The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


(mc, mf, fd, md, mm)


I work for some degree of realism in most of my stories. In spite of this, some things are not possible. Nor should they be tried. If you are under 18, or whatever legal age is in your area, please read no further. If you are offended by sex or sexual situations, please see I’m not kidding, it really is an interesting website. Feedback is actively solicited. Please do not post this on any other site without prior author permission. You have permission to archive this on your own machine in a non-public FTP directory.

Thanks for this story go out to my proofreaders (you know who you are!) to Topaz for his invaluable input, and to BB Zed for not using the whip. ;)

There are additional disclaimers at the end of the story. Please read them.

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“Mystic? Circle starts in fifteen minutes. Lady Alathea is down there waiting for you.” The last light of sunset cast Copper’s shadow on the tent wall. He waited politely outside, but I could feel the tension in his form. I couldn’t help being aware of the tautness in his muscles. I shared it.

“I’m almost ready,” I told him through the half-open tent door. “Just pinning the last flowers in my hair. The altar should be set, I put everything in place before I came up here and assigned Wolfshade and Sunset to keep people out of the area.”

Copper’s shadow nodded. “It looked great. I just needed to let you know.” He stepped back a little from the tent.

I nodded back, forgetting he couldn’t see me. “You’re the Summoner...consider me summoned.” My fingers trembled as I got the last blossom firmly in its place. When I shook my head, all the flowers stayed put. I ducked out the door of the tent.

Copper was standing a few feet away, dressed in his soft suede breeches and nothing else. I sucked in my breath as I stared at him. He’d even stripped off his usual pentacle necklace, replacing it with a braided leather cord. His soft hair was tied back in a braid. His athame hung at his left hip on the multicolor belt he’d made from his initiatory cords. His feet were bare, like my own. Copper had never been overly muscled, but he had a lithe grace that caught the eye. Long, red-brown bangs fell into his green eyes as he ducked his head at my scrutiny.

“Everything OK?” he asked nervously.

I nodded, almost speechless, before remembering I could talk. “You look great! You look great. I’ve just never seen that particular outfit before. It does you justice.”

He peeked up through his hair at me before holding out his hand. “You look wonderful too, Mystic. I’m glad you’re the Maiden. I always feel good around you.”

I didn’t even try to hold back my smile and slid my hand into his. Copper had a reputation for being too quiet and shy to hold his position in the coven. The Summoner was in effect the High Priest’s understudy, and some of the older coveners had objected when Lady Alathea and Lord Celeborn had selected Copper to fill that role. I personally liked the subtle strength Copper showed. He was always polite, always there when needed.

Tonight, we’d both need that strength. I knew we both had it within us, and hoped I’d be as good at reaching it as Copper always was.

I padded at his side toward the woodhenge. The balefire blazed in its pit in the south center of the circle. For a moment I watched the smoke curl up into the evening air before looking back down at the henge. Wolfshade and Sunset stood at either side of the northeast gate. The rest of the coven gathered not far from them under the trees. I must have shivered, because Copper squeezed my hand lightly. I gave him a grateful look before taking a deep breath and throwing my shoulders back.

I am woman, and I am Goddess, and yes, I am scared to death. But it’s all going to be all right, I told myself. I released Copper’s hand and stepped between Wolfshade and Sunset. Copper took his place between them, blocking off the circle.

Lady Alathea and Lord Celeborn were holding hands in front of the altar. I waited for them to finish their whispered conversation. After only a moment Lord Celeborn beckoned me over. I moved sunwise around the circle to join them.

Lady Alathea rested her hand on her belly. She was about seven months along in her pregnancy, and her baby made it a habit to kick her right in the middle of guided mediations. “Are you comfortable performing your role tonight, Mystic?”

I nodded. “It feels somehow right for the Maiden to be doing it, anyway, instead of the Priestess. I’ll be fine. I’m nervous, but I’ll just have to cope.”

“The nerves will go away once you’re in ritual space, of course,” Lord Celeborn commented. He glanced at Lady Alathea. “Copper should do fine as well, if he lets himself. And the altar looks wonderful. You did a great job. Are you ready?”

I took a deep breath and nodded again, trying to find the reassurance in his words. For a moment I wondered what he meant about Copper, but let it pass. The sun hung just above the treeline. Ritual needed to begin soon. “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

He reached out and adjusted a flower, surveying me. I flushed. Lady Alathea chuckled softly. “Then let’s begin.”

* * *

I watched from my place with the gathered coven as Copper and Mystic appeared, walking from the camping area toward the circle. She wore the green, belted tunic-robe Selena had sewn for her. Flowers peeked out from between her long, blonde locks. She looked beautiful, already every inch the Maiden huntress. He looked strong, protective of her. I could feel my heart race at the sight of them.

“Earth to Michael! Come in Michael!”

I snapped my head around and found my working partner, Cinnamon, giggling at me. She shook her head. “Stop staring, you’ll make them self-conscious and Copper doesn’t need the help. He can do that all by himself.”

I blushed and grinned back. “Sorry. I was just thinking they already look like...”

Cinnamon completely broke her own advice and gave the couple a long once-over as they approached the circle. “Yeah, they do look like the Beltane pairing already took place, don’t they?” She shrugged and smiled at me again. “It’s your first Beltane. How do you feel about it?”

“Nervous,” I admitted. “I know there’s no reason for it, but I do. It’s weird. I’ve known you all for almost a full year and a day...if all goes well, Litha’ll be my Initiation. But I’ve never done a Beltane outside of my own room, before I was old enough to join the coven. It has a different energy.”

“It has a group energy, yes,” Llewellyn put in. I glanced over to him. He sat comfortably on the ground where he’d been meditating for the past twenty minutes. “But Beltane is Beltane is Beltane, at least in areas with this climate in the northern hemisphere. The energy of the earth is the same. You’re just feeling the difference of being with friends as opposed to all alone. Shared energy, about to be channeled into something much bigger.” He stood up and smiled, resting a friendly hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be fine, Michael. You’ve always done well with energy work.”

I beamed at Llewellyn’s praise. He was the coven’s bard and scholar. “Thanks! It means a lot to hear that.” A quick glance toward the ritual area showed me things were moving along. Copper took his place with Wolfshade and Sunset as Mystic proceeded into the circle. I looked away from her conversation with the High Priest and High Priestess.

The rest of the coven was talking quietly and laughing. The sense of tension pervaded everything, but I could feel it was a good tension. It felt like the kind of summer thunderstorm that produces a lot of lightning and thunder and rain, but not the kind that hails or brings tornados. I wondered where the lightning would strike. Shaking off that thought, I took a deep breath and consciously relaxed my shoulders.

“That’s it...” Cinnamon told me softly. She took my hands in herself and looked into my eyes. “Ground and center, feel the earth beneath you. Feel the air you breathe. You are one with the earth, one with the sky, one with yourself. Feel the peace within yourself. Feel the union. Let yourself sink into the earth. Let yourself grow into the sky. Let yourself grow.”

Cinnamon’s eyes faded in and out of focus as I breathed deeply. I could feel myself swaying slightly as the ritual consciousness began to fill my awareness. I knew I was starting to edge into trance, but I felt much calmer. After a moment, I made myself move to squeeze her hand and willed the trance to break.

She was smiling at me when I looked up. “Better?” she asked. Sometimes, I wished I felt more for Cinnamon than I did. She was obviously fond of me.

I nodded. “Much. Thanks.” Just then I felt a presence coming up behind me and turned. Wolfshade, Sunset, and Copper had joined us. Mystic waited at the entrance to the circle with the vial of anointing oil, while the Lord and Lady stood at the altar.

Copper surveyed the group before speaking. “It is time.” His soft voice carried over the suddenly-silent coven. “You are bidden and summoned to come to the Beltane Rite. Are you ready?”

I murmured with the others “I am ready. Blessed be.”

Copper threw his shoulders back a little farther, suddenly looking much taller than his normal five-ten height. “Then follow me and gather around the Balefire.” His words rose in volume and he raised his arms as if to embrace all of us. “To the Balefire!”

“To the Balefire!” we all called out and started moving down to the circle. Copper strode in the lead, more confident than I had ever seen him before.

It is Beltane, and this is magic, I thought. The butterflies rose again in my stomach, but I welcomed them.

Something is going to happen tonight, I thought.

* * *

My fingers felt slick with oil as I stood behind the altar, one hand holding Llewellyn’s and the other holding Wolfshade’s. The last rays of sunlight disappeared as the sun sank below the treeline. Lady Alathea finished lighting the last candle and turned to the coven, her back to me. I could see Cinnamon and Michael on the far side from me, eyes intent on the High Priestess. Lord Celeborn blocked my view of Cinnamon’s right side, so I wasn’t sure who else was across from me. Lady Alathea surveyed the assembled coven and began to speak.

“It is the Beltane night. It is the night when the growing power of the Young God pushes back the dark still farther, bringing warmth and light to the world. It is the night when the veils between the worlds are thin, when life from this world surges strongly and pushes against the Otherworld. It is the night of the Hunter and Huntress’s union.”

She beckoned. Copper came from my right, crossing in front of me to move sunwise around the circle and face Lord Celeborn. The Priest placed both of his hands on Copper’s shoulder and whispered to him. I watched as Copper’s green eyes closed. He swayed slightly, lips parting. Lord Celeborn placed one hand on Copper’s forehead and brought the other down to his chest. Copper shuddered and took a deep breath. His shoulders straightened.

Even though I knew what was coming, I still shivered with reaction as Copper opened his eyes and looked around. The firelight reflected from his hair, making it blaze like the metal he’d chosen as his name. He paced sunwise around the circle, looking wild and fey. My heart was in my throat. The usual shyness was gone. Copper was somewhere else. This was the Young God.

Llewellyn whispered “It’s all right, Mystic. Be calm. You’re shaking.” I nodded to him, trying to relax but unable to take my eyes away from Copper for even an instant.

He scrutinized everyone as he made his circle, giving no more attention to any one of us than another. I felt myself let out a breath as he passed by me. He finally took up a place in the South of the circle, resting one hand on his hip. His posture was indolent, but I knew he could leap into action at any moment.

I looked over at Lady Alathea, and she nodded and beckoned. I let go of Llewellyn and Wolfshade and stepped forward, crossing in front of Lord Celeborn. Copper paid me no attention, his gaze resting on the balefire. I turned to face Lady Alathea and gave her a weak smile. She placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled back in reassurance. “It’s all right, Mystic,” she reassured me.

Then she began to whisper to me and the world narrowed in its focus. I prayed softly to the Goddess Lady Alathea. Let me do You justice, great Lady, let me be fit for Your manifestation... Then my awareness of Mystic faded as Mystic curled to sleep.

* * *

I swallowed hard when Mystic’s shoulders slumped and her eyes closed. Cinnamon gave my hand a gentle squeeze, but all I could do was look between Mystic and Copper. He was standing close to me, his long hair gleaming in the firelight. There was something unusual about his attitude, something feline. I could see the leaping flames reflected in his eyes.

Then I saw Mystic move out of the corner of my eye, and I looked over immediately. She shook out her hair, back arching as she stretched. Lord Celeborn and Lady Alathea moved around the altar, taking Copper and Mystic’s places in the circle, and left the two alone in the center.

Mystic ran one hand over the altar, fingers lightly brushing its stone surface as she examined the tools there. Then she turned to look at Copper. The expression on her face made me gulp again. It was hard to see the laughing, friendly girl I knew in the primal, almost predatory way she stared at him. The slow smile she gave him made something stir within me.

Copper turned away from the flames to regard her. He stopped, absolutely still, and stared into her eyes. For a long moment neither of them moved. I realized I was holding my breath. The heat from the balefire made the air shimmer, but the tension between them was even more evident.

Then Mystic laughed, a silvery giggle that felt like a cool breeze in the heat. She stretched again, lazily, showing off, before drifting lazily toward him. Copper stayed rigid and still. She reached out and trailed one finger over his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. They stayed like that for a moment. Then he reached up to touch her hand and she pulled it away.

His eyes snapped open and he took a step toward her. Mystic laughed again and danced a pace back. She spun in place and ended in a teasing pose, her hands on her knees. Her eyes sparkled in the firelight. Copper moved toward her again, and she beckoned him before sliding away. The message was clear: catch me if you can.

A slow smile bloomed on his face. It was his turn to look predatory. Message received. I was dimly aware of my hand getting sweaty as Cinnamon clutched it tightly. I tried not to pant with the heat I felt.

Copper stretched in turn, the normally slightly soft body showing harder muscle underneath. His eyes fastened on Mystic. Abruptly he leaped in place, spinning and landing in a low crouch. Mystic clapped slowly. She stepped away again, teasing him on. He stayed hunched over, taking a few steps in her direction before drawing himself to his full height and turning away slightly. His eyes stayed locked on her.

She reached the edge of the altar, leaning herself back over the stone and kicking out at him. He paused and circle to her right, toward the west of the circle. They were still moving clockwise, sunwise. Copper’s attempt to flank her failed as Mystic suddenly darted between him and the altar, spinning to the north and putting the altar between them. Copper chuckled softly, shaking his head.

I heard Llewellyn and the Lord and Lady beginning to chant. “Io, io, evohe, ha! Io, io, evohe, ha!” I began to murmur softly with them. As the entire coven joined in Copper took slow, stalking steps toward Mystic. She let him get almost close enough to touch, then danced around to the front of the altar again. He moved on, his movements in time with the chant, eyes never once leaving Mystic’s face.

She danced in the center of the circle, body swaying with the words, enticing Copper onward. He came out from behind the altar and joined her. I had never realized Mystic could dance, and earlier in the evening I would have laid money on the idea Copper didn’t know how. As the two of them moved around one another in the center of the circle, I remembered watching Riverdance two...not the first one, where the two dancers didn’t care for one another, but the second, where they were clearly enjoying themselves. Copper and Mystic had that same look. He lifted a hand toward her face.

Cinnamon tugged my hand, and it dawned on me that we were moving, the whole coven orbiting around the two in the center as they circled each other. The chant increased in volume and intensity. “Io, io, evohe, HA!” I wasn’t murmuring any more, and the movement was getting faster.

Mystic raised her hand to take Copper’s. She laughed again and moved just a little closer to him. He couldn’t grab her, but she was letting him get closer. I could see the tension in their bodies. Sweat gleamed on Copper’s bare chest and back. Her face shone, both with perspiration and the intensity of emotion.

Lightning-fast, she darted around him and tugged the tie from the end of his braid. Copper’s hair began to come loose as he spun to follow her. Mystic backed up against the altar again and beckoned. He stood in place, taking her measure. Then he paced toward her slowly, and she did not run away.

Copper took Mystic’s hand and led her to the center of the circle. Once there, he spun her around to face him and slid his arm around her waist. She slipped to one side until her hip was on his thigh and put her arm around him. They stared into one another’s eyes for a moment, then began to circle one another again. They spun faster and faster, gazes locked together, tension rising.

I could feel the energy building higher. The coven’s chant was at full volume, almost singing out across the land. I felt lightheaded and alive in a way I’d never felt before. “Io, Io, EVOhe, HA!...”

Everyone suddenly stopped moving at the same time. I don’t know how I knew to halt in my tracks, but I did. At the center of the circle Mystic and Copper stood, face to face, bodies so close the firelight was only a gleam between them. She had her head tilted back slightly to hold the eye contact. I could see them panting, but I could only hear the roar of the balefire and the sound of the crickets in the woods not far away. The energy of the dance hung heavy in the circle, spinning, waiting.

Mystic was the first to move. She reached up to stroke Copper’s cheek, then led him to the altar. He followed her, wordless and willing. His hair had come totally loose from its braid and streamed down his back, red to match her gold. She picked up the chalice and handed it to him. He held it up and out from his body while she poured the wine, then gathered it close to his chest. She unsheathed her athame and held it point-skyward, looking up along its length. When she spoke, it sounded nothing like the Mystic I knew.

“Here where blade and grail are one, bless the coven and the working done!” Mystic lowered the blade to her lips and kissed it reverently before reversing it so that the tip pointed down.

Copper knelt and held up the chalice. He gazed rapt up into her face. Once again, she made and held eye contact as she lowered the point of the blade into the wine.

Beside me, Cinnamon sighed and closed her eyes. A strong breeze blew through the circle and away. The power rose even higher. I could feel my hair standing on end.

As one, Copper rose and Mystic removed the blade and wiped it on her tunic before resheathing it. Copper replaced the chalice on the altar and gathered Mystic into his arms. He cupped her chin in his hand. She reached up to his cheek. I wanted to dance. I wanted to scream. I had never felt energy quite like it before.

He whispered “Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings.”

She responded “Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, and mirth and reverence within you. For I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

They separated and he picked up the chalice, once more holding it high. She held up a plate with honey cakes. I knew Cinnamon had baked them earlier in the afternoon. Across from me, Lady Alathea and Lord Celeborn exchanged glances. I could tell this part had not been planned. Copper and Mystic didn’t even seem to notice. “Let this food and drink be blessed. May it nourish the spirit and the body. May its sweetness remind of the promise of the night, and the tang of the wine remind of the intoxication of the night.”

They began offering the cakes and wine at the east. When Copper and Mystic got to me, I could see the weird light glimmering in their eyes. I searched for some hint of their usual personalities, but could find none.

“May you never hunger,” Mystic told me gently and held a honey cake to my lips.

“Blessed be,” I responded and obediently took a bite. It was wonderful, sweet, and seemed to keep the energy surging through me at bay just a bit longer. I was aware I had an erection, but looking into those glorious eyes I knew I would never be ashamed of that again.

“May you never thirst,” Copper growled softly, dragging my attention away from Mystic.

He held the cup to my lips and I drank after responding “Blessed be.” The wine, just a taste of it, seemed to go right to my head. I shuddered softly. Sunset eyed me with concern, but as the pair moved on to Cinnamon I gave Sunset a reassuring smile. “I’m all right, really. I’m OK.” She squeezed my hand and nodded, then closed her eyes for a moment. I knew she was enjoying the energy high.

They finished feeding and blessing the circle and returned to its center. The replaced the plate and chalice on the altar and smiled at one another. Copper pulled Mystic close to him, and she swayed willingly into his arms. I felt the power surge again, even higher than it had been before.

“Is it time?” he asked her.

She responded “Yes, beloved. You have won me.”

I felt myself silently agreeing with her.

They slowly pressed their bodies closer together. She ran her fingers through his hair. He stroked her back. I realized we were chanting again, but I couldn’t move. I stared at them, totally mesmerized. My world narrowed to the pair in the center of the circle. Even though my lips were moving in the chant, I could barely hear it over the blood roaring in my ears...or had the fire grown? I felt much warmer. As the chant rose to a crescendo, Copper leaned down and lightly brushed his lips over Mystic’s.

The power flashed outward like an explosion. My legs went out from under me and I felt my knees hitting the thick grass of the circle. Copper and Mystic fell down in the center of the circle, still twined together. I heard Cinnamon moan softly. I knew I was still holding on to the hands on either side of me, but for the moment I felt too weak to stand.

“It is done!”

Lady Alathea’s voice felt like cool water calming the heat in my mind. I looked up as she and Lord Celeborn rounded the altar. He knelt down by the fallen pair and murmured something. They stirred and say up as I shakily rose to my feet. Lady Alathea looked at me steadily but with concern. “I’m OK,” I mouthed as I took a deep breath. Cinnamon let go of my hand and rubbed my back. I was grateful for the contact.

Copper and Mystic looked at each other as they stood, but they felt like themselves again. I couldn’t feel any of the wild, untamed energy they had both previously exuded. Mystic gave Copper a quick hug, and then they took their usual places on either side of the altar. Whatever had happened, they were unharmed.

Lady Alathea smiled around at us all. “Normally, we would have cakes and wine now...but it seems the Gods had other plans. Let me instead say to you all: Happy Beltane, and blessed be!”

“Blessed be!” we all responded, and I couldn’t keep down the blissful grin on my face. I’d done it...I’d gone to my first group Beltane. And its power had touched me in a way I never dreamed it could.

* * *

I held Copper’s hand as we walked down the woods path to the stone circle. He had the rucksack full of tools slung over his other shoulder. I could hear the clink of the incense bottle as it jostled the chalice.

“That was really something tonight, wasn’t it?” I ventured.

Copper ducked his head a bit. “It was unbelievable,” he murmured. “I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

“And now we should go finish the rite...just the two of us.” I sighed a little. “I’m a little nervous, Copper.”

He chewed his lower lip and didn’t speak for a moment. I went on “I like you, and I really felt amazing earlier tonight. It didn’t even really feel like me. Do you think we can find that space within ourselves again?”

He glanced up. “I really hope so!” he said fervently.

I grinned. “You’re sure enthusiastic. We’re almost there, though.”

We entered the stone circle from the northeast, as always. I settled the blanket on the ground in front of the altar, while Copper arranged the tools at the Quarters and on the altar itself. He waited by the blanket while I cast the circle with gestures alone, silently calling the elements and the gods to witness the culmination of the rite. When I was done, I joined him at the blanket and gave him a soft smile.

Copper was shaking. I could see him vibrating, even in the moon-and candlelight. I reached for his hand and whispered “It’s time, honey.”

He took my hand and kissed it. His was icy and a little cold. I pulled back a little. “Are you all right?”

Copper nodded, keeping his gaze on my face. “I’m OK. I’m all right.” Then he hesitated. “Well. Maybe not all right. But it will be fine in a minute, OK?”

I nodded, trying to encourage him. “Perfect love and perfect trust. Remember that.” He breathed a sigh as I slowly unbelted my tunic and then pulled it over my head. I wore nothing underneath.

He swallowed hard as he looked me up and down. I could see his breathing getting faster. He undid the buttons on his breeches. I could see Copper was going commando as well. He slid the breeches to the ground and stepped out of them. I admired him for a moment. “You look really...Copper, I...”

He interrupted me. “Mystic, I don’t think I can do this. I really don’t.” His face was pale, and from his body’s reaction I could tell he was terrified of something. “It’s not you, I just...”

I put my fingers to his lips. “Shhh. Let’s lie down and cuddle. It’s still early enough in the year that if I stand around naked, I’m going to get cold. Fair enough?”

Copper took a deep breath and nodded. He settled down on the blanket. I hesitated, then curled up with him spoon-fashion, my back to his front. He pulled the blanket over us both and buried his face in my hair for a moment. I noticed he kept his arm above the covers and that there was a fold of the blanket down between us, but I didn’t move to change it.

I waited for him to get himself together. After the silence stretched out for an uncomfortably long time, I murmured “You can talk to me, honey. Perfect love and perfect trust. We need to have that to work together.”

Copper nodded, still hugging me. “It’s not you. I said that. I meant it. It’s just... I’ve never done anything like this before.”

I smiled to myself. “I don’t mind it that you’re a virgin, Copper...”

“But that’s just it, Mystic. I’m not a virgin.” His tone of voice was desperate.

It finally dawned on me why he was so nervous and unsure of himself around the coven. I wanted to smack myself silly for missing it. “Copper, are you gay?”

He hesitated, then blurted out “Bisexual, I mean sometimes women can turn me on, but...I really like guys a lot more than women, and I just never even tried with a woman before, and...this is too much pressure...” I could hear the panic in his voice. “So much pressure, and...”

“Wait. Please. Slow down a minute, honey, and let’s talk about it. No pressure. No fear. We’re working partners, and we have been for more than six months. We’re the Maiden and Summoner, and we’re the ones chosen for the Gods. That happens for a reason.” I thought for a moment while he trembled against my back. I took his hand and hugged his arm. “Shhh. It’s OK. You’re one of my best friends, Copper. Why didn’t you tell me?” Another thought struck me. “And do Lady Alathea and Lord Celeborn know?”

“They know. They said it didn’t matter, that when the God manifested I’d feel totally different. And I did. They offered me the chance to back out, said Llewellyn would do it if I couldn’t. But it was you as the Maiden, and if Lady Alathea hadn’t gotten pregnant I wouldn’t have had to do it. She would have been manifesting with Lord Celeborn. And it really felt good, with the whole coven there, feeling the God within me. I mean, I know I can physically do this action. But this is me and you, and I’m not sure I can channel that deep and manifest without the coven energy...”

Some people react physically to stress. Copper was in full fight-or-flight mode. He hadn’t yet answered my question about telling me, but that could wait. “All right, Copper, honey. We’ll work with this. It just never occurred to me that when you said you’ve never done this before, you meant with a woman. Not you’ve never done the rite before.” A thought occurred to me, but I held back questioning for now. Being grilled wasn’t what Copper needed. I could tell that much. What he needed was to feel secure.

“Why don’t we trance together, see if we can get some guidance?” I offered. “I’d just do a reading, but I didn’t bring my cards...”

He drew in a shuddering breath. “Trance...yes.” To his credit, and proving his experience, he didn’t flat out say he couldn’t do it. “It might take a while to bring me down, but...I think calming down would be a good thing.”

We had a lot of experience meditating together, but this was a totally different situation. I stayed still and asked “Would you feel comfortable if I turned to face you? Or should I get dressed again first?”

To my surprise and relief, he shook his head. “You can turn to face me, but don’t get dressed. I’ve seen you naked before. It was just...”

“...the pressure, right.” I finished and felt him nod in agreement. “Well, no pressure right now. OK?” I turned slowly, feeling his body get a little more rigid for a moment before he relaxed again. “OK. We’ve done this a hundred know you can do it.”

The big candles on the altar were the only source of illumination, but they lit his face and mine well enough we could see each other clearly even in full night. His eyes flickered over my face for a moment before his gaze settled on my eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded. “I can do’s easy.” He rested his arm around my waist and I slid mine up until my hand rested on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you...”

I smiled. “Copper, we have lots of time to discuss that. I’m not angry. I just want you to feel at home with me again, and I want to find out how we can finish the rite. You’re one of my best friends. We can do this. Just relax, and breathe.”

He nodded, gaze still desperately locked with mine. “Relax...and breathe,” he echoed.

I gently massaged his shoulder. “Relax...and breathe...and relax...and breathe...” I murmured. His green eyes were already having an effect on me. I could feel the softness at the edges of my thoughts that meant trance was starting to creep over me. I let the world narrow down to just the two of us together.

“Relax...and breathe deeper...” Copper murmured. “Relax...and let go...and breathe deeper...”

“Breathe deeper...and sink...down into the soil...” I responded. My voice sounded different, faraway and dreamy. I felt as much as heard Copper sigh. His death grip on my waist loosened a little. “Sink...down...and breathe...deep...and relax...”

“Relax...and sink...” His words were slower, and I felt myself getting more and more detached from my body. “Down...into the earth...and feel...the grounding...and feel...the centering...” He sighed again, his own words just what he needed to hear in order to relax. His eyelids fluttered and his arm got heavier on my body. It felt good to sense the heaviness instead of the tightness.

“Relax...and feel...the centering...” I echoed. “Feel...the earth...still drowsy...from its long part of the earth...”

Copper’s eyes were closed more than halfway as he let go of his doubts and fears. “And breathe...the air...and be part...of the sky...feel...the connection...”

I couldn’t help myself. My eyelids slid shut. As they did, I felt Copper settle a little more. Both of us were completely limp, lying peacefully in each other’s arms. I heard myself whisper “And our astral our safe space...the one we built together...where we can dream talk...”

Blackness swirled and faded in my mind. I knew how to dream-talk and so did he. The shared reality we created bloomed into life in my mind.

Copper was sitting in front of the altar, looking up into the bright blue noon sky. He smiled at me shyly. I could hear him speaking somewhere, but this was the only place that was important.

“I’m so sorry, just never seemed like the right time to tell you.”

I waved my hand. “You were afraid. Why isn’t important. You broke through your fear in perfect love and perfect trust, and that’s how I meet you. I love you, Copper.”

He reached up and pulled me down next to him. “As long as you understand. I like women to an extent, and maybe another time...”

“I’d welcome it.” I smiled warmly at him. “What about now? What should we do now?”

He was silent for a while, then looked at me sidelong. The sunlight gleamed in his glorious hair. “What about here? In this temple?”

I considered it. The Guardians of the dream temple looked down at me from their pedestals. I could feel the strength of the Circle Copper and I had created. “We’ve done spells and rituals here before...” I agreed.

“I would feel safe here, Mystic,” Copper told me earnestly.

“And the bodily joining?” I asked.

He looked at me squarely. “Is it really necessary? I know you brought supplies, but honestly I’m scared of making you pregnant. It’s Beltane, it could happen. Even with birth control. It’s happened before, and we both know it.” He took a deep breath. “We have to join, for the good of the fertility of the coven. For Lady Alathea and Lord Celeborn’s land, and for their baby, and for Wolfshade’s book, and all the other creative things we all do. But I don’t want to make a physical baby.”

It took me a long time to answer that one, or at least it felt like it. He was right, though, and I could feel the affirmation of it resonating through the temple. Finally I nodded. “There’s nothing in anything we’ve been taught that says we have to have physical sex. The energy joining is what’s important. Here, then, in perfect love, in perfect trust, while our bodies lie close and safe together.”

In the temple Copper smiled at me and drew me closer to him. I could feel the hesitation vanish. I beamed at him and twined his hair around my fingers. We lay down together and I slid my leg up over his.

Copper caressed me tenderly. His gentle fingers played with the flowers in my hair. I pushed my hips gently against his, teasing, testing, and felt my reward as he stiffened and got harder. I didn’t feel any rush, though, and stroked my hand down his side and over his back.

He arched his spine like a cat, a soft purr coming from his throat. I was distantly aware of my own voice, then his, speaking. I knew it was somewhere back at our bodies. It didn’t seem important at all. I let my nails trail over his back, cupping his cheek with my other hand. Then I whispered “Let me roll you to your back, OK? Let me look at you.”

He rolled willingly, pulling me with him. I pushed up on one elbow and looked him up and down. He was about halfway hard, his body free of the tautness that would come when he was truly aroused. I reached down and cupped his balls, then slid one finger back behind to massage the sweet spot that hides right behind them. He gasped and his eyes widened. I watched him get instantly harder, coming to full erectness. “That’s much more like it,” I crooned to him softly. “That’s much more what feels good.”

Copper wasn’t about to let me have my way with him entirely. He slid his hands up from my waist and began to massage my breasts. I gasped and shivered, letting him see how much I was enjoying the play of his thumbs over my nipples. As I tossed my head back, I could see the playful gleam beginning in his eyes. “I am the stag of seven times...” he whispered.

I caught my breath. Copper spoke the beginning of the invocation of the God, and once he was done he would draw down the Goddess into me. I didn’t have time to be nervous, though, because he lightly squeezed my nipples and drove all thoughts of anything but enjoyment away. “I am a stag of seven times,” he repeated more loudly. “I am a wide flood on a plain. I am a wind on the deep waters.” His eyes gleamed, and I saw that same wildness in him as in the coven ritual earlier in the night. “I am a shining tear of the sun! I am a hawk on a cliff, I am fair among flowers! I am a God who sets the head afire with smoke!” He shuddered hard, and I felt the energy surge through him. When he opened his eyes again, he was the Young God of Spring.

He slipped one hand around the back of my head and pulled me down to look into his eyes. I was utterly captivated by the intense green. “You are the Maiden on the meadow. You are the bee who brings sweet honey to her sisters. You are the brilliant kiss of the moon. You are the lioness on the savannah! You are the restless ocean, you are the home on the mountain! You are the Goddess who dances the world alive!”

I felt the flame lighting within me. I felt Her coming into me, and I stepped aside and welcomed Her. It felt a little different than in the coven ritual. Earlier in the night, I had been only a passenger. This time, it seemed like to an extent we shared the experience. She looked down at Her copper-haired Consort and laughed with delight, tickling His sides. “Shall I dance you alive, then?” we asked Him.

He grinned back wickedly. “Dance as long as you like, Maiden. Dance as long and as hard as you like, and I’ll welcome you with open arms and a thousand kisses.”

She pinned his arms down and kissed him, hot and hard, in response. I heard a low growl of pleasure in his chest. “Vixen,” he mock-scolded when she stopped for air. “That was a hundred kisses’ worth at least!”

“But it only counts as one!” we teased. She leaned down and slid her chest over his body, reveling in the glorious sensations that roused within us as the nipples hardened with the contact. Tingles shot from breast to clit. “There will be more, I’m sure.”

He groaned as seeking fingers found and teased his tip. “Only give me a chance...” He abruptly rolled us back over, leaving us on our back. She gave a surprised yelp and then laughed. “There,” he grinned down at us. “Now you’re in trouble.”

She looked up at him demurely. “What will you do with me?”

He loosened his grip a bit. She squirmed a hand free and slid it between them. He was very hard, and he gasped. “Or maybe I should decide what I’m going to do with you...” she purred.

He lowered his head to our breast, licking and nibbling just a bit. We stopped talking as the warmth flooded her entire body. She began to stroke him more intensely. He moved up and down in her hand, eyes rolling back in his head as he suckled her in earnest. Moans and whimpers filled the air of the dream temple.

I was Her. I was me. She was in control. We shared control. Our hands roamed over His/Copper’s body, finding all the best places to touch and massage and tease and please. He got harder and hotter in her hand. I got wetter and more willing with each lick and squeeze of her nipples. One of his hands slid down between her legs and began to explore. White pleasure sheeted through us and my back arched. I couldn’t help but rub her body against his, seeking every bit of pleasure we could possibly glean.

It was hot, it was primal, it was Beltane. The power surged and ran through us, and we let it take us. Every cell of her skin seemed to have its own clit. His fingers filled me, but we wanted more. We wanted him. There were no words to express how good it felt. The tip of his cock was slick and dripping with the evidence of his own heat. He needed us. He needed to come inside her. He was panting and moaning and we were so ready.

It seemed almost magickal as he slid inside and began to pump. At first the motion was almost tender, but it didn’t take long for both of us to feel the rising stir of need. More. And more. His hair hung down around us, curtaining us from the temple. It was steamy and sweaty inside the tent. Our bodies were slick with moisture. They slid around and over each other as he pumped harder and faster into her.

He took us there, in dream, the Guardians of the temple watching as the Young God and the Maiden consummated the promise of spring together. It went on for what felt like hours, in multiple waves of pleasure that rose and fell. We came over and over and over. He stayed inside after he came, and after a moment or two she would tease him back to full hardness and it would start again. I wondered dimly if Copper felt the same way I did, sharing with the God as I did the Goddess.

As they lay together, spent, I felt the Goddess leaving me. At the same time, Copper slumped on top of me. He shook his head and looked down at me, his expression his own again.

“It’s done,” he breathed. He rolled off me and cuddled up at my side. “It’s done. Blessed be.”

“Blessed be!” I responded, snuggling up.

He lay silent for a moment, then kissed me. “Thank you, Mystic...” he breathed. Before I could answer, he faded from the temple.

The temple dissolved around me, and I was lying on the blanket in his arms. My body tingled with the afterglow of orgasm after orgasm. My eyes fluttered open and I looked right into Copper’s. He gave me a soft smile. I reached out with my sixth sense, which felt more acute than usual. The circle hummed with the energy we’d raised. When we closed the circle, all of the energy we’d raised during both rites would go to its intended purpose.

We’d done what we needed to do, as Young God and Maiden. I felt more at peace than I could have ever imagined, and one look at Copper told me he felt the same. I returned his smile with all the warmth and affection I held for him.

“I’m sorry this wasn’t the Beltane you had in mind,” he murmured. “I wish I could give you the kind that you’ll always remember. You don’t think our bodies...”

I shrugged. “I know I came, but I’m not sore. And I know you enjoyed yourself too.” I shifted position slightly, feeling a stickiness on my thigh where he’d been pressed against me. “Yes, definitely. Besides, the Beltane I’ll always remember...Who says I won’t remember this one, and in a positive way?” He grinned and nodded. I hesitated. “Do you want to come back to my tent with me?”

Copper blushed so red I immediately knew better. “Ummm...Not tonight, Mystic. I really want to go...well. Somewhere else.”

I nodded slowly. “Do you have someone waiting for you?” I asked delicately. I couldn’t help my mind racing to figure out who it might be.

“I hope so...” he breathed. “I really hope so. I might be wrong.”

Impulsively I hugged him. “You’re a great Summoner, and a good person,” I told him. “One day we’ll talk more about you coming out. Not tonight, though. Let me clean up and close the circle, and you go find out if you’re right. If not, my tent is always open to cuddle and sleep. If so...Blessed Beltane.”

He nodded and gave me the warmest smile yet. “And you’re a wonderful Maiden. Thanks for everything.”

We closed the circle hand in hand, in total harmony. The walk back through the woods was silent. It was a peaceful silence, lacking the tension of the hike over. When we came out through the treeline, I could see the balefire still lit. It was much smaller than earlier in the evening. There was one shape silhouetted against its light.

Copper paused. I gave him one more hug. “Have a good night, sweetie,” I said. Then I headed up the hill and toward the tents. I could hear a few people still awake and active in their sleeping bags, but I knew I would be having a good sleep.

As I snuggled down in my own bed, I whispered a prayer to the Goddess for Copper and his happiness. Then I gave a contented sigh and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

I poked the fire, staring into its depths. Cinnamon laid a hand on my shoulder. “Are you going to be all right?” she asked. “If I go to bed, I mean. I don’t want to leave you by yourself, Michael.”

I looked up at her and nodded. “You go on. I’ll keep an eye on the fire. We can’t leave it untended, and I’m not sleepy yet. Besides, I want to meditate alone for a while...kind of sort out all that happened to me tonight.”

She gave me a long look, just to be sure I wasn’t being overly nice, I guess. “You shouldn’t be alone on Beltane night unless you want to be,” she murmured.

That made me laugh. “Cinnamon, there’s no one in the coven...never mind. It’s really all right. I’m not alone, anyway. I had the most incredible experience tonight...I need to think about it.”

She decided that I wasn’t just being polite and gave me a hug. “Blessings, Michael. If you want anything, come over to my tent.”

“All right,” I agreed. We both knew I wouldn’t. She had set her sights on Llewellyn, and luckily for her he seemed to be in agreement. They both went up over the hill and toward the camping area.

I stretched and poked at the fire again. I felt glad I could tell her the truth when I told her it was OK to leave. The evening had been long, and the fire needed to be tended. Sure, I could tell I was going to feel a little lonely before long. It didn’t really matter to me. I knew what at least one of the alternatives was. Six hours by myself at a balefire beat sitting in my room, masturbating to a candle like I did the previous two years, when I was too young to join a coven but knew I was pagan anyway.

I stared into the slowly dying fire, letting it dance before my eyes. Its soft roar soothed whatever ruffled feelings I had. I let myself relax, let my eyes unfocus, and watched the leaping orange and red flames. The evening’s emotion faded, leaving only a warm and complacent peace.

I found myself thinking of the way Copper had moved, sleek and lithe and graceful. I imagined what it would be like to have those eyes staring into mine. What would it be like to be the prey of the Hunter? The Maiden never minded, and I knew for a fact that if I was the one the Hunter chose to stalk, I wouldn’t mind either. I let my mind drift, imagining what he would do to me.

I’ve known I’m gay since I was in my early teens. It never bothered me much whether others knew or not. I decided when I went into college to let relationships happen if they were going to happen, and not to just hook up with someone for the sake of hooking up. But the Beltane energy was running strong in me, and I wondered for the first time what it would really be like to hook up with a God. It wasn’t something I’d thought about my previous, solo rituals. Seeing Copper in the circle...

A soft throat-clearing broke my trance. I looked away from the fire and saw Copper kneeling down a few feet away. His hair was tousled and down around his shoulders. He gave me a smile. “Hi. Is this seat taken?”

I stretched, trying to look casual. “Not in the last little while. What time is it?”

Copper shook his head, showing me his bare wrist. “Don’t know. I’ve never had a watch survive a ritual, they always end up stopping. I just don’t wear one when I’m going to be doing any serious work.”

I chuckled ruefully, since I’d had the same thing happen. “I know. Sorry, didn’t think. Is everything...” I hesitated. “Is everything OK?”

He nodded quietly, sitting down next to me. “Everything’s done. It wasn’t always easy. It was really hard for me in some ways.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

He turned those green eyes on me and stared right into my soul. “Michael... don’t you know why it would be hard for me to be with Mystic tonight? Or any night? In that way?”

I caught my breath. I could feel myself flushing. It was everything I could do to simply nod. “Yeah. Yeah, I know. I wasn’t sure...”

He didn’t break the eye contact. I wondered if Mystic had felt this way earlier in the night. “You were sure. You just didn’t want to ask, same as if I was some guy you met on the street. It’s a hard thing to know for sure, but you knew. You’re too empathic not to know.”

“But you were with her earlier tonight, and you never said anything...” I pointed out rather weakly. It was hard to think with those green eyes staring into mine and all the blood draining out of my head to parts very well known.

“I’m starting to think I should have said something a lot sooner,” he murmured. I realized dimly that he was leaning toward me. His voice was soft and compelling. “I’m not the God right now...I’m just Copper. But I think I’ve learned some of what He knows. Do you want to know what that might be?”

I was confused by the sudden subject change, but I still couldn’t bring myself to look away. “What was that?” I asked. I recognized that my voice sounded funny, but Copper was speaking again and I couldn’t spare the attention for anything but his explanation.

“Sometimes, when wolves or other predators hunt...they use the staredown. They lock eyes with their prey, psych them out. You might see dogs doing it sometime, too.” His eyes seemed to be getting closer. I couldn’t move. “Or maybe you’ve heard snakes do it, although I’m not sure I believe that. They stare and stare, and the prey feels more and more helpless. While the prey is focused on the eyes, the predator can get them to do anything it wants.”

I swallowed hard, lightheaded and fuzzy. I couldn’t think. What was he saying? I was sure I was missing parts of it. “Anything?” I whispered.

“Anything,” he confirmed. “And I can feel that in you now...that desire to do anything at all. But I think you might have felt that before in your life. Are you the escaping, or the taken prey, Michael? What will you be tonight? You could still flee if you still have that much power left...but if you stare much longer, you’re going to be caught. Because I’m getting closer, Michael, and you’ll have to look away to run.”

I panted softly, unable to move, unable to figure out what I was supposed to do. “Do you want me to run?” I managed.

“Only if you don’t want to get caught. Only if you don’t want to feel the gaze of the Hunter any more. Only if you don’t want me, Copper, right now, to take you. If you want to run, I’ll let you go freely. I know that what I want right now isn’t for everyone.” His voice was smooth and enticing, caressing my mind like a satin cloth or leather glove sliding up and down sensitive skin. “But if you’re like me, and you don’t want to spend Beltane alone, and you like me even a little...then keep right on looking into my eyes, Michael. I think you are like me. I think you want to feel more. If I’m wrong, you know I’m sorry and I’ll do anything I can to make it up to you. But I think I’m right, and you’re just trying to figure out how to let me know without coming out and saying it. Because it can be so hard to say...I know that myself.”

I don’t know how I nodded. My gaze was still trapped by his. “What if I want to get caught?” Did I just say that? I wondered. Yes. I did. And it felt good.

“Just keep looking, Michael. Soon, very soon, it’ll be too late for you to escape. It’s Beltane and the fire is hot and so are you. I can tell you’re getting hotter, sitting here next to the fire.” I could feel his breath on my skin. He laid one hand on my thigh. I moaned softly, but I didn’t look away.

“Do you want me, Michael?” he breathed. I could barely keep my focus on his eyes. They were an intoxicating blur of green. My own were so tired, and I was so close to him. He was so close to me. He had a hand on me. I was almost caught...if I was going to stop this, it had to be fast. I was so hard and felt so sensitive and hot, my sweatshorts tight against me and it was getting even harder by the second to think, to do anything but tell him the truth right now...

“I want you...” I heard myself say, and knew it was absolutely true. “I want you.”

His hands were on my shoulders and he was pushing me back and his eyes were. Right. There. Above me and I felt myself ooze out precome as a rush of heat flashed through my balls and cock and then he told me to close my eyes and I obeyed...

Copper pulled down my shorts, right there by the fire, and I was grabbing at the ground as his hand wrapped around my cock and I’d wanted it so bad, so bad. I could hear him as he told me how bad he wanted me to come for him, to make it a real Beltane for us both. And he didn’t have anything to keep it safe so it was going to be his hand this time but if I liked it, we could go back to the tent and his words faded away into incredible heat as he stroked me relentlessly. I gasped and moaned and he wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t let go, and all the time I kept thinking of his eyes and the Hunter and the meditation Copper had interrupted...

But he hadn’t really, he’d made it real, and the Hunter caught me, and now I was helpless prey, and that made it so much hotter and I came hard, harder than I’d dreamed I could, shooting off in his hand and hearing his satisfied purr of pleasure and the roar of the balefire, and I was spasming as it just seemed to go on and on...

Then I heard him calling my name gently. “Michael...Michael...wake up.”

I groggily opened my eyes. He was kneeling over me and gnawing his lip. It was so typically Copper that I laughed. Maybe he learned from the Hunter, but it couldn’t change who he really was inside. I liked that just fine.

He looked surprised. “What?”

“Do me a favor?” I said.

“Um...sure?” He was pulling back slightly, ready for rejection or ready to run.

“Don’t wait till next Beltane to do that again? You’ve already got fuck-me eyes, and that was just too much temptation for me to resist. And maybe I don’t want to resist you.”

Copper looked relieved and then smiled slowly. He slid his hand around my cock again. It hadn’t even had time to get really soft, and it reacted positively right away. I gasped. “No, Michael. That’s true. You don’t want to resist me. Blessed Beltane.”

I managed to get out “Blessed Beltane” before he went to work on me again. And you know, I haven’t been alone at Beltane since.

* * *