The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Center of Attention

Date Written: February, 2002

Synopsis: A deeply hypnotized birthday boy becomes the focal point of a journey into excitement. For one night only, Timothy will hold the hearts, the bodies, and the attention of Miami Beach. And the town will never be the same.


Ah, that smile was infectious! The way it turned upwards slightly, mischievously, with a flair for the exhibitionistic! With an audience of onlookers, the smile continued to grow wider, deeper, and more intense. And what a sexy sight it was, too. All eyes clamored to catch a glimpse, to hold the young boy’s eyes captive for a fleeting moment, to catch and keep the wandering lust for as long as possible, knowing that the longer the eyes were held, the higher the probability of absolute ownership. Not that this was true or inevitable, but it was a fantasy held by most of the young men now circling this evening’s entertainment... the “stripper extraordinaire”.

But let’s go back in time for a bit, shall we?

It began as a simple gathering of friends, a party honoring the passage of time and the birthday of a well-liked man. And as the guest list had grown larger, the party had grown to a stature not unlike that of the infamous White Party, one that many people would attend and speak of for cherished times to come. Brian had initially organized the party well, for his dear friend Timothy. And as the planning continued and expanded, the need for entertainment grew larger. Not only would the food and drink need to be top of the line, the entertainment must be memorable. Only the best would do for his friend!

Brian had called an advertisement for caterers and bartenders, only seriously considering those that promised services of a kinky nature... the catering company (“More Than A Mouthful” Catering of South Beach) was the company of choice. They offered nude and semi-nude men bartending, cleaning, servicing the guests’ needs (so to speak), etc. And the portfolio promised only the finest specimens of manhood (and boyhood) available in Miami proper. After preliminary interviews with the caterer, and after Brian had been able to sample the scintillating delicacies they offered (in more ways than one), they were hired and the contracts were signed.

Now, on to finding the entertainment. A well-known gay talent agency was contacted, and the parameters of the party were discussed. As the venue was a large warehouse with many smaller side areas, the need for numerous acts of entertainment was great. The party was beginning to take shape, and the event was becoming an adult version of something resembling Cirque du Soleil in nature. Performers were being interviewed and hired. Exotic strippers and dancers, a flame-thrower, fire-eater and swallower with the most amazing skills were hired. (The term “eating hot stuff” was bound to take on a whole new meaning at THIS party!) To round out the spectacle, a magician and hypnotist (one in the same) was hired. (The hypnotist’s interview was incredible... after showing several astounding magical illusions, Brian and some of his party-planning friends were hypnotized and made to willingly do things unimaginable! All to the delight of the others that watched!) Now, all the planning was in order, the event set in readiness for the steamy good times that were sure to follow. (Timothy would be SO PLEASED with his party!)

Now, the evening of the event was here. The building sparkled, the large white lights piercing the sky outside, marking the spot and allowing seemingly the whole world to know where the festivities would take place. The skyline of palm trees and stars were the perfect touch, lining the streets of the venue. Everybody who was anybody in this town was sure to be here, as Timothy was one of the most well liked adult gay entertainment producers in the business. People had flown for miles just to attend, and they would not be disappointed.

Guests began to arrive, and the feeling of intensity and excitement began to grow. The festive surroundings did much to contribute to the air of “carnivale”. As the attendees mingled, the stage of swirling lights, fog and mist captured their attention, if only fleeting glimpses between sips of martinis. Multi-colored concoctions flowed freely. Blends of sour apple, caramel apple, cinnamon apple, and chocolate martinis rested in the hands of every partygoer. The lighting was impeccable, swirling and spinning in various areas, the perfect captivating visual stimuli to accompany the pounding, mesmerizing music playing.

Guests were becoming as fluid as the drinks they held, melting into the party landscape and having a good time doing so. Beautiful people mingled freely and loosely, everyone obviously letting their hair down for this newly established Event of the Season. Strong naked boys, adorned only by the occasional bow tie or leather harness, carried silver trays filled with sumptuous delights. “Tapas” of every shape and size were offered, the exotic food and drink only adding to the visually stimulating experience bombarding the senses from all directions. From various parts of the room, fire could be seen as the flame throwers and fire eaters mingled, dazzling each guest.

And in the middle of it all, Timothy, the birthday boy, was working the room and loving every minute of it! Always having been the “secret exhibitionist” (preferring to stay BEHIND the camera instead of flaunting his obvious good looks in front of it), Timothy was normally more reserved in public. But as this party was knowingly in his honor, he graciously (and willingly, I might add...) covered the room, speaking to all guests he could possibly manage to get within arms reach of. And being on his third (or was it fourth?) martini by this point certainly had him relaxed and a bit loose. He laughed freely with the guests, enjoying each moment of attention he was receiving. For this evening, he was definitely the center of attention, and he knew it.

“May I have your attention, please?” A voice from the stage thundered. All eyes turned to the well-dressed young man being enveloped by the spotlight and speaking to each guest. “Welcome to Timothy’s Birthday Bash.” Applause sparked the room. “It has been my pleasure to meet many of you as I mingled earlier. Our conversations were very pleasant, as you may or may not remember at this time. I am your Master Hypnotist for the evening. And you will experience sights and sounds only previously held in the deepest reaches of your imagination. Oh, give your thanks to our beautifully “dressed” service men tonight. Are they not a sight for sore eyes?” More applause, and the naked servers blushed in all the right places, all eyes looking around and toward the stage. “I had the pleasure of meeting with the service staff earlier, and I knew that you were all going to be in for a treat. Let’s get this party started RIGHT NOW!”

As he said the words, the scene changed. An audible clash of trays could be heard around the room, guests gasped and eyes turned to the source of the commotion. Each of the 30 or so naked waiters had dropped their trays almost simultaneously, their arms now dangling limply at their sides and their heads drifting limp in some direction or another, some hanging forward while others rolled to the side, all eyes snapped shut and definitely in a dreamland of their own.

“That’s it, boys. Listen to me. Listen to the Master. So comfortable and relaxed, just drifting into a deeper state of relaxation as you breathe deeply, in and out... Rest quietly, allowing each second that passes and each sound you hear to take you ever deeper into sleep now.” The handsome gods continued to relax and to drift, slowly spinning downwards into a full and complete sleep.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please look around you. You notice some very sexy boys, ready and waiting. I’m sorry if your drink orders are a bit delayed, but I need your servers for a much higher purpose! They have been deeply hypnotized, given suggestions earlier and now continuing to drift even further at my command. Throughout the evening, many of you will be joining them in one way or another. I will be hypnotizing all that are interested. I will be hypnotizing many that have no idea what is coming to them. But all will be having the times of their lives.” Whispers of astonishment came from all parts of the room. “I ask you to, as your phone company implores you to do, Reach Out and Touch Someone. The waiters are in a deep state of trance, and they have been programmed to only go deeper into trance with any touch. So, let’s see what they are made of, shall we?”

Nobody had to be prodded or asked twice in THIS crowd! Hands began to wander, first gingerly touching and then full-on manly manipulation of each sleeping stud. And the more each boy was touched and fondled, the further their heads fell forward and their arms relaxed and dangled freely. The smiles on each of their faces showed definite love of the adoration, though nothing short of the Master could awaken them. Long haired boys, short haired boys, smooth, hairy, all races and nationalities, each hand picked for the ability to be hypnotized and to be sexually ravishing, all rested in wait for further instructions from the Master Hypnotist. “Okay boys, listen closely to my voice. You love the touches you feel. Each touch makes you feel very excited and very happy. When I count to three, you will awaken. Upon awakening, you will know that you alone are the greatest lover in the world. You will show your skills by deeply kissing three people, to show how great a kisser you are, and then you will immediately come to the stage for your reward. When you hear my voice and my voice only saying the words “RIGHT NOW”, you will drift back, instantly 10 times deeper into sleep than ever before. One, two, three...”

Instantly, the boys sprang to life, sensuously and deeply offering wet French kisses throughout the room, much to the astonishment and delight of the surrounding guests. A steady stream of naked men trickled robotically to the stage. Soon the stage was filled with beautiful men, all in various levels of excitement from all the kissing and stroking they had been receiving. All stood at attention.

“Good boys, look my way.” Their eyes turned to the Master Hypnotist. “You are the greatest lovers ever! Aren’t they fantastic, ladies and gentlemen?” The crowd went wild! “And you love being touched, you love showing how good you are, don’t you? See how great it feels, knowing that all eyes are on you? Why, you are becoming so excited just knowing that everyone is looking at you, you can hardly stand it. See how it is difficult to even stand still, you are so excited.” The stage began to swirl with activity, the servers instinctively beginning to bump and grind with each other, competing for the spot that shows “I am the best.”

“Now, boys, so excited as you are, every sight and sound can only make you more excited. The heat and intensity are building, so strong.” Each boy was trembling from excitement and sheer pleasure. “Now, I want you to continue to feel deeply excited, even from slumber RIGHT NOW!” Sexy bodies, now completely relaxed, collapsed to the carpeted floor in delectable heaps of steaming sexual repose. “That’s it, boys. Go deeper into sleep now, boys. Ever deeper. Continue to drift until I call you again.” They slept, floating into their own wonderful world.

Now turning to the audience, the hypnotist spoke. “Where is the birthday boy? Timothy, report to the front of the room, please.” Laughter and cries of excitement ensued. Soon, Timothy was sheepishly coerced to front and center. “Ah, there you are. Are you having a good time?” Timothy laughed and nodded, “Oh, yes!” “That is good. You know, this party is all about you, Timothy. For tonight, you are the center of attention. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please join Timothy as he begins to gaze at the spiraling light you see now behind me. So easy to look at it, seeing the black and white lines swirling inward. That’s right, and as you gaze into the spiral now, clasp your hands in front of you, locking both hands together as you do. Tighter and tighter they clasp together as you see the spiral, calling you inwards and downwards into the spinning nothingness of time, deeper now, deeper into the spiral, so easily spinning into a deep relaxation now, deep now, drift now, so easy to sleep now as you watch and float deeper now. Notice how your hands have become stuck tightly together as you stare at the spiral, deeper now, hands stuck so completely together, nothing but my voice can release them, nothing but my voice and my voice only.” A look around the room showed numerous men clasping their hands together, staring blankly. And in the front of the room, Timothy’s smile had been replaced with a mindless stare, hands obediently clasped in front of his body. “Good, everyone is doing so well now, listening to my voice and continuing to drift ever deeper into the subconscious mind, forgetting to remember and remembering to forget, being lost in the increasing river of warmth and deep relaxation you feel at this moment, ever deeper and still deeper into complete sleep now, going deep now.” The anticipation in the room was intense. Everyone not already asleep wondered what would happen next. “Alright, everyone in the audience, when I count to three you will awaken, yet your hands will remain bound tightly. And your hands cannot be unstuck. For all except Timothy, your hands will come undone freely when I use the word “release”. As for you, Timothy, your hands will not come undone until I have told you it is possible. And my boys on the stage, continue to drift deeper, each breath and each second that passes only taking you to an increasingly more willing and obedient sleep. Drift deep, boys. And for the rest, it is time to awaken. One, two, three...” The room was alive with movement. From various parts of the audience, stuck hands were being waved, attempting to be freed. “Hello, everyone. I see that some of your hands are stuck. Try to take them apart.” Struggles could be seen throughout the room. “Do all you can to remove one hand from another. Try harder now.” More struggles, all in vain. “You are trying so hard, wanting RELEASE!” All hands broke their bonds freely, all those except for one pair of struggling hands on the front row. The guests laughed uncontrollably at what they had seen and done. “Ah, Timothy, what seems to be the matter?” Timothy stammered, “I...I...uh...can’t get my hands apart!” “Oh, really?” the hypnotist continued. “Come up here. Maybe I can help you. Just come up here on stage.” Timothy hurriedly came to the stage, anxious to be free of these “self-imposed bonds”. The hypnotist continued. “Okay, let’s see what we can do with those hands. Now, Timothy, look into my eyes. Look deeply now. Stop trying to unclasp your hands now. Just gaze deeply. As I touch your shoulders, your hands will melt apart as your eyes remain locked with mine now.”

The Master Hypnotist placed a strong hand on each of Timothy’s muscular shoulders. Timothy’s hands instantly fell to his sides, his eyes continuing to stare willingly into the hypnotist’s entrancing gaze. “That’s right, Timothy. Continue to drift into my eyes, noticing how your body feels so heavy now, pools of relaxation, drifting forward and inward and downward, down, down into a deep relaxation, your eyes becoming so heavy with each breath, trying so hard to keep your eyes open but finding them too heavy, wanting to drift, drift now, deep now...” Timothy’s eyes struggled to maintain contact with the blazing pupils of the Master’s eyes, but the need for sleep grew too great. With one final attempt to keep his eyes open and connected, he struggled to raise his brow while his eyes snapped tightly shut, his head rolling forward instantly. “Very good, Timothy, rest and relax, ever sinking into a safe, warm, deep place. Deeper with each touch. Deeper with each sound. Deeper with my voice. Deeper now. Deep into sleep now. Continue to drift until I call on you again. Go deep now.” The Master then turned to the sleeping “servant slaveboys”, resting in sensual positions on the stage floor. “Boys, listen to me. You have had much time to go deeply into sleep now. Remain completely relaxed, but you will easily be able to speak and to move when I ask you to do so. On the count of three, get up from the floor and stand, facing the front of the stage and into the audience. Remain completely relaxed, whether your eyes are open or closed makes no difference, remain completely relaxed and at ease, knowing that you remain the world’s best lover and that you will be able to prove this to the world soon. One, two, three...”

The sexy boys drew to their feet and faced the audience. Cocky smiles on their faces, each knowing of his superiority now. How great it is, to be on top!

“Timothy, listen carefully to me now. You feel so wonderful, so relaxed. The center of the universe. You are surrounded by beautiful men and boys, each of them wanting to please you. It is their desire to please you. When you awaken, you will know that they need to please you, and you will know that you are the world’s greatest stripper. All attention is placed on you. And the more attention you feel, the more excited you will become. Timothy, at the count of three, you will awaken, knowing that there is no greater stripper than you. Boys, at the count of three, you will also awaken, knowing that you must win the attention and affection of the greatest stripper in the world, as who better than the greatest lover should deserve the full attention of the best stripper? Your life and happiness depend on it. For all, my voice speaking the words RIGHT NOW will instantly place you back into a deep sleep, 10 times deeper than ever before. One, two, three...”

Instantly, rhythmic music began to play, indicating that a strip show was in order. Timothy, eyes wide open and smile broad, had the air of one thriving on the excitement of it all. The teasing look in his eye, the cockiness, all of it added to the intensity electrifying the stage. He began to look about the stage, unaware of anyone but the multitudes of men now circling him. As he smiled, he slowly began to move his hips in unison to the music... small circles, large circles, varied strokes... all meant to tease and entice those longing for him. The charcoal black Armani suit he wore now seemed to flow elegantly, slicing the air with his movements. He began to slowly remove his jacket, bringing each button to a full openness... With each button, his “audience” began to seemingly gasp for air, waiting with anticipation for the treasures about to be revealed. For, you see, no other shirt appeared beneath Timothy’s fabulous jacket, and the ripples of Timothy’s well-tanned and muscular chest began to shine as they were exposed to the light. The body well deserved full attention, even at normal times, and with this hypnotic encouragement, all Heaven and Hell was sure to break loose. “That’s right, Timothy. You own the stage. You own the audience. Ah, they are loving the show. Give them what they want to see.” Freely, the jacket slipped off and fell to the floor. Next, the belt was undone, gyrating as it went, slowly removed hoop by hoop.

Timothy seductively maneuvered his body in front of a tanned blond boy, also rocking sensuously to the music. Timothy thrust the front of his pants (and the growing bulge hidden inside) into the crotch of the wild-eyed blond. Motioning for the blond to move even closer, Timothy grabbed the blond’s head and forced it downwards, sliding ever South, till the boy was well positioned to undo Timothy’s pants, zipper meshed with the boy’s teeth, sliding downwards with delicate ease. White underwear became visible, teasing the boy as the blond began a slow expedition of foreign lands with his tongue. The boy’s nimble fingers began to pull the silken fabric down, sliding off of Timothy’s statuesque manliness, but Timothy pulled away, aware that if all this attention was to be spread to the other “men in waiting”, he would need to move on. A look of desperation mixed with disappointment on the obviously frustrated blond was soon replaced by a determination to work all the more intensely, to regain the attention of the prize. The blond god moved toward Timothy once more, begging to reclaim the affection of the Man of the Hour, but alas, Timothy had moved on.

Timothy’s chiseled physique and wandering affection moved next to a smooth Latino stud, panting madly, eyes begging to be chosen, begging for the chance to prove his masculine worthiness, growling with need, utter, sheer need... he must be chosen! Eyes pleading as if to say, “Choose me, damn it! Take me now, or let me take you!” The Latino boy, dark and muscular, with a fine moustache and trailing goatee, was a fine specimen. The sheen of body oil generously applied poolside today remained on the boy’s sensuous chest, arms and torso. Moving swiftly, he forcefully brought Timothy’s pants to his knees. Moving in to feast on what appeared, his sultry lips began to caress the prize hidden beneath the fashionable white trunks. Timothy moved playfully, side to side, keeping his manhood within its protective casing and allowing just enough contact with the stud boy to cause immense pleasure and anticipatory agony. He owned this boy, and he knew it. The suave hombre bucked and pleaded, searching for that opportunity and permission to take what was offered him. But alas, Timothy once again moved on, the casualties of the evening falling in the procession. “Okay, let’s heat up this party RIGHT NOW!”

With the hypnotist’s well-placed words, all heads dropped and bodies melted, ready and waiting, obediently craving more. “Listen to my voice. The intensity and excitement is more than you can bear. Boys, you know that you have so much to offer this prize stripper. After all, the world’s greatest lover must be seen to be appreciated. And your skills can be displayed, must be displayed, if not with the stripper, then with another close body, all to be on display. You must be seen to adequately win the adoration of the one you seek. When you awaken, any clothing remaining will be a hindrance, a nuisance to be removed and discarded. A body, ANY body, is there and waiting, waiting for you to prove your capable manhood. The stripper, the Center of your World, will surely glimpse you and see that “you are the one, the only.” You long to be satisfied, to prove your worthiness. And Timothy, you want this attention... crave this attention, more than anything. When you awaken, the smell of sex will be rampant, vibrating into overdrive. Boys, you know what to do, to win his heart and his attention, you are so hungry for it. Awakening on one, two, three...”

If the stage had been a vision of carnal lust before, the vision was now fast becoming reality. Bits of clothing flying, skin to skin, mouth to mouth, mouth to skin... all combinations in full swing. The roving cameras, hired to capture the evening’s festivities, circled with wild abandon, not wanting to miss a single frenzied spectacle now taking place. Boys dropped to the floor with other men, oblivious to all else but passion. The heat sent waves through the amazed audience... audible gasps of pleasure mixed with disbelief, and yet, what was not to believe? It was happening, before their very eyes! Why, the video sales coming from this evening’s taped activities, unashamed passion and fucking beauty, this event alone was going to be of monumental, epic proportions! And, in the middle of it all, Timothy gyrated and watched, knowing that all eyes were upon his movements. A brown haired Italian of god-like stature had moved in on Timothy, demanding to be seen and appreciated. His eyes had locked with Timothy’s gaze, and the heat was undeniable. Not taking teasing lightly, the strong Italian moved in to claim his prize. He wantonly grasped Timothy’s white underwear, one gesture bringing them to the floor. And what sprang to life was erotic beyond belief. The Italian descended on Timothy’s cock, proudly waving freely and vibrating wildly, pre-cum dripping unabashedly from the tip. The Italian took it all in, savoring each drop of man sweat and wanting more. He moved over Timothy’s body, the center of the dance, knowing that he would not be denied Timothy’s basket of treasures, waiting to be claimed. His hands and tongue explored all that was Timothy, both inside and out. And when the Italian stallion moved behind Timothy, pressing forward and into him, in one fell swoop he claimed what was rightfully his. Timothy’s body rocked and shook, quivering, impaled, excited, completed. Streams of rocket juice shot from Timothy’s cock, spraying for all the world to see, gloriously intensified as the Italian molested his nipples. Timothy’s eyes rolled back into his head, his gorgeous body falling limp and backward, held tightly within the strong grasp of the Italian’s masculine, massive arms. Words of sensual nothing were being spoken silently by the Italian, words meant to drive the birthday boy wild and meant for no other listeners. Glancing around the stage, there were acts of erotically astounding magnitude, a show no Cirque du Soleil could ever boast in comparison. The feats of acrobatic skill were spellbinding. Bodies hovered above other bodies, each arriving at the inevitable conclusion, to shoot Vesuvian loads of cum like there is no tomorrow, to be seen by the prize, and to be forever lost in the ecstasy of the moment. The Master Hypnotist, pleased with the results of the evening’s entertainment, uttered the magic words “Time to Sleep Right Now,” and the stage became a molten mass of steamy sensuality lost in slumber, man juice dripping from all parts of the stage. And Timothy, peaceful and obviously content, Lording over it all, remained at his rightful place, on top of the heap, so to speak.

The hypnotist turned to the audience, amazed and titillated as they were. “Well, ladies and gentlemen, are you having a good time yet? Any noise you make can only take them deeper into slumber. Let’s hear it.” The crowd went truly wild, catcalls and screams, showing full appreciation for this display. “And as I look around the room, I see that quite a few of you were a bit caught up in the experience.” A number of audience members had unwittingly joined in the festivities, their clothing lost in the rubble. Those naked and excited audience participants lay draped in their seats, on the floor, in the aisles, with single or multiple partners strewn atop or to the sides of them, and all sleeping soundly. The rest of the audience stood in amazement, knowing they would never forget what they had seen.

“Now, to my sleeping men and boys, listen closely to my words. You are feeling wonderful, so happy to have been a part of the evening’s activities. And active they were! It would not have been the same without you. When you awaken, you will not only be surprised and excited by finding where you ended up, but you will also be very proud of the skill you displayed. And if anything else comes of the evening, any wonderful contacts you may have made in the heat of the hour, let that be your party favor, your gift to take with you. I am going to be counting from one to twenty. Each count brings you further upwards from the peaceful bottom of the pool of slumber, as though floating through the waters and reaching closer to the light. On the count of twenty, you will burst through the surface of the water, awakening, refreshed and alive, and the applause you hear will add to your excitement and appreciation of the moment. You will be totally awake and feeling wonderful. Oh, and one other thing. If Timothy approaches you and speaks the words “Follow Me Right Now,” you will instantly fall back into a deep state of relaxation and willingness to perform as instructed by him. Timothy, remember those words well, as they will extend your birthday good wishes for months to come, I am sure. And for all, time to drift upwards and awaken.” The hypnotist counted slowly, deliberately. “...18, 19... awake and loving the feeling... 20.”

The applause was deafening, and the stage participants were asked to take a bow. For indeed, they had definitely performed their services well. Timothy couldn’t wait to begin to use his newly found “hypnotic skill” with the sexy guys around him, and of course, they were ready and willing to obey. The party went on until the wee hours of the morning, the buzz making headlines in the tabloids not to be rivaled. The video sales of this erotic hypnosis show were (and continue to be) very strong, top sellers.

And through it all, Timothy remained the Center of Attention.