always loathed things being beyond her knowledge. The newly minted slut began to rub her tits against the silent colossus’ leg while the leader walked to Janet.

“Jealous, blackie?” He chuckled. “The real world will be completely devoured before it can pierce Nightmare’s secrets. Don’t worry though...You’re going to understand how cantrips work pretty damn soon. You see...”

From his pocket came another skull-adorned ring. Janet’s eyes widened along with his predatory grin.

“We bought two of them from the Aspect of Lust. We planned on getting our second slut later, but heh, I won’t say no to a black beauty falling right onto our lap.”

Janet cursed herself as she struggled to lift her gun. She had barely even begun her quest to save Flora and she already lost? Was the poor woman’s fate really going to befall her as well? Was she going to become a biker slut before she even had her chance to shine?

But as these questions, and countless others, raced through her mind, there was a flash. For a split second, the picture of a glowing eye appeared in her vision. The hand holding her gun fell down again. She had been compelled to lay down her weapon. Another one of the huge demon’s spells? No...the leader was as surprised as she was.

“Anchored...” Growled the giant. “Bad. Danger...”

Confused, Janet looked around. The colossus took the transformed bunny girl in his arms, and staggered back to his friends, revealing another female person...

A wispy little thing with a pixie blonde haircut. She couldn’t be more than sixteen, and was pretty as a valentine card. She looked utterly harmless, as well as completely normal, if a little pale. Yet the demons stood back. Clearly, they knew something about her that Janet didn’t.

“I see I’m too late to save the bunny.” The blonde spoke with a dainty Londonian accent. “You’re not taking the black bird, though.”

The demons’ leader grunted with obvious frustration. The girl only smiled.

“Sod off.”

“Shit!” He swore. “Forget the girl! Get us out of here, Daruma!”

In a final insult to her considerable marksmanship, Janet saw the four-armed monster plunge his hands into the ground and pulling out a whole goddamn garage full of motorcycles with decidedly unexploded tires. The gang ran to the vehicles and set off, the sluttified girl with them. As for the colossus, it simply vanished into thin air , just as he had appeared.

“Well, it appears my arrival was quite timely.” Sighed the mysterious british girl. “You’re lucky the Changelings don’t watch for air traffic nearly as much as we do.”

Stunned, Janet looks at her with a wary eye. Had she been able to lift her weapon, she would have.

“Ah, don’t get your knickers in a twist now, I’m with the good guys. See, my powers force you to be non-violent rather than turn you into a cock-crazed hooker. You came alone?”

“Yes. I’m here on an unofficial capacity.”

“Brilliant.” She quipped as she helped Janet back on her feet. “Welcome to Lost Angels. I’m Lilith Kensington.”

“Janet Campbell.”

“Delighted. Now, not to be the boss of you, but you really want to come with me.”

After the absolute disaster that had been her first steps into this crazy world, Janet was in no position to argue.

* * *

Now that I think about it, I do remember this nightmare. Maybe. It’s hard to tell yet...So many things happened in Los Angeles. Or Lost Angels, as they call it now.

I’ve got a feeling, though...You know, this feeling when you dream or something and you think it’s a recurring pattern, like something you dreamt months ago, but then you realize that there’s no possible way in hell you can remember a dream months later? Maybe it has something to do with what you call Déjà Vu. Wouldn’t know, my mother pretty much disgusted me away from psychology. Crazy bitch.

In any event, I can feel something is important about this particular dream. But can I trust the feeling? For all I know, that half black chick is devoured by the small british one in two minutes.

Oh, wait. I remember something else about Campbell. Yeah! Something in the real world. Must have been before she took off for Lost Angels.

* * *

“Come in!”

Right before opening the door to the situation room, Janet glances over her shoulder. She can’t believe how stressed out the Joint Chiefs of Staff are acting. Their suits look completely drenched, and their clenched fists are more reminiscent of bullied nerds than leaders of the US military. Bah, no matter. She isn’t there for work. Not really.

Inside the solemn room, a lone man now stands. Well, not so much stands as “slouches over the central table, flicking off his tie left and right.” And not so much a lone man as the President of the United States himself, Randall Miller. Obviously, the general public knew him as a far classier dude than that. Not terribly known for his daring opinions, but rather as an amazing diplomat and a great crowd-pleaser, President Miller had been, on occasion, called the new JFK. He could only wish the low point of his presidency had been his assassination rather than the goddamn Apocalypse.

“Are you alright, Mister President?” Inquires Janet.

The Commander in Chief scoffs.

“I might be the most “alright” guy in the building right now, if that’s what you’re asking. ‘Let’s nuke LA!’ bloody idiots.”

“Well, they must be taking this evening’s defeat pretty hard, Sir.”

“Oh, I’m sure. An entire battalion wiped out by a single Hollywood actor fancying himself as ‘The Aspect of Pride’, ‘Queen Draconia’s armed hand’ and ‘The Face of the Future’. I can hardly blame the Joint Chiefs for losing it. Still, nuclear force against a metropolis, even consumed, is NOT an appropriate fucking RESPONSE!”

The President punches the table, then takes a deep inspiration.

“I got Reeves to bring me a bottle of scotch. Want some?”

“In the middle of the situation room, Sir?”

“Might as well. And cut the Sir, Janet. You’re my daughter, you ought to be acknowledged as such when the damn world is ending.”

“What the hell are you saying?” Retorted Janet. “You know the walls have ears!”

“Kiddo, if there are people out there who are able to take offense at the President having an extramarital child while the world is going insane, I say fucking let them.”

“Jesus, Dad...” Says Janet, giving up her professional demeanor. “I’ve never even seen you swear. That Nightmare thing really is destroying everything we thought we know.”


In turn, the black woman eschews conventions by walking on the table, and grabs the bottle of alcohol. All her life, she had regarded treating her father like a complete stranger as the right thing to do. He hadn’t always been running for President, of course, but he still was in a -mostly—happy marriage, and an unfortunate fling with his bodyguard thirty years ago wasn’t a fact that anyone needed unearthed.

“So, how’s Sheena?” Asks the leader of what’s left of the Free World.

“Oh, you know Mommy. Still doing some work for the Damocles agency. A by-the-book hardass to the end.”

“Yeah. Still don’t know how I managed to get in her pants while drunk to kingdom come.”

“She sure didn’t tell me. Maybe she really does think my father isn’t relevant.”

“Glad it ended up working out for the three of us.”

“Yep.” Agreed Janet.

Meaningful silence.

“So, are you really planning to get into LA?”


“You couldn’t find anybody to go with you, could you?”


“I can’t force them to give you an escort, you know.”

“Wasn’t planning on asking that.” States the young action woman, dead serious. “This doesn’t concern the state. It’s just about saving Flora Méndez, my childhood friend. It’s my fight. I know it’s dangerous as all fuck. I might never return, but I’ve made sure to maximize my chances. I have weapon caches. Vehicles. Escape routes. Even a bona fide extraction point or two. I’ve put all my cards, pulled all strings for this. I just have to hope the world isn’t fucked up to the point where none of it matters.”

The mildly drunk and wholly desperate man of power looks over his secret, yet not so estranged, daughter.

“Then why are you here?”

The serious young woman heaves a sigh, hiding her sorrowful smile from her father.

“...Saying my goodbyes is just part of the contingency plan.”

* * *

So I see...Janet Campbell is the President’s secret love child. Shit. Now I know this wasn’t just a feeling. She is important. She is the one all those dreams in Los Angeles were about. That means...Oh no. That altercation in the airport was just the beginning.

* * *

“So, where are we headed exactly?” Asked the african american.

“Bunker Hill!” Chipperly replied the brit. “Downtown’s the last bastion of reason in LA, and I’ve been sent to extract you. You’ll be safe there.”

“And I am grateful, Lilith. But I’ll have to decline. I’m not here to be saved. I don’t even intend to stay there more than 24 hours, tops.”

“Hmmm? Alright, I’ll bite. What’s your story, exactly? You said ‘unofficial capacity’...Maybe it’s just the crap telly I watched before the Nightmare, but sounds to me like you work for the FBI or something.”

“Well...Yes and no.” Answered Janet. “I am here on an important mission though. Would you be willing to give me some intel about the situation? You seem to know about it firsthand.”

“Well, I really should get you downtown, but I can’t force you, and I can’t let you go completely unharmed either...” Considered Lilith, torn. “All right. I am willing, FBI hotshot! Shoot!”

Janet smiles. She really didn’t need the hassle to go Downtown, but she certainly could use some data about this crazier than expected place.

“First off, how much time does it take to be infected by the Nightmare, exactly?”

“Depends.” Concisely answered the precious little thing, before elaborating. “You certainly don’t risk shifting in just a day if you don’t go actively flirting with Nightmare. Your body always ends up merging with the constantly flowing nature of the Dreamscape, but it won’t be that quick if you keep your wits about you.”

“I see. That’s one good piece of news at least. Second, what was up with the lava-skinned giant?”

“He’s a Changeling. Someone who fell to Nightmare. Sold his reason in exchange for granting his fondest desires. They’re pretty rare, fortunately. Most people are simply Dreamers. Blokes who got their body modified but who still think somewhat straight. Even assholes like the demons back there tend to prefer their sanity to wondrous powers, though they won’t resist the fall for long at this rate.”

“And you? You seem human.”

She laughs.

“Yeah, no, not really. I’m an Anchored. We’re the good guys, but I wouldn’t call us normal. A bit of a handful to explain, really, but you can consider us the armed forces of Reason.”

“Okay, won’t pry. And finally, what’s up with the powers? The bunny girl appeared out of nowhere and you stopped me from even lifting my gun.”

“Even the most normal of Dreamers have moderate control over the Dreamscape. It is, after all, a dream, and connected to everybody’s psyche. Hiding in plain sight’s about as widespread a trick as you can get, though mastery varies, evidently.”

Janet rubbed her chin, already factoring that information into her plans.

“So, could I try to manipulate that Dreamscape? Would it be dangerous for my humanity?”

“Yes, you could. If you can manipulate a normal dream, you can manipulate the Dreamscape. And no, within reason it wouldn’t be dangerous. The Dreamscape is pretty passive. Just keep your desires and impulses in check and you should be fine if it’s just 24 hours. Hope you’ve got a good sense of time though.” She added with a mischievous smile.

“Why is that?”

“Because time’s all wonky. Is Randall Miller still in office out there?”

“Huh, yes?” Answered Janet, unsure of where Lilith was getting at.

“Cause I was Fifteen when he was elected. I’m twenty now, not that you’d notice with my bod.”

The black woman stopped dead in her tracks.

“Holy...Shit. Five years? LA was swallowed by the nightmare two weeks ago!”

“What can I say?” Laughed Lilith, twirling. “It’s all a dream!”

The fey young woman kept dancing on the tarmac, humming to herself. Miss Campbell frowned, one impulse away from pinching her nose. Yeah. Official intel was dead wrong. “Everything is different down there”? Bullshit. Everything was alien. And as if on cue, she saw Lilith starting to fade into thin air.

“Hey! Where are you...”

“Don’t fret!” Giggled the brit. “I’m just crossing to the Dreamscape proper. LAX is a bit of a Normalcy desert, you see. Follow me and you’ll see me just fine!”

Janet shrugged and did just that. She couldn’t postpone seeing the warped reality forever. And indeed, as she walked, Lilith’s form came back into focus while the drab concrete began to crackle, and give way to flowers growing as if in a time-lapse. The outline of the city rooftops, that looked normal-ish, if a bit blurry, from the tarmac, shifted into a chaotic landscape, ranging from cartoony renderitions of residential buildings to gloomy, gothic constructions.

“Yep. I see the madness closing in just fine indeed.”

“You’ll get used to it. Especially after your first Dreamshaping. I really wish I could give you the tour, but...”

Lilith turned around, and suddenly stopped.

“Oh, bugger.”

“What’s happening?”

“Look at the LAX Pylons.”

Behind the dream shroud, Janet could see they were arriving at the iconic airport entrance, where fifteen giant glass columns surrounded the highway exchange. In the normal world, they were lit in radiant colors all night. In the Dreamscape...They were straight-up aflame, from top to bottom.

“I take it that giant pillars of flame are not quite “Dreamscape” crazy, Lilith?”

“They are ablaze, usually...But like candles. Not like this. Something’s very wrong. Nightmare shouldn’t be encroaching this far South.”

Janet could now see people around. Modified people...Dreamers, as the british girl called them. Indeed, despite their monstrous appearance, ranging from animal hybrids like the poor bunny girl to living statues, they all looked to the flaming pillars like sane people would—in awe and terror.

“So Nightmare is a worse version of the Dreamscape...And it comes from the North? Shit, that’s not good news.”

“Pretty m...Wait.” Said Lilith with a grave, concerned voice. “Don’t tell me you’re headed North.”

“I am.”

“Then bloody forget it!” She screamed, more out of concern than anything else. “That’s Nightmare’s HQ. And not just any Nightmare, it’s the...”

The gracious young woman was interrupted when...something impacted the ground like a meteor. Janet managed to protect her eyes from the blinding light, but what she saw didn’t exactly comfort her. The grassy, flowery ground was washed away by a crimson wave, and turned into...A red, velvety carpet?

She raised her eyes, and, in front of the blazing pylons, she could see a humanoid form with great, scarlet wings. That was the most immediately obvious feature, but Janet determined rather quickly the winged form was a woman.

A huge-breasted, smiling woman with a crotchless, black leather fetish outfit. Her hair was jet black, its straight silky strands waving around as if in the wind. Her features were impossibly, transcendently perfect, shaming even the most photoshopped of starlets. There was but one word able to concisely describe the woman who slowly stood upright, staring at Janet with a wicked smile. Succubus.

“Hello, Miss Campbell.” Spoke the demoness with a powerful, echoing voice dripping with raw lust. “Welcome to Lost Angels.”

“Oh, are you taking the bloody piss?!” Janet heard the small british lady yell. “What are you doing here, you blighted slut?!”

“You...Know this woman?” Inquired Janet.

“Of course I bloody do. She’s the Aspect of Lust. Hollywood’s queen. One of LA’s most powerful Changelings...And somebody who has no bloody business here!”

Lilith looked both enraged and terrified. She was baring her teeth...And Janet realized her pale skin wasn’t an innocuous aspect of her otherwise normal form. She sported two elongated canines. And yet...This was only the second most fucked up thing about her. For as she assumed a combat stance, Janet could see a third eye opening on her forehead. The adorable little lady was a three-eyed vampire.

“Oh, my dear little lost lamb...How are they calling you now? Lilith?” Purred the succubus. “Every corner of the Dreamscape you tread on is my business. Your life, your true life that is, is much too beautiful to give up on. You should never have left our embrace...She’s still waiting for you, you know?”

“Piss off.” Spat the interested party. “I’m done being a wild animal. I am Lilith Kensington now, and I’ll fight you to the end. And I might not be a Paragon, but I’ll still beat the snot out of you for even mentioning her!”

“Oh, isn’t that right...? My, I’ll have to rely on my minion...”

Janet took a step back, her eyes darting around to assess the situation. What minions? She didn’t see any...

The winged demons threw her right hand in the direction of one of the scared onlookers—a tall, lanky guy with a jewel-encrusted skin. His eyes widened in pure, abject fear.

“What? No! Nooo, please, I’ve got nothing to do with...”

He screamed as a crimson cloud formed around him. Janet instantly understood that the skull ring which very nearly slept on her finger was far from the only thing that could sap away a Dreamer’s identity. The poor man grew muscular and chiseled, his gemstones turned red, and his terrified expression lustful and wicked. Seconds. Mere seconds, and whoever the poor sod had been was smothered. Lilith wasn’t thrilled, but judging from her frustrated snarl, there wasn’t much she could have done.

“Splendid...” Sighed the Aspect of Lust, a pink mist escaping her luscious lips. “Now my thrall, go teach a lesson to the little lady.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Oh, for cryin’...” Swore Lilith. “Janet! Run! And don’t bloody stop until you’re out of Nightmare!”

The vampire leapt on the transformed man, and Janet didn’t wait to be told twice. She darted to the nearest building, following the panicking Dreamers. A changeling right out of the gate, and now this? It was just her luck that her savior had history with such a monster!

But as she quickly rearranged her plans to work around an instantly-transforming demon, Janet noticed that the world around her changed...again. The Dreamers she was following faded away, and the carpet turned into a marbled alley surrounded by thick, tall, flowery vegetation. She looked around...And couldn’t even see any trace of urbanization. She was now in a botanical garden.

“I know who you are.” Resounded the Aspect of Lust’s sensual voice. “I know Lilith...But I am very much here for you.”

Janet drew her gun just in time to see the succubus materialize in front of her. She went for a headshot...And the bullet flew true. No forcefield. A clean, killing shot...Yet Janet had no reason to smile. The succubus just took the bullet...and moaned in pleasure.

“My...Guns are so rare these days...Shoot me again, sugar.”

“What in the goddamn?!”

“Oh, you saw the battle report. 185th armor regiment, second battalion versus the Aspect of Pride. Flawless victory for the Nightmare...What are you hoping to do, sweetheart?”

She was right. The military had thrown everything at the former action movie star. The battalion never even once seemed to have a prayer at winning. Whatever the fuck Aspects were...they were far beyond her puny little gun’s offense capabilities. Yet, Janet didn’t panic. She generally disliked doing so, and did not fancy changing her mind.

“Okay, you monster, what do you want?”

“You. Your mind. Your yummy little slutcunt. Oh, don’t worry...your fall will be dellllicious.” She said with a pronounced sultry tone, slowly walking toward her, rubbing her large breasts. “I wouldn’t want to harm the best weapon against the Anchored to come in years, after all.”

“The Hell do you mean? I don’t even know those Anchored.”

“No, but they know your daddy...Miss Miller.”

Janet gulped.

“Okay, how the fuck do you know that?”

“Her Majesty Draconia told me.”

* * *

What? No I didn’t.

* * *

“Now, time to become my thrall...”

Shit. Shit. Shit, thought Janet. She couldn’t let her rescue mission end this fucking pathetically. She needed a plan. In a burst of focus, she went through everything Lilith told her. Surely there was something she could use. Before the Changeling could even lift her hand, she leapt to the side and into the gorgeous vegetation.

“Aw, trying to hide? Poor move, sweetheart.”

With a clap of the hands, the succubus commanded the plants around Janet. In a blink, they went from a flowery refuge to a thorny bramble. Not that a few prickles could intimidate Miss Campbell, but when she tried to soldier through them, she found the vines to be solid as steel.

“Now, I’m glad you went right for the greenery, my dear. You are going to become a living flower, after all. Best you enjoy your new form.”

As Janet went for her concealed knife, the briar started to shift again. The vines thickened, widened to several times their size, joining together and forming a closed, brown pod. She plunged her blade into it, and though it went through, she couldn’t budge it.

“Oh, goddamit!”

“Tss tss tss...” Scolded the Changeling, as she took the stuck knife and plucked it away effortlessly, the enchanted plants working for her. “No use struggling...You belong to me now. You just need to realize how much you wish to join my harem. I could just instantly turn you, but that wouldn’t be fun...”

“Get spayed, you fat-breasted slut.”

Her swearing, sadly, was about as effective as her resistance in the clutches of the immensely powerful succubus. A pink mist started to emanate from the pod’s membrane. Spores, Janet realized. Unwilling to be turned into a plant woman, she held her breath...But even that proved limited in its efficiency. The fuchsia cloud quickly covered her body, and began to dissolve her practical clothing. Horrified, Janet saw it simply fade away, revealing a modestly proportioned but well-toned body. Instinctively, she covered her indecent parts.

“Yess...” Whispered the Aspect of Lust, caressing the pod with her slender hands. “Do resist, my little thrall. Savor your last seconds of normalcy. You’ll never understand it by the time I’m done molding you.”

Janet listened to the Changeling’s taunting, counting the seconds.

“Can you imagine? You, kneeling at my feet in the Heart of Sin, with a beautiful flowery body, all but unable, unwilling to resist when I give you to one of my many customers. Or several of them. The new you won’t be all that picky, really...”

No sound came from inside the pod. The Aspect smiled and started to rub her naked clit.

“Yes...Daddy’s badass girl, just a sweet little sex slave in my harem...Just a few seconds now. Can you feel the spores making your mind all nice and mushy for me. Of course you can...I don’t want you to miss on the delicious pleasure of falling to Nightmare.”

A few moans later, she knew everything was ready. With a gesture, she commanded the pod to open, and out flowed the dense pink fog. Inside, on the floor, Janet was lying, completely slack, her mouth agape. Triumphant, the Changeling knelt over her, and put her hands over her ears. A warm, red light emanated from them, and the black woman gasped.

“Do you hear my voice, Janet?”


“My voice is power. My voice is Lust. My voice is what you always wished for. It smothers your reason and beckons your desires. My voice tells you who you truly are.”

“Who I...truly am...”

The Aspect took a deep breath, and from her hands, through the crimson light, a thousand whispers came out. Janet whimpered, the word flood assaulting her very thoughts. Yet, even if she instinctively wanted to resist it, it bore the Aspect’s powerful, reverberating, lusty voice...And she knew it told her who she truly was.

“What’s your name?” Purred the Changeling.

“Janet...Janet Campbell...” Confidently answered her victim.

“No...What’s your name?”

“” Came the answer, with a twinge of fearful doubt.

“What’s your name?”

Janet wasn’t sure. She knew the word, remember the countless time she said it, yet...It felt so distant, meaningless, as if she had repeated it until it was just an absurd mess. She knew her name was Janet...yet she couldn’t bring herself to believe it. Surely there was something that felt more accurate...And there was.


Yes, that one sounded familiar. A word this present in her head couldn’t be false...And neither were the countless others told in this delicious sensual voice.

“What’s your favorite thing, Orchid?”

“Sex.” Obviously.

“Really? Are you a slut, Orchid?”

“Yes.” Orchid didn’t know anything truer than that.

“And what do you have to do to get fucked like a good slut?”

“Serve Lust itself.”

“Who am I then?”

“My Queen.”

“Good girl.”

The succubus closed her hands on Orchid’s ears, sending in a last, intense stream, smothering Janet under her newest creation. A sexually aggressive yet highly submissive hussy who would fall into Nightmare at the slightest provocation, and turn into her little sylvan Changeling. She smiled, already tasting Orchid’s sweet pussy sap.

“Well that’s just re-volt-ing.“

The Aspect raised an eyebrow. Did that voice come from behi...

Lightning struck.


She fell on the floor, jaws clenched by the electric current. A lesser Changeling would have been knocked out cold. In front of her, Janet’s quivering form went translucent, and shattered like a glass pane. Slowly, she turned around and saw Janet, fully clothed and very much not enthralled, holding a stun gun.

“Oh, you little bitch.” Snarled the Aspect of Lust, her voice now decidedly less seductive. “You’ve just arrived from Normalcy and you’re already pulling a fucking duplication glamour? Just like that?”

“Don’t forget intensifying the taser’s amperage to goddamn lightning bolt.” Smirked Janet. “What can I say? Lilith was right, everyone has it in them, and I’m the tits at problem solving.”

“No wonder you’ve had the arrogance of thinking you could just sashay into our world...You’re good.”

She got up, cleaned her leather outfit, and flapped her wings, blowing Janet’s hair back, and chuckled.

“But you’re not that good.”

“Oh yeah?” Replied Janet, unfazed.

“First, as I’m sure you noticed, just because you successfully misdirected me doesn’t mean you can get out of the little garden I Dreamshaped for you. Second, what’s your name again?”

“Orchid, wh...”

Janet’s hand flew to her mouth. The succubus grinned.

“A glamour clone is still linked to your senses. I’m rather afraid enough of my programming seeped through for it to work.”

“Fuck me.” Let out Janet, unable to think of anything smarter to say.

“Why, yes, eventually. Your fate is sealed now. Orchid has taken root in you, and will become her, no matter what. But as delicious as watching you struggle and fall would be, I really need you to change right about now, so...”

Vines shot from every direction, ensnaring Janet in the blink of an eye. The stun gun fell on the floor. Janet attempted to wish them away, but quickly realized she was well and truly trapped this time. She could trick a Changeling as powerful as the Aspect of Lust, but in a frontal confrontation, she didn’t stand a chance. And so the succubus walked to her, slowly, sensually, and Janet could feel her pussy react to her raw magnetism. Orchid definitely was in her...and she was about to bloom. Defeated, she closed her eyes.

And she felt the vines vanish in an instant. She opened her eyes, and saw a man standing between her and the succubus. He was tall, middle-aged, and graced with a beige suit so sharp it could cut through concrete. Around him, the botanical garden had completely disappeared. She was back on the streets of LA.

“Oh, not YOU!” Screamed the Aspect, frustrated.

“Yes, me.” Unimaginatively quipped the man. “This Lady is under Anchored protection now. Return to the hellhole from whence you came.”

Two deus ex machinas in twenty minutes. Janet didn’t care for her own performance, but the succubus was clearly more pissed than she was. She took off, screaming various supervillainy insults as she disappeared in the night’s sky. This was easy, thought the secret agent. Too easy...and she knew exactly why, even before the Aspect’s voice rang inside her head.

“You’re already mine...And I don’t think you’ll like their alternative. Bye, Orchid. See you in Nightmare.”

She didn’t have time to think about the implications before the man turned to her. He was the normal kind of handsome, and in fact could best be described as a perfect news anchor, even if his suit and the jeweled watch hanging from his breast pocket was more of the “nobleman” variety. He looked human ; though, just like Lilith, quite pale. Janet could only surmise he was her Sire.

“So sorry for not being able to clear my schedule earlier, Madam.” He apologized, bowing, a hand on his chest. “I am Stephen Griffith, governor of Bunker Hill, at your service.”

Janet sighed, resolving to hide the Orchid business for now, and bowed back.

“Enchanted. Glad you’re here, Sir.”

Behind him, she could see Lilith. Her fashionable clothes frayed from the battle. Her third eye was closed, thankfully. She ran to them, and knelt in front of Griffith, breathing heavily.

“Master, I...I’m so sorry, I couldn’t.”

“That’s quite alright, my dear. I cannot reasonably expect you to deal with the Aspect herself. It was my fault for underestimating Hollywood’s interest in Miss Miller.”

Great. Did anyone in this fucked up place not know about her father?

“Now, if you don’t have any objections, Madam, we’d best get to Bunker Hill.”

Janet still had a friend to save, but after what happened, she figured it would be unwise to argue with this destination a second time.

* * *