The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

If you are under 18, read no further. All of this is fantasy.

Another of my fantasies. This one involves mind control at the office and then moves on to other places. Where? I don’t know yet, but it will probably involve teenage girls. At least it starts out with adults. Enjoy it and send me feedback and ideas by email or by posting in a.s.s.d

Controlling the Girls Part 1

He found the book on a dusty table in the back of a Greenwich Village used book store. As he leafed through it he saw that it was all about mind control. The booked claimed to teach the reader how to project unresistable control over another person from a distance. It sounded like entertaining reading, good for a few laughs and at one dollar the price could not be beat. He bought the book and took it home. He spent several nights after work reading the book. The author seemed to be genuinely serious about the claims. He studied the techniques carefully and decided to try them on some of the women at work the next day.

Working in a software company, none of the women were particularly good looking. However, some of them had great bodies. It didn’t take too much to qualify as a great body to him. The requirements were small breasts (the smaller the better), thin thighs, and a tiny ass. As a set of requirements, the first was not hard to meet. But the second and third ones were tough. He had picked out a few girls at work who seemed to fit the bill and liked to watched them when they passed by his office door. When they wore pants, as they often did, he would stare at their asses and try to imagine if they looked as good out of their tight pants as in them. He gauged their qualifications by seeing if their ass hung over their thighs or if there was a bulge of fat where the thigh met their pelvis. He had picked out three girls he liked to watch. The first one’s name was Robyn. Robyn had frosted, dark brown shoulder length hair, pale skin, and thin black eyebrows. She was really into aerobics and he had once seen a glimpse of her in her workout outfit when she left work on the way to the gym. He had seriously considered taking an aerobics class just to be able to watch her. From what he could make out through her pants and the one glimpse of her in the exercise outfit was that she had a small, firm ass and very thin thighs. Just as he liked them. Her face was pretty enough (for him) and her breasts, while larger than he liked them, looked firm.

The second girl he liked to watch was named Liz. Her face was rather unattractive, but her body made up for it. She had rather sharp features which he did not find as attractive as soft, delicate features. Although her ass was not as small as Robyn’s, she appeared to have nice thin thighs. Her breasts were a bit smaller than Robyn’s. She often dressed in a button down shirt with a pullover shirt under that. She had brown shoulder length hair that was very attractive when she let it down.

The third girl was the best. She was an Asian with tiny breasts and almost no ass. Her thighs were very thin. She really had a body like a boy and he found that kind of shape very attractive. She had black, straight shoulder length hair and a typical flat, light yellow skinned face. Her name was Shu. The feature he liked most about Shu was her apparent lack of body hair. He came to this conclusion by looking at her eyebrows and arms. Her eyebrows were so sparse, they were almost transparent. He had stared at her arms when he had the opportunity to talk with her and there was absolutely no hair visible on them. Of course, this was just a guess, or perhaps a dream, that the rest of Shu’s body was as hairless. It was possible, since many Asians have little or no pubic hair.

There was one other girl who did not really meet his qualifications, but she had a certain toughness to her that he found attractive. Julia had shoulder length wavy red brown hair and a very firm looking body. The thought of controlling this tough girl excited him.

Of course, he had never approached any of these girls to ask them out. Robyn was married and even though Liz and Shu and Julia were not, he did not want to risk a charge of sexual harassment. All it might take would be a simple suggestion by him which was interpreted differently by them and he would not only loose his job, but would probably never get another.

That day at work he tried some of the book’s techniques. He certainly doubted they would work, but he wanted to see these girls without their clothes on, at the very least. At best, he wanted them to be his sex slaves. He was in the company kitchen that day when Liz came in for some water from the cooler. Trying to remember the techniques in the book, he projected into her mind for her to pick the hot water tap instead of the cold. A simple suggestion. Something that she would not consciously resist. Even something that she might attribute to simple error. He began the projection when she entered the kitchen. She did not seem to react to it, but he didn’t know if there was a physical reaction. Already he doubted that anything the book said was true. She passed by him to get a cup and he inhaled her perfume. It was a really nice unflower-like perfume that he loved to smell on her whenever she passed him. Of the four girls, Liz was the only one who wore perfume. She picked up a cup and put it under the cold spout of the cooler. Well, he though, so much for the book. He refocused his projection to her anyway. She was reaching for the blue tap and then just froze for a moment. She slid the cup under the hot spout and filled the cup with hot water! Was this his suggestion working on her? Or was she making tea? After filling the cup, she lifted to her mouth and began to drink. She let out a yell as the hot water hit her lips. He couldn’t believe it. He had actually projected control over her. He tried not to show his excitement. She looked at him embarrassed and made some comment about the mistake. She dumped the hot water into the sink and then placed it again under the cold water spout. He projected his instruction into her mind once more to use the hot water. If it worked this time, he could be sure that it was him, not her, who was in control. Unbelievably, she slid the cup over to the hot spigot, filled the cup, and again burned her lips on the water as she drank. He just smiled, trying to conceal his excitement, as she made another excuse for her actions. He was tempted to project her back to his office this minute and strip. If it did not work, though, he could be in deep shit. He decided to work more on the projecting technique until is was smooth and easy for him. Then he would live out his fantasy.

He spent the rest of the day getting very little work done. Instead, he practiced projecting into people at the office, having them walk into walls. or the wrong bathroom, and such. What he had not tried was to get someone to do something that was against their will or something that could not be interpreted as accidental. He went over to Robyn’s office later in the day. They were on friendly speaking terms, but never anything more than a hello. Her office was in a more isolated area of the facility. Checking to make sure nobody was around, he walked in and struck up a conversation. At the same time, he projected for her to put her hands behind her head. Although she was clothed, this is an unusually open position for a woman in a social situation. He then projected for her to spread her legs wide while she was seated in her chair. As if it was completely natural, she sat there with her hands behind her head and her legs spread wide, as they make small talk. He projected for Robyn to fondle her breasts while they spoke. Again, as if it were completely natural, she began to knead her pert breasts though her blouse. As he was enjoying the view, one of the other secretaries came into Robyn’s office to ask a question. She stood there for a moment shocked at the sight of Robyn fondling her breasts with her legs wide open. Could he project around two people at once? He projected to the visitor that everything she was seeing was natural and expected. The look of shock quickly left the visitor’s face and she asked Robyn her question as if nothing was going on. Still rubbing her breasts, Robyn answered the visitor matter of factly and the visitor left. He wanted to cheer out loud at his accomplishment. Instead, he told Robyn to stop and to return to work through projection as he vocally said goodbye and left her office.

To Be Continued....Comments? Ideas?