The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Warning: What you are about to read involves S-E-X. If you are a youngster, please download it and wait until you’re living by yourself to read it. If you want to make a copy of the story, ok. If you want to print out a copy and post it on your dorm bulletin board, that’s ok. If you want to post it to your free web site, ask me first. If you want to post on your pay site, you can’t.

The back story on this tale can be found on my website. And now, the story.

Absolute Corruption

by Databastard

Dr. Angela Barnett sat behind her desk waiting for the two o’clock to come in. His name was Ken Marsden and that was about all she knew. He was a referral from Sarah and all she said was that this man had an unusual problem. Sarah left on some sort of emergency a few weeks ago, leaving a number of patients to be divvied up among her colleagues.

The intercom buzzed to life. “Mr. Marsden is here,” Kerri said.

“Fine. Let him in,” replied Angela.

A few seconds later he walked in. She briefly appraised him. Very average, not short or tall, sandy brown hair, Ken Marsden showed no obvious signs of having a debilitating psychological crisis. He wore a business suit typical of first time patients. They tended to treat analysis like a meeting early on, keeping some distance. Angela tried to close in a little by walking out from behind her desk to shake his hand. “Hello. I’m Angela Barnett,” she said. “Please sit down.”

His manners dictated that she sit first. Ken started nervously. “It’s hard for me to explain my situation.”

“Just go ahead,” Angela said encouragingly. “Speak honestly, the words will come.”

“Well, I don’t know how to say this. You see doctor, I’m omnipotent.”

Angela looked thoughtful. “I understand. Of course there are many causes responsible for this kind of.” She stopped short as her brain went back through what he just said. “Did you say ‘omnipotent?’”

Ken seemed to comprehend what she had thought he said. “Yes, omnipotent. From the Latin words omni and potens. All-powerful.”

“Okay,” was the only response she could muster at that point. This kind of case didn’t walk into an office every day. Someone with a superiority complex wouldn’t realize that there was a problem. Usually, a disturbed individual gets caught by the authorities first and is then shuffled to a state-appointed mental health professional. Angela decided to start from the beginning. “How did you come to this realization?”

He thought for a moment. “I’m sure you know people who study something like philosophy, a degree with no job prospects. I ended up with a Masters and then a Ph.D. Eventually, I did find a job. It was in academia, of course. My colleagues and I researched the nature and ethics of power. It’s considered axiomatic that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Certainly the seductive nature of power something you are familiar with.”

Angela agreed. “Of course. Stories of the destructive aspects of great power are as old as history itself. They are the basis for much of the world’s best works.”

“That’s just conventional ideas of power,” said Ken. “Supernatural power is a temptation beyond human reason. Can you imagine what a person would do without limitations? We’d all like to believe that most individuals live by some moral code. In reality, it’s negative consequences or rewards that keep society in check.”

“For the most part, good deeds are lauded. Altruism, while charitable, is at least partially selfish. Some seek the adulation that comes from being a ‘good’ person, others look for a heavenly reward. Even those who just get a good feeling from it, do it for the feeling. The same goes for evil deeds. A sociopath understands rules and how to live within them. Powerful people can’t control everything so their greed and desires are kept in check.”

“There are different kinds of power. Money, celebrity, beauty or political influence are all commodities which give someone power, but natural and self limiting power. The limits are greed. Invariably, wealthy people want social influence. Celebrities join political causes all the time. Many of the most successful seek love and stability. At the core, everyone yearns for basic emotional attachments. Isn’t that the first thing you learn in psychology, a hierarchy of needs?”

Angela considered how to answer him. “From a biological perspective we all seek what we need to live,” she said. “Psychology comes in when we decide that human interaction plays some role in this. We build communities that are essentially large families because of the protection it provides. We also need a sufficiently diverse society to continue the species.”

“Yes, yes,” Ken said, becoming more animated. “Every single one of us wants to be safe from harm. Since none of us is ever completely safe, we utilize whatever advantage we have to gain a stronger foothold in our community. Power is practically irresistible, absolute power is completely so. If someone possessed a supernatural ability they would almost certainly exploit it.”

“Plato once put forth the example of a man who had a magic ring. It gave the wearer invisibility just by turning it. This is an exercise in ethics. The point is that the truly ethical decision is to not use it at all.”

Angela broke in. “You’re saying that there is no good use of this ability. Do you believe that power cannot be used for the benefit of society?”

“I doubt if invisibility could be,” he replied. “Good and evil are tricky concepts to grasp. What’s morally right to one person is wrong to another. If a man had this power in the time of the Greek Empire it would be perfectly moral to use it to kill his country’s enemies. That’s the problem with being a deity. You have to play God. Someone with that kind of power doesn’t just do good, they decide what is good. The only free market of ethics occurs when there is a level playing field.”

Angela questioned his personal beliefs. “So you don’t believe in any sort of moral compass?”

“I do, but it’s based on my upbringing, experiences and limitations. Honestly, I’m limited by what I can get away with. If that ceiling were raised from just above my head to the top of the sky then my proverbial horizons also expand. The powerful have greater opportunities. It changes the people around them. The obvious natural asset that proves this is beauty. People fall all over those model types, buy them gifts, treat them well. Why is that, doctor?”

“I suppose it happens with people who want something. That’s just flattery,” said Angela. “As for the deeper meaning, we have evolution to thank. While ideas of what is attractive have changed over time, there is an ideal. Human beings seek the ideal, they want perfection. Finding good genes is necessary to perpetuate the species. Even if you don’t want a partner, it’s important to keep such a prime specimen happy.”

Ken chuckled. “You live in too nice of a world. From what I’ve seen, there’s also a lot of jealousy and ill will for those models of perfection. People are still prone to attack, even with these natural advantages. Not pretty, but it makes us human. Plato also sought to define things by their qualities. A human being is a human being because of his or her humanity. Consequently, an omnipotent human being cannot be one any longer and holding on to concepts of humanity cannot be expected.”

“You’re saying that only by abstaining from this exploitation of power can someone retain their humanity,” Angela commented. “Having power doesn’t corrupt, using it does?”

“Exactly. The decision to open the floodgates, to turn that ring, starts the slope toward ultimate corruption,” Ken said. “Just as those who exploit their power are considered corrupted, exploiting absolute power is corrupting.”

“But does corruption imply evil or simply change?” Angela wondered aloud. “Sometimes corruption or contamination of the status quo is just setting the stage for historical change and growth. The powerful have resisted change and then power shifts and change occurs.”

“Ah, you seem to have found the universal outcome of omnipotence. Social change occurs ultimately because of society. It is slow and methodical in terms of individuals. It is a collective decision. Individual participants have little power and need others.”

“Having total power makes me fear for the entire human race. I don’t mean the possibility of being wiped out in one fell swoop, but the indirect effects of a superior being. Most of us believe in some sort of higher power, even with no empirical proof. Faith is a wonderful puzzle. Atheists think that it is some sort of defense mechanism that allows fools to worship without evidence. But it can also be seen as the gift of free will. With faith we can take or leave our religions. We can critically examine why we follow any dogma.”

“A virtual god on earth would destroy that. Faith would no longer be a matter of soul searching. You do what you’re told, you follow laws because someone is so powerful they can strike you down. This being would be more present than the real God. Instead of an ethereal figure, society would have a guy who can go on talk shows or a speaking tour. There would be one morality.”

This was probably the most engaging debate on the nature of power that Angela ever participated in, but Ken was still dancing around the central issue. “Mr. Marsden, you did come in here because of your personal encounter with omnipotence. Can you tell me your story?”

“Everybody wants to be more than they are once in a while. You try to change a traffic light or wish someone to go away, little inconsequential things like that. I wanted to know how much power a human being could be offered before they would decide to use it. In fact, if someone could resist using the ultimate power if given the chance. The average lottery winner still goes to work the next day. They do it because of fear. There is so much that changes in that instant that they cling to the mundane. Would that happen with omnipotence? I wondered that myself and then something happened.”

Angela prepared to take notes again as Ken continued. “I’m not entirely sure what it was. One night, I think it was night, a being or a presence came to me. Maybe it was some sort of alien or divine being. That was when I received absolute power.”

“But you are not sure of the events leading up to the event,” Angela noted. “You’re not all-knowing then.”

“I’m not omniscient now. I suppose being omnipotent would include a great deal of knowledge, making me effectively omniscient,” he concluded.

She went for broke. “Can you do something superhuman?”

“Leap tall buildings? Maybe turn back time? That would be deciding to use the power. All I have is the absolute certainty of my gift. That and the choice of whether to use it at all. I am unique in my understanding of the soul destroying effects of this power. I know that it is moral for me to never use this gift/curse.”

“So you don’t need to prove it to yourself? However, you are having a dilemma about taking the power.”

“No,” Ken replied. “I have it. If I use it I become something else. My goals and desires become twisted into a parody of morality. The world would never be the same. Would you do it?”

“Are you asking if I would use absolute power or would I decide to take control of the power?”

“The die is cast, the decision is made. That’s determinism. Whatever is in my character will ultimately lead to my choice.”

“You are deciding not to use it,” Angela said. Anyone with a superiority complex devises a way to avoid proof.

“That’s the first choice when you have all the information. Someone might impulsively decide to use it. I, however, would consider it carefully. The choice will eat away at my resolve. Eventually, I may decide to use and abuse this power after my humanity has worn away.”

Angela looked at the time. The session was almost over. This man seemed to have a major psychological problem, but one that could be alleviated through analysis. She looked at Ken. “Mr. Marsden, I think the question we should look at concerns your certitude about the gift. How could anyone else give you absolute power? I want you to consider the nature of your belief in the gift.”

Ken looked thoughtful, as if he hadn’t quite considered that. “Maybe you’re right. There is no moral quandary without the knowledge of the outcome.”

Angela concluded. “Well, this has been a memorable afternoon. I have a free hour Tuesdays and Thursdays at this time if you’d like to schedule it with Kerri.” She shook his hand.

“The hour is up?” Ken looked at his watch. “Maybe you should check the clock outside.” He opened the door to the outer office.

Dr. Barnett put on her glasses to see that far into the next room. What she saw shocked her. The clock was nearly an hour earlier than Angela’s watch but that fact didn’t register. The sight of her secretary Kerri naked and pressed against the wall below the clock caught her attention more.

Ken saw the doctor start to open her mouth. “Don’t make a scene,” he commanded. She looked over at him and gasped, unable to scream. Angela quickly concluded he was doing something, to her and certainly to Kerri. She knew all about hypnosis and have even been put under a few times in college, but this was different. He had an iron grip on her will.

Angela looked back at the wall. The clock wasn’t moving at all, neither was her secretary. Kerri was 22 and finishing up a medical office degree. Besides being efficient and cheerful, she also had an openness that put most of Angela’s patients at ease. The men were especially at ease, a few even extended marriage proposals. “What did you do to her?” Angela asked in almost a whisper.

“Nothing permanent. Actually, quite the opposite. Right now, you and I are outside of time, sort of in between one moment and the next. When we return she won’t even be aware any time has passed. Until she figures out I’m not pressed up against her any more, that is.”

Dr. Barnett examined the state Kerri was in, a 5′1″ statue of flesh. Her short auburn hair was disheveled. Beads of sweat were suspended along her forehead and chest. Her expression was wild, like a snapshot of a moment of ecstasy. The other evidence was the trail of fluids along her thigh, suspended in time like icicles. Looking down, Angela also saw that Kerri’s feet did not even touch the floor.

“I should explain. As you might guess, I really became omnipotent. The prospect of it finally got to me. Actually, my first psychologist got to me.” Ken gestured toward the outer office. “Dr. Connor, come in here and talk to Angela.” The doctor walked in, also naked. Apparently she had not been on vacation for the last couple of weeks.

Dr. Connor was 5′9″ with shoulder length dark blond hair. She was very fit, with what some would consider too much muscle for a woman with a desk job. She possessed an equally strong personality that was no longer evident. As she stopped at Ken’s left side, she started to whisper, “What have I done? What have I done?”

He looked annoyed and said, “Phrase number three.”

With equal sadness and desperation she began to chant, “I love my master. I love my master. I love my master.”

Ken addressed Angela again. “I really thought I was going insane. Nothing else changed around me. I made the mistake of going to her!” Dr. Connor’s head was down now and even though silent she continued to mouth phrase number three. “I explained about my situation, punctuated by her comments about ‘messiah complex’ and ‘power issues.’ She came to the inspired conclusion that I was full of it. I’m sure you did too, but Dr. Connor decided to press the issue. By the third appointment she started baiting me. ‘Come on, just try the power, one test, this is just an excuse.’ Well, you tell her the rest, doc.”

Dr. Connor lifted her head and began to speak, still with that expression of dull terror. “I said that maybe he was actually impotent instead of omnipotent. I also told him that I may have to have him committed and asked if he could get out of a state facility.”

Ken held up a hand and said, “Enough.” The doctor started to sob a little. “Maybe it was some of that tough love idea or something. The threat just sent me over the edge. I never thought a therapist could make it worse. I used the power and things just spiraled from there. I was right, about the corruption, I mean. Look at her. She tried to commit suicide,” Ken furrowed his brow for a second and continued, “twenty times in the last thirteen days. And it’s only going to get worse. Connor, all fours!” She got on her hands and knees.

Angela watched, silenced as much by horror as by Ken’s control. “Walk with me Doctor Barnett,” he said. She followed him helplessly through the door. The scene changed as soon as they walked across the threshold. It was a few minutes earlier on the frozen clock, Kerri was still dressed and Ken had disappeared. No, he walked in the door for his appointment. Kerri didn’t greet him or anything, it was like she couldn’t see him. “She won’t notice me until I let her,” he explained. “It’s now a few minutes before the session. You are still in your office, at least the earlier you. It has to do with relativity and the Pauli exclusion principle. Just sit over there and don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

Kerri finally noticed the man as Angela sat down. The secretary greeted him. “Hello, do you have an appointment?”

“Yes. I’m Ken Marsden.”

She pressed the intercom button. “Mr. Marsden is here,” Kerri said.

“Fine. Let him in,” replied office Angela.

“Could I ask you something?”

“Of course, Mr. Marsden.”

“Please, you can call me Ken. So, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Actually, yes.” It was a lie, but still the best answer she could usually come up with.

He grinned, staring into Kerri’s bright hazel eyes. She became lost in his gaze. “So Kerri, have you had many lovers?”

She came out of her daze. “I guess so. It’s about 13 guys,” she said as if describing the weather or telling him the time.

“A baker’s dozen,” Ken mused. “Was one of these men especially good, a man you think about on those lonely nights?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Danny. He was really great.”

“What did he do for you, Kerri?”

“He didn’t let me come. I mean, he did, but not right away,” she explained. “Some of the guys don’t really care at all. Most would hold back, just keep going at it until I was ready, or I got bored and pretended to be. Then they would just finish up like they did their job or something. Not Danny. He’d take his time and tease me. He would bring me right to the brink and then kind of back off. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. I never knew how long he’d wait. Delayed gratification,” she said contentedly.

“That’s very nice. I’d like to perform a little experiment. Kerri, when I touch your left shoulder you will feel a wonderful sensation of arousal. Each touch will make you more and more aroused. Closer and closer to orgasm every time, but it won’t come. When I touch your right shoulder all that pent up tension will release and you will have the most powerful orgasm of your life. OK?”

“Uh-huh,” she said.

Ken took a step toward Kerri, pretending to trip a little and grazing her shoulder for support. “Oh!” Kerri exclaimed, looking at his hand.

“Sorry about that,” he said.

“No problem, really.” Ken patted her on the left shoulder, four times in all. Kerri caught her breath and emitted a sultry “uhhhhhhh.”

Dr. Barnett was watching all of this with a mixture of fear, disgust and clinical fascination. This Marsden person continued to molest the girl’s arm. Kerri might have been faking, but the physical reaction was obvious. Kerri was squirming in her chair. Her pupils were dilated and drops of sweat was beginning to form on her brow. Angela wanted to shout “Stop!” However, she found it impossible to even speak.

He continued to tap Kerri. Occasionally, he would move his hand toward the other shoulder. She would gaze expectantly, then sadly as he moved back toward her left. After what seemed an eternity, he slowly moved his hand to the final destination. Kerri leaned as far forward as possible. Ken suddenly grasped her shoulder and pushed her back against the chair. Kerri screamed like she was being murdered. Her back arched as waves and waves of pleasure came over her. As she fainted and her slumped forward, Ken guided her face to the surface of the desk.

“She’ll be out for a while,” he said, addressing Angela once more. “Any more and her little heart would have given out.” He smiled wickedly, then sighed. “In the previous timeline I didn’t keep her in suspense quite so long. But then I did all those other things. Actually, I never realized what a sexual deviant I am. Then again, it’s not me, it’s the thing I’ve become.”

He whistled and Dr. Connor crawled in. Ken pulled her up by the hair into a standing position and continued. “What’s the first thing you’d do with unlimited power? It’s surprising. I thought I would change everything, end war and disease and all that. Then I started thinking. I mean, you poor mortals might like a utopia, but it would be really jarring to have it overnight. It would ruin philosophy, too. ‘I’m the Supreme Being, put down those books.’”

“I could make all the things I don’t like disappear, but now they don’t really bother me. This whole world is like a book that I can put down when it gets boring. It’s actually quite liberating. I decided to spend some time with the doctor here.” Ken ran a finger down her biceps. “She’s kinda butch, but the woman is completely heterosexual. She’s very dominating, though. I’ve been taking her to all her old boyfriends and letting them be the boss. Every once in a while I give her a break. Watch this.”

He waved his hand in front of Dr. Connor’s face. Her tortured expression disappeared, replaced by calm relief. “Oh, hi Angela,” she said. “I had a really great vacation. I did have this really awful dream, though. I was being paraded around.” Ken waved his hand in front of her again. “Oh God, it’s true! What have I done?”

“Shut up,” he ordered. “I’m pretty evil, but I haven’t done anything I can’t fix. I just love delving into people’s inner souls. Kerri over there has some pretty simple motivations. Deep down she wants to marry a handsome doctor and settle down. Right now, she thinks she wants to be a singer or an artist.”

“Her fantasies are pretty mundane. But you know those kids, it’s all about the act.” He sat in a chair next to Angela, making her very nervous. “You have an appreciation for romance and social archetypes. Like this.” He passed a hand in front of her face. She could feel the heaviness and lethargy take her. The world grew dim as if it were covered with a dark, thick curtain. A curtain.

A curtain kept out the brightest rays of the sun. Angela pulled a drape back anyway to peek out onto the street. There was a number of rounded, dark shiny cars going back and forth, more than usual. People milled about happily, freed of the worries of weeks past. The war was over, America had won, of course. Angela was glad that they beat back the Kaiser and freed all those poor people. Still, the thought that came to her most was of her soldier boy coming home.

She scanned the area around her apartment building. No sign of him. Well, he told her that he might not get to see her right away. “I have some errands,” he said. There was a trip home to see his folks, of course. He probably had to find a place or something. Angela thought it was kind of funny. Here she was, with her own place and a boyfriend living at home. With luck, that situation would soon change.

Looking in the mirror yet again, she appraised herself. The lipstick was bright red and carefully applied. The blush accentuated her cheekbones and just a hint of blue drew attention to her eyes. Angela looked at her blue dress. It looked fine, but she still wasn’t crazy about it. Checking back, she made sure that the seams were straight on her stockings for what had to be the tenth time today.

Angela thought she had a right to be nervous. She had a boyfriend, not a fiancée. He insisted that it should wait until after the fighting, in case something happened to him. In turn, she told him that there would be no funny business until they were at least engaged. He wasn’t getting the milk for free. Angela wasn’t a prude, she touched it a couple of times at his urging. It also felt really nice the times she let him put his hand inside her dress. Then again, it probably felt good to the girls she knew who had to have their wedding gowns let out in the front.

It was still a little disconcerting. There was all that time away. He had plenty of chances to find some French girl. Then again, it was all the more reason to be sure of his loyalty. Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. Angela quickly fluffed her hair. It had been murder getting an appointment to get it done. She removed her spectacles to complete the effect. “Boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses,” she thought.

She opened the door. It was him. “Oh, Kenneth!”

“Angie!” He hugged her tightly. “I missed you, baby.” He proceeded to pick her up and give her a spin around the room, sweeping her off her feet. His uniform was crisp, the medals pinched a little against her side. Kenneth put her down to get a look at her. “Wow,” he said, “you look terrific.”

Angela gazed at him. “You look pretty spiffy yourself, sailor,” she said. “I thought you were going home to pick up some civilian clothes. I’m kinda glad you didn’t.”

“No, I was in town picking up some things,” he replied. “I wanted to see you as soon as I could.”

“Been lonely all those months?”


“No, um, distractions while you were away?” Angela thought she needed to ask.

Kenneth was shocked. “Oh no! I had that beautiful face to come home to.” He pulled a photo out of his left pocket. Though faded and a little worse for wear, it was Angela. “In fact,” he continued, “I’ve been thinking about you and me. I mean, there still is a you and me, isn’t there?”

She smiled. It was his turn to worry. “Of course there is,” she said. “You’re a little more well traveled and I’m a little more independent, but I still love you.”

He took her hand. “I thought about us a lot. Now that we have the rest of our lives free and clear, I made a decision.” He got down on one knee, put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a little gray box. Angela started to tremble. He was popping the question! It was difficult for her to listen to the rest of the words. “I can’t live without you. Angela, will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she whispered before going into a complete crying jag. Kenneth placed the ring on her finger. Fearing that she might faint, he guided her to the bed. Angela stopped shaking. She then grabbed him by the back of the head and kissed him. He responded gently, but as she continued, he became more persistent.

They started necking. Eventually, Kenneth’s hands started to wander. He began to unbutton her dress, but this time Angela didn’t try to stop him. In fact, she reached for his uniform and separated it from his body. The process continued with each layer being stripped off. His shirt, her dress, his pants, her slip all pooled on the floor.

Kenneth pulled back the covers and eased her backward onto the bed. Angela pulled his mouth to hers as he reached down and unfastened her brassiere. They broke the kiss and he crawled around to the other side of the bed. As Kenneth pulled down her underwear, she held his wrist. “I, I don’t know,” she said, the last bit of logic in her mind giving her pause.

He looked at her with those sparkling eyes and said, a little embarrassed, “I’ve got, uh, you know, a rubber.” A weak argument, but quite sufficient to evaporate Angela’s resolve. As Kenneth removed his shorts, she could see his manhood for the first time in all its glory. He was kissing her all over now, and she was getting a better idea of why so many people went all the way.

Angela lay there as Kenneth hovered just inches above her, strong arms supporting him. She ran her hands along those arms and his back, then pulling herself up so their chests met. As he moved forward, Angela arched her back to meet him. He was slow and gentle, yet insistent. They achieved a rhythm and soon she found herself at the brink. A few more strokes and the would went white.

The brightness receded to reveal that Angela Barnett was sitting in her office. It wasn’t real. “What was that?” She thought, but the confusion was quite deep. Kenneth, Ken did something to her, made her think that she was in some past life or something. She looked down to find she was dressed an old fashioned slip. It was the one from the dream, she supposed.

“Something about a man in uniform, huh?” Ken was standing in front of her now. He was still the same monster who was terrorizing her office. However, she couldn’t shake the fact that he was also Kenneth, literally the man of her dreams. Thinking about it, Angela knew that this was some sort of deep-seated fantasy. She had always been interested in the idea of the modern warrior. Sometimes she thought about what it was like, young people separated by months and continents, discovering each other again, especially in a time where monogamy was, if not always practiced, at least expected.

“I took some liberties with historical accuracy,” he said. “They fit in better with your world view. You are actually a very complex person. That’s the first time I created a different era. Then again, I’m a little new at this. I only figured out a few days ago that I don’t need to sleep again. Though sleeping late is one of life’s great pleasures, I guess I can find others. You and Kerri are fun diversions, but there’s just too much of a submissive streak to make it interesting.”

Ken went over to Kerri, still passed out on the desk, and snapped his fingers. She woke up, saying, “Hello, do you have an appointment?” He ignored her.

Turning back to Angela, he said, “I like the way a psyche snaps when I turn an abuser into the abused, like that bitch over there.” At the word, Dr. Connor started barking, adding an 11 to Angela’s fear scale. “So, I’m looking for a woman with control issues. Maybe five and a half feet tall, slim and in her late twenties. Are you counseling anyone like that?”

“Like I’d tell him,” thought Angela before blurting out “Marie Fitzgerald.” Her mouth froze open. It was a breach of conduct, as well as letting the fox into the proverbial hen house.

He turned back to the secretary. “Kerri, could you get the file on,” he said, then pointed at Angela.

“Marie Fitzgerald,” said Angela, once more in total surprise. Kerri got up to get the file.

“Don’t worry, I won’t break her. I like you, Dr. Barnett. If I saw you first, I might not have gotten this way. I could totally see me separating myself from the whole power belief. But you just have to make lemonade out of the lemons. Now I’m some sort of all-powerful misogynist.” Kerri was back with the file. She handed it to Ken. “Good girl,” he said, patting her on the head, an action that caused her to tremble slightly. The effect of the touch was pretty clear.

Angela finally summoned the will to speak again. “What are you going to do to us?”

Ken looked thoughtful. “Well, now. I guess the humiliation tour will continue.” He turned to Dr. Connor and she disappeared right in front of Angela’s eyes. “She’s still here.” He extended his arm into the area she was just in. Angela heard a small thud. “Now, she takes up a visual spectrum only I can see. It’s a lot of fun. Anyway, Kerri won’t remember what happened, but she’s gonna be really horny for the next few days.”

“As for you, I’d like to keep you on retainer, so to speak. And don’t worry about the doctor-patient thing, I didn’t have real life sex with you.” He lowered his voice. “It being your time of the month and all. Besides, if you lend me an ear, I’ll let the invisible girl go in a few weeks pretty much intact.”

Angela moved her head up and down, in miserable agreement. “See you then,” he said casually. Ken waited for the air in front of him to leave, then he slammed the door.

After the slam, Angela found herself back in the inner office. The time was five minutes after two. She decided she must have dozed off somehow. The intercom sounded.

“Doctor, your two o’clock just canceled,” Kerri said.

“OK,” replied Angela. Something was wrong with her clothes. She pulled out her shirttail and felt something strange underneath. It was the slip! She punched the intercom. “Kerri, cancel the rest of today’s appointments. Go home.”

“Um, all right.” Kerri was confused, but not enough to turn down a day off. “See you tomorrow.” She felt like going out, anyway. Maybe hook up.

Angela sat in her office, hoping the next appointment would never come and, in a small way, hoping it would.